Him and their stars

Chapter 824 The Stage of the Great Dramatist

Fortunately, the reporter's heart only beat a few times and returned to normal immediately, so fast that the reporter herself felt that this might be an illusion.

If you think about it more carefully, maybe it's because you were injured and used up all your energy, so it's not surprising that your body will have a stress reaction. After waiting here, let’s go back to China and receive a comprehensive physical examination.

This time, with the sound of footsteps, two figures wearing composite power suits appeared from the aisle.

They were two upright and young twin girls, no more than sixteen or seventeen years old, with light steps and youthful beauty. Although she is wearing a military aerospace power suit, a bulging defensive vest, and a gun on her back, she still looks like a high school girl who is doing military cosplay - of course, the kind that can be done in any middle school. The beautiful girl running for school doesn't look dangerous at all.

However, I don't know why, when Miss Taina saw them appearing, her heart that had just been steady for two seconds started beating again.

However, it was obviously the first time for her to see these two people.

Miss Taina Moen looked at the beautiful twin girls suspiciously and confirmed again that this was the first time they met.

At this time, the girl standing on the left with her ponytail slicked at an angle seemed to feel her gaze and turned to face his gaze. She clearly had a lively, youthful and lovely smile on her face, and her eyes were as clear and pleasant as a tranquil lake. But there seemed to be a huge whirlpool hidden in the lake.

The reporter's mouth felt a little dry for a while, and she couldn't even feel her heartbeat.

Fortunately, those eyes only glanced at him, and then stopped at the dying sand citizen.

"Is this the real owner?" the girl asked.

"Check it out," Yu Lianda said.

"Indeed, this person's mental fluctuations are normal." Another girl said. This girl has a very orthodox ponytail on the back of her head, and she looks more calm and dignified than her sisters.

"Isn't it normal?" the girl with side braids asked.

"It's only normal that it's not normal. You've been beaten so badly, how can you be normal?"

The twin girls nodded and immediately started working. The lively girl with a sidelong ponytail took out a weapon that looked like a large brush, tapped the sandman on the forehead, and then punched him twice in the stomach. The upright girl with a ponytail began to draw a large circle on the surrounding ground, clicked on a few runes, then took out the yellow paper runes and inserted them with chopsticks.

This picture does look a bit funny, but everyone present is knowledgeable and can vaguely see that this should be a quite exquisite psychic array. The overall structure should be used to stabilize the spirit and restrain the spirit body. But it’s hard to see the finer details. For example, let's take the core of the array structure, and let's take the yellow paper, which looks like a Noble Phantasm, but it looks like it's made of ordinary paper, but it can actually have the effect of forming an array.

Of course, these days, spiritual (meow) cultivators with a little bit of historical heritage and prestige have their own extraordinary understandings. Some unique mystical knowledge is even regarded as a strategic resource and protected by the country. It’s okay if you don’t understand it. normal.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yu Lian was already talking with great interest to the robot over there that was almost scrapped.

"Are you Mr. Summers from the Engineers' Guild? I've heard of your name for a long time, but I haven't been able to meet you for a long time. Doesn't it seem rude of me? Well, is it more rude for me to talk to you in this state? Is it rude?"

The blue light on the robot's head flashed, and a stick-reading electronic sound came out: "You are joking. I won't be bound by the skin of the world, so it is great to chat like this."

Yu Lianyu was delighted: "So, what is your current principle? Mental transfer, artificial intelligence."

"Please don't make any misunderstandings." The robot said solemnly with a stick: "This principle is the same concept as the stealth game, nothing more."

Yu Lian chuckled in his heart, thinking that if (in his previous life) I had seen the famous scene where you brought hundreds of nano-war robots to kill a snakehead and mad scientist from the Thirteenth Workshop, I might Just believe it.

However, hundreds of war robots can be counted as your body, but your spirit has not split into cyberpsychosis. From this perspective, Mr. Summers’ soul is actually stronger than most psychic masters. To be healthy, we must be firm.

"Sneaking into the game! What a pity. I originally thought this was a revolutionary technological advancement."

