Him and their stars

Chapter 736 Silent

Now almost all the modern industries in Lumina Star are controlled by the Maple City Government and the workers committee of the Red Maple Factory. This includes the original Red Maple Factory, which has fully resumed production, the ice crystal collection field and purification plant that has expanded to the tundra behind the mountains, the collective farms of new crops, and even large farms and pastures around the city.

All of the above industries are formalized, but they are all so-called collective enterprises. The Far Coast Sector Government of the Community looked at this planet that had to swallow up a large amount of its counter-rebellion military expenses every year, and turned around and turned into a hen laying golden eggs. Naturally, it was overjoyed. As long as the public security in Lumina is stable and enough taxes are paid, the district government will naturally not interfere with the district administration.

As a result, social sages like Mr. Trend, who have opened several companies in Maple City and have prosperous businesses, can actually be regarded as the "richest man" in Lumina.

In addition, he is now the special technical consultant of Hongfeng Factory, and he often chats and laughs with Director Lu and Director Ba.

The reporter felt that this old man would become even more glorious if he stayed in Lumina for this year. But he didn't know if the magnetic field emitted by the large piece of Taishite underground in Hongmaple Plain had any additive effect on the electronic components in his body.

As an old friend, John Prince was of course very pleased and said with a smile: "It does feel good to stand in the sunshine! But, Mr. Trend, the young man you like..."

"It's not you, it's us, little John," the old man corrected with a smile.

"I haven't joined the Brotherhood yet. At least my body is still 100% natural human. And I am also a psyker after all!" John Prince waved his hand, showing a look of disgust.

"Then wait until you are thirty years old again before we discuss this issue." The old man smiled nonchalantly.

"After I turn thirty, I might have nine rings. Will I still need to use these gadgets to extend my life?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he probably thought the joke was too ridiculous, and he and the old man burst into laughter on the spot.

"Anyway, that young man has rushed to the New World. But what is certain is that there will be big news there. I will also find a way to go and have a look... But, old man, the second branch of the Brotherhood, really Are you ready to drive over there?"

"War is always a hotbed for the rise of new forces." Old Man Trend said: "In the long history, we have never lacked sympathizers, but we have no truly powerful supporters, nor comrades who can entrust our descendants to . Since you have to choose to return to the sunshine, you must first step out on your own."

"Count Salvin doesn't count?" Prince asked with interest.

"He especially doesn't count." Mr. Trend didn't really want to continue this topic, so he corrected: "In addition, it is not the second branch, but the third branch. The second branch is actually already in the new community. The Shenzhou Star District is under construction!"

This is already completely bound! The reporter raised his distinctive eyebrows and immediately became happy: "That disciple of yours is really a busy man!"

"Young people with ideals and passion are so infectious when they are running around. How can I stop it? Whether it is our future under the sun or the future of this universe, we must rely on their efforts. "Old man Trende's face was full of pride, and he had a happy smile like an old father. There was a warm light shining in his eyes even from light years away.

"Again, it's you, not us. I haven't joined the gang yet." The reporter defended in a not too strong voice.

In the Gibraltar star port of the community, Summers, a disciple of Old Man Trend, manager of the Maple City Engineers Guild, and consultant of the heavy machinery maintenance department of the Red Maple Factory, became the boss of the Omnic Brotherhood in another world line. Stop outside the gate of the Colonial Access Authority. At this moment, through the dome of the square outside the door, one can see the mighty main force of the outer ring fleet.

The four Independence-class dreadnoughts have also completed maintenance and returned to active service. At this moment, the combat effectiveness of the Outer Rim Fleet is even more powerful than during the Battle of the West End System.

However, when a strategic cluster of this size is gathered in a galaxy, it will cause a certain degree of panic. If it weren't for the fact that all the space cities and starports in the Gibraltar galaxy were filled with Marines armed with live ammunition and ready to go, there would have been a wave of zero-dollar shopping incidents.

Summers waited outside the gate for three minutes before his companion squeezed out from the crowd in the square. These are two Lumina people who are tall and strong, have four arms and are wrapped in a carapace. In terms of physical fitness, they are not so much higher than ordinary humans, but they don't have to worry about crowds at all.

"This is the permit for the volunteer group, everyone's armed permit, the entry permit for weapons and goods, and the quarantine instructions for grains. It took a day of running and everything was done." The black-armored Rumina humane.

"Director Ba? Why are you still here? Isn't it today's ship?" Summers asked curiously.

This black-armored Rumina man is naturally Babaru. He is now the deputy director of Hongfeng Factory and director of the workers' committee, so everyone is now accustomed to calling him "Director Ba."

Of course, he was also the first non-human member of the youth club, but that didn't matter.

"There are still three hours left. All the luggage has been put on the ship. It's still in time." Babalu said helplessly: "Everyone is going to fight soon. I should be with you..."

