Him and their stars

Chapter 78 Squadron Attacks

Naturally, the battle situation ahead has already been reported to the Hyperion. Admiral Paris finally showed a rare smile, knowing that this game was already a sure thing.

Of course, whether it can end perfectly depends on the other side...

"That little guy...well, where is Colonel Chamon?"

"The final preparations are being made and we can set off in ten minutes at most!" the adjutant, Captain Green, replied immediately.

"Very good! Then, let's attack too." Admiral Paris straightened his already neat military cap and took the main seat on the bridge.

Following his order, 24 strategic cruisers and 80 heavy cruisers with Hyperion as the core formed the main assault fleet and began to jump. This is the most powerful strategic mobile force in the outer ring fleet. Around him, various escort and auxiliary ships also followed him.

In addition, 14 aircraft carriers and 16 arsenal ships led by Vice Admiral Cohen, deputy commander of the fleet, will also begin to accelerate. They will be combined with the first and second strike fleets that are fighting the enemy to continue to carry out intensive fire strikes against the enemy.

Now, except for the general reserve force, which is still on standby, almost all the main forces of the Community's outer ring fleet are riding on the face of the Cathay people. The soldiers on the Hyperion felt that they could see the panic expressions of the Cathayans, and everyone's morale was soaring. Therefore, without waiting for Admiral Paris's order, they completed the first salvo of the assault fleet with a deft and almost perfect tactical movement.

The main gun of the battle patrol's light spear drew a red ray in the sky, really like a spear made of bright light, piercing into the enemy ship group.

The battleship's reaction shield fell apart instantly like a mud shield under the attack of the light spear. What followed was a series of fierce explosions.

The commander sat in his command position and ordered methodically: "Prepare for an assault. In addition, let Vice Admiral Cohen's strike fleet group continue to attack the enemy from the flanks. Treat it like peeling an onion! Every time you peel off a layer, we will leave." Victory is closer."

This is completely a strategy of gathering and annihilating enemies! Chief of Staff La Pash asked again: "Do you want the assault ship to be prepared?"

"No need... Old Red Eye is a smart man. He will raise the white flag when necessary. None of us want to cause a big fuss."

It’s already too late! In that round of salvo just now, you have already destroyed at least four of the opponent's battleships!

"Continue the assault! Hahahahahaha! I want to put those red eyes of Old Red Eyes on the shield!"

So who will declare surrender then?

On the other side, in the Gibraltar β galaxy, a small fleet has also completed its assembly and is preparing to leave the reserve group.

This is a "small" fleet consisting of 1 armored aircraft carrier, 12 destroyers and 45 assault ships.

In the New World, this is certainly a force that can intimidate an entire star field, but in the Milky Way, or even on this battlefield, it is really just a partial division squadron.

The aircraft carrier was named "Lexington", which was a very familiar name to Yu Lian. But that's not the point now, what's parked in its Gnaku is the point.

It was a mechanical construct more than three meters high, in human form. It is larger than the Marine Dragoon mecha, and the shape is more design-like. The silver-white appearance is carved with gold and red colors to create noble and gorgeous patterns. Such a comparison is completely the difference between boss and miscellaneous soldiers.

"Heraldry machine!" Yu Lian sighed in his heart again, still not feeling too happy.

The so-called heraldic machine is, to put it bluntly, a type of exodynamic skeleton. It got its name because the psychic array carved from priceless zero elements on the machine resembles the coat of arms of the nobles.

Of course, its "noble" quality doesn't just end there. Because of the psionic array on the body, the driver's psionic power can even be strengthened and extended. Therefore, its exclusive driver must be a psychic.

Yes, the heraldic machine built with a lot of money can of course only be used by the one awakened person selected from a million! This is how BMW matches its heroes.

"Yes, this is our heraldic machine. From now on, we will be the third country in the galaxy that can manufacture heraldic machines!" Colonel Shibamon, whose real name is Shibamon Daisuke, could not hide his pride and pride.

"So, we can form a unified psychic team like the Empire and the Alliance. Of course, it is still experimental at present, but it has still attracted a lot of people. Young man, are you a newcomer from Zamenla? Trust me , you will definitely not regret this choice. The salary is high, the allowances are many, there are many benefits, the promotion is fast, and the status is high! Aren’t the three of us partners in the future? After this battle is over, we must have a beer night and barbecue! I I know there is a shop in Gibraltar Star Port. Whether it is barbecue or dancing girls, it is an authentic Mediterranean style!" The person who spoke was Major Diego Nani, Daisuke Zamon's partner, an overly enthusiastic Hispanic uncle.

Of course, although he is called uncle, Major Nani is actually in his mid-thirties, and is in the golden age of men. As a psyker, he is well-proportioned and strong in body and shape, but his playful smile makes him look a little greasy, so he becomes an uncle.

It's a pity that handsome people with playful smiles are called unrestrained and unrestrained, such as Yu Lian. And those who are not handsome are just greasy. This world is so realistic.

Indeed, psychic energy is said to improve appearance, but in fact it is more reflected in temperament. And temperament is really just a metaphysics... After all, you must at least have some basic values ​​before you can say that there is room for improvement.

On the way, Yu Lian already knew that Colonel Daisuke Zamon and his deputy Major Diego Nani had joined this experimental unit. This time, it was the newly made heraldic machine that came to the Outer Rim Fleet for test training.

