Him and their stars

Chapter 759: Living is practice

Since the scientific spirit is mentioned, Feifei will naturally not object. Anyway, she is not very interested in this stuff.

"Chelian, the navigator of the Greenbeard Pirates, also told me that, in fact, as early as two months ago, some famous pirates in the New World had received news that things were going to change here. I hope they will , you can cooperate with the actions of the predators, and you will naturally receive a generous reward when the time comes."

"Oh, the plunderers have indeed made up their mind to run to the New World from the beginning, and they even know how to warm up the situation with the local snakes. However, does the empire know nothing about such important news?"

"Maybe it's because of arrogance." Feifei smiled and said: "Actually, there has always been collusion between marauders and pirates. This is not a secret in the intelligence community. The empire should have ignored it as a routine matter."

"But in fact, this is not routine at all. The looters were fully prepared, and they even found a lot of strange and weird things without knowing where they came from. But they also didn't know where the big tomb came from. "

Yu Lian thought to himself that in the previous life, after the predators elected the new Great Khan, the work they did was indeed very big, but it had never been as earth-shattering as today. Are your own butterfly wings too powerful?

It must be admitted that, at least for the past six months, the current Great Khan has been the most prominent figure in the universe.

"The predators must have gotten some inheritance in the silver heart." Feifei also said: "I even speculated that those unknown crystals were also taken away from Greenbeard by the predators. We are not guessing that those things may be some Ancient weapons? Since they will be controlled by this crystal, they may also be controlled by other relics. In the future, when we plan strategies and tactics, we should consider placing those crystals in the enemy's camp."

Yu Lian nodded slightly, but felt a little headache. The problem now is not the combat effectiveness of the crystals, but the fact that they simply don’t know how many crystals there are in the nearby star field, and to what extent the predators control them.

I hope Brother Soback won't be buried by the space crystal swarm without finding the predator. It would be really frustrating for a majestic rising star of the Imperial Army to die at the hands of a group of "wild animals" in space.

At this time, I heard Feifei say again: "Also, although it is certain that the Guirong has been sunk, according to the survivors of the Gru Pirates, their leader has moved the flagship in advance and should have escaped in advance. "

Yu Lian said "Oh" but didn't pay much attention. The great pirate "Heart of the Ghost Tree" Gru, although he could be considered a mafia leader, had only one fleet under his command. Even if he escaped by himself, he probably wouldn't be able to make any big waves.

"I found Gru's first mate among the survivors of the Guirong. From what he said, it was the first time that they, important leaders of the pirate group, had heard that Gru had colluded with the predators, and that he had colluded with the predator fleet. They were also surprised when they met here again. As for the specific collusion with the Communist Party of China, they have no idea. "

"Right now, Senior Sister's subordinates are searching for the wreckage of the Guirong. I hope they can gain something else," Feifei said.

"It would be better if we could find survivors of the predators." Yu Liandao.

"I hope so too. However, looking at how fierce they were during the previous battle, I am afraid that all of them are the type who would rather die than surrender. Even if we find survivors, it will be difficult for them to speak." Feifei frowned.

Yu Lian glanced at the girl and smiled: "Let me tell you a joke. A pirate would rather die than surrender."

"...Ero is different from the Bearded Demon and the Troll. They are fanatical, ferocious and brutal avengers and killers. At least, that's what most people think." Feifei raised her eyebrows.

"They are still just interstellar nomads living in the center of the galaxy. To put it bluntly, they are just living people. They are more numerous and more organized pirates." Yu Lian shrugged: "These guys may behave badly during battle. He is very fierce, but when he is a prisoner, his bones are not necessarily stronger than those of a murderer who begs for mercy from the prison guards in prison."

What happened later indeed proved what Yu Lian said.

Two hours later, everyone actually found more than 30 Marauder officers and soldiers missing arms and legs from the battlefield. Most of them were Elorians, but there were also three bearded demons and four trolls. This may prove that the "immigration" fleet to the New World led by the Great Khan is not just the behavior of the Ero people.

Of course, these officers and soldiers did appear to be much more promising than the original owners of the Scarlet Throne. At least when he really has a gun pointed at his head, he can shout loudly, "Eighteen years later, he will be a good man again!" "He has a scar as big as the mouth of a bowl!" and other very pure manly words.

