Him and their stars

Chapter 828 We still need to do business with the empire

Just after getting off the airship, Akinayama Hachiman came to greet Yu Lian. A total of three armored vehicles came. So, Yu Lian got into Hachiman's car without taking off his coat of arms, and the twin beautiful girls got into the other car.

As for the rest of the friends, the reporter and international friends like Ash were naturally sent to the hotel to rest, while Major Winter and his men rushed back to the battlefield outside the city to prepare for the final battle.

After getting in the car, the two old classmates who hadn't seen each other for a long time did not exchange greetings and went straight to the topic.

"According to the intelligence analysis you just sent, the target is the room in Building B of Tulong Ocean Style Hotel, opposite the Tulong Central Square. However, to be on the safe side, we have carried out a comprehensive survey of the seaside area where we are located within three minutes. Blockade. The Mediterranean Avenue where the hotel is located has even deployed a double blockade," Hachiman said.

"...Ocean-style hotel? Well, the decoration of the room is indeed very Mediterranean style. But, what the hell is this ocean-style hotel in this damn place like Xinyumen?"

Akinayama Hachiman felt that there must be something wrong with this guy's focus, but he was now the highest military officer on the planet and the boss of the "illegal assembly" organization he belonged to, so he decided to pretend that he hadn't heard anything and pushed it aside seriously. Pushing up his glasses, he said: "It's just that Linhai District is a very important business district in Tulong. There are a large number of high-end hotels, consumer places, and branches of large enterprises in the New World."

"What kind of high-end shopping place is there in Tulong? Do you know there is no such market?" Yu Lian shrugged: "Before Zixinhui Group opened a food processing factory, didn't it inspect the market and want to open a Huihe restaurant here? Really? In the end, it was just a wild bird."

Huihe is a well-known high-end chain restaurant in the world. Young bourgeois like to save the first half of their salary and then go somewhere to order cold dishes and check in. As for Quebuck, it is a very ordinary coffee shop for mass consumption - of course, it has always been promoted as a very tasteful and cultural consumption place, so it has recently been occupied by the little bourgeoisie.

The above two are all brands of Zixinhui Group.

Akinayama Hachiman explained: "That was before. At least since the Tulong incident, the security of Xinyumen has improved a lot. Various industries are also developing, and the population is indeed increasing. Moreover, some emerging capital is interested in Xinyumen The investment in the door has also brought in a lot of hot money.”

Having said this, Hachiman looked at Yu Lian again and repeated: "Emerging capital from our country. Of course, many transnational hot money is also very interested in us."

Yu Lian thought, what does this have to do with me?

"In short, in the past two years here, there are still many large companies setting up branches in Tulong. I hope this invasion of predators will not affect the subsequent development of the planet." Akinayama Hachiman said.

Yu Lian was very confident: "Now that we have arrived in the New World, we cannot expect that the public security can be compared with that of the mainland. The representatives of major companies stationed here are not the kind of white-collar clerks who have never seen the world. There are more people killed on the planet than serial killers. Rather than saying a branch, it is more like a pioneer in a wilderness. As long as there are mines underground on this planet, and spices and other special agricultural products can be grown, It can be developed. In comparison, the ability we showed in the first battle to protect the safety of the planet and Tulon City will make outside investors feel more reassured."

In short, due to the increase in the number of companies and institutions, several high-end office buildings were built in Linhai District and began operations last year. The Governor's Office even moved the industrial and commercial offices to this area to facilitate handling of business nearby. Then, there were also thoughtful investors who opened some consumption places with the attitude of giving it a try. Then, this city near the inland sea gradually became prosperous.

"When the news of the raiders' invasion came, most of the company employees and representatives here evacuated, but some still stayed, saying that because the work was not completed, there was no reason to desert."

Yu Lian clicked his tongue in surprise: "We are all part-time workers, why are you so desperate?"

"People don't think that they are working, but that they are serving their master with passion." Akinayama Hachiman sighed: "That person is a senior manager of the Royal Canaan Merchant Group, and he has the status of an imperial noble. of."

Yu Lian thought to himself, what the hell is this unlucky thing that is still lingering around?

This is an imperial royal enterprise. The emperor owns half of the shares, and the remaining eight elected emperors share the remaining half equally. This is also the largest trade and transportation giant in the universe. It controls tens of thousands of armed merchant ships of all sizes. It ranks alongside the Alliance's Poseidon Ship Group as the two elder brothers in the galactic shipping industry.

