Him and their stars

Chapter 815 A wave of offensive

As a result, the three predator warships finally landed on the plains of the northern foot despite intensive artillery fire before the morning sun rose.

It must be admitted that although the style of these armed merchant ships has been modified by the Marauder, the quality of the vector engines they are equipped with is really good, and they can actually support the huge mass of one million tons, smoothly. Landed. Immediately afterwards, the landing hatch at the stern of the ship opened immediately, and the first thing to rush out was twenty ferocious war machines supported by five pairs of road wheels.

There are only five pairs, but each road wheel is nearly a person tall, so the turret supported on the chassis becomes a huge firepower projection platform with a rail gun, two ion cannons, two four There are coupled Vulcan cannons, a low-altitude dual-purpose missile rack, and even a small deflection shield.

However, even with so much firepower packed into it, this tank is no more than four meters including the road wheels. It definitely utilizes the overall engineering to the extreme and can be called a genius design.

In fact, this multi-purpose chariot named Son of the Silver Heart is the last work of a talented Eero military engineer at the end of the Ero Empire era. Its overall engineering philosophy is not outdated even today, hundreds of years later.

This kind of tank can use five pairs of road wheels when moving on the ground, and can use vector engines to glide short distances. When encountering changeable terrain, it can also extend eight hydraulic legs to climb mountains and drill holes like a spider. cannot.

More importantly, due to its relatively flat body shape, the frontal projection is not too obvious, and it will not become a target like the humanoid mecha that can easily reach more than ten meters on the battlefield. It can even be effective in gang-hopping battles against large armors.

In short, with such a perfect weapon, even if it reaches the end of its life, you only need to rub the weapon, polish the armor and sew the engine, and you will be an invincible hero on the battlefield!

In everyone's imagination, the Marauder stormtroopers may be thoughtless greenskins wearing armor and carrying swords. In fact, they are indeed very reckless, but they are not brainless. If there is a durable and powerful weapon, I will not hesitate to use it.

These twenty "Sons of the Silver Heart" have been tinkered with and improved many times, and are now the F45 model. If it were used for a few more centuries, it should be infinitely close to the license plate number.

But even so, no one can deny the fighting power of these big guys. These twenty tanks are much larger than ordinary land combat heavy tanks, but they are certainly not cumbersome when moving. The drivers only slightly increased the engine power, and the speed of the chariot quickly increased. It only took more than ten minutes to open the formation, and then a burst of artillery fire was directed at the earthling firepower point closest to the landing point. pouring.

This position, equipped with at least four long-range ion cannons, immediately went silent.

Then, the mobile infantrymen who didn't wait for the predators caught up. The tank then took a step forward triumphantly, and began to advance towards Tulong with a noisy sound, just like a group of African elephants showing off their power in the wilderness of the African continent.

At this time, the predator infantry also rushed over with shouts.

It must be admitted that compared to other troll warlords, Warlord Sazaka is indeed a very enlightened person. Only 60% of the marauder warriors who accompanied him on the new Jade Gate Wilderness were Myshandar trolls. The rest of the races ranged from Laig giants, Torran tauren, Umba lion-faced people, and Wolfs. They range from Timberwolves to Nediadragons.

Needless to say, all of them are strong warrior races, but they are all willing to fight with the Sazaka Warlord.

At this time, Sazaka's glasses have been replaced by an eye patch, and he is wearing a gorgeous helmet from the cold weapon era. The bulletproof and energy-proof armor on his body is also painted in gold, and he is wearing a scarlet cloak. He put the Gatling cannon on his shoulder, held a double-blade machete in his right hand, and pointed the knife in the direction of Turon in the distance.

"Long live! Long live! Long live!" The soldiers roared wildly. The number of troops they gathered on the north side of Mount Kililuo was less than 7,000, but the momentum they unleashed was much more terrifying than the army of more than 100,000 sand people who had just broken through the mountain pass.

Dr. Warren, who was still on the ship, looked at the mighty army of his own through the screen, and at a glance he saw Warlord Sazaka standing on a small hill.

He didn't feel his blood was boiling, he just felt that his temporary boss should have lived in the Bronze Age, so that he would be able to become king with his bravery and natural performing personality.

Dr. Warren sighed: "Let's take off, return to the original route at a low altitude, reach south of the equator and then lift off."

He had already made up his mind to hide behind the red moon of Xinyumen when he returned to space. In this way, if the Earthlings' warships really come after them, it will be more convenient to have a cover when escaping.

As for Warlord Sazaka...Hey, this is all his choice. Of course, I can only watch him embark on a tragic journey.