In addition, predators certainly have harsh words that fit their own cultural context, but that’s basically what they mean.

Senior Sister Eleanor said that she was a soldier, and what she admired the most was ruthless people. What she was most willing to do was to let the light of honor of the warriors shine into reality. She immediately threw away the loudest ones among them without hesitation. In space.

Even the physically strong Aero people cannot survive in such an environment. They were killed by the low temperature in an extremely short period of time, and their limbs froze into ice sculptures on the spot.

Just like that, the light of honor shines into reality.

The remaining few predator warriors immediately solemnly stated that although the predators would never be slaves, living was a practice and they were willing to practice hard for a lifetime, and then told everything they knew.

They were indeed part of the Reavers' "New World Expedition Fleet." According to the Eero charge captain who said on the spot that "living is practice", who was missing an arm and half a face but still had a philosophical temperament, the Eero people did use more than 70% of themselves this time. of the battle fleet, and let the other 30% serve as a partial eclipse to divert the empire's attention. In addition, more than half of the Eero civilians in the Galactic Center participated in the expedition, and most of them were strong young adults. Their purpose is indeed to obtain a fertile land in the New World.

"But how can you be sure that you can get the land? I admit that the Great Khan's previous tactics of bullying the enemy were very successful, but in the context of the country's grand strategy, it was just a clever trick. If the empire and the The alliance issued a general mobilization and sent out a large army to encircle and suppress us. Even if you can barely survive by relying on the newly obtained star map and the army's hide-and-seek, how can you talk about development?" Yu Liandao.

The stormtrooper captain with a philosophical temperament said that this was not something that a junior officer like himself could understand.

"However, the Great Khan told us when he held a mobilization meeting for us that the road we are embarking on is by no means a dead end. As long as we break through the star gate and cross the 20,000 light-year expedition, we will completely throw off the pursuers. , arriving at the Promised Land flowing with honey and milk. We can gain at least two hundred years of peaceful development."

It turns out that this is the future planned by the Great Khan for his tribe! If successful, the two hundred years of development time may allow the Eero people to once again establish a powerful country in the unknown galaxy, and then have the strength to negotiate with humans as equals on the table.

Although this kind of future is just a pie drawn by the Great Khan to everyone, for the ordinary soldiers and civilians of the predators struggling to survive in the galaxy, this may be the most promising future in thousands of years.

In their situation, hope must be something more precious than the Infinity Stones.

As a result, not only the Elor people ruled by the Great Khan of Masegetai as the queen, but also a considerable number of trolls and long-bearded demons, and even many other races who fled the Silver Heart Luocao, all joined this group. During the Second Great Expedition.

If this gamble of the Great Khan fails, the life of the soldiers and civilians of the Eero people who remain in the center of the galaxy will definitely be difficult. Although it will not completely become a vassal of the trolls and bearded monsters, it is estimated that it will not be possible to covet the position of the Great Khan for hundreds of years.

Of course, if it succeeds, the revival of the Aero people will only be a matter of time.

However, Yu Lian really couldn't understand why the Great Khan thought he could get time to farm and develop under the inevitable encirclement and suppression by the army.

Of course, a mere charge captain would not understand this question. He just told Yu Lian that his fleet was separated from the main fleet when it arrived in an unknown galaxy.

"For squadrons like ours, the Great Khan has at least thirty or forty divisions. They go everywhere to contact pirates, harass shipping lanes, and destroy the colonies of the empire and the community. This is to delay the assembly of your army!"

Eleanor raised her eyebrows: "Oh, then you are really loyal and brave! No matter how well you do this job, aren't you all an outcast?"

The philosophical stormtrooper captain grinned and rubbed his hands in embarrassment.

Feifei said: "Senior sister, these people are determined to become pirates! Yu Lian is right, the plunderers are indeed just more organized and larger pirates. Not everyone is willing to step in On this so-called long expedition of twenty thousand light years."

Yu Lian shrugged: "Some people are naturally rebellious and like the feeling of gathering in the mountains and forests. For them, going from the center of the Milky Way to the New World is equivalent to going from a narrow and dirty pond to the sea, isn't it? Are the seas vast and the sky high?”

