Him and their stars

Chapter 830 Isn’t it better to kneel down and beg for food?

A gloomy corridor, dimly lit and empty, only the deep and suppressed sound of wind seemed to be beating. The small door at the end of the corridor seemed to be surrounded by gloomy mist. The porch was obviously very close to me, but it seemed far away to the senses, as if no matter how hard I walked, I couldn't reach it. However, before everyone arrived, the door opened automatically without any wind.

One thing to say, this scene does have a bit of a horror movie feel to it. As a result, everyone seemed a little nervous. The twin sisters who were born into a famous family also walked a little heavier than usual, holding the talisman paper in their pockets with both hands; Meng Jiao, who had experienced many battles, had already held the big sword in his hand, but opened the talisman with his other hand. Trin's Insurance.

The only one who was relatively calm was probably Feifei, whose mood had no obvious ups and downs from beginning to end. Of course, she had been following Yu Lian, one hand holding the lightsaber and the other still holding a portable camera to film. To say that she has a high emotional intelligence, she is always paying attention to her very promising job as a reporter and publicity officer with the army; to say that she has a low emotional intelligence, she is using Yu Lian as a shield.

Of course, all of the above is actually everyone’s imagination. There is no way, as long as normal people know that there may be a powerful spiritual psyker hiding in the room opposite, they will naturally make up for it.

But in fact, in Yu Lian's perception and sight, everything at the scene was calm. The other party is obviously a six-ring saint who can derive his will to any area of ​​the planet through spiritual markers, but he doesn't even have any illusions.

With so many flaws, there must be something fishy! The plan is so big that it’s terrifying to think about it carefully!

"It really doesn't have to be like this." The voice behind the door seemed to have a hint of helplessness: "I swear to the spirit of the universe, my star position and my ancestral name, I really don't have any ill intentions now. So, God's Chosen Champion, come here Talk to me openly and honestly.”

Mr. Kaneu, the great dramatist, is a native of Tuka. This is a (relatively) peaceful and docile race with a love of art, science, and conservation, as well as a tradition of ancestor worship. Overall, the moral level of the entire population is above the average of all intelligent races. Since he swore by his ancestors, it should be more credible.

As a result, Yu Lian walked straight to the gate with a step that he didn't recognize his relatives.

Of course, the friends behind him were still more cautious and stood by the door, ready for battle. As for outside the hotel, it seems to be even more tense. Ina and Simon had adjusted their breathing to the state of preparing for a sniper kill, and the commandos led by Colonel Chaimen were also ready to rush in at any time at several entrances and exits.

In short, Yu Lian did hear a burst of noise from the headset, with various instructions and shouts coming in an endless stream. Although it was a bit chaotic, overall it was still orderly.

He looked at the Tuka people sitting in the room. With a warm smile that has lasted for years on his face, he slowly placed the refreshments on the table, made a gesture to Yu Lian to sit down, and then used skillful movements to twist out some tea leaves and rub them gently. Put it into the tea cauldron and put it on a low fire to start the first process of making tea.

Well, the Tuka people are actually a subhuman race that is genetically very similar to humans. Their digestive systems are also very similar to humans. They also have the habit of drinking tea, and they have also formed a tea ceremony culture with their own national characteristics.

It must be admitted that purely in terms of tea ceremony skills, this guy is much more pure than Liuli, and he can already be regarded as a professional.

"Hojicha is the specialty of our Tuka people. Moreover, I am not just blowing my mouth. In this field, I should be very knowledgeable. Since you are here, you have to taste it." He smiled kindly: "Before A little unhappiness can be completely blown away. However, about the future of this planet, and...the future of you and the organization, we can actually talk about it while tasting it!"

He raised his head and glanced at the expressionless Yu Lian, then added: "If after we finish talking, you are still full of prejudice against me, then it's not too late to take action!"

In short, he now seemed to be a pacifist exuding divine light from the inside out, looking as if he was ready to swell Yu Lian's fist with his face. In this way, the latter's extreme measure of using all the psykers and remaining mobile forces of Xinyumen to blockade the entire neighborhood seemed a bit funny.

