Him and their stars

Chapter 785 How to control super large tardigrades

Isn't that right? Putting the elephant into the refrigerator is strictly three steps. It's pretty much what Yu Lian is saying now.

As a result, the expressions of Colonel Chaimen and Lieutenant Colonel Nani became even more ugly. However, since they were sitting in the front row and faced the pressure from the remaining company, they could only try their best to smile and show that we fully supported all the commander's decisions.

These two big brothers, who took the "rookie" Yu Lian with them three years ago, have now become tool men who obey orders, but they don't know whether they have the point of thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi. sense of nothingness.

Yu Lian felt that he should call these two over for a chat after the meeting. You know, a qualified commander must pay great attention to the mental health of his comrades.

On the contrary, the psychics they brought performed well. Although their strength was not outstanding (two second-level and four first-level), the oldest one was only twenty-eight years old, and they were still young and enthusiastic. stage. Although I heard that I was going to deal with a star-eating insect, I was inevitably worried, but seeing that the commander was so confident, I gradually felt relieved.

These are young psykers who have just joined the Community Guard, and most of them are clean-blooded children of Earth citizens. They do not have the slickness developed by long-term experience as adventurers and mercenaries, and throughout their service careers, they have listened to Yu Lian's legendary story, and the recipient of the four-image tactical training that he said he "created" naturally had a favorable impression of him above respect.

Yu Lian knew that every move he made at this time was indeed related to the morale of these young soldiers. Even if you have no confidence, you must still show such confidence.

Moreover, there is no mature, complete and exhaustive strategy for dealing with things like star-eating insects. We can only resort to tricks.

Therefore, after this successful military meeting, Yu Lian retained Colonel Chaimen and Lieutenant Colonel Nani. He took out a bottle of red wine without a label from the secret compartment and poured a glass for each of them.

"This is what I got from the Dawn Angel, the top-notch Holy Master Sage, and now there is only one bottle left. This is specially reserved for the two old brothers. In addition, this is not a formal occasion. We are all old comrades in arms, so just be casual. Don't use honorifics. If you do, I will definitely get angry." Yu Lian smiled brightly and kept his posture to the fullest.

However, Colonel Chaimen shivered involuntarily, and after quickly taking the wine glass, he squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying: "...You, if you have anything to say, can you just say it directly? Don't look like this. "

Nani also kept nodding his head: "When we were preparing to exercise with the Astral Knights last time, when the big shots in the National Defense Committee asked us to win, it was your expression."

What's wrong with my expression? This is a standard business smile I have been trained by Feifei. Can you guys be a little polite?

Yu Lian immediately stopped smiling and said angrily: "Okay, anyway, according to the results of my discussion with Commander Yang, the first task of our psykers is to kill the bug. In short, we can't let it interfere with the battle of the fleet. Field. However, this kind of space Leviathan is just like a super giant tardigrade. If ordinary methods cannot kill it, you need to land on it."

Although Colonel Chaimen still had a grimace on his face, he still nodded helplessly.

"...But this, what is this tardigrade?" Lieutenant Colonel Nani asked in confusion.

"Have you really graduated from high school?" Yu Lian asked helplessly.

"No! I dropped out of school at the age of seventeen to join society, then I woke up, and then I was recruited into the army. I got all my degrees from the adult classes I signed up for after I became an officer. This adult class thing... Hi, Yu Even brother, a top student like you must not understand."

Adult class! Then I really understand. Of course, I knew better in my previous life.

Yu Lian smiled and said: "I'm so sorry. I originally invited you here to beat predators, but instead you have to beat bugs directly. However, everything must be said from a positive perspective. The experience of hunting this kind of space Leviathan, It is very helpful for everyone’s growth.”

"I'm not worried about this. We are both professional soldiers. We have been in the army for more than ten years, and we have long been prepared to die in battle." Colonel Chamon said with a bitter look on his face, not too forcefully.

"That's your consciousness, I don't have it! It took a lot of effort for that young lady to agree to go out to watch a movie with me..."

It’s been three years, and you’ve just reached the stage of watching movies?

"...He was actually talking about another one." Colonel Zamen explained: "The year before last, this guy was transferred back to Earth from Gibraltar to be responsible for the training of the Blue Guard, and he broke up with the doctor there. After returning to Earth, Then I fell in love with a surgeon from the Naval General Hospital."

