Him and their stars

Chapter 837 Chief Yu’s Small Classroom

Yu Lian had indeed wanted to brainwash everyone in classes a long time ago. On the one hand, he wanted to improve the average quality of the community's grassroots officers, and on the other hand, he wanted to clarify his own theories.

As we have said before, it is precisely because of the "culprit" such as the legacy of the Enlightened Ones that the way the galactic civilization entered the universe was actually matured, and the accumulation of civilizational achievements was also lacking in necessary. This also includes the accumulation and development of various techniques and tactics.

Not to mention the fleet battle in space, after all, Yu Lian never left his home planet in his last life, and no one can guarantee whether the evil way of the ship's bow against the enemy is really the truth. But at least, the tactics on the surface of the planet look like they have not been polished by thousands of years of war history. Although everyone has high-tech equipment that was unmatched on the "normal earth" in their previous lives, the tactical model is actually not much better than in the cold weapon era.

It's nothing more than the psykers rushing through the tanks, the tanks rushing through the robots, the robots rushing through the motorized infantry and then continuing. If there are no flaws in these waves of alternating charges, and if there is relatively high-level fire support, it can be regarded as the performance of an elite force.

If the timing of the attack is grasped more skillfully, the charge formation can be changed to a certain extent according to local conditions, and it can still withstand huge casualties and continue to advance, then it will be a strong army in the world.

...This doesn't seem to be fundamentally different from the gameplay of cavalry rushing through infantry in the cold weapon era. Of course, after all, it is already the age of the universe, and individual soldier armaments, fighting will, and even group organizational strength are fundamentally different from the cold weapon age. No matter how backward everyone's fighting style is, the battle is still very fierce, and the battlefield performance will at least be at the level of the Napoleonic Wars.

If you take into account the existence of psykers, maybe it will be more like a medieval warhammer?

But the problem is that when military technology has emerged, changes in tactics should be a matter of course. The reason why there has not been much development for so many years is probably because the surface warfare of the planet has never determined the outcome of any war, and it has never received the attention of military strategists.

However, in the chaotic era of the previous life, because the Colossus formed a strategic deterrent between the two countries, there were not many large-scale fleet battles that took place directly between the two powers. However, in the star area where the two major spheres of influence intersected, what happened in Brutal offensive and defensive battles on the surface became more frequent. Coupled with the invasion of marauders and the raging swarms of insects, in more than ten years, the number of large-scale battles taking place on the surface has been close to the sum of the previous three galactic wars.

Under such circumstances, a revolution in military tactics for surface combat naturally occurred.

In the previous timeline, the next half century was indeed the half century with the greatest changes and progress in tactics.

Yu Lian felt that it would definitely happen anyway, so why not stand at the forefront and make all preparations? He looked at the title "Elastic Defense" on the lesson plan, and then looked at the large and small officers sitting crowded together in the classroom.

He originally said there would be fifty people in each class, but he didn't expect that as soon as the news got out, two to three hundred people gathered at the scene, so crowded that the teacher could hardly move away. In the end, after all kinds of good talk, the number of people was reduced by half again.

The students at the scene included the local Marine Corps system, the local garrison system, local militia captains composed of local aborigines, and even military leaders from some friendly city-states and tribes. There are Lumina people, sand people and other minority races, of which only 70% are humans.

Ever since, the utopian dream of great racial unity in the universe has some flavor here.

Many of them probably come not to learn but to play, but in any case, it is always a good thing to be eager to learn.

"So, in the defensive operations of Xinyumen, the troops we invested were actually far less than the coalition of marauders and rebels, and heavy weapons actually did not have the advantage. But the final result was that we paid a small price After that, a glorious victory was achieved. So, now the question becomes, why did we achieve such a victory?"

In class, many times the teacher uses questions not because he really wants you to answer, but as a way of saying something similar to shaking off some burden. So the students sat upright, pretending to listen carefully, and waited for Yu Lian to give the answer.

However, Yu Lian really wanted everyone to speak freely. Ever since, after everyone stared at each other for half a minute, the situation suddenly became awkward.

There is really no tacit understanding!

Yu Lian sighed and nodded: "I said it was a class, but it is actually a discussion. First you have to move this thing properly, and then we can continue! I always believe that a great army does not master something New tactics or powerful weapons, but from the commander to all junior officers, and even every ordinary soldier, they should learn to think."

To everyone, this was indeed an unheard of theory. Even Akinayama Hachiman, who was listening in the teacher's corner, was thoughtful. However, probably because this theory was so unexpected, most people were not as excited as they imagined, and could not help but look confused, confused, confused, and even a little bit flinching.

