Him and their stars

Chapter 852 Being taught human nature by a robot

"By the way, Mr. Summers has just now successfully found the operating terminal of those combat machines. We can already operate those robots to move and fight. In accordance with the rules, I allow him to take one of them away." Feifei added.

"Okay, the people above don't know how many there are anyway." Yu Lian smiled and said: "The experts of the Omnic Brotherhood are really reliable and capable."

"They are indeed very reliable, but I think it's better to be sparse. The best choice is to keep the friendship between gentlemen as gentle as water." Feifei glanced at Yu Lian and said quietly: "Yu'er, you have to understand yourself position."

Yu Lian nodded. After all, he was no longer a ranger. Speaking of which, Mr. Summers seems to have been avoiding me intentionally during this period, and he must have had such considerations.

Hey, no matter in his previous life or this life, he is indeed a capable man. Although most of his body is mechanical, he is definitely more humane than the naturally occurring psykers. What a pity.

In this way, the incident of the Enlightenment Relics in New Yumen came to an end. Naturally, no one knew that the most important and even greatest existence in this relic had already been revealed without everyone knowing anything about it. , and it directly reached the orbit of outer space without being noticed by all the surveillance cameras in the galaxy.

Then, when the Scarlet Throne, a ship that was called "ugly and anti-civilized" by Xiao Hui, returned to New Yumen, she calmly moistened the ship again and sent a message to Yu Lian.

At this time, it was already the fourth day after the ruins were opened, and time finally entered April of 833. The Scarlet Throne has completed a routine patrol from New Yumen to Nantianmen.

According to Lieutenant Colonel Kong Qingyu, who led the team, when the warship entered Nantianmen, it also caused inexplicable surprise among friendly people. There are even foreign organizations stationed here that directly protested to the Outer Rim Fleet Command, saying that the people on Earth violated the interstellar convention and took the lead in investing in dreadnoughts in the New World.

However, the Outer Rim Fleet Command said that this is not a dreadnought. Have you ever seen a dreadnought that looks like this? Moreover, this ship does not even have an official registration now. At most, it can only be regarded as a temporarily mobilized prisoner ship. What's going on? Can't larger prisoner ships be temporarily requisitioned?

All in all, this little storm passed smoothly.

In addition, the Throne also encountered a very small group of pirates along the way, but for a fearless, no, "large temporarily requisitioned prisoner ship", this was simply a minor incident that was insignificant and only provided for the crew. They just provide some experience points. For the first mate, Lieutenant Colonel Kong Qingyu, this did not even require him to spend more than one sentence to report, and Yu Lian did not ask any more questions, but was instead concerned about other issues.

"Has the local fleet assembled at Nantianmen?"

"Half of them have arrived and the other half are still training and supplying supplies. They said they won't arrive until next month. However, the dreadnoughts have all arrived and are undergoing maintenance before the last departure." said the first mate.

Well, this time, Yu Lian really believed that good news would come from Huaxu soon.

"So, is there also a Poseidon ship?"

"I did hear about it, but the time they passed through Nantianmen was 24 hours later than our scheduled return time. I asked if we needed an escort, but they declined." The first mate said, "This fleet has one Poseidon class vessel. , one Dancing Maiden-class cruise ship, five Donsak armed merchant ships, and one Lumen-class comprehensive engineering hospital ship.”

Indeed, a fleet of this size will not fall behind even if it encounters the main force of a great pirate king like Greybeard, and it does not need our escort.

But the first mate lowered his voice and asked: "Captain, do you need to ask for help from the direction of New Port Arthur?"

Yu Lian was slightly startled, then immediately understood what the other party meant, and couldn't help but laugh: "Don't worry, the alliance has no reason or need to cause trouble in Xinyumen, and more importantly, they don't have the ability. Although the outside world is saying that Poseidon It only takes one month for the ship to be converted into a Titan, but she is not a Titan after all. No matter how huge an armed merchant ship is, it is still a merchant ship, and no matter how shabby our Throne is, it is still a dreadnought. Don't worry."

The elderly first mate also smiled confidently: "Actually, although it is a predator's ship, I think that if the main gun can be repaired, the Throne is actually stronger than the Independence class."

This is not difficult to understand. After all, the Independence class is an old ship that is forty or fifty years old, and although the Throne is full of awkward green leather style, and although it is despised by Xiao Hui, it is still the most cutting-edge battleship of the Predators after all.

At this time, the first mate hesitated for a moment and then said: "... I got news from my colleagues in the old fleet that the Earth side is still interested in this ship. After her official ship registration is approved, , I’m going to re-register it under a new name and then incorporate it into the test fleet of the local fleet.”

"Yeah, I guessed it." Yu Lianda said.

This is actually not difficult to guess. Even a green-skinned dreadnought is a dreadnought. Now there are only six operational dreadnoughts left in the entire community. How could the Lords of Earth leave her in the New World?

What's more, after all, this is a green ship built by predators. It has many unique technologies of the Elor people, which are still of great research value.

The elderly first mate was a little dissatisfied with this, a little angry, but mostly helpless.

At his age, he never imagined that he would one day become the first mate of a dreadnought, and during this week of routine cruising, he was almost the work of an acting captain.

