Him and their stars

Chapter 774 Everyone is here

For engineers like Summers and Bouska, regardless of whether the looters will really attack Xinyumen in a large scale, as long as they come, they will definitely bring various consequences to the construction of light rails and factories. The hidden dangers will definitely slow down the construction progress. This is of course extremely bad news.

However, Akinayama Hachiman, a soldier himself, did not think so.

It was already January 4, 834, when New Yumen received the news that the predators had broken through the Glory Star Gate. The government officials and most military officers of New Yumen have just finished the New Year's holiday stipulated in Galaxy Standard Time, and Akinayama Hachiman took advantage of the holiday to complete the preliminary military reorganization work for the newly joined sand civilian troops, and determined Established an officer corps composed of active members of the Community.

When he received the news, he rolled his eyes and was silent for a few minutes. Then he said to his comrade Simon: "Actually, this may be regarded as good news."

Due to his familiarity with Hachiman, Simon didn't think that this guy was frightened, but it was still difficult to follow this guy's thoughts for a while.

"I have said before that if we want to make Xinyumen peaceful and stable for a long time, we must first provide jobs and education to the sand people."

"We're doing it," Simon said. Of course, this is by no means an overnight success, but everyone has actually done a very good start.

"Then, arm them and let them learn to protect themselves."

"The Shamin Garrison has been established." Although this is only a local security force raised by the New Yumen Governor's Mansion, and the "ranks" issued are mainly based on food and daily necessities, it is indeed considered an army. Before the Tulon incident, any Sand People prince or tribal elder with such an army was enough to become an overlord.

"Then, what they need is a tempering session." Hachiman said.

Simon was slightly startled, and then he roughly understood what the other party meant.

"I originally wanted to let them continue to attack other sand people forces, but this may violate the relationship between the Governor's Palace and those friendly forces, and may give many people the taste of a puppet army suppressing their compatriots."

"Well, it's really delicious. If we keep doing this, no matter what policies we formulate to improve people's livelihood, in the eyes of outsiders, we will look like an empire." Simon said.

"It's okay now, the predators are here, and the flames that temper real steel are here!" Hachiman pushed up his glasses. Although he still had a pale face, Simon could clearly see a hint of excitement flashing in his eyes.

"Aren't you afraid that they won't come?"

"They will come, and they have already reached the New World. Naturally, they have to be prepared for the siege of our fleet. Then, the only one who can provide backup to the fleet, apart from the Empire's Glory Colony, is our side." Hachiman said with a smile.

Although this guy has been engaged in "construction" in Xinyumen for more than half a year, his understanding of the war situation is exactly the same as that of Yang Xiyi and Yu Lian.

Probably in order to increase his persuasiveness, Akinayama Hachiman repeated it again with a firm tone: "They will definitely come! The only thing we need to worry about is that they will be caught by me in space orbit before they reach Shinyumen. The square fleet has been killed."

Simon said: "...Aren't you afraid that if they really come, Tulong will be turned into a sea of ​​fire?"

"From the perspective of extreme realism, it actually doesn't matter if Tulong turns into a sea of ​​fire, as long as we evacuate the citizens in advance." Hachiman shrugged: "New Yumen is not the earth, there are not so many tens of millions or billions of people There are huge urban agglomerations and factories to live in. There are no giant agricultural plains stretching for hundreds of thousands of square kilometers. To be honest, I’m really not afraid of orbital bombing.”

When he said this, he was still in the Governor's Palace in Tulong. Many government officials and police officers heard his words, and their faces turned pale with fright.

"Actually, I was joking." Akinayama Hachiman pushed up his glasses, raised the corners of his mouth unnaturally, and forced out a robotic smile.

Even so, the Guard Command, with the support of the 13th Fleet comrades, began to expand the three defense facilities in and around Tulon.

The local residents of Tulon are quite indifferent to all this. They are on the fringes of their own country's civilization, living under the low security limits of the city every day. They have dealt with sand people, horse bandits and various pirates in the past. Now that I heard that the predators were coming, I was a little scared, but my fear was very limited. Many people even feel that the expansion of city defense will bring them many job opportunities.

