Him and their stars

Chapter 83 Successful Assault

The landing craft Yu Lian and the others were on was not the first assault ship to complete the jump, or even the first landing craft to break through the enemy ship's armor, but it landed at the closest position to the bridge.

It is conceivable that this must be the focus of the Cathay people's defense.

When the assault tunnel opened, several stormtroopers rushed toward the exit. As soon as the first soldier rushed to the entrance of the passage, he was hit by a violent hail of bullets. The cosmic exodynamic skeleton of the Hussar is naturally bulletproof, but there is always a limit and it cannot withstand concentrated fire for a long time.

After taking a few steps forward, the heroic stormtrooper finally fell down.

The second soldier took a few steps forward, ran to the center of the passage, and threw two high-explosive grenades at the enemy inside. The loud noise of the bombing killed no one knew how many enemies were killed. However, he himself was ignited by the enemy's plasma cannonball, and was blown to pieces on the spot.

But the third one to rush into the passage was Major Diego Nani - the psychic warrior who drove the heraldic machine and was the "Pioneer Officer" of the second ring. He ran quickly and raised an alloy shield as big as a door panel. The transparent light curtain spread rapidly along the edge of the shield, forming an energy wall formed by brilliant light waves, almost covering the entire passage.

The Catai people on the opposite side seemed to have discovered something, and screamed hysterically, shooting wildly.

However, neither bullets nor cannonballs can break through the moving wall formed by spiritual energy. After hitting the light curtain, they lost their kinetic energy and deformed and fell to the ground.

"I'm so handsome! Oh ho ho!" Major Nani laughed in the communication channel and continued to charge with his shield on his head. The silver-white armor around him seemed to be smeared with a hint of fiery scarlet, and every step he took on the ground seemed to be stepping on a sea of ​​blood.

He alone blocked all the opponent's fire interceptions, and he was still advancing step by step.

Although they both upgraded from "Guard", with this skill alone, Major Nani, the senior "Second Ring", is much more beautiful than the newbie Qazi Khan. This is the fundamental gap caused by the experience, training and weapons of both sides!

"Charge! Charge! Charge!" Colonel Daisuke Shibato and Major Nani followed closely behind him, roaring like a charging prehistoric Tyrannosaurus Rex.

His body was also glowing with blood, and a triangular aperture composed of a psychic array under his feet was flickering vaguely.

The invisible spiritual energy turned into some kind of mysterious power and was injected into the bodies of all the surrounding warriors.

It was a "bloody road." The combat skills that can definitely be unlocked by the third ring "Trapper" are a type of domain psychic energy. When the awakened person unfolds it with his own body as the core, it will give all comrades within ten to one hundred meters the courage and fighting spirit to move forward, and at the same time strengthen their strength, physique and concentration... If the comrades They are already wearing powered exoskeletons that can strengthen themselves, which is equivalent to a second strengthening.

Although it sounds a bit unscientific, psychic energy is such an unscientific thing anyway.

No, when illuminated by this red halo, it wasn't just Major Nani who turned into an animal, a large number of stormtroopers wearing exoskeletons around him also started roaring. Although they all wore helmets and couldn't see their faces clearly, Yu Lian always felt as if sparks were spraying from their nasal cavities.

"Traumatize our enemies!" Colonel Zamen yelled again.

"Ravage them!" This time, the stormtroopers almost spit out fire from the visor windows of their helmets. Each one of them looked like a bull that had been drugged and saw a red cloth. Major Nani's psychic shield protected them. A desperate charge began.

Although there was a shield like a moving fortress, stray bullets still penetrated through the gaps in the halo and claimed the life of a stormtrooper. However, they were completely unaware of it. At present, they only had the idea of ​​moving forward and completely defeating the enemy. After paying the lives of seven or eight people, they finally poured out of the passage, turning the charge into a brutal hand-to-hand battle.

Amid the splashing blood and roars, and the impact of steel and flesh, the Catai people, as a fighting nation, retreated step by step. This is naturally the two most handsome guys on the battlefield - the two sets of heraldic machines and their internal operators.

At this time, Colonel Chaimen and Major Nani had thrown away their ugly and bulky space gliding pendants, revealing their gorgeous armors exclusive to psykers.

They jumped into the formation of a group of Cathay soldiers and were invincible wherever they went.

The horse-killing spear in Colonel Chaimen's hand was flicked and moved quickly, as fierce as thunder and as cunning as a poisonous snake. Every movement would always bring up a mass of flesh and blood and limb fragments.

Major Nani's actions were even more brutal. He smashed his shield with his axe, and even the armored Kaitai people couldn't survive a round, let alone those without armor - they would turn into a bloody mass on the spot. Mao cake.

Of course, the average individual combat power of humans is far from the opponent of the Cathays, but with power armor, this gap will be completely eliminated, and with the bonus of psykers, there will be an even greater qualitative difference.

Just three minutes after the fierce battle started, the battle was about to end. As the defenders, the Cathays directly left four times as many corpses as the attackers. Even the famous galactic fighting race could not bear such losses and began to gradually run out of supplies.