That's what he deserves... However, this guy is actually just passionate about the doctor lady. Should we say that aesthetics is actually quite stable?

"In short, this thing is a large tardigrade. It is extremely resistant to high temperature, radiation and various energy changes. The shell looks very hard, but in fact the carapace can only be made of soft tissue and can also dissolve large particles. Partial kinetic energy impact. Therefore, the best way to deal with this thing is to cut it at close range." Yu Lian said.

Only then did the two veterans Youzi suddenly realize.

In fact, after the fourth-generation light spear cannon is successfully miniaturized, it can be installed on fighter planes. Why do psykers have to risk jumping insects? But the problem is, not to mention miniaturization, the third generation light spear cannon is still in the laboratory demonstration stage.

"As long as you have an idea... As I said, I am mentally prepared to sacrifice on the battlefield, but these young people who came with me are the seeds of the Community Guard. If we don't encounter the enemy in the first battle, we will be like this It's really pitiful to be devoured by mobile natural disasters." He looked directly into Yu Lian's eyes: "And you, brother Yu Lian... We all believe that you are the only one who can lead us in the future. You are more powerful than the rest of us. Everything is important. Therefore, in this battle, escape channels must be reserved. If the plan cannot be formed, you must evacuate immediately. Is this okay?"

"Also, you must not rely on your own strength to think that you are omnipotent. At critical moments, you must not be allowed to rescue your subordinates and put yourself in danger." Chaimen added: "On the contrary. Do you agree?"

Lieutenant Colonel Nani smiled and said: "If you burn incense from a positive perspective, then those young people don't have to think about being saved. They should grow faster."

Yu Lian pondered for a moment, without saying anything, but nodded in agreement. The two brothers breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, the three of them divided the rest of the Holy Sage, exclaiming that this thing is indeed the king of wines in the universe!

In fact, this thing is just an ordinary saint. The difference from the great sage is equivalent to the Moutai welcome and the 80-year state banquet Moutai. However, these are all vulgar embryo killers anyway, and drinking them won't make any difference.

The officers and men of the fleet began to rest for the last time before the war. During this period, the various garrison troops on various orbital space stations, outer planets and inhabited planets in New Lushun also carried out their final preparations under the command of Yang Xiyi.

Soon, the time reached 4 o'clock in the morning. According to the results of the previous discussion with Eleanor, she should return to New Port Arthur within one to two hours.

Yu Lian closed his eyes and rested for a moment in the aisle with a transparent porthole on the port side of the ship, and took a deep breath. Although he did not feel that he had inhaled any essence of the aura of heaven and earth, the sun and the moon, his physiology and spirit had indeed returned to their peak state, and he just walked towards the cabin. Walk to the hangar.

Along the way, he had heard the wake-up bell in the cabin. Under the shouts of officers from various departments, the 20,000 crew members on the ship have gradually woken up from hibernation. They must tidy up the internal and external affairs within twenty minutes, finish breakfast, and be in their respective posts before 4:45.

In the old days when there was a ragtag crew on board, this process would have taken at least an hour. Fortunately, when leading this rabble, we finally encountered no particularly threatening enemies.

Well now, professional officers from the Thirteenth Fleet have taken over most of the disciplinary positions, and generally the trainee officers from the Toss Merchant Group, the Terrabi mercenaries, and the Gumeyan adventurers get along pretty well.

The only ones who were a little embarrassed were the twenty or so imperial technical sergeants.

However, the Community and the Empire can at least be regarded as "friendly countries" that live in peace, and they will not have a fight under Yu Lian's nose. Yu Lian fully trusted these people's professional abilities and even vetoed the proposal to transfer them from their original positions.

These imperial soldiers were somewhat grateful to Yu Lian, and they were completely dedicated during this period. Their position on the ship, although a bit awkward, was generally peaceful.

Now, these Imperial people are still responsible for enemy detection and analysis of firepower data, which are very important technical positions on the bridge.

"Predators are the common enemy of all civilizations. In comparison, the differences between us and your country are nothing to mention. We will fulfill our duties! Please feel free to rest assured." This is how the leading officer expressed his stance to Yu Lian before the war. .

"You are on this ship, you are the crew of this ship, you are also guest generals who have the official endorsement of the empire and undertake some diplomatic functions. And I will never doubt the hard-honed professional abilities and lofty honor of the imperial professional soldiers. Feeling. Even if the enemy is not a plunderer, but the emperor...but someone whose identity cannot be revealed at will, I believe that the noble officials will never be lenient." Yu Lian said.

