Him and their stars

Chapter 811 The big adventure of “little people”

The deputy director of the security department of Xinyumen Branch of Zixinhui Group and the deputy general manager of Grandpa Wang Agricultural Reclamation Company. Kelvin, who has just turned thirty-five this year, looked at the solemn and mysterious scene in front of him and felt that his mind was in a state of confusion. confusion.

He never thought that this scene, which even the most produced movies could not reproduce, would actually appear in his life.

Now, he, Miss Taina Moen, the reporter of the alliance, Mr. Ash, the "old acquaintance" of the alliance ranger, and Mr. Summers of the Engineers Guild, are located in an underground cave at the southern foothills of Mount Kililo.

He estimated that based on the path everyone had taken, it might already be several hundred meters underground.

However, there is a huge cave space unknown how many meters beneath the mountain. What appeared in front of him at the end of the space was a very smooth wall, but the material was unrecognizable. The wall seems to be a huge mirror. Although it appears pitch black, it can be used as a mirror.

However, in that unknown black mirror, there seemed to be countless gorgeous light spots. Hazy starlight flickered in the wall, but the source of the light could not be seen. Deep and mysterious light shines from the wall into the cave, as if forming a mist of light.

Kelvin felt like he was in a mist, as if he were surrounded by the universe, and he no longer knew what year it was.

In fact, he has never really seen the magnificent scene of the universe and the stars.

Although he had made an interstellar spaceship, he only spent his only interstellar journey in a cheap cabin with twenty people per room on the narrow bottom of the ship. He spent those two months in a hot and small personal space, surrounded by noisy noises with no one sleeping, as well as disgusting body odor, cheap cigarettes, and the smell of various anesthetics.

It was a period of time that was truly unbearable to look back on. How could we feel the infinite magnificence of the universe? Until then, you will only be able to see glimpses of outer space from the end of the aisle in the third-class cabin, which is so small that even a mouse may not be able to turn around.

When the two months that were like a nightmare were over, we arrived at the desolate and desolate Xinyumen.

So, lacking a true understanding of the universe, he stood in front of this plane. Although he was almost speechless by this magnificent scene and his mind was blank for a long time, he still felt a bit lacking in reality.

By this time, it was difficult for him to tell whether he was in a dream or reality.

Perhaps because of this, Mr. Kelvin seemed to regain his intuition after being blank for several minutes. He simply reached out and pinched his face, and then quickly regained consciousness. He couldn't help but look at the other three people in the team.

Now, Miss Reporter, Mr. Ranger and Mr. Engineer are standing very close to the wall, holding various tools and observing carefully. There was nothing on the dark mirror-like wall except for the faint starlight, but they were extremely focused, as if they were deciphering an obscure masterpiece.

What they saw and what I saw were fundamentally different, right?

At this moment, Mr. Kelvin felt a very obvious sense of distance, a sense of distance that almost made him panic. He couldn't help but tighten his coat with the composite armor plate, and gave a self-deprecating smile: "Tell me, how come I, an ordinary cowboy, became a member of the Treasure Hunt League?"

The few people who were working listened attentively, and Ash laughed on the spot. Mr. Summers moved the corners of his mouth but continued to work without saying anything. On the other hand, Miss Taina from the Alliance wore a clear smile and looked serious. He explained: "You are much more powerful than the protagonist in "The Treasure Hunt". Professor Jones has not actually experienced such a legendary adventure."

Kelvin couldn't help but be stunned on the spot.

"His prototype is actually an archaeologist from the Alliance's home star era, which has a history of several thousand years. There are some adventure stories passed down from the home star era, but almost all of them are urban legends without any evidence. As for His descendants have not heard of any great figures. As for the stories of the astral era in movies and series now, haha, they are all written by other people."

Mr. Kelvin said "Oh" and felt that some of the dreams of teenagers had been destroyed by cruel realism. He was a little sad, but then he thought of something and hurriedly said: "...Wait, you said there is someone else?" Isn't "Treasure Hunting Alliance" made up? Then, those monsters that eat the sun, zombie viruses that can infect other people, and the immortal ghosts of ancient emperors all exist? "

"How did you think of putting them together? The level difference is too much." Ash laughed.