One thing to say is that the Predator Legion was indeed very violent when they landed. In less than half an hour, they defeated two nearby Earth Army strongholds and completely razed those fortresses to the ground, finally giving the army a chance to advance. direction.

However, they did not immediately charge like wild boars that had tasted the sweetness. Instead, they formed a company unit on the spot, expanding the battlefield coverage to more than 20 kilometers.

After completing these actions, the sand people's army surged up like a tide, filling the gap.

By the time they launched their attack again, their attack method was very methodical.

"The Predators have been able to traverse the galaxy for thousands of years. The two major overlords and the famous overlords and generals in the past have never been able to completely eliminate them. There is a reason. Why does our official propaganda describe them as bloodthirsty and brainless savages? Simon Vayali, who was at the Turon headquarters, was amazed when he looked at the enemy offensive map on the map that looked like a raging storm.

Akinayama Hachiman pushed up his glasses and said doubtfully: "It's not normal."

"Is it abnormal? Oh, you mean the morale of the sand people army? Indeed, most of those guys are the remnants of the Tulon Battle and various gangs. In the past, when I saw more than one squad of guards patrolling outside, they would all be left alone. And to escape, now he actually has such fighting spirit. Drugs? No, it’s more likely to come from occult science." Simon said.

"Is there such a method?" Hachiman asked.

"As far as I know, there is indeed some... But if you have to brainwash hundreds of thousands of people, I'm afraid you have to get those mythical characters above the eighth ring. Moreover, the price/performance ratio is too low."

Hachiman nodded: "It's about the same as what I know."

Simon gave the other person a sympathetic look. Of course he knew that his comrade was actually a little obsessed with psychic powers. Apart from anything else, at least his attainments in theoretical knowledge are no less than those of most senior psykers of the third and fourth rings. However, such a group of people can't even touch the edge of awakening. This is probably life.

"You don't seem surprised?" Simonci asked.

"It's not surprising. The two satellites in the sky don't only have outer space defense functions. So many sand people poured out from their hiding places on the tundra plateau and the sand dunes further south and began to gather together. How could I not find it? They were willing to run away Come out, I am happy to see the result. I am even more happy to see the result when they charge towards our well-constructed position so bravely. If they don't come out, I will find a way to force them out." Hachiman pushed up his glasses.

Simon did hear the chill and cruelty in the other party's plain tone, and was slightly startled: "You, you want to..."

"Xinyumen is a place with great potential. Now that Yu Lian is ready to run the place smoothly, my job is to clean up the garbage as soon as possible."

Simon pondered for a few seconds, and then sighed: "Comrade Qiu Mingshan, if you do this, you will be infamy in history."

"But there are also achievements left behind. Besides, it's better than being a gangster or a mediocre military bureaucrat who can't leave his name in history, right?" Hachiman pushed up his glasses and returned to the topic: "The movements of the sand people were indeed what I expected. But what really surprised me was the reaction of the marauders. They have lowered all their forces, including the commander himself. Why is this?"

"To...capture Tulon?"

"They are forced by our orbiting satellite to land at the northern foot of Mount Kiliro. They are still five or six hundred kilometers away from Turung. No matter how brave the trolls are, even if they can really fight five of them, they may only be able to fight one or two. Can we defeat Tulong in one day?"

Simon Vayali suddenly understood.

Not to mention a day or two. If we hurry, Yulian's reinforcements will arrive at Xinyumen within twenty hours.

"In this case, wouldn't all the looters who landed be trapped in death?" Simon asked doubtfully.

"This is what I don't understand." Hachiman said: "Even if the commander of the other side is crazy, are all the military leaders crazy? Can't they see the danger in this? With more than 10,000 people, it is impossible for one person to be smart No one is there."

"Could that be... an internal conspiracy?" Simon thought of the nearly 200,000 sand people reinforcements 150 kilometers away from Tulong City.

At the beginning of the war, the city-state lords and tribal elders proposed to lead troops to the front line for reinforcements, but they were all declined by Akinayama Hachiman.

"The troops you command are the last barrier for Tulong and Xinyumen, and are also the last reserve force on the battlefield ahead. How can we move lightly? Everyone needs to rest and stay alert."

I don’t know if the other party understood it, but what is certain is that Hachiman’s statement of calling them the “Total Reserve Team” and the “Last Barrier” really moved them, or at least they acted very moved.

But no matter what, there are now 200,000 sand people stationed less than 150 kilometers away from Tulong. If there is any abnormal movement there, it is not said that Tulong can be captured, but it will definitely be able to block and cut off the traffic between the city and the front line. It is indeed a huge hidden danger.

"Don't worry, there won't be any trouble." Hachiman shrugged.