Summers said: "Sir Yu has some connections with this organization. You may also know that we are cautious about technology. Experimental technology can only stay within the scope of small-scale experiments. Hope you understand."

"I understand, I understand." Yu Lian said that he knew the nature of your brotherhood very well. If you want to be friends and help fight in the field, you can, but it is difficult to achieve full technical cooperation. If you want to gain the trust of the Brotherhood, you still need to do a lot of work.

"When everything is over, how about we find a chance to have a few drinks together?" Yu Lian asked again.

"There's nothing wrong with waiting until the work is completed." Summers said: "I hope we can all complete the work successfully."

The guy seemed to agree, but he didn't seem to agree completely. Who says that people majoring in science and engineering don’t take emotional intelligence courses?

At this time, the twin beautiful girls had completed all the work. Ganjiang drew a rather complex circular array on the side of Black Blade Base Tower, while Moye carved several seals on Sha Min's body.

At this time, the spiritual array also began to rotate.

"It's done! Uncle Master, I guess, after such a long time, if there is really a mastermind behind it, he will have already escaped if he could. However, this kind of God-suppressing Array can stabilize this guy's soul and repair his spirit. "Mo Xie said.

"This is the first time I know that the mind can be repaired." Yu Lian smiled.

"No, mental damage is still irreversible. Severe mental damage is much worse than serious physical injuries. However, through our healing, we can at least minimize the traumatic response. We can also treat those who have been subject to mind control and consciousness. The implanted person eliminates most of the sequelae and allows them to return to a normal life." Gan Jiang said: "This is the soul healing method developed by Uncle Taishi, and it can be regarded as the secret of our spiritual seminar."

This is reasonable. After all, Grandma Mei also provides mental defense training to dignitaries, and is very accomplished in this area.

It turns out to be the famous spiritual seminar! Is it possible that these two twins are the most outstanding twins among the third generation of the Spiritual Research Society? Miss Moen's eyes lit up, and the reporter's soul began to burn.

The second generation of the Lingyan Society is famous throughout the world as the "Seven Sons of Lingyan", while the number of core disciples of the third generation has reached double digits, and it is said that there are still many talents. Looking at this development momentum, the Spiritual Research Society, which was founded only half a century ago, is indeed developing into a "millennium-old sect" that will shock the universe.

Of course, up to now, most of the third-generation disciples are underage and have never traveled around the world, so naturally they are not well-known to the outside world. But since he is a "child of a famous family", he cannot remain anonymous in this world.

Well-informed people like Taina Mohn even figured out their code names.

"I should be able to interview them, right?" You know, there are many people and forces interested in the third generation of the Spiritual Research Society.

Although the "Pioneer" where the reporter works is a left-wing civil rights newspaper, after all, it is still a newspaper that needs to be responsible for its own profits and losses, so it still has traffic requirements.

Miss Tanah Moon quickly put aside Yulian's accusations of digging her own grave. She arranged her hair, showed a standard business smile, stood up and wanted to touch the recorder and camera, but when her two hands stretched out from her pocket, one hand The magical talisman in his other hand was actually an ion salt bomb.

This is a real ion salt bomb, and it is different from the props used in Ash's magic trick. The reporter didn't know why she was so sure, but she was really sure of this.

When did I have this thing on me? She was stunned and just wanted to drop the thing, but found that she could do nothing. Her body seemed to have been controlled by invisible strings from outside the dimension. Every limb, even every joint, no longer obeyed her will.

The eldest daughter of the Moen family watched helplessly as her "own hands" took care of removing the bomb. But at this time, except for Ash next to him who was so shocked that his face turned pale, no one noticed his actions, and no one could stop him.

Everyone, run away quickly! She really wanted to say this, but no sound came out of her mouth.

However, in the next moment, the vision in front of her eyes was completely covered by the sudden white light. Everything she witnessed within her field of vision was covered in sharp light, and at that moment, she was completely deprived of not only vision, but also hearing, touch, and even the complete perception of time and space.

At this last moment, the ice-snow and smart Miss Taina Morn had realized that she had been implanted with some kind of spiritual suggestion at some point, but she had an inexplicable sense of superiority.

Very good! That person has been prepared!