"Yes! The immortal ghost of the ancient emperor is really terrifying! All civilizations in the galaxy, no, all civilizations in the known universe, should join hands to fight against this demon." Miss Taina said seriously.

Because her expression was so serious, Mr. Kelvin almost believed her and almost wanted to crouch down in a corner with her head in her hands and tremble.

Then, the reporter lady also giggled.

Ash said angrily: "I'm talking about the monster that eats stars... There are no Imperial people here, who can you mock like this!"

"Aren't there gentlemen from Earth here? I'm reminding them that such a sanctimonious appearance in the empire is the easiest place to produce zombies, ghosts, etc." Miss Taina pointed to the "starry sky" that was still observing. Summers: "We always have experts over there who say that whichever side the earth stands on will be able to win the Millennium War for Hegemony!"

Summers sighed and withdrew his gaze from the mirror: "Miss Moen, if the rulers really believe you, then the problem will be serious. You are a reporter from the Pioneer, Moen." It’s time to make a fuss about this.”

"We at the Pioneer will only speak from the perspective of ordinary people." Taina said: "It's just that, Mr. Summers, this is not a fight, but an explanation of the facts. At least that's what the big shots in Nephi think. of."

She looked at Mr. Summers again: "I didn't know that the Engineers Guild and the organization you represent also have such a sense of responsibility for international politics. This is not in line with your usual attitude! Mr. Summers!"

"I am indeed an internationalist and anarchist, and this is no different from my companions. However, if the top leaders of the empire or the alliance really believe the nonsense of some international political experts, the balance will be broken. ” The engineer smiled and said: “Anarchists actually need a balance of terror between powers, what do you think?”

Although Kelvin didn't understand much, he still felt that this was something he shouldn't hear, and he felt greatly shocked again. Fortunately, because of such an impact, he no longer had the time to think about whether those terrifying bosses in "Treasure Hunting League" really existed.

"Don't mind, educated people always like to think about nonsense above, but most of them are just asking for trouble. We are just working people doing manual labor, so just live happily every day!" Ya Xiu patted Sa. Mercer looked over his shoulder and took out a bag of self-heating dry food from his pocket: "Are you hungry? This is for you."

Mr. Kelvin was very moved, and the sense of distance that made him restless disappeared.

I think my life is still very complicated. His family has become a grain of sand in the times due to the changes of the times. He is the only one left to survive. Just trying to live in this era has already experienced too much pain and hardship.

However, what happened during the week when he became Mr. Summers' guide was much more magnificent than the thirty years before.

Everyone originally agreed to investigate the "haunting" of the food processing plant. But why after searching and searching, an underground ruins was found, it is naturally a long story.

In short, Miss Reporter wants news, Mr. Engineer wants to find out the truth and resume production, and Mr. Ranger comes over to make some fun. So, under the guidance of Kelvin, an ordinary man, the three big men, each with their own magical powers, arrived at the factory site after nine o'clock that night.

It must be admitted that the capitalists in the alliance are much more courageous than the rich people in the community. After the strange factory haunting incident, the factory's parent company, Zixinhui Group, sent two sets from the mainland. Automatic security system.

This security system is composed of a complete monitoring facility, a control center, and a group of twenty to thirty security robots of different models and functions.

The reason there are two sets is probably because the parent company was worried about being taken advantage of, so it ordered one set each from the Alliance and Toss Business Group companies. The central and energy systems between the two are completely independent, so there is no problem of being invaded at once.

By the standards of a factory, this is considered impregnable.

Of course, Mr. Summers was already a local celebrity and factory consultant, and with the explanation from the Kelvin factory's deputy director of security and night shift security captain, the night shift security guards naturally let him go.

Now, the factory has resumed production, but probably because of concerns about excessive pressure on the workers, all the machinery has now been moved to other factory buildings. The "haunted" workshop was naturally temporarily blocked and abandoned.