"It seems that there is no need for me to appear... In addition, your route is not wrong, right? Why are the methods of attack completely opposite?" Yu Lian thought, following Colonel Chaimen.

According to the instructions in advance, he had actually been following Chaimen and Nani, using his psychic energy to assist them and the entire army.

As a first-level "monk", except for the basic abilities that sensitive people can use, such as psychic impact, will materialization, psychic hands, psychic telekinesis, etc., he currently fully masters the psychic warfare There are three skills, "Steel Dance", "Stand Blink", and "Psychic Pulse".

The "Environmental Resonance" used to pinch the Bakugan in the ruins of the Enlightened One in Xinyumen was a leapfrog cast, and the price paid was that Yu Lian was in a state of powerlessness for up to twelve hours. Of course it doesn't count.

Similar situations in the future will not be included.

It’s obvious just by looking at the name, right? "Steel Dance" is a skill for controlling weapons; "Stand Blink" is a psychic dodge and charge skill that matches the pace; "Psychic Pulse" is simply an enhanced version of "Psychic Shock".

Look, there's one martial skill and one skill each. Very balanced, very well-rounded, very like a protagonist, right?

But no matter what, Yu Lian's psychic pulse can be regarded as the sharpest long-range combat skill in the team as a temporary partner with the two pure martial arts factions.

He thought for a while, and simply condensed the psychic pulse into a wave speed like a sharp blade. With a push, he passed through the crowd and blasted the head of a Kaitai officer more than thirty meters away into pieces. If the psychic impact cannot be so precise and can only be released in ripples, if you are not careful, you and the enemy will be blown away together.

That was a major, who should also be the commander of this defense force. With his death, Kai Tai Shinobi finally couldn't hold on any longer and began to flee.

The stormtroopers won the first stage of gang-hopping operations.

"Victory! Woo!" Major Nani raised his ax and started cheering, which attracted a large crowd of people to respond. At first glance, I thought it was a group of Stone Age barbarians who had just hunted a very large animal.

"How lucky you are! If the other party had a few psychics guarding here, we would be in trouble." Colonel Chaimen was a little lucky.

No, you would be really in trouble if the ones guarding here were a large group of battle robots that would self-destruct if they couldn't be defeated. However, starting from the empire and the alliance, it seems that they do not have much faith in the combat effectiveness of military robots, and the popularity rate is not too high. Furthermore, the automation on the space battleship is not as perfect as imagined. It would rather be possible to cram 60,000 to 70,000 people on one ship.

However, decades later, a large number of combat robots of various types have indeed joined the battlefield. This is probably because the scale of the war is getting bigger and bigger, and the big shots finally realize that leeks still take time to grow and are not used as cannon fodder.

While thinking about this problem that existed in his previous life, Yu Lian explained: "We have at least seven or eight successful landing points now, but how many psykers are there on this ship? Since it is impossible to visit every place To defend, of course we can only guard the bridge. This is the reason why you can only commit a thief for a thousand days, but there is no way to guard against a thief for a thousand days."

Colonel Chaimen felt that Yu Lian's words made sense, but he also felt that it was a bit strange for the big guy to be compared to a thief.

Everyone rested where they were, and some soldiers who charged too fiercely even gave themselves an injection of stimulant. When Yu Lian saw this scene, he opened his mouth to say something, but then realized it was not the right time, so he could only sigh silently.

The team moved towards the bridge as planned. Among them, everyone also destroyed the central consoles of two close-defense cannons, disabled at least ten turbo laser close-defense groups, killed a shield generator, and defeated a hundred-man troop that came to intercept. Finally, they met up with Lieutenant Colonel McMillan's troops near the scheduled assembly point, and also annihilated another security team of 100 people in a pincer attack.

At this time, it had been more than half an hour since everyone broke into the Iron Prince. Colonel Chaimen saw that there were nearly two hundred soldiers gathered around him. He looked at Yu Lian and saw that the latter nodded to him, so he made up his mind. , said sternly: "Then, the whole army attacks! Charge! Charge! Ignore the other targets! Our comrades are already supporting us! We must make good use of the opportunities they create for us!"

He actually had no contact with Colonel Rezlov, but he fully trusted his comrades.

This is indeed the case.

Yu Lian also found out after the fact. At this point in time, Colonel Rezlov's assault ship had been sunk. He was also the highest-ranking officer killed in the outer ring fleet in this battle. However, Lieutenant Colonel Price still led a considerable number of stormtroopers into the enemy ship, all the way towards the energy center of the Iron Prince, and indeed attracted the attention of quite a few enemies.

"I only want the enemy's bridge! The headquarters of the enemy's ship is located! Forward! Forward!" Colonel Chamon loudly encouraged everyone. The "blood path" under his feet has turned into "Eagle Strike", which is also one of the combat skills in the psychic field. The effect is to enhance the mobility, agility and perception of surrounding comrades, which is suitable for fighting while fighting.

Today is another handsome update.

In addition, it seems that there is no rescue, so I have to put it on the shelves on June 1st, which is Monday.

Everyone please continue to support.

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