The stormtrooper captain, who was full of philosophy, suddenly showed a heartfelt smile, with an expression that said, "Young man, you know very well." Of course, he soon realized something. He twitched the corner of his mouth awkwardly, but said matter-of-factly: "It's just that the sea of ​​stars in the new world is there! Whether I go or not, it will always be there!"

Yu Lian looked at the charge captain's appearance and felt that the Great Khan had made the best use of his manpower.

"So, where is Gru, Heart of the Ghost Tree? Have you colluded with this person for a long time?" Eleanor asked again.

"Well, the order we got is indeed to join forces with the Gru Pirates. Let them act as guides to attack nearby trade routes. So, there must be some contact with this pirate." The charge captain observed everyone's expressions and carefully Said: "This is really all I know. Maybe the captain knew more about this, but he is already dead! I saw with my own eyes that he was caught in the explosion, and his head was torn apart by the shock wave."

"Hey? Are you complaining about me?" Eleanor smiled instead of getting angry: "Then wouldn't it be better if you surrendered at the beginning?"

The stormtrooper leader hurriedly accompanied the smiling face: "I, how dare I... Oh, yes, after we met, we also met with Gru. Although the guy looked a little dazed, he was quite reasonable, not at all Don’t want to look like a pirate.”

"Stay?" Eleanor was a little confused.

She has been fighting pirates in the New World with the Thirteenth Fleet for nearly a year, and she has some knowledge of these famous pirate leaders. Whether he is "dumb" or "reasonable", they are not part of Gru's personality at all.

The stormtrooper leader quickly said that this might be his illusion. In his memory, the famous pirate leader was indeed taciturn, majestic and indifferent, as if he was a robot.

However, although the guy was as indifferent as a robot, he immediately agreed to work with the predators as soon as they met, without even a little room for bargaining.

Yu Lian always felt that he had vaguely heard of this character somewhere, and he still cared a little about it. However, the pirate leader had already escaped in a small boat, and there was no way to observe him face to face for a while.

"Don't worry. Once these so-called pirate kings lose their fleets, they will often be worse off on the black (meow) path than on the white path. Maybe after a while, there will be bounty hunters walking in the gray area. Bring his head to New Port Arthur to receive the reward." Eleanor comforted Yu Lianda.

After these plunderers who barely escaped were bandaged, they, together with all the surrendered pirates, were rushed onto three pirate ships that were still intact, filling the cabins like sardine cans.

Two destroyers will take them to New Port Arthur to serve their sentences. If they are not shot on the spot, waiting for them will be a life-long hard labor.

According to Eleanor, after Yang Xiyi took office as commander, he started a large-scale construction project and was waiting to send some prisoners of war to work as free labor.

However, compared to turning into space dust, this is already a blessing. After all, "living is practice."

"There are more than two thousand prisoners in total. The commander is short of manpower, but it's better than nothing," Eleanor said.

"I thought Teacher Yang would catch the sand people." Yu Lian couldn't help laughing.

"Of course the sand people also raised a lot, but the headquarters paid workers at 60% of the minimum wage for community citizens, and two meals were included. Many half-year-old children came to work."

Wouldn't it be okay if the Governor's Office had done this ten years earlier? There would be no so-called Sand People Uprising, let alone the dark history of me having to play the Demon King at the beginning! Yu Lian thought.

"The headquarters also mobilized local governments and enterprises to help Shaman workers build some free night schools and medical clinics. Captain Qiu Mingshan and Captain Wayali are running them. He said he hopes to replicate them in Xinyumen Lumina model, and said that this is what youth club members should do. I don’t know the details, so you can only ask him yourself.” At this point, Eleanor couldn’t help but spread her hands: “I am also in the youth club. But I don’t understand. Yuri, am I joining a fake club?"

"Of course not. There are specialties in the arts...wait a minute, when did you join the association, senior?"

"I have been a member for half a year. I am a pure soldier and don't understand politics. I don't understand your philosophy very well, but you should be doing good things, so join the association first and see. Anyway, if something is wrong, just quit. ”

Haha, let me tell you a joke, the eldest lady of the Bonaparte family does not understand politics. So, do you really don’t understand, or do you have to create a persona for yourself that you don’t understand?

"But, then again...a big construction project? Where did Mr. Yang get the funds?" Yu Lianqi asked.

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