Him and their stars

Chapter 740 Several Heart Tempering Bureaus

The so-called "Victoria's fusion array" is a "Vidaka structure psychic fusion array", which is mostly used in alchemy. For example, if you want to fuse a sword and a snake together to turn it into a spiritual activated sword, it can be regarded as a Noble Phantasm-level weapon.

Of course, it is possible to combine the little girl and the dog in everything. The success rate will be much higher using this "Vickers Fusion Array". However, this kind of gameplay is indeed very bad character, and quite contrary to the universal value of this universe that "extraordinary power will only awaken in the natural life nurtured by the universe." If someone really does it, then everyone will find it and punish it.

So, when Yu Lian heard that his master was going to carve a "Victoria Fusion Array" on his back, his hair stood on end. For some reason, he suddenly thought of Charlie.

He had actually been doubting the origin of the insect swarm in his previous life. The insect swarm is most likely a biological weapon created by the Enlightened Ones in the last civilized era, but what is the explanation for Charlie's master who controls everything?

Now think about it carefully, maybe Count Salvin used the ability of the "Communion" star ring and the "Vickers Array" to fuse his daughter with some of the dominant organs of the insect swarm.

Tsk tsk tsk, in a sense, she is really similar to the little girl who shouted "Big brother, let's play together", and they are both quite pitiful.

In this case, life is still very painful, and we should be relieved as soon as possible. right? Charlie.

"Master, you just said that even though you are rare in everything...proficient in 'balance' in everything, when you reach the realm of the fifth ring, your ability will still be affected by the main material, right?"

"Exactly. In other words, it is precisely because of balance that there is a natural heart that is compatible with all things. At this level, the effect of fusion is better. This is how Tao follows nature." Lan Jiufeng continued to talk about the generation of sects. The teacher stroked his gorgeous white beard and said, "Don't worry, since Tao follows nature, you will never become a monster due to the fusion of external evil. Disciple, you have to believe in the human heart!"

Although having a template like Xia Li always sounds a bit confusing, a great master like Lan Jiufeng shouldn't deceive him, right? That should be it, right?

Yu Lian took off his shirt and thought about the composition of the Vickers array. He spread his hands and said, "That's quite complicated. Are you sure you can paint it on your body? And it uses special spiritual paint. Can it be washed off later?"

Then, like a magic trick, Lan Jiufeng took out two more brushes and a bottle of transparent paint.

"The tip of the pen is made from the whiskers of the Fire Rat. It is hard and extremely fine, and is suitable for micro-carving. The pigment is the body fluid of the Glass Armadillo, which is colorless, odorless and has no side effects."

We’ve all prepared to this point, and it seems like there’s no way we can do it even if we don’t.

Lan Jiufeng said again: "Girl, if you have a steady hand, you can paint."

Without saying anything, Feifei stepped forward and took the special brush and transparent paint, and started painting carefully.

Yu Lian was not worried that the girl would make a mistake in her drawing, but when the thin tip of the pen scratched his back, it always felt a little itchy, so Yu Lian had no choice but to change the topic: "When senior brother was promoted to the ring, he used Kerberos’s spine, right?”

"Yes. The three-headed demon dog rides like the wind, invades like fire, and is cruel and cruel. Although your senior brother is balanced and practices Taoism as his master, his behavior is always a bit domineering."

Well, in addition to having a flexible moral bottom line because of his familiarity with the Tao Te Ching, senior brother is generally a modest gentleman, but I don't see anything bad about him.

However, his several proud disciples and his own sons are all very fierce.

"Then, what will happen if I use the Ether Qiu's pineal gland? The greatest ability of the Ether Qiu is beyond common sense, and it can be called the lurking of rules..."

you do not say. Such a huge beast, its face alone could cover half of the sky, and then it died, and its whole body disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

He is still sneaking even after death. This is like treating stealth as his lifelong career!

Dele, if my core fuses, will I turn into a white hood? And it's the kind of serious sneaking in secretly to investigate and assassinate.

One thing to say, am I obviously more suited to the type of person who carries two blades and countercharges multiple heavily armored enemies?

However, the old man corrected him: "It has a form but no form!"