Miss Taina lost consciousness like this, but she did not completely lose consciousness. At this time, the battle taking place in her conscious space had already begun.

"Haha, sure enough, Black Blade Gita and Miss Reporter have become your puppets! What is this, fighting each other?" Standing in the inner universe of the consciousness structure, Yu Lian seemed to be standing tall Like a god in the void. Then, he solemnly raised his middle finger to the void.

"The big bullies the small! Mr. Great Dramatist, you are also a snake-headed person after all. You are an upright and decent person. You actually use such methods to two juniors. Don't you think it's embarrassing?"

No one was answering him, and the entire infinite space was silent, which made him feel a little embarrassed for a moment. Of course, Yu Lian had always felt that as long as he was thick-skinned, he would not be the one who was embarrassed. Anyway, in this void space of consciousness, no one would know anything he did.

Even the twin masters and nieces who are running this soul-soothing psychic array should not be able to see it. At most, they can only feel their own emotional changes.

They are all smart and good girls. When their emotions fluctuate abnormally and violently, they can think that they are in danger and can pull themselves back directly.

"It doesn't matter if you can't catch the mastermind behind the scenes. The first thing is to ensure safety." This is what the general said to Yu Lian while everyone was still on the landing craft discussing tactics.

"Yes, Grand Master and Master have taught us that we must follow nature and let nature take its course." Mo Xie also said: "Our primary goal is to drive away the enemy and protect the New Jade Gate, and the secondary goal is to protect that You can slowly investigate the remains of the Enlightened One and the mastermind behind it, there is no need to risk your life."

"I thought that our primary target was the ruins of the Enlightened One, and our secondary target was the New Jade Gate." Yu Lian said deliberately.

"Both the Grand Master and the Master have said that one's fate depends on heaven. Although we in the Spirit Research Association are Taoist disciples and pay attention to letting nature take its course, this is different from being arrogant and cold-blooded and indifferent," Mo Xie said.

"Work hard and accept the results calmly. This is how to let nature take its course." Gan Jiang added.

My nieces and nephews are all good girls! However, because of this, if he fails to find out the mastermind behind the scenes, he really can't let things take their own course.

So, Yu Lian continued: "It's just that for Black Blade Gita, you induced all his potential. You activated him to the third ring in the shortest time, and infused him with combat knowledge. Through spiritual suggestion, you guided him to become The new leader of the Sand People rebels, let him happily become your tool. I know that you have this method of ripening psykers, although this is at the cost of the life of the person concerned. Black Blade Kitta may survive It won't be a few months, but at least he still firmly believes that he is the son of destiny. At least before he dies, he will be happy and can happily be your tool."

He shrugged and expressed a little regret for the fate of the sand people: "But, for this reporter lady, even a snakehead like you doesn't dare to go too far. So, just here with her She left a spiritual suggestion as a beacon, letting her be your eyes and ears. I guess if you get what you want, you will eliminate her beacon, so that you can pretend that nothing happened. Passed. Tsk tsk tsk, look at your virtue of bullying good and fearing evil. Aren't you the eldest lady of the Moen family? Wouldn't a real evil person be more excited? A real eldest lady would not do this or that. Do you have the nerve to say that you are a villain even though you are playing a three-way game?"

Having said that, if he didn't respond, he would really look very half-baked. As a result, a blurry mist formed a twisted figure at the end of the space, and then a low, hoarse and depressing voice came out. The pronunciation was obviously very vague, but it could be heard clearly. This full boss aura suddenly appeared. It's obvious.

"Actually, it doesn't need to be said too much. I still worked very hard to set up this stage. We are really just a peaceful association, no different from any conflict with any powerful political entity. As long as you don't know, Moen The family doesn’t know, and the alliance doesn’t know either.”

Well, of course, the content is quite realistic, so it’s not villainous at all.

Yu Lian taunted unscrupulously: "How many puppets have you left in Xinyumen? Instead of calling you Mr. Dramatist, I might as well call you Puppet Master. Let me guess, you are possessed. There are so many dolls just to trigger a great turmoil that affects the entire planet. What is the purpose? Could it be said that this is all to solve the prerequisites of this ruins? "

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