When the citizens thought about it carefully, they found that Xinyumen was really prosperous during this period. Factories are being built on the seaside, factories are being built on the other side of the mountain, tracks are being laid, and with the city defense here, there are plenty of job opportunities. They definitely can't beat those "prisoners of war" from the Sand people when it comes to doing physical work - ordinary citizens still think that those workers are prisoners of war - but since they are engaged in engineering construction, some positions always require some technical content, right?

All in all, if the raiders hadn't come, this would have been the best year since the founding of the New Yumen Colony.

However, for the few foreigners who come here for travel and official business, it is a different story.

Currently, there are about two to three thousand foreigners stranded in Xinyumen, and nearly half of them have alliance passports in their hands.

This is because the well-known food industry giant, Zixinhui Group, has built a medium-sized food processing factory and a large spice processing factory locally, and has been in operation for almost half a year.

Although Xinyumen has sparse vegetation and is a desert, it is difficult to be self-sufficient in food. But the senior officials of the Zixinhui Group believe that although there are few pastures here, the meat quality of the livestock raised locally is very good and is very suitable for processing into high-quality meat products.

In addition, Xinyumen's high-drought spices grow from the ground. Naturally, they do not have the mysterious metaphysical functions of the local ones that are sprayed out from the stomachs of sandworms, but their quality and yield are not low. They are used for The mid-range market is completely adequate.

The scale of the food processing plant is not large, but the scale of the spice processing plant is not small and has been put into operation. It is reasonable to have more than 1,000 managers, technical staff, and logistics staff plus their families.

However, although there are not many people, it may indeed become a factor of instability.

No, on February 3rd, Akinayama Hachiman, who was still in charge of the city defense construction in Tulong, had not yet received the news that Yulian's dreadnoughts and the main force of the Thirteenth Fleet had met and had returned to New Lushun. There was an alliance. Citizen, Miss Taina Mohn, who claimed to be a reporter for "Star Herald", came to the door.

Reporters actually don't matter, but reporters from "Star Herald" do. This is one of the top five newspapers in the league, and it is also quite influential in the universe. Compared with this company, the community's GNN is not even worthy of being a younger brother.

Of course it doesn't matter if she's an Alliance citizen, but since her name is Taina Morn, it matters even more.

After all, Akinayama Hachiman is also an important staff member of the Thirteenth Fleet, and he also attaches great importance to intelligence work. Of course he knew that this Miss Moen was the daughter of the famous Alliance wealthy Moen family. Otherwise, it would have been impossible to become an official investigative reporter for the Pioneer in his twenties.

However, the community government has no reason to prevent the other party from entering, so it can only hold its nose and let it go.

Fortunately, this young lady has been interviewing the Zixinhui Group's new factory construction work since entering the country last year, and has never come to cause trouble.

But no matter what, as a reporter and a representative of the citizens of the alliance here, she came to visit, so there was really no reason to turn her away. Therefore, Akinayama Hachiman could only hold his nose and let people in.

It is said that the seventeen families of the legendary alliance are all generational clans whose family lines can be traced back to the era of the alliance's home star. In terms of historical background, they are by no means inferior to those of the empire's long-standing princes. After so many generations of nobles, his appearance, conversation, and temperament are naturally good. This Miss Taina Moen is a very bookish and intellectual beauty, but she wears a light travel outfit, which is very suitable for her identity as an investigative reporter.

"Actually, regarding the security issue of New Yumen, you should go to Colonel Hull, the information security commander." After sitting down, before the reporter lady could speak, Akinayama Hachiman started to blame the situation.

"You must know that I am the combat and logistics staff officer of the Thirteenth Fleet. The reason why I stayed in Xinyumen for a long time is to supervise the construction of some supporting equipment for the fleet."

The reporter lady blinked her eyes, and then smiled "haha", her smile was very dull.

Why is this guy acting so unreasonably? Hachiman looked at the other person's stylized sneer that seemed to be mocking him, and couldn't help but push up his glasses.

"In short, please rest assured that we will do our best to protect the safety of all foreign nationals. Of course, the premise is that everyone can cooperate..."

"Can we open the border and allow alliance ships to enter Xinyumen to evacuate overseas Chinese?" The reporter interrupted Hachiman rudely.

I'm coming! Hachiman thought.

"There are less than 2,000 Alliance citizens here. Even if you bring personal property, it won't take up much space. A medium-sized ship will do. Of course, for safety reasons, there will be weapons and some security personnel on board."

