Him and their stars

Chapter 794 The situation is good on all fronts

Out of caution, when she followed the army of predators, she dropped an Euglena in every system. These lord bugs have basic intelligence and biological instincts, know how to hide and hide, and have extremely strong detection and exploration capabilities. At the same time, they are also Lord Insects, able to transmit information to Charlie, the master, instantly across light years through the inner network of the insect swarm constructed by Leviathan's Nest.

At this moment, what she received was an early warning signal.

Finally, who the hell is here again?

Through the inner network of the insect swarm, Charlie shared her vision with an Euglena hundreds of light years away. As a result, she only saw the shadows of forty or fifty battleships, which entered the jump channel at the edge of the galaxy and disappeared in an instant.

Because things happened so fast, even with Charlie's eyesight, she couldn't see clearly where those battleships belonged. However, she knew that the galaxy where this Euglena was located was only two jumps away from the new Lushun, the Cheyeju γ galaxy. If that fleet was really heading here, wouldn't it be just one jump away from New Port Arthur now?

For a high-speed battleship or cruise ship, it is less than half a day's journey. If she wanted to go back and escape along the same route at this time, there was a high probability that she would run into these unidentified fleets.

At this time, Charlie's mind became clearer than ever.

She drove her Leviathan, pressing against the edge of the galaxy, and slowly slid toward the other side, the gravity well passage leading to the hinterland of the Community colony.

In this way, she can ensure surveillance of the battlefield and escape when necessary. She now knew very well that if she really wanted to escape and burrow into the hinterland of the Community colony, she would have a better chance.

Of course, the little master of the swarm is not the only sober person on this battlefield.

It is now 13:12 pm New Lushun time, nearly seven hours have passed since the official start of the war. However, through the fortress guns deployed in advance on the star port, the unmanned space turrets and the Thirteenth Fleet formed a trinity of strike firepower. The earth-moon space in front of the star port has turned into a solid barrier, and the predator fleet has never been able to form a breakthrough.

Moreover, after our own aircraft carrier formation arrived, it was flanked by both sides and was now in a quite unfavorable situation.

Under this situation, Commander Yang Xiyi was very satisfied and even found time to swallow two sandwiches and a cup of black tea for lunch. Of course, he did not forget to inform all the soldiers in the fighting army to take turns to eat lunch.

This move completely proved one's own superiority, and the spirits of the ordinary officers in the headquarters were also lifted. And this emotion spread to the entire New Lushun Starport within half an hour. Even the soldiers who were firing guns felt that their shots were getting more and more accurate and faster.

After Yang Xiyi ate a sandwich, he asked casually: "How did the gang-hopping battle between the Scarlet Throne and the Predator Squadron go?"

"Three thousand people have already landed on the Throne, but they are all compressed in the narrow space from D2 to E7, unable to advance or retreat." the adjutant replied quickly.

"Haha, very smart. Who is in charge of the ship's defense command?"

"Due to time constraints, we have not assigned a formal security director and assault captain to the Throne. Generally speaking, First Officer Kong Qingyu is directly responsible." The adjutant said.

"Colonel Kong Qingyu, I know that he is a good sailor and must be a good captain, but I didn't know he had this ability."

"Yes, so Mr. Ginsu and Mr. Urnovich were also appointed as temporary staff officers."

If it were another commander, he would definitely ask who these two are at this time. However, information about the old Cathay mercenary and the old Earthling adventurer soon appeared in Yang Xiyi's mind.

These two are indeed experienced in many battles. The former is a psyker with outstanding combat capabilities. He has participated in several regional wars and is a well-known gold medal mercenary captain in the industry. Before the latter became a free adventurer and planet development expert, he was an elite officer born in a military academy. He served in the Community Marine Corps for more than ten years and retired as a major battalion commander.

"The stormtrooper officers on our ship are willing to obey their orders?"

"...This means obeying." The adjutant hesitated for a moment: "It is said that the two ladies, Gan Jiang and Mo Xie, played a very important role."

"Oh, an important effect." Yang Xiyi raised his eyebrows: "I heard that Miss Ganjiang is a 'supporting spirit' or something, good at healing and mental adjustment. Miss Moye is a 'judgment', and she likes to use the spirit of speech the most. Asking questions."

The adjutant showed a very serious expression: "Well, I really don't know much about mysticism. Oh, by the way, there was a new battle report just now. Ms. Agnes has killed a predator warrior leader in area E2. It was recaptured by our army, and the enemies who boarded the ship have been divided and surrounded."

"Oh, that little Gumeiya beauty that Yu Lian picked up during the God of War Festival where the hero rescued her."