"The name of the new unit has not been determined yet. There is nothing reliable like Temple Guards, Ring Force, Retributors, Justice League, etc. Of course, this is not the point... I hear Let’s talk about it, the Astral Knights of the Empire and the guerrillas from the Alliance, when their psychics go to the battlefield, they all adopt a three-person formation tactic, right?”

"At least that's the case for the fifth ring and below." Yu Lian nodded.

As for the fifth ring and above, "mass-produced" heraldic machines are of little use, so what formation tactics are needed!

If it reaches the seventh ring or above, it is a so-called humanoid weapon that can control the country and should not be touched lightly. It is almost invisible on the frontal battlefield.

"Well, five rings, I guess I won't be able to reach this level in my next life." Colonel Chamen scratched his head, his face full of fascination and envy, but there was no hope at all.

"So, in a team of three, you are missing one person? That's strange, you will find an official partner when you first form a team, right?"

"Because Mina suddenly became pregnant and went home to raise the baby." Nani said helplessly: "But we have already made a training and testing plan. We can't do it without one person, right? But who would have thought that there would be a real fight at this time? Woolen cloth?"

"Stop talking about this, come and try it. This is Mina's spare body, but she is about the same size as you, and the cockpit does not need to be adjusted." Colonel Chamon said.

Why do I have to be about the same size as a girl? I also have a height of 1.8 meters? Yu Lian felt that he had been greatly insulted, but he still climbed into the heraldry machine and put on his helmet. His eyes went dark at first, then brightened again, and the vision in front of him suddenly became clear. Within the field of vision, there are several more picture-in-pictures, labeled with various data.

"Feel it, the strength, speed, and flexibility. Yes, the most important thing is the extension of spiritual energy. See if it is affected!" Daisuke Chamon said from outside: "By the way, there is also air tightness! In a moment, let's You have to drive this thing to jump gangs and charge! Maybe you have to glide through space."

Yu Lian nodded and made an OK gesture with the heraldry machine, without any feeling of lag in his movements.

"That's great! This guy." Major Nani raised his eyebrows in surprise. It was his first time driving, but it took him a long time to get used to it.

"The person I picked!" Colonel Chaimen said proudly.

Later, Yu Lian performed two sets of squats, two sets of push-ups, two sets of burpees, and two 100-meter return runs in the hangar of the aircraft carrier while wearing the priceless heraldic machine. Then he helped the maintenance personnel attach missiles and proton torpedoes to the fighter planes, which scared the people around them to the point of turning pale. At the end, he did it cross-legged again and put on his alloy gloves to create an immovable root mark.

A large group of pilots and ground crew soon gathered in the hangar. They had never seen this kind of Western scene before, and when they saw it, they all started applauding, cheering and hooting.

Overall, the test went very smoothly. Yu Lian was simply born to be a heraldry machine. As the saying goes, man and machine are one, man is a machine, and machine is a man.

The above is the evaluation of Major Nani. He now has no grudge against Yu Lian, the "airborne soldier", and is very much looking forward to the next battle.

On the other side, Yu Lian also had an objective estimate of the heraldic machine produced by the Blue Star Community. Overall, speed, strength, and agility are almost perfect, and the strength of the psychic powers is guaranteed. The overall performance is comparable to the Imperial Glow Knight Armor Type 1.

However, that was the Empire's model 40 years ago, and now both Type 2 and Type 3 of the Radiant Knight Armor Company are close to being retired. The Astral Knights are undergoing a large-scale replacement of two new models, "Scarlet" and "Azure". Then, ten years later, they would have the more advanced Silent Night model.

"But no matter what, it's a beginning, isn't it?"

Yu Lian felt that he should not pour cold water on the engineers, so he raised his hands to the sky and shouted "Tathagata Palm!" Anyway, he had already confirmed that the external microphone was turned off. Others saw that he was testing. joint.

... Suddenly another pop-up window appeared in the field of vision, but it was none other than Colonel Yang Xiyi.

Yu Lian took his hand back, his eyes unsquinting and bright.

A hint of doting, even tolerant, but definitely a condescending smile flashed across Colonel Yang Xiyi's face, and then he said seriously: "The commander has personally led the battleship formation."

"This is indeed in line with that old man's style!"

"The commander of the squadron, Brigadier General Hal, is an enlightened man. If you have any suggestions, you can communicate with him at any time. You are a lunar person and a psyker, and he will listen."

The implication is that if I wasn't a psyker or a lunar person, people wouldn't listen, right?

"I'm also going back to the reserve formation to be on standby. Keep the communication open!"

“Keep the connection open!”

Contact was temporarily interrupted. Yu Lian's "small" fleet also began to jump, but the purpose was not the main battlefield, but far away from there, behind a gas giant planet.

Today is the second update on moral integrity, and this is the first update.

In addition, there are assault ships and assault ships that are one size smaller than a destroyer, but since they are used to fight with each other, they always feel that it is not appropriate to call them "guards".

This is what I want to complain about. The "frigates" in the stars are all charging into battle more recklessly than carrier-based aircraft. Why are they called "frigates"?

So, don’t worry there won’t be a frigate sea in the future, we will have an assault ship sea.

Just think of it as a little bit of my furry and capriciousness.

In addition, you are right, I did draw lessons from Star Bound for the ship setting.

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