"How do you explain this?"

"I don't know if I am a teacher. Just saying this will make me appear to be a very educated teacher."

"...Master, Master is so witty!"

"Haha, actually, I really guessed it a bit. It's just that I'm stunned when I see you looking like you're in mourning but you have to force a smile."

"..." Yu Lian thought to himself, no wonder Duke Sadolan over there in the empire looked like he was about to die and raised you like this. He felt that his only thought was to beat you to death. If you weren't really unable to beat you, I would even want to beat you.

At this time, Lan Jiufeng suddenly lost his smile and shouted in a deep voice: "It has a form but is invisible, like water? Like wind?"

Yu Lian couldn't help but frowned and thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "Disciple understands."

Feifei, who had almost finished drawing the array, couldn't help but feel happy: "What did you understand again?"

"Make water. The best thing is water. Is that so? Master."

"Of course it's okay to understand it this way." Lan Jiufeng tilted his head slightly: "... In short, I can at least confirm that this object is much more useful than the spines of the three demon dogs. If you can successfully break through, Maybe your future will be better than that of your senior brother?"

"Then I can find a way to go to that place on the star map to find out?"

"Hey, if you want to commit suicide, how can I, my teacher, stop you? The disciples of the Spirit Research Society are all about letting nature take its course. Although my teacher has been visiting for decades, I still can't find the solution, but who knows what the destiny is? Shouldn’t it be on you?”

"Well, isn't the teaching of fate a Buddhist teaching?"

"Buddha is the Tao." The old man said matter-of-factly: "Last time, when you were promoted to the fourth ring in the virtual realm, you should have gone through a more dangerous heart-tempering stage, but do you still remember the scene at that time?"

Yu Lian tilted his head and thought for a moment, then smiled and said, "I can't remember."

Feifei showed a hint of shock, but quickly hid it behind her drooped eyelids. She had been standing beside and behind Yu Lian, but this scene was not noticed by the other party.

Lan Jiufeng, on the other hand, stroking his long beard, did not hide his depression at all, and looked at Yu Lian up and down with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Don't remember?" He asked one more question.

"I really don't remember." Yu Lian nodded firmly: "I only know that I am going well and I am very happy. My determination and will are stronger than ever, and my fighting spirit is high."

After pondering for a moment, the old man smiled and said, "Boys can be taught."

"It's done." Feifei said.

Yu Lian moved his shoulders, and then he and Feifei put all the materials into the designated positions in the array. The old man said that after they finished all this, they walked outside the rising ring array. The moment he and Feifei exited the circle, the rising ring array started operating in due time.

"Relax and try to operate the Vickers array on your back." Lan Jiufeng said.

"Yes, let yourself go." Feifei encouraged her loudly.

Yu Lian felt that if he included his previous life, his experience in holding ring promotion ceremonies would already be in double digits, making him the most experienced person in the universe. However, the gameplay of adding an array on the back is still quite novel.

He followed his usual approach and allowed himself to completely relax. Except that he has not closed his eyes, his state is almost that of a person who is about to fall asleep.

At the same time, Lan Jiufeng also threw the ethereal "pineal gland" he had been holding in his hand casually, and it circled like a feather and flew to the center of the array, as if it was suddenly blown up. A tornado that cannot be seen or felt.

As for Yu Lian, who was standing on the spot, the light curtain raised by the array was completely covered in the warm mist. The flash of light was not too dazzling, but it completely covered Yu Lian's figure.

Feifei couldn't even feel Yu Lian's presence anymore.

She looked at the still-running array with some concern, and then looked at the mist everywhere. Now, the virtual realm is still filled with an invisible thick fog, but behind the thick fog composed of ether factors, there is an infinite space that can be derived from who knows where, and how many monsters and monsters are hidden in it. .

"Girl, do you know why I really want to kill the Ether Dragon here?"

"Aren't you preparing materials for the fish?"