Yu Lian felt that he was joking. Whether the other party could take it as a joke was none of his business. But to be honest, although the other party is an imperial soldier, in this situation, he is actually a group of "comrades" with the highest quality on the ship.

Yu Company avoided a group of secondary battery gunners who were running in line from the main entrance, and entered the special elevator for senior officers along the path. He had just pressed the button on the last floor when a notification tone sounded from the communication terminal, followed immediately by Feifei's voice.

"Sir, I have completed the work on the bridge. Now, First Officer Kong Qingyu has arrived at the command position, and all positions on the bridge have been reported."

Since it was an official occasion, Feifei would of course call Yu Lian "sir".

"In addition, source mass wave information was received 20 seconds ago. The fast strike fleet led by Commodore Eleanor Bonaparte has sunk two enemy medium-sized fire-breathing ships and is evacuating. It is expected to return to New Zealand in 45 minutes. Lushun Galaxy, please all parties be prepared."

Because the source wave terminal that everyone dug out from the corpses of the Bloodwing Pirates was a small one after all. Although the coverage covered the entire Community Colonial Star Area, its power was limited after all. In order to limit traffic, communication will be via email unless it is an emergency.

As expected of senior Eleanor! Yu Lian thought. However, the mission she performed was the so-called "elastic defense", which to put it bluntly is the "only defeat, no victory" in classical novels. Will playing like this make the predators even crazier?

"Rear Admiral Marklov is not on the bridge?" Yu Lian asked.

"Rear Admiral Marklov said that he still prefers his Saratoga. He also said that this ship is your ship, and he can't do anything to win people's love."

So the old man is such a gentleman? Yu Lian thought to himself why I didn't believe it so much. Maybe this is some kind of military consideration? He suddenly had some thoughts.

"I'll rush to the hangar to meet you right away." Feifei said, and then closed the communication.

At this time, the elevator stopped at the -3 floor, the hatch opened, and in came the two sisters Gan Jiang and Mo Xie. The two girls, who were still high school students, both put on a pair of close-fitting power suits made of composite materials, with a gray cloak on top.

Yu Lian only glanced at it and felt the subtle spiritual energy fluctuations in the gray cloak. Obviously, this is the battle attire of these two "disciple nieces".

"You haven't evacuated yet?" Yu Lianda said: "Didn't I ask you to take the transport ship back to Xinyumen first?"

"We stayed here voluntarily." Gan Jiang said.

"And none of the officers objected." Mo Xie said, "This is considered acquiescence."

That's because no officer has noticed your presence. If psychics of your level were to hide, ordinary people wouldn't be able to find them.

"You two are not soldiers." Yu Lian said helplessly.

"We are psychics," Gan Jiang said.

Moye also said confidently: "And the combat experience must be richer than the newcomers..."

Yu Lian interrupted the other party and said: "You are not adults yet. If you die, how should I explain to your parents?"

"But if we escape, we won't be able to explain to Master." Gan Jiang said.

"The disciples of the Spirit Research Association should have grown up in battle. After all, we are named after the famous sword." Mo Xie also said. This is the most serious expression Yu Lian has ever had since he met this girl.

Yu Lian glanced at the two of them seriously: "I don't have any more heraldry machines for you, and you also lack the experience of piloting mechas in space battles. I need you to stay on the Throne."

The expressions of the two girls were a little sad.

But then, Yu Lian said: "... Cooperate with Mr. Ginsu and Miss Agnes in their battle, and show off what you have learned."

Ganjiang hadn't reacted yet, but Moye seemed to be smarter than his sister. He realized something in an instant, and his eyes suddenly lit up: "You mean, there will be..."

"I'm not sure. But in war, you have to adjust your plan at any time according to your own chess pieces." Yu Lian shrugged: "Fina posted a spiritual message talisman left by your master on the bridge and drew a Wide Area Enhancement Array, remember to keep communicating.”

"...Is it really okay for you to charge and direct at the same time?" The general also understood what the other party meant and showed a worried look.

"Otherwise, why would I be the uncle?" Yu Lian laughed and strode out of the elevator door that had just opened.

At this moment, the noisy and noisy sounds of the hangar suddenly poured into the small space of the elevator.

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