Of course, Yu Lian knows that this company has never been a serious company that abides by the law. There are many behind-the-scenes operations that are worth a thousand cuts. It is the gray glove of the empire.

Moreover, the current executive chairman of the board of directors of the Canaan Business Group is King Tamil, who is also the most amiable and wealthy among the eight elected emperors. But Yu Lian also knew that this guy was full of bad guys. He clearly claimed to be a businessman and had been the finance minister for ten years during the Queen's era. However, during this period, can you believe the intelligence director who worked part-time for nearly three years?

To elect an emperor in a dignified manner, but to condescend to become a spy chief, must not be a serious election to be an emperor!

You can imagine what the style of the Canaan business group managed by this kind of guy is like.

I remember that during the last Tulon Incident, the Imperial Canaan Merchant Group asked a Cathay employee to do something small. But although that guy was a Cathay, he was an imperial noble. Although he only had the lowest knighthood that could not be hereditary, he was still an imperial noble after all, and he was also a retainer of King Tamil.

"Comrade Qiu Mingshan, the Canaan Chamber of Commerce has long-term trade cooperation with Xinyumen. To put it bluntly, they are basically responsible for transporting the grain, spices, and minerals we sell from the colonies of the opposite empire, right?"

"That's right." Akinayama Hachiman pushed up his glasses.

"It's just that a senior manager and a nobleman with a hereditary title is in Xinyumen at this juncture. What do you think?"

"There must be something fishy at this time." Qiu Mingshan pushed up his glasses again and said seriously: "I estimate that if the target is really the master of mental manipulation you mentioned, this senior manager might be the one who gave him the gift. Where is one of the trump cards you kept to get out?"

"How do you say it?" Yu Lian asked.

"This Baron is actually considered a local celebrity. In the past six months, he has visited Xinyumen five times, and every time he talked and laughed with local senior officials and celebrities. In the name of the Canaan Business Group, he also Tulong made several investments and bought a private house in Tulong. The location is also in the seaside area, just two streets away from the Ocean Style Hotel."

Yu Lian probably understood.

Then, when he and Qiu Mingshan and others rushed to the scene, they were shocked to see a well-dressed and elegant middle-aged gentleman standing in front of the city's central square and the checkpoint on Mediterranean Avenue, together with a group of armed men. The soldiers faced off.

Although this gentleman was unarmed, the soldiers certainly did not dare to point their guns at him. On the one hand, he has already revealed his identity as a senior representative of a multinational shipping group with a title, which has a certain diplomatic status. On the other hand, there was a crowd of people waiting around him, about a dozen of them. Just looking at their arrogant expressions and postures, you can tell that they must be the upper class of this city.

Yu Lian glanced around and found that besides Simon, among the officers present who could speak, there was Feifei, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

With Feifei here, the scene should not be completely out of control.

No, Feifei had an impeccable business smile on her face and was patiently saying something to the imperial gentleman. But although the latter also smiled and looked neither humble nor arrogant, he kept shaking his head and saying something.

There seemed to be a Governor Jiang among the crowd behind him, but the local chief executive's face was livid, but his eyes were full of bewilderment.

He should obviously be the protagonist in every situation, but here he seems like a sidekick with no sense of presence.

"So why is Mr. Governor here? Hasn't he always stayed at the airport and wanted to live and die with the colonial people?" Yu Lian was suddenly surprised.

"After the war has stabilized, I will unblock the airport." Hachiman said: "Governor Jiang is actually a smart person. He saw the cannons outside the city going off all night but did not hear the strong ones at close range, so he guessed that it was After we win, we are ready to return to the Governor's Mansion and resume normal business."

Where can there be any serious official business at this time?

Of course, as long as he returns to his desk and poses for a photo, wouldn't it be natural to establish his image as an excellent politician who is not afraid of danger and can command decisively? People like Governor Jiang who are full of mission for their own work will definitely not let go of such a good opportunity.

"Then it was blocked? Isn't the Governor's Palace on the west wing of the square?"

"Yes, but Mr. Governor also has a private residence in Linhai District. According to Mr. Woolley, he plans to go back to his villa to change clothes, rest, and feed the cats..."

Feed the cat? What kind of cat are you feeding? Yu Lian wanted to laugh a little: "Then, where is Mr. Bernard Woolley, the chief secretary of the New World Sector?"