"This is just one aspect. On the other hand, it is a deterrent." Lan Jiufeng put his hands on his eyebrows and looked into the distance: "After the evil beast's body fell into the void sea, its invisible flesh, flesh and spiritual energy were They will be scattered within a radius of thousands of miles, and they will naturally attract more alien beasts to covet them. However, the alien beasts that are really threatening never lack intelligence. When they really start to confront each other because of the flesh and blood of the Ether Qiu , I will know how to accept it when it is good."

Feifei showed a sincere smile and said gratefully: "Master, I don't even know how to thank you."

"Don't thank me. This is not for you, nor for him. I also have my own selfish motives." Lan Jiufeng said with a smile: "Taoism talks about inaction and freedom, but it does not mean that everything should be settled. It’s about taking advantage of the situation. Now that he has appeared, he will naturally gain momentum, so I have the idea of ​​​​quieting and thinking. However, do you understand the danger in this? "

"Understood." Feifei smoothed her hair, still looking at the invisible light curtain, and sighed in a low voice: "Boys of this age are very ambitious if they have a little bit of ability. As long as they don't act blindly, It’s already good.”

Lan Jiufeng smiled and asked, "How is your father doing lately?"

"I play fishing, cards and literature, and only occasionally go to the dojo to teach my disciples. I have already lived a peaceful and comfortable retirement life!" Feifei said with a smile.

"Your Black Moon lineage has acquired a great freedom and ease since ancient times. Your Majesty is the same, and your grandfather was the same back then." Lan Jiufeng said: "It's just that with this great freedom, you are always active in the world. On the contrary, There’s no room left!”

Feifei was startled for a moment, then smiled and said: "Sir, I have also read the "Tao Te Ching". I also understand the principle of 'holding it if it is full, it will not be as good as it is; if it is sharpened, it will not last long'. So I Haven't I always carefully hidden behind the scenes? There are only a few people who know my true identity."

"No! What I'm talking about is whether the Dao rushes and is used or not!" Lan Jiufeng shook his head and sighed, staring at Feifei with an unprecedented serious look: "If you use the words of young people, how do you say it? ? Oh, yes, the gift of fate has actually been marked with a price in secret."

The old man looked at the light screen at the side again: "Although the path this boy has chosen is difficult, all the dangers can actually be seen. But you, and your Black Moon lineage, can't see it. "

At this moment, the world in Yu Lian's eyes was covered by a warm light curtain. This time, he did not feel the pain of separation from his spiritual body. He only felt that his body had floated above the clouds, but it was still rising uncontrollably.

I don’t know how long this process lasted, but in this strange sensory world, the concepts of time and space seemed meaningless.

A long time, or rather just a moment, passed. Yu Lian looked at the sea of ​​stars lingering under his feet, feeling like a real god who created and controlled the universe.

He suddenly felt that he was swollen, and for a moment he wanted to laugh three times in a domineering manner and say something like "I am the only one". But then, on one side of the star sea over there, but at this moment, in the sky above the sea of ​​consciousness, the dark mist slowly condensed again, turning into an indescribable thing overlooking the starry sky.

What a terrifying monster it was, as if the entire universe was its food.

This is another soul-quenching round.

Sure enough, the feeling that everything in the universe is under control will make mortals swell. Once a person expands, the negative consciousness in his soul will be fully exposed.

And if he fails, even if he is the protector of Master Youlan, his spirit will be severely damaged. Even if he could be lucky enough to cure himself, the road to transcendence would only end here.

This is already the first time! Yu Lian couldn't help but show three fingers like that indescribable monster, and his thoughts instantly returned to clarity.

The first time was when I was promoted to the fifth ring in my previous life. The second time was when I was promoted to the second ring for the first time in my life, and the third time is now.

So, just smile!

Thinking of this, Yu Lian looked at the indescribable monster formed in the black mist on the opposite side, and pointed at it with his hand: "Come here again!"

Wait, why did I say that again?

But then, the indescribable black mist on the opposite side changed its appearance again, turning into a look that he was all too familiar with.

Yes, it really couldn’t be more familiar. You have to see it every day when you get up, brush your teeth, and wash your face.

"Why don't you come over!" the other party said loudly in the same tone.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Lian said again: "Hurry up, the last game is not over yet."

Yu Lian suddenly understood that this was not the third time, but the fourth time.

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