"It's not a fight. I just went to Tulong in Xinyumen to open a branch of the Engineers Association. Volunteers from the factory boys also went to build the new factory. Didn't they say that extremely high-quality vanadium-titanium magnetite veins were discovered in New Memphis? ? Moreover, it is not easy to get the opportunity to go to a prestigious school. Didn’t you say before that if people want to make progress, they must be educated. You also said that you have suffered the disadvantage of being uneducated many times before. "

"I didn't say that." Babaru said angrily, and then sighed: "That's it, it's a prestigious school in the alliance, this should also be my combat position, right?"

"Only when a person steps out of his comfort zone can he be considered a fighter."

Babalu naturally understood this truth, so he just patted Summers on the shoulder and said to Lumina next to him: "Time is tight, the volunteer team will not arrive until next week, and then Shashake will lead the team. Yes. General Yang told me that after arriving in the New World, I can contact Captain Qiu Mingshan. However, this guy is really illiterate and can’t speak common language yet, so I’ll have to trouble you.”

The leader of the workers' vigilante group at the Red Maple Factory suddenly showed an embarrassed look: "At least basic communication is no problem. I can also understand basic military orders."

Babalu ignored him and just said to Summers: "Good luck."

"I also wish you success in getting your degree."

After saying goodbye to Babalu, Summers took the documents he had just obtained and strode into the Immigration Bureau of the Star Port. He went straight to the window where he had made an appointment before and placed a large stack of certificates on the bracket next to it.

"At this time, do you want to apply for a pass to the New World? Immigrate? Or go on a business trip!" The staff at the window raised his head with confusion on his face. Then, facing the stack of certificates that the other party took out, he became even more surprised. .

"I'm going to open a branch." Summers looked directly at the other person with calm eyes. The electronic unit in his body was simulated and automatically made his smile the most relaxing one.

"Open a branch?" The staff behind the window sill scanned the certificate and couldn't help but feel happy: "Then your branch is quite large. Just the frontline volunteers who signed up in Lumina and New Seville alone Nearly two thousand people, and there are so many goods..."

"I have declared everything. I have all the certificates issued by the Far Coast Sector Government and the Ninth Fleet Command." Summers said.

"I understand." The staff member shook his hand: "In the past, if it was in the past, your colleagues and the cargo, even with a complete set of procedures, would have taken a week or two to board in Gibraltar. But now..."

He showed a special attitude and stamped the pass vigorously. Then he seemed to have completed some glorious and arduous task, and the smile on his face was full of a sense of mission and accomplishment.

"Your colleagues must get to Gibraltar in the next two weeks, and then they can set off with the guy over there. If you have any questions on the way, it's best to ask him," the staff member added.

Summers followed the other person's gaze and saw a major officer in Marine Corps uniform. He is in his mid-thirties, tall, with a simple appearance and firm eyes. At first glance, he looks like a very reliable and pure man. He is exactly the best model for a grassroots officer.

The major was standing at a nearby window doing business. He seemed to feel Summers' gaze and turned his head. He smiled and said hello: "I am Major Richard Winter of the Hell Parachute Division. Excuse me. Is there anything I can help you with?”

The high-ranking figures in the empire and the community may have regarded this "joint investigation operation" as a show, but ordinary people with subjective initiative will take everything seriously.

In fact, the real battle has already begun in the New World.

The main fleet of the predators had already passed through the No. 3 Colonial Governor's District behind the Gate of Glory like a storm, and they were invincible along the way.

Of course, it's impossible not to be invincible. The empire's entire armed force in the No. 3 Colonial Governor's Region consists of some destroyers and assault ships, and the total does not exceed a hundred ships. The Generalissimo's Office has decided to equip the colonial fleet with 10 more light cruisers, as well as 5 light aircraft carriers and 5 heavy cruisers. However, they are all called armed merchant ships and experimental ships to the outside world. This was inspired by the ranger-class "armed merchant ship" of the opposite community.

Once these forces are in place, they will still be 3 to 5 times the combat effectiveness of the Thirteenth Fleet.

This means that even without the actions of the predators, the "New Continental Arms Limitation Treaty" cannot be supported. If that time comes, it seems that a certain fish will have to bear the responsibility for breaking the treaty.

From this perspective, the plunderers clearly shouldered the historical burden that Yu Lian should bear. They are someone’s true beloved relatives and friends!

However, after all, these scheduled new battleships are not in place yet - even if they are in place, how can they be a combined enemy of the eight ferocious dreadnoughts under the main force of the Eero people?

As a result, the main fleet of the Great Khan Tomiteli Masegetai successfully penetrated the entire colony without encountering any effective resistance. It took no more than two weeks and was so successful. It was like a red-hot knife tearing through the butter.