"Ms. Moen, the situation in New Yumen is not out of control. No citizens of your country have been harmed. Our country has no reason to agree to your request." Akinayama Hachiman leaned back on the sofa with a tactic, and then smiled: "Of course , this kind of thing is not my final say.”

He was ready to engage in a verbal war with this reporter for eight hundred rounds.

However, Miss Taina Moen nodded slightly and showed a sincere smile: "It is indeed true. At this time, if my country enters the country with armed ships and armed personnel, it will be irresponsible behavior, and there will be diplomatic bullying and Suspicion of adding insult to injury."


Miss Moen smiled and said: "No matter how incompetent I am, I am still an official reporter. "Star Herald" will always stand on a fair and objective standpoint, only taking sides and not taking sides. Just now, I just informally It’s just a channel to convey a message to you. It does not represent my personal attitude.”

"..." This is the so-called eldest lady from a rich family, is she so willful?

"As for the city defense and the safety of our citizens. Haha, I am not a military expert, and I am not qualified to comment. Here, as long as you can promise to treat all foreigners in your country equally and try your best to protect them, that is Very satisfied.”

The reporter lady was a little too reasonable, which actually made Akinayama Hachiman a little worried.

"Actually, what I want to ask when I come here this time is about the sand laborers and the newly formed security force." Miss Taina Moen smiled and turned on the recording function of the terminal: "After you organize them Previously, very harsh methods were used to kill at least twenty of the upper echelons of Sand People city-states and tribes. What was the reason for this?"

Akinayama Hachiman was startled for a moment, then smiled: "Ms. Moen, you don't know, you are actually a pan-racial egalitarian!"

"No, before I went to college, I was still a standard human supremacist. However, if I work at the Pioneer Newspaper for too long, I will always forget that I am a human being." The reporter lady smiled calmly: "Captain, please don't treat me like a human being." I have so much hostility. This time, I did come with sincerity and goodwill. I am also indeed very curious about everything that happened in Xinyumen during these six months."

Akinayama Hachiman raised his head, looked at the other person directly over his glasses with a rather rude look.

However, the reporter's eyes did not wander at all, and she said calmly: "After you, I will also interview Mr. Busca from the Red Maple Factory. I will do my best to tell everything that happened in the six months of Xinyumen, Made a special report."

At this point, she smiled: "Actually, I have also watched "I Have a Dream"."

Akinayama Hachiman took a deep look at the other person, took off his glasses, and slowly wiped them.

Two hours later, Miss Taina Mohn left the building of the Tulon Police Headquarters with a satisfied smile, walked briskly, and hummed a song as she got into the passenger seat of an off-road vehicle on the roadside.

There was a young man with a sad face sitting in the driver's seat. After the woman who was humming the song sat down, he sighed: "You... are in such a good mood!"

"Because it's really interesting! The captain with glasses, Mr. Busca, and the divinely chosen champion behind them." Ms. Tainamoen opened her terminal and began to sort out what she had just said. Collected information: "Speaking of which, Ash, aren't you very familiar with that gentleman? Why don't you think of a way to get him to accept an interview with me?"

The young man's cheek twitched involuntarily, and he said with a smile: "Actually, I'm not too familiar with him. I only met him once in Xinyumen. In comparison, you are not as good as She’s following the path of a princess from the Bei family.”

"I've said it many times, Ash, I'm not the same person as them! Why don't you believe it?" The reporter lady showed a sad expression.

Ash thought, just say yes. I don’t know what grudges you rich ladies have, and I don’t want to know.

"Well, now that the interview here is over, can we..."

You can run away quickly! Ash thought. The plunderers are here, and they are much more powerful than the rioting sand people. He doesn't want to stay in this new Jade Gate for a minute.

Since she is the eldest daughter of the Moen family, of course she will never lack ways to escape. Now, there is a specially modified small high-speed cruise ship parked in Tulon Port, which is the property of Miss Taina Mohn. This is not something that ordinary reporters can afford.

"Okay, let's go to the Twin Peaks town we asked about yesterday. We can also finish the interview with Mr. Bouska on the way... Hey, what's your expression? You're here, of course. Gotta finish everything!"

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