They have always felt that jobs that sound very high-end, such as summarizing experience, innovating tactics, developing equipment, etc., aren't they all done by big shots who have read books? By the way, only the top students in the "elite bureaucratic group" like Commander Yu Company can do high-grade work!

And they are just a group of killers who carry guns and eat. They can only manage a dozen or even a hundred people in their hands. Most of their understanding of management is limited to "leading a team to charge" and "using whips to make big-headed soldiers go." On the concept of "people are obedient". As long as he can work hard to carry out the orders given by his superiors, he can be regarded as an excellent junior officer.

Normal people would feel uneasy when they suddenly hear that they are going to do something intellectual.

It's understandable, and this is in line with basic human nature. Yu Lian thought, and then continued: "I really hope that all of you will become smart people."

Because smart people can easily become red elements. Yu Lian thought.

"...Cong, smart man, sir, I only have a high school degree! I almost failed the open-book graduation exam." A Marine Corps lieutenant said helplessly. He looked to be at least forty-four or five years old, and he was indeed a typical junior officer of the "ordinary group". He really didn't understand how a semi-illiterate like himself, who couldn't read a lot of Chinese characters, could make a living by relying on a little brute strength and experience gained on the battlefield, how could he become a smart person?

"Lieutenant Tag! I know you." Yu Lian smiled.

"You, you know me?" The lieutenant suddenly felt flattered when facing this young officer who was almost half his age.

"Of course I know you. During this battle, you led your company and cooperated with the friendly forces of the garrison to withstand the rebel attack in your own defense area for six hours. You also used various flexible tactics to kill more than three times our own troops. The enemy forces have gained space and time for the orbital airborne troops to land. Only excellent commanders and excellent soldiers can achieve such excellent results. So, why aren't you a smart person?"

The lieutenant always felt that the cleverness mentioned by both parties should not mean the same thing, but he was still very moved.

"Okay, let's get back to the topic. You have all participated in this battle, use your brains and think about it. Of course, you can also discuss it freely." Yu Liandao.

So, everyone really started to discuss it, and after a few minutes, people started to speak and answer.

Some people think that the plunderers are just defeated soldiers, and that the rebels of the Sand People are just horse gangs and bandits. In front of our own well-trained heavenly soldiers and generals, they are just a bunch of rabble.

Some people think that their side is in a defensive battle and have done business early, which naturally takes a lot of advantage.

Lieutenant Tagg could even consider from a higher level that the Marauders' route of advance was wrong. If it were him, he would definitely lead the army to directly orbit Tulong in space, and come to a center to open fire. He did not consider that there were two defense satellites over Xinyumen. If he really wanted to airdrop from the orbit directly above Tulong, he would definitely be attacked by the satellites. Even if the airborne landing is successful, the losses may be so great that the airborne troops can completely lose their combat effectiveness.

Although his idea was full of loopholes, after all, he was thinking about the problem from a strategic perspective. For an ordinary officer who had not read much, it was already an effort to open up his imagination.

Of course, the subjective initiative of local people cannot be ignored. No, an officer from a militia group waved his fist and said loudly with a high-spirited attitude: "Because we are all people of the community, we have nothing to fear!"

This guy wasn't proficient in Earth's lingua franca, but his tone was so natural that Yu Lian couldn't understand what she was talking about.

"And, because you are here!" He added loudly.

"What he means is that we are bathed in the ideals of the community and full of hope for the future. We also firmly believe that you and the Galaxy will not ignore us and will definitely arrive with reinforcements. Naturally, we have a firm will and full morale, so we With such a glorious victory." A captain of the guard team hurriedly translated beside him. This guy looks like he's in his thirties, has a naive smile and is kind-hearted. He looks like a simple and honest man, and because he speaks nicely, he looks like an honest man trusted by intellectuals. He is indeed the type who easily gains the trust of leaders based on his first impression.

...They are all really talented! Either speaking or translating.

Yu Lian nodded and said with a smile: "Drag these two guys down and give them three whips, and then we can continue."

Three minutes later, this little incident was over. Even the sand man and the captain, who had been whipped three times, returned to their seats, rubbing their buttocks. Although these two people were whipped and grimaced in pain, they showed no signs of resentment at all. This was because Yu Lian asked them their names.