No captain wants to be separated from his ship.

But what can he do? He is just an ordinary lieutenant colonel officer, and he will retire in five years at most.

Yu Lian told the other party that people are much more important than ships. The old man and his team have been playing the green-skinned Dreadnought for so long, and they still have military exploits. Maybe they can be transferred to a more important position next time to play the real Dreadnought.

Mate Kong laughed dumbly. Although he felt that Yu Lian was just saying polite words to comfort him, they were still quite pleasing to the ear.

"Then, I will keep the entire ship on alert and be on standby in the new Yumen orbit."

"Don't be so nervous. It should take two or three days for the Poseidon to arrive, right?" Yu Lian smiled and said, "Let's take turns taking vacations first."

Yu Lian couldn't help but order most of the crew, including First Officer Kong, to rest in Tulong, and then boarded the battleship. Following the message Xiao Hui sent him, he walked alone towards the engine room in the middle and rear of the ship. go.

There are only more than 200 officers and soldiers still on duty on the Throne, and Yu Lian did not specifically alert them. However, there were more than 3,000 security and work robots left on the ship, so it was inevitable that they would meet several times.

The rat-sized maintenance robot crawled silently among the pipelines between the bulkheads, but it could not hide from Yu Lian's hearing. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that the movements of those maintenance robots seemed to be a bit more flexible and faster.

When he passed by a passage, two combat robots standing guard even raised their Vulcan cannons and saluted in front of the surveillance camera as big as the eye of a needle.

Well, these security robots sent by the Toss Merchant Group can be considered one of the most advanced models in the world, but they can only distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. Normally, whether they or other officers passed by, they would just stand there blankly.

Now, it does look a lot smarter...

"This is not handsome at all. Don't you find it curious?" Yu Lian said angrily: "Aren't you afraid of scaring the other crew members on the ship?"

"Actually, so far, not yet." Xiao Hui's voice automatically sounded in Yu Lian's headset: "Your crew members have been playing with these robot children a lot during this time. They thought they had upgraded some kind of companionship system. Well. Anyway, aren’t there some nanny robots and companion robots?”

Yu Lian thought to himself, the latest and most expensive companion robot is now better-looking than a paper man, feels no different from a real person, and has many more postures than a real person. How about you simulate a few for me?

He suddenly thought of something, silently opened his terminal, and scanned the surrounding bulkheads.

Yu Lian's personal terminal has been possessed by the Golden Whistle... or swallowed to be precise, and it has many black technology functions. For example, he can fully scan the hardness, flexibility, wear resistance and other properties of a target without using psychic powers, and it is even possible to photograph the composition of its material.

The resources in the hands of the predators are limited, so they can't do any interior decoration. The four walls of the corridor cabin are basically made of cold metal floors and grids. Being in it is like being in a cold iron coffin. If you stay in such a place for a long time, the crew members may really treat themselves like frozen meat, and their mental state will naturally not be normal.

This is likely one of the reasons why the common soldiers of the Reavers tend to be crazy and brave.

For the sake of the physical and mental health of the crew, Yu Lian made some small modifications after seizing the ship. At least he added some embellishments to the main living and working areas. Finally, there was a little improvement. It's humane.

Of course, there is really no time to decorate the passages and various engine rooms that occupy more parts of the ship. We can only put some wallpaper and put some green plants, which is better than nothing.

Now, the scanning light waves of the Golden Whistle have penetrated those minimalist metal walls and touched various energy and communication pipelines under the bulkheads. Those devices are very typical of the Predator Greenskin style, rugged, strong, durable, easy to replace and repair, but bloated and clumsy.

But now, those pipes seem to have been transformed by alchemy. The size and appearance have not changed much, but the performance is completely different. The strength and durability have been improved a lot, but the laying is more reasonable. The operating efficiency even climbed directly by an order of magnitude.

This is Xiao Hui's nano-machine group strengthening the green skin ship. Yu Lian quickly made this judgment.

He quickly quickened his pace and soon came to the engine room. When he pushed aside, he saw the beautiful girl with gray eyes. Her graceful figure was wrapped in a large windproof robe, squatting facelessly in the engine room. In front of the central display screen, it looked like a bag of potatoes drooping on the ground.

Of course, even if it is a potato, it must be the most beautiful potato.

"So that's it. These people actually thought of tying four sublight engines together and connecting them with an adjustment balancer to ensure that the equipment can be started and shut down at the same time." She raised her elegant chin, revealing her white swan Neck, whispered: "What an interesting idea."

"How about it? Although it is indeed an ugly and anti-civilized ship, as I said, you can find the diversity and compatibility of civilizations in it, right? Am I right?" Yu Lian said proudly.

"Community is nothing!" The robot girl rolled her eyes in a very humane manner and said disdainfully: "Four engines are tied together to fly. If the central axis is seriously injured or the balancer is disabled, , this broken ship is just waiting to be turned around in circles as a target, right? Not only is it so ugly that it is anti-civilization, but its performance is also so anti-civilization! If it were placed in the last universe generation, even the handiwork of a child in a kindergarten would not be able to do this. Rotten stuff!”

"My throne number is really sorry for you! It's not as good as the standard