"He is the leader of the civil service system, and of course he is coordinating at the Governor's Mansion now. He said that since it is a war, the civil service systems in Tulong and Xinyumen will fully cooperate with all orders issued by the military supervisor."

"Haha, let him be more cooperative." Yu Lian sent a list of names to Akinayama Hachiman: "Send it to Mr. Woolley for review and ask him to cooperate in the arrest."

Hachiman didn't say much. He glanced at the list, hid the fluctuations in his eyes behind his glasses, and then went to make arrangements.

After Yu Lian finished explaining the details, he strode towards the cordon. As soon as he appeared in everyone's sight wearing a coat of arms, he immediately became the most handsome guy on the scene.

At this time, outside the cordon, there was of course a large group of reporters taking photos. When they discovered Yu Lian, they immediately swarmed over like sharks smelling blood, but were immediately stopped by the soldiers.

Yu Lian is an officer, not a politician, and not a star. At his level, he really doesn't need to worry too much about media relations.

However, some of these reporters looked vaguely familiar, but before Yu Lian could take another look to confirm, Mr. Governor had already shouted loudly: "Colonel! Colonel Yu Lian!"

He strode towards Yu Lian, but when he saw the loaded mobile infantry on the cordon, he took a few steps back angrily.

If they were soldiers of the New Yumen Guards, Mr. Governor asked himself how influential he still was and how capable he was of commanding people. But if it were these people, it would be very troublesome. However, these people are not the garrison, but are Marine Corps reinforcements from the mainland, and they only recognize the orders of the Tulon Command and the Theater Command.

Mr. Governor looked at Yu Lian helplessly, feeling a little pitiful for no reason, which made Yu Lian feel a little unbearable, so he strode up.

As she and Feifei passed each other, the girl said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "The rest of the people are at various intersections. There are at least three people at each intersection, there are heraldic machines, and early warning drones are also arranged. "

Yu Lian nodded and greeted the Governor with a bright smile. The latter also quickly squeezed out a smile and greeted him. He wanted to shake hands, but then he realized that the other person was wearing a mecha and now he only reached the other person's chest. He really wanted to get close to him. It would definitely look awkward, so he quickly stood on the spot and retracted his hand, saying with a straight face: "Oh, Colonel, my old friend, this is not very polite. Why do you want to block the seaside area? This is against the rules. ah!"

Me, seal off the coastal area?

"Yes, Major Li said it was your order. Without you, she does not have the authority to open the ban."

Yu Lian couldn't help but glance at Feifei from the corner of his eye, but the girl was already looking at the sky with her head tilted.

Well, a qualified leader must learn to take the blame. Yu Lian looked like he was not ashamed but proud. He raised his head and said proudly: "Yes, this is exactly the order issued by the subordinate!"

You are so arrogant! The corner of Mr. Governor's mouth twitched, but he still managed a smile: "Colonel, look at the situation now? Isn't the war over? Moreover, how can the Linhai District be closed down? This, no matter what, here Those who live and work here are all genuine business people, and they are important guests of our country. Colonel, no matter what, in our New World sector, we still have to do business with the Empire."

Yu Lian felt that these words sounded familiar, and his blood pressure rose inexplicably, but he still nodded with a smile: "I understand, I understand, I'm coming right now? But, this is also to protect you!"

As he spoke, he looked at the two nieces and nephews who were following him.

The two sisters, Gan Jiang and Mo Xie, are now on the same compass, and they look like they are used to rob tombs. The general looked at the pointer on the compass and shook his head slightly at Yu Lian.

Then, Yu Lian came to the imperial gentleman, who was said to be the senior manager of the Canaan Chamber of Commerce. The latter showed an elegant but not sharp smile without being humble or arrogant. He doesn't look like a businessman and then a scholar. This is actually not surprising. Characters such as "Confucian businessman" are actually quite useful.

However, when he looked closer, he saw that although this guy was much younger than he remembered, he actually knew him. Isn't this Baron Mintar Blinka, who was nicknamed "Three Feet Off" after serving as governor of New Paris for three years during the occupation of the previous life?

Tsk tsk tsk, even though he is only a minor figure in history, he is still a historical figure after all!

What is the saying? Names may lie, but nicknames never lie. The so-called "three feet away" means that wherever he is, he will be three feet away from the ground. Naturally, he is three feet away from the sky.

A bureaucrat with this kind of background may not understand civil affairs, construction, or development, but he must know how to plunder.

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