The captain of the guard system was born as the security captain of the fleet. He had traveled to many planets in the past. He was more like a businessman than a soldier. No wonder his emotional intelligence was so high. As for the sand citizen, he was the captain of a militia group, and he seemed to be named Tutu or something.

Yu Lian had heard of the latter's name. In the list of meritorious service sent by Akinayama Hachiman to his aboriginal militia, this one was at the top. In addition, Busca also mentioned this person's name to himself. It is said that he is a young man who is dedicated to his work and very studious. It is estimated that he will also become the first batch of sand people to become citizens and officers of the community.

Well, he is indeed a talent!

Yu Lian then explained: "I'm not beating you because you said something wrong. It's not a big deal to say some flattering words. I actually really like others to praise me, but you have to pay attention to the occasion. We don't want you to develop the habit of being clever and flattering." Problem. This is a military summary meeting, and I hope to get the result after your careful consideration."

The captain looked like "It's an honor for me to be taught a lesson by Commander Yu Company, and I'm grateful." However, the sand citizen named Tutu said in a small amount of Earth's common language: "But, sir, I really mean that." Thought."

...The universe is so big, and it’s true that there are talents everywhere!

"Then think of something else besides this accident." Yu Lian smiled and said, "I'm looking forward to your performance."

Then, as if she had received an oracle, Tutu's eyes were bright and energetic. She held her head high and saluted a standard community military salute before sitting back in her seat.

Yu Lian then said to everyone: "Actually, what everyone said is right, and it is also one of the reasons why we can win. When we have gathered so many elements for victory, there is no reason why we cannot win. That's right. To be more clear, when this battle begins, we and our enemies already belong to different eras."

Everyone was stunned. Many people even think that we are already arrogant enough, but compared to you we are all humble and low-key, but we don’t know why, but we feel that our blood is boiling.

"There is no doubt that in this battle, everyone's performance was indeed perfect." Yu Lian added: "Even the most elite armored grenadier regiment of the empire or the hundred-character marine division of the alliance can only That’s all. Remember this, we are strong!”

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone's spirits suddenly became fuller at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Yu Lian nodded secretly. Someone once told him that the military spirit is actually born from the sense of honor of continuous victory. Of course, he felt that the sense of honor was not just victory, but also the gratitude and respect of the people, as well as the praise and respect of the superiors. Looking at it now, the effect is still good.

Seeing that everyone's spirits were really high and their expressions were very serious, Yu Lian wrote the title "Elastic Defense" on the blackboard at the back. After thinking about it, he added a few words "The Theory of Omnipotent Defense". words, and then start class.

From a tactical perspective, he analyzed the necessary conditions for successful defense on a planet, and directly pointed out that the air superiority of one's own side in outer space is still at a stable balance, and the side that has prepared combat readiness mobilization and official construction in advance will The tactics will be in an invincible position.

"In this way, the attack and defense on the surface of the planet can actually determine the outcome of the outer space battlefield in a sense. In the New Lushun battlefield, the reason why the Predator fleet has never been able to approach the star port base is that the new Lushun planet is ahead of schedule. The arranged anti-air firepower played a great role." Yu Lian smiled at them and said: "So, please understand your role clearly. The Marines are definitely not to attack the fleet."

...In fact, Yu Lian's current military branch still despises the navy, which is at the top of the chain, but it does not stop him at this time from attacking the "Marine Gorillas" and "Guard Corps Bastards" and other militiamen who can't even get into the chain of contempt. Chicken blood.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Lian began to analyze the usefulness of trenches, traps, power grids and minefields from the most minute angle. Of course, there are also essentials for the layout of various light and heavy firepower points.

This knowledge actually involves many of the most specific mathematical calculations. Compared with metaphysical tactical theories, these are the real stuff, but they are also more difficult to master. Therefore, it also reminded the students at the scene that they were students. The fear of being dominated by various textbooks at this stage.

"That's why I said you should at least master some geometry knowledge! After class, I will assign you some math problems. Before class next week, hand them over to...well, give them to Major Akinayama for correction!"

The classroom was filled with mourning. Of course, the person who wanted to wail even more was actually Akinayama Hachiman himself. He was such a good young man, and he didn’t want to correct middle school math problems for a large group of rough guys with simple minds and well-developed limbs who were on average more than ten years older than him.

"In addition, the night school for technicians in Hong Maple Factory also has math classes. I have already informed them that you have to attend two classes every week. I will have people check your attendance."

The wailing sound was even more miserable and pleading. Fortunately, these people are officers after all and not undisciplined adolescents. They are already accustomed to obeying orders, so no one dares to express objections.

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