Yu Lian calmly sat down opposite him and said with a smile: "Okay, let's have a chat for now. As the highest security officer on this planet, my request is that the ground within my jurisdiction can be restored as soon as possible. Restore order and prosperity. Well, as the mastermind behind this incident, I can promise that as long as you are willing to lay down your arms, surrender, and accept a fair trial, you will naturally not suffer any harm. After all, you are still a decent person, so I am also happy Treat you civilly."

Mr. Kainyu has completed the roasting process. He put the tea leaves, which were roasted so close to carbon powder, into warm water, slowly stirred them evenly, and then added a splash of boiling water. Immediately, the powdered tea leaves disappeared into the boiling water, and suddenly showed a deep and layered brilliant red color, like a flame dancing in the water.

Yu Lian knew that this guy was using the top quality 'Fire Beard Tea', a rare tea grown on the planet Tuka. Only the best of this kind of tea can produce such a gorgeous effect.

"Look, Colonel, what a gorgeous color this is. Before I roasted the Huoxu tea leaves into powder, it was obviously a drought-tolerant plant that grew in the rock walls of our hometown, Tuka. After all, it had been growing close to life all its life. In the wilderness of the restricted area. However, without us, how would it know that when it merges into the boiling water, it will become such a perfect cup of 'fire of life'?" Kainuo looked directly at Yu Lian, The silver diamond-shaped eyes, which are almost integrated with the whites of the eyes, exude an elegant and wise light, like a wise man who has overcome the world and achieved great enlightenment.

Yu Lian nodded, then picked up the cup and poured the "Fire of Life" that could sell for at least four figures into the other person's face, like throwing a burning flame.

Then, he was satisfied to see obvious surprise on Mr. Cannew's face. This was probably the first time he had shown such a gaffe.

Of course, as a sixth-level psyker, even if he is seriously injured, he will not really be washed by tea. Those "flames" were bounced off by the automatically raised force field shield and splashed into the corners of the room.

However, what is interesting is that even if such a change occurs, the friends outside the room still have no reaction.

Mr. Cannew showed a helpless expression, took out a delicate handkerchief and wiped his face that was not stained by any tea, then took out another handkerchief and wiped the table, and then said: "Oh, I originally gave my heart to the bright moon, However, the bright moon shines on the ditch..."

He spoke Chinese with a clear accent, which made Yu Lian suddenly get goosebumps. He said angrily: "Speak well! Riddler, get out of the universe!"

"Okay, okay, as you wish." The great dramatist muttered, probably complaining about someone's barbaric behavior, but in the end, he just sighed helplessly: "I It means that although we had some unpleasantness before, it does not mean that we must be enemies in the future. Of course, a person's position will be affected by his own innate factors. Country, race, family and even the status at birth , however, we must also take into account the historical process and the process of self-struggle.”

"Well, that's a good thing to say." Yu Lian nodded: "Every era has no shortage of pioneers who betray their own class, but there are always not enough pioneers in every era! This is why you put Taina ·Is it because of the little bit of passion in Miss Moen’s heart? I didn’t expect that you are also a potential comrade!”

Kainyu felt as if he understood, but he didn't seem to understand anything. This experience was really new to him. However, the Sixth Ring Saint's intuition told him that if he really understood everything, it would be very dangerous, so he coughed quickly and got down to business: "Anyway, how about talking about cooperation? About that remains."

Yu Lian smiled: "Oh, ruins. Sure enough, that's where you snakes came from! But now, you are a terrorist who is about to become a prisoner. Shouldn't you be thinking about finding a large group of famous lawyers to help you escape?" Is it a sin? You still want to go to that place?"

The other party also smiled: "It's not the organization, but me personally. Ms. 'Now' is indeed cooperating with the Khan of the Ero people to a limited extent, but each member can also have their own way of cooperation, but how to deal with it This relic is my job, and it is my decision. I am qualified to decide who to continue to cooperate with."

Yu Lian said "haha": "Really? I don't believe it."

"The Snake of the World is actually just a loose club organization with no program, no discipline, no purpose, and no obvious hierarchy. Everyone has their own areas of responsibility, and they only join in when they need to complete some great tasks. We will occasionally get together to cooperate and execute. The ruins of the Enlightened Ones buried on this planet are the areas I am responsible for." He shrugged.