His height is estimated to be over 1.9 meters tall. Although he is relatively slender, how can he be considered "small"? The adjutant's expression was very subtle, and he added: "She also personally operated the rounds of shelling when the two sides contacted the enemy.

"Well, she is indeed a very powerful little girl, and Yu Lian's vision is also very good." Yang Xiyi casually chewed the last bite of the sandwich, while opening the screen, preparing to observe the only one who could be the winner. The state of that giant beast. On the screen, the huge star-devouring insect has now deviated from its planned orbit, staggering towards the void direction without any planets.

Its posture is indeed very staggering. Although it is flying, its body is no different from crawling.

Although he has not received the message from Yu Lian until now, he can be sure that this planet-level cosmic natural disaster no longer poses a threat to New Lushun.

Although I don’t know much about your psychics, this should be considered a good job. Yang Xiyi thought.

At this time, good news that he could understand once again reached his star port headquarters in Lushun.

...The Scarlet Throne's Marauders were wiped out? Are we starting a counterattack? This is too fast. How long has it been? "Although the adjutant also had full confidence in his comrades, he never expected that it would go so smoothly.

"It's normal. Those two little girls also participated in the war. I'm not surprised by the effect. Captain, Master Lan and Lingyan will be the real artifacts of the country..." Yang Xiyi said quietly.

The adjutant always felt that there was something in the commander's words, so he could only say with a headache: "I really don't know much about mysticism."

What they don't know is that the battlefield scene is actually more...well, magical realism than they imagined.

A Kigaya jackal warrior captain who was nearly three meters tall in power armor almost used all his strength to dance a hammer head as big as a sandbag into a windmill, but he was beaten by several rivals on the opposite side. The human warrior, who was more than a head shorter than himself, blocked the way.

Not only that, the opponent would also fight back from time to time, always creating some wounds for himself.

You know, the Kigiya are also a well-known warrior race in the alliance, and compared to the Wulflings of the opposite empire, they are more cunning and greasy with little calculations and off-the-beaten-path tricks, and they rarely suffer losses on the battlefield. .

What's more, he is a psychic! He, a jackal, was able to become a small military leader on the troll's warship because of this extraordinary power. If you lose to a master of a higher level on the frontal battlefield, you will accept it, but if you lose to a mortal on the opposite side, it is really humiliating.

"That's not fair!" the Kigiya Jackal warrior shouted at the Earthlings on the opposite side, causing the warriors who besieged him to tremble involuntarily. Obviously, this jackal warrior leader used spiritual skills of the speech spirit type.

If it were an ordinary person and was hit in the face by the Yanling, even if he was lucky, he would faint on the spot. But only one person actually fell. The other four warriors each staggered a step, but a colorless and formless halo flashed from them, but they regained their balance.

One of the human warriors wearing a commander's mecha even had time to counterattack with a chain sword, and struck back at a speed far beyond what a mortal could do, causing another wound to the jackal.

It's certainly not his own power. You know, at the moment when he drew his sword, a trace of spiritual light flowed on his mecha.

"That's not fair." The Kigyan warrior captain took a step back and shouted, "Why are there so many psykers on this ship?"

He pointed to a figure hidden among the crowd. She didn't wear any bulky outer armor, just a light power suit and a breathing helmet, revealing her slender girlish figure.

But with such an inconspicuous little body, he was actually a psyker, and he was the culprit that pushed the Jackal Warrior Commander to this point.

"Go in person! Why do you want your subordinates to be used as cannon fodder?" The jackal roared angrily.

"They are not my subordinates." The girl said seriously: "Besides, I am a 'Yongling' and I am not good at fighting head-on."

Anton Koshan, who was wearing a commander's mecha, continued to provoke the opponent: "Hurry up, Kigiya, your boss is also dead, it will be your turn next!"

Lieutenant Koshan's morale is now at an all-time high. He never thought that one day he would actually have the experience of pressing down a psyker (with several younger brothers) and beating him up. This experience was really wonderful.

The former stormtrooper (deputy) captain on the Red Tiger is now a genuine Marine Corps lieutenant company commander, and is currently a junior officer in the stormtroopers stationed on the Scarlet Throne.

When he first boarded the ship, he, Li Baolu, Martha Daken and other Navy Day friends were brought together by Captain Yu Lian and Miss Fina Li for a small gathering. From then on, Kou Shan suddenly discovered that both his subordinates and his superiors seemed to be more friendly to him.

The group leader even asked him about his willingness to be promoted. For example, where can I become a battalion deputy? In other words, he was promoted to the regiment headquarters as a staff officer.

Of course he is grateful to his "old boss" Yu Lian, and of course he is grateful to the present. Now that we have a backstage, we are about to have military exploits. Isn't this a symbol of a bright future?

"Come here and die, puppy! I have to rush to have lunch. Your boss is waiting for you very anxiously!" Kou Shan continued to spray trash talk at his opponent.

However, even though he was sprayed as a puppy, the Kigiya man was not angry at all, but defended: "He is not my boss."

He was talking about the Troll Warrior Captain whose head was blasted by Agnes with a psychic bow just now. He was also the First Warrior Captain of Lieutenant Governor Goth's ship, the Golden Tooth, a second-level member of the "Blood Road" "Gladiator". This jackal warrior captain is the second in command, a "heavy infantry" replaced by "guard".

Each of the two men had nearly 500 brothers.

But now, all the Predator warriors who boarded the Throne were compressed into a small area. All the high-level warrior captains were killed except him, and it was only a matter of time before the remaining subordinates were wiped out.

There is no way around it. You must also know that psykers are not cabbage. There are always three to four thousand people who died in the battle who rushed to the Scarlet Throne, and only two of them were psykers.

But who would have thought that there would be so many psychics on this Earth ship! In addition to two earthlings with exquisite skills and ruthless methods, there are also several Terabi and ancient Meiyas. Where did they come from?

For example, his colleague, the Troll Warrior Captain, rushed off the bridge and rushed towards the enemy as usual. The difference is that this time, he was immediately trapped in the enemy's camp, and was surrounded by several Terrabis. Then he was punched by the largest one and flew backwards, killing many of them. The man was then blindly shot in the head by an ancient Meiya with a psychic arrow.

The Troll Warrior Chief didn't even get a single victory, and the morale of his subordinates collapsed.

This is a big trap! Thinking of this, the jackal made up his mind.

"He is indeed not my boss. I only have an ordinary cooperative relationship with him, no, with Deputy Overseer Gos."

"Oh, so what?" Mo Xie looked at the other party with interest. Although he couldn't see the other person's expression while wearing a helmet, the guy's aura suddenly calmed down, completely breaking away from the fighting state.

I know the security code of the Golden Teeth, so I don’t have to smash through several layers of armored doors. Besides, I also know where Captain Goss hides his treasury. "The jackal said solemnly, then he threw the weapon on the ground and raised his hands above his head: "I, I am willing to join Master Wang anyway! Please, forgive my humble life! We, we are serious citizens of the Alliance. We were kidnapped when we were young, and that’s why we went astray! Please give me a way to change my ways and start a new life. "

Kou Shan knocked the chain sword on the ground speechlessly and looked at Mo Ye behind him.

The little girl could only spread her hands and said: "I am not an officer, and this matter is not up to me to decide. However, since this citizen of the Alliance is so honest, how about taking the lead?"

"No problem!" The jackal jumped up again with his sword in hand: "Please give me the order, sir."

As a result, due to the intervention of a very knowledgeable Predator warrior commander, at the fifty-second minute after the war began, everyone on the Scarlet Throne wiped out the invaders and successfully counterattacked the opponent's Onboard the flagship Golden Teeth.

When the news reached New Lushun, the atmosphere naturally became more relaxed.

Yang Xiyi said: "Tell Colonel Kong Qingyu of the Scarlet Throne that after repelling the predators, there is no need to continue the pursuit. He can rush directly to the Star Eater to meet Colonel Yu Lian and the others."

"Understood." The adjutant nodded in agreement, and when he stepped back to deliver the order, he also gnawed on a piece of field bread stuffed with meat.

The current war situation is basically unable to make any waves. A commander's adjutant like him should theoretically be the busiest position, and he also has time to catch fish for a few minutes.

However, just as the adjutant finished his lunch, he was so shocked by the next news that reached the headquarters that he almost spit out the food from his throat and hurried to Yang Xiyi's side.

He lowered his voice and said: "Your Excellency, the fleet has been found in the Chayagi γ system."

Yang Xiyi turned to look at his adjutant, a sharp light flashing in his eyes.

"Our autonomous drone has passed the gravitational wave beacon and sent the picture."

Even before the war began, Yang Xiyi had deployed a considerable number of unmanned detectors and gravitational wave beacons in all unmanned systems on the border.

When the raider fleet came, they cleared out a wave of them, but it was impossible to clear out all the reconnaissance equipment. New Lushun always has control over all situations in the border star field.

Yang Xiyi glanced at the fleet on the screen, drank all the black tea in the cup, and then turned the cup: "Ah, as expected."

"Your Mightiness……"

"Don't pay attention, they are friendly forces."

It is difficult for the adjutant to regard the fleet coming from this direction as a friendly force. If it were him, he would definitely be more nervous than when dealing with predators.

However, Yang Xiyi simply put this urgent military situation behind him and said: "Give me the order, what to do, first defeat the plunderers in front."

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