Seeing that Simon didn't understand why, he added: "You also said that we did a good job. Since there is no commotion at the airport, those sand people can't make a fuss either. Haha, if we hadn't come, there might have been There has already been a commotion. But now that we are here, we absolutely cannot make a commotion. Our youth club is like this. Isn’t it, Comrade Vayali?"

"...Comrade Qiu Mingshan, do smart people like you have the problem of being a Riddler?"

At this moment, in the Gray Dew Valley of Mount Kililo, the forward troops of the sand people had cleared away the ruins of the station and pass in front of them, and finally created a road that could be used by the army.

The sand people sorted out at least two thousand mutilated and unsightly corpses from the ruins. But such a tragic situation didn't seem to affect their emotions at all.

In this way, the army of sand people formed a long line along the valley road built by the people on earth, and swam to the north of the mountain.

And all of this was visible to the two people hiding in a gap in the rock top at the mouth of the valley.

Mr. Ash Fashbit, a ranger from the Alliance, and Ms. Taina Mohn, a reporter from the "Pioneer Newspaper", did not successfully return to Turon. When they drove their off-road vehicle to the entrance of Gray Dew Valley, they happened to catch up with the attack launched by the Sand People's vanguard. Both of them were psychics, but they had no intention of driving a civilian off-road vehicle to attack an army of tens of thousands, so they could only hide the vehicle in a cave near the entrance of the valley.

As the "cruising" Star Ring, Ash used his ability to hide the entrance of the cave. The two felt that waiting all the time was not an option, so they found a hidden high place and secretly observed the battle.

Ash looked at the sand people who were marching past the ruins of the outpost and whispered: "These sand people are a little abnormal."

"Abnormal? Very strong in combat?" Miss Moen asked curiously. After all, she is a civil rights reporter rather than a war reporter, and she is indeed not very familiar with the military - she is indeed a psyker, but who says that psykers must be familiar with military affairs?

In her opinion, although these primitive aborigines are armed and numerous, they are still a primitive aboriginal race. They are actually very powerful when they can break through the defense lines of the earth's people.

Okay, although it was obviously crushed with flesh, but in a war, wouldn't people have to die?

You must know that there are also a large number of indigenous races in the vast territory and colonies of the Alliance, and many of them look quite fierce. But once they encounter human military police, they behave no better than sheep.

In comparison, the Sand People are pretty good.

However, Yaxiu said: "The combat effectiveness... is really not that good. It is even not as good as it was during the Tulong incident."

The reporter lady glanced at the other party in confusion, and Ash smiled and explained: "At that time, the Sand People's army still had tanks and artillery. Although they were not even as good as the new recruits from the Alliance, they knew the basic operations. For the time being, they can still be regarded as technical arms. And now, these are worthy of praise for their bravery. But in fact, they are just typical rabble."

Miss Moen nodded in agreement: "But the mob will not be courageous."

"You are knowledgeable." Ash gave a thumbs up and praised the UI Bureau: "That's why I said they are not normal. Do you think it is drugs or psychic powers?"

"...I don't have any evidence. However, psychic energy is more likely."

"You can actually do this? Hundreds of thousands of people are brainwashed?"

"There are elders I know who can do it." Miss Taina said matter-of-factly.

Ash was shocked speechless by the opponent's Versailles.

"It's just that he shouldn't be so boring. And it's not worth the gain!" the reporter lady said again.

There was really no point in just guessing. The two of them continued to hide in the mountains and observe secretly. After all the sand people's army passed, they returned to the entrance of the valley and went to the cave to find the previously hidden off-road vehicle.

"...What's the next step? Although the sand people have passed through the canyon, the other side of the mountain must have turned into a battlefield. If you want to return to Tulong at this time, you have to cross the line of fire." Ya Xiu said.

The reporter lady did not answer, but looked at the skyline behind the mountains and fell into brief contemplation.

At this moment, it was already dawn, and the sun had already revealed a glimmer of light behind the horizon. But probably due to the fierceness of the battle, there were constant sounds of gunfire and explosions, flames burned the earth, and plasma melted iron and blood. These large-scale rays of light staggered and sprinkled into the sky, forming a heart-stopping white light. .

Ash added: "Of course, we can also return to the Twin Peaks. However, there will definitely be follow-up troops of the Sand People along the way, and the Marauders also left many troops in Shannan. As your bodyguard, I personally think that the safest way for us now is to hide in this cave and wait for everything to calm down. The behavior of the predators is the last act of madness, and the sand people's offensive will not last long. The earth's army will soon... "

Before he finished speaking, Miss Taina seemed to realize something, a glimmer of understanding flashed in her eyes, and she dragged Ash by the hand and rushed out of the cave.

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