"Oh, is it true? But I still don't believe it." Yu Lian showed two rows of big white teeth: "If the future father-in-law asks you to go to Xiang, you will not dare not to go."

Mr. Kainyu pretended that he had not heard anything and continued: "Yes, we are just a group of like-minded clubs that have fun together. We exchange resources and information, and at the same time we have a stable platform for cooperation. Compared to your club that holds reading meetings every week and submits study reports every month, we are the real club. Of course, it is also suitable for people like us..."

Yu Lian interrupted the other party and said: "Our youth club not only holds reading clubs every week but also submits study reports. In the future, there will also be internship inspection reports. Why, are you interested too? But starting from today, the club's membership rules It needs to be changed. New members must have an old member who has been a member for more than three years as an introducer, and must be approved by the district branch."

"Isn't it only two years since your club was established? Don't you only have the Solar System Branch, the Lumina Branch and the New World Branch now?" Mr. Kainew couldn't help but said.

"Hey, the information is still very well-informed. Therefore, we will not accept new members until next year. If you want to join the membership, you will have to wait until next year. It will still depend on your performance by then."

Yu Lian said that he was not talking nonsense. When the first volume of Mr. Qi's "Book of Origin" comes online next year, the Youth Club will be reorganized and cooperate with the new party founded by Mr. Qi.

"Oh, that's such a pity." The great dramatist nodded with regret, thinking who the hell wants to join the club! And it was obviously me who came to persuade you to join the club, so how come you deceived me?

He sighed silently and brought the topic back again: "I admit, I do hope to trigger a war to open that ruins. This is also the reason why the organization persuaded the Great Khan to send an expedition fleet. Of course, they I’m also thinking about relics, you should already know that. Well, I’m sorry, war is a tragedy, but I have no choice. I’ve caused you trouble! I’m really sorry!”

The other party probably felt that his apology was sincere. However, Yu Lian's blood pressure began to rise immediately. If he hadn't wanted to keep information from the other party, he might have taken action at this time.

"However, your plan and that of my allies have indeed been destroyed by you. Now I am your defeated general. I am convinced of my defeat." The great dramatist spread his hands and smiled, as magnanimously as an Italian.

"You can indeed fulfill the obligations of a soldier of your country, arrest me, or even kill me. But, Colonel, young divine champion, you really are not at all curious about the relics of the Enlightened One. ?" he said.

Yu Lian wanted to laugh, but he held it back and said with a straight face: "I have already arrived at the ruins. Ten excavators and twenty drills have been sent over now. Even if they are buried in the mantle, It can be dug out."

"You just arrived at the entrance to the ruins." The other party shook his head and said, "What happens after that? Do you know how to continue?"

Yu Lian nodded very sincerely.

Indeed, if the memories of his previous life were eliminated, he would have just arrived at the entrance, but he would never have imagined how he would get to the next step.

"But I am different. I have studied that relic all my life. No one in this world understands that relic better than me. The water there is very deep. Young genius, although you are the only genius I have seen in my life, you have not been exposed to it after all. You cannot grasp the Enlightenment ruins of that scale now. However, you can cooperate with me. Only by joining forces can we unlock the secret of that ancient ruins."

Seeing Yu Lian's silence, he guessed that the other party was moved, so he added: "You should know that if you continue to dig out the treasures there, even if you barely find them, you must negotiate with your country and your government. Sharing. But are you really willing to do this? It’s fine that the lion is forced to live with the dolphin, dog, and insect, but he still has to share the prey he hunted with the dolphin, dog, and insect. How can there be such a reason in the world? "

He looked outside the door where there was no movement, then looked at Yu Lian who was "contemplating", and then slowly poured a cup of tea for each of them: "Don't worry, I will go through the process, I won't It’s difficult for you to do. As long as you nod, I will surrender immediately and enter the prison. I will discuss my future cooperation later.”

"How to distribute?" Yu Lian asked.

The great dramatist was ecstatic, but he still nodded solemnly and said: "Three-seven."

"You three?"

"...Of course I am the seventh one. I have no choice but to pay my share to the organization!"

"That's none of my business?" Yu Lian sneered: "Hey, the ruins are right under my eyes. If you really want to dig them out, I have to pay for it. I have to look at the snake's face for the last 30%? How about kneeling down? Are you asking for food?"

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