Along the way, the plunderers passed four inhabited planets, two space cities, twelve space ports, and more than a hundred civilian ships, all of which were more or less looted.

Although the specific figures have not been completely determined, the casualties of soldiers and civilians have exceeded 200,000, and the losses of golden dragons have been close to 30 billion.

This is indeed a very heavy loss.

But to be honest, anyone who talks about side effects regardless of dosage is just being a hooligan. The predator fleet has such momentum that it never deviates from the course all the way to the west. There are more than ten or twenty star systems ravaged along the way. They have fought nearly a thousand battles of various sizes, but every time they plundered, it was incidental. , did not deliberately cause killings, did not plunder the population, and even deliberately avoided civilian gathering areas. In terms of average casualties, it is already cleaner than most pirates.

Considering the past styles of the predators, this time it can be regarded as a special one.

Sure enough, the peak of morality is often found through comparison.

Now, the Marauder fleet has left the effective control of the Imperial Governor's Palace. If we continue forward along the known route and pass through a large area of ​​Sanji star that has not formed an effective rule, we will reach the scope of the community's colonies.

This journey, at the current marching speed of the fleet, would take at least two months. This is without encountering pirates and various natural disasters along the way.

After all, in this mighty army of predators, in addition to warships, there are more than twenty immigration ships and work ships.

At this time, the outpost of the fleet has arrived at the Crown Cross 4 system, which is more than 200 light-years away. The main fleet has just left the border of the colony, and the fleet behind it is even still in the territory of the empire, and the colonial fleet that has rushed over war.

The purpose of that batch of imperial fleets was just to pursue and investigate, and they had no intention of risking their lives. After a few rounds, they found that they could not gain any upper hand, and they fled back to the colony without hesitation.

However, when such good news reached the Great Khan who was leading the main fleet, she did not look happy.

"It's always a good thing to win. Don't always put on an ugly face, as if we will die without a burial place tomorrow." The old palace minister of the Ero people said. Now, the Great Khan, who has tricked the empire several times in a row, has become an eternal god in the hearts of ordinary soldiers of the looters. Only this old man is qualified to throw cold water on the Great Khan.

"If the imperial army is always as clear-headed as it is today, we may really die without a burial place." The Great Khan said: "My order is to let the fleet after the break kill as many imperial warships as possible. This way Come, they will have fewer and fewer troops to pursue our movements, and our chances of success will be greater. But now? With three times the opponent's strength, it took four hours of fierce fighting to sink a destroyer and Two assault ships.”

"They are a colonial fleet, and the quality of their battleships and crews are not as good as those of the empire. Being timid at this time actually saved their lives." The old palace minister comforted them.

"I prefer to understand this as a clear mind. Past history tells me that belittling the enemy never does any good." The Great Khan took out a scroll with a simple shape and ancient charm from his arms, and pulled Kai glanced briefly, hesitated for a few seconds, and then issued the subsequent order.

Ten medium-sized fire-breathing ships carrying special equipment and orders from the Great Khan left the main formation and turned to an unknown galaxy.

The old palace minister and other senior officers didn't know why, but they didn't want to ask. They only know that the scroll-like treasure is a secret treasure obtained by the Great Khan in an enlightened person's ruins, and so far only she can see it.

The predator fleet continued to move forward, and twenty-four hours later, it received feedback from the temporary fleet just now.

"It's done! Khan! It really does happen!" The commander of the temporary fleet was very excited when he reported it, as if he saw a pig dancing.

"Very good, continue to keep surveillance. After complete activation, we will evacuate immediately and rendezvous with the Duanhou fleet."

After the communication was cut off, the Great Khan could not conceal his excitement and said with emotion: "Old man, our predecessors did not deceive us!"

"What exactly did you do?" the old palace minister asked curiously: "Of course, if you don't want to tell me, you don't have to force yourself to tell me."

"It's just to wake up some sleeping history! This is a huge contribution that we Eroans have made to the civilization of the entire universe!" The Great Khan smiled slightly, and the smell of blood seemed to flow from his lips.

She took another deep breath and looked at the distant starry sky.

"The whole fleet speeds up! Forward four! Towards our distant starry sky!"

The predator fleet did not go directly to the community colony, but to the star field outside the waterway.

Then, the Imperial Colonial Fleet, which followed cautiously, lost track of the other party.

The huge fleet composed of thousands of large and small ships was just gone.

However, when Yu Lian arrived in the New World, he had not yet received such important news. After all, there is no seismic wave center in the New World, but even carriages, horses, and mails are really slow. The communication conditions are exactly the same as those in the early days of the Age of Discovery. It is really pastoral.

And having just arrived in the New World, he has to spend time dealing with some unexpected visitors.

For example, the biu in front of me jumped to the big turtle in his captain's room.

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