When a group of people entered the factory directly, there was actually nothing inside.

"There is no way. There is only one purity decomposition machine in the whole factory, but the work cannot stop!" Kelvin said: "After Mr. Summers repaired the machine, he moved to another factory and started working."

"It doesn't matter, we should have other ways to deal with it." Miss Summers said.

Then, she took out a flashlight-like prop, opened it and released light, illuminating the entire workshop. Immediately, a mechanical projection made of light and shadow that could look real appeared in the workshop.

"You said that the mechanical part was eaten. How exactly was it eaten?" said the reporter.

Mr. Kelvin's eloquence was not very good and his vocabulary was not very large. He explained for a long time and finally restored more than half of the scene at that time.

"The wires and control panel disappeared from here...and you saw a blur, right?" Ash asked.


"What kind of fuzzy method?"

"Just, like...this, how should I put it?"

"Water waves? Fog? Mosaic? Smoke? Bad glass? Jelly?"

"Jelly!" Kelvin shouted. He felt that Mr. Ash was the only one who understood me.

"Nanomachines," Summers said.

"How can you see it?" the reporter asked curiously: "If it is a nanomachine, shouldn't it be more like a mosaic?"

Mr Summers, however, ignored the man and, according to Mr Kelvin, paused for a moment at the spot where the "jelly" appeared. He thought for a moment, and then walked out of the workshop step by step.

Everyone followed him to the warehouse of the factory without knowing why. Watching him create a pile of replacement parts, spend two or three hours installing it into a decent device, and then take out a capacitor-like instrument from his backpack.

"This is a simulated electromagnetic generator, which I designed and made myself. It is exactly the same as the electromagnetic frequency generated by the decomposition machine I used before." Summers said to everyone: "When installed together with this equipment, it is almost The situation can be recreated. We can wait a little longer."

This is what is called fishing. Kelvin thought. He immediately felt very excited. You must also know that this is how it is done in many detective stories.

However, if the detective story is to catch the murderer, will the "ghost" who can chew the machine be fooled?

He just followed everyone suspiciously and lurked in the nearby security room.

In the middle of the night, just when he was almost asleep, the same situation finally happened. A ball of transparent "jelly" that was so blurry that it was almost invisible climbed onto the running equipment. Immediately afterwards, only a few inaudible arc beating sounds were heard, and the electromagnetic generator disappeared on the spot as if it had been wiped out by an invisible hand.

Mr. Summers raised his arm, and a stream of plasma suddenly shot out in the direction of the blurry pile of "jelly". Kelvin guessed that the engineer must have hidden his weapon in his sleeve.

However, now is not the time to worry about this kind of problem.

The plasma hit the "jelly", and the blurry shadow suddenly fluctuated, and then rushed towards the wall in the corner of the factory like a frightened animal.

Everyone chased after him and soon cornered the still unreal thing. However, it crashed into a security robot that came after hearing the news. The nearly two-meter-tall wheeled robot at the end immediately lost control and fired a series of stun bombs at everyone. After forcing everyone back, it smashed into the wall and flew towards the vast wilderness in the distance.

The robot ran very fast, so fast that it definitely exceeded the design limit of this thing. Before everyone could get back to their vehicles, they had already disappeared.

Fortunately, for those present, no matter how fast the thing runs, as long as it shows its shape, the traces it leaves cannot be concealed, and it is always easier to chase than a strange ghost.

"No matter what happens, I also adhere to the principle of conservation of energy." Summers told everyone: "The energy of that robot is limited. Even if a nanomachine can temporarily turn it into a solar panel, it will not be able to do much. Great effect! We can always drive it to a dead end."

"Have you determined that those are nanomachines? Why?" the reporter asked.

"Anyway, this is our only clue." Summers did not answer directly, but asked: "It's you, Miss Moen, who is a reporter for the Pioneer, and you don't want to know about the industrial development and workers nearby. I’m so interested in this typical treasure hunt story!”

"In the final analysis, I am a member of the Moen family after all." Taina Moen shrugged: "It's not that otherwise, I wouldn't exist."

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