Him and their stars

Chapter 80 Before the Age of Discovery

"What, what's going on? The red-eyed old guy has advanced the attack? He didn't notify me? He is trying to steal the credit from me! The old guy has a cruel heart!"

When Prince Mane led the royal fleet to the edge of the West End Constellation and saw the scene coming from more than a dozen astronomical units away, he was stunned for a few seconds and then became furious. This was his first sentence.

He is indeed a very majestic big cat, with a tall and strong body, thick arms that carry the wind when he walks, and a whole ring of lion-like hair, which is blood red - this is also a sign of the pure royal bloodline - it is powerful. Come, your beard and hair tremble as if blood is burning in them.

This guy really fits the aesthetics of the Cathay people. It's a pity that he has no brains. Of course, Cathay people just don't appreciate brains very much. A much smaller Cathay man on the side sighed silently.

He is Lieutenant General Orson Blackfin, the chief of operations at the base camp of the Kingdom of Cathay, a man known as the "Wise Man" in the Kingdom of Cathay. However, wisdom is not the most respected advantage among the fighting nation Cathay people, especially when paired with a relatively thin body, it can easily be regarded as weak, cunning and vicious. More importantly, Lieutenant General Black Fin is not a pure-bred Cathay, but a mixture of Cathay and the Kingdom's second-class ethnic group, the Terrabi, and is naturally even less popular.

Black Fin is indeed talented and is highly valued by Prince Charon Mane, but his current position is probably the end of his career.

I swear to the spirit of the universe and the claw gods, Blackfin really doesn't like this master. He is arrogant, domineering, irritable, and most importantly, has no nerve in his head. It is precisely because the entire Cathay people are now caught in this mood that leaders with this characteristic have emerged. However, the other party was indeed very kind to me, making me feel the kindness of knowing someone for a long time.

In this case, let's fulfill our duties as an assistant for now.

Black Fin took a step forward and said to the prince: "It's not that Marshal Red Eyes attacked in advance. Otherwise, the war should have started in Gibral... well, Iron Fang 3 Galaxy. This is the Weichen, and Marshal in advance Developed tactical plan.”

Although Prince Charon was in the late stages of manic cancer, he could still listen to what he said, at least to his trusted confidants, such as Blackfin, who immediately calmed down.

"It's the community's outer ring fleet, taking a preemptive strike! Your Highness!"

This time, Prince Charon could no longer calm down.

"What, what, these shameless humans, despicable hairless monkeys, I..."

"Your Highness, be careful what you say." Black Fin reminded expressionlessly: "If this word reaches the empire, your position..."

This time, although the prince didn't want to calm down, he had to calm down. He actually patiently observed the battle situation, gritted his teeth and said: "No, the old guy's situation is not right. We must go to support!"

Although Prince Charon is in the late stages of manic cancer, he has received professional military education and received guidance from famous teachers, and his grades are quite good. Of course he can see the current situation of the war.

"No, wait, Your Highness. Marshal Red Eyes' battle situation can still be maintained for a while. But if we intervene at this time, it will become a tactic to add fuel to the fire and have limited effect." Blackfin paused and stared at the prince. , the tone gradually became a little cold.

"We don't need to pay attention to their bad fight. We speed up immediately. After capturing the gravity well signal, we directly start the jump into the Iron Fang 3 system, and then go straight to the Gibraltar star port of the earth! I estimate that the main force of the enemy's outer ring fleet has already been mobilized. Gibraltar has almost no troops to defend most of its combat power. As long as we control the Star Gate, we can still achieve our set goals."

Prince Charon was a little confused. It was really the first time that he saw his cronies look so ruthless, and even every word was filled with chills. He admitted that he was a little intimidated. This must be because this guy usually looks careless, and the sudden change in his style makes people a little hard to react.

Charron shook his scarlet mane, regained his composure, and asked in a deep voice: "...Marshal Red Eyes, will the United Fleet just ignore it? What if their entire army is annihilated?"

"It's impossible. The Outer Rim Fleet doesn't have that big of an appetite. Besides, the people on earth probably don't have this plan, otherwise...where are their assault ships? Where are their dreadnoughts? Your Highness, even if you rush there now, At most, the situation can be returned to before the war started. Such loss of troops and generals, but nothing gained, is definitely not the behavior of a wise man!"

Charron thought about the other person's words carefully and admitted that they did make sense. He almost agreed, but shook his head and said: "Oson, have you misunderstood something? What I want is to take back our sacred territory and star gate in an upright manner, not steal them."

It's better to "take back" rather than "steal", but who was the one who praised our sneak attack plan before?

Blackfin resisted the urge to roll his eyes and patiently tried to persuade him: "Your Highness, whether it's taken back or stolen, the war has already begun. The goal is just to win!"

"You are only half a Cathay, and you still don't seem to understand the heart of a true warrior! Orson, the reason why I stand here is not because I have scarlet mane, not because I am a prince, but because they think I am the greatest warrior. Only those who can lead them to regain their territory and lead them to gain honors will be willing to follow me!"

That's wrong, Your Highness! The reason why they follow you is just because you "maybe" can lead them to gain benefits! I thought this should be an easy question to figure out.

"That old guy with red eyes...the old marshal is resisting hard. All the soldiers are looking forward to our arrival and expecting that we will become the savior. I have no qualifications to let the soldiers down! What's more, you just said that the enemy There should be part of the fleet that hasn't moved. Who can guarantee that we won't crash into their encirclement when we pounce? But now, the truly clear battlefield is right there!"

"...Your Highness." Blackfin still wanted to persuade him a few words, but his master interrupted: "I have made up my mind. I rushed over immediately for reinforcements. With us joining us and these four fearless battleships, the Earth Human sampans are no match for me! I can defeat the main force of their outer ring fleet with dignity, and then arrive at the Star Gate with dignity! This is the starting point of my journey as a hero."

Lieutenant General Blackfin felt unprecedentedly tired and wanted to find a sunny place to eat some Polygonum sibiricum and then sleep, but he still said patiently: "...Okay, if this is you If you decide, let’s start from here. Here, we can use the asteroid groups in the West End System as a cover to quickly go around to the rear of the enemy fleet and launch an attack!"

As an excellent staff officer, he quickly formulated an almost perfect marching route and presented it to his lord.

The prince was satisfied, even a little excited. He could already imagine their panic when his fleet penetrated the enemy's rear, and he could also imagine the emotion and cheers of his own soldiers at that time. He took a deep breath and shouted: "Instruct the whole army to start marching on this route! This is the first shot to overthrow human tyranny!"

"Down with human tyranny! The world belongs to Katai!"

"Down with human tyranny! The world belongs to Katai!" A group of officers on the bridge cheered loudly, falling into a manic state with their commander.

"If you want to overthrow human tyranny and seize the world, aren't you going to fight the Empire's Tiruiro people? When did you become the Earthlings of the community?" Blackfin complained coldly beside him.

The prince was startled and quickly whispered: "No, don't talk nonsense! If these words reach the ears of the empire, your position will be... I won't be able to protect you anyway."


Lieutenant General Blackfin was very depressed, but Prince Charon was very excited about himself, and he was already completely high without chewing the wood polygonum. Of course, he was calm enough, and he repeatedly urged the captains of all warships to pay attention to their vigilance, formation, and ensure the smooth operation of shields and close-defense weapons.

It wasn't that he had guessed that there would be a surprise attack, but that the fleet had already entered the asteroid belt. With such a dozen or so multi-million-ton behemoths flying at high speed in the asteroid belt, there is always the risk of collision.

Probably because of this, Prince Charon did not panic when someone prompted "high-energy response from the front."

"Little tricks! Of course the enemy may have guessed our arrival and sent some partial troops here to ambush. Ha, this is a common practice of despicable humans! Ha, they are all little tricks. I would like to see what the ignorant earthlings do. Come and intercept my dreadnought."

Before he finished speaking, the "high-energy reaction" in front had already reached the range visible to the naked eye. There were thousands of missiles, and the ground was like a swarm of bees.

"Close defense artillery, prepare..."

The missile exploded directly before hitting the target. The shrapnel inserted into the shield caused a slight energy reaction, but it was like a slingshot hitting a mountain.

Charon Mane opened his mouth and wanted to laugh a few words, but Blackfin subconsciously felt something was wrong and said loudly: "Your Highness, the enemy is deceitful!"

Before he finished speaking, what suddenly rose from the explosion of those missiles was a wave that could not be caught by the naked eye, but could certainly be felt. Those fluctuations seemed to form certain beating amplitudes, which rippled in the cosmic space, instantly enveloping all the Kaitai battleships in their vibration range.

"Crash!" After the shock, teeth-breaking snowflakes began to dance on all the screens. Radar, communication and monitoring equipment are left in silence without seeing the light of day.

Subsequently, within ten minutes, the eyes and ears of the Royal Guards Fleet of Cathay were kicked back to before the Age of Discovery.

Today I have become a happy beast again! Long and short are actually just a relative concept.

So, now it’s super long and explosive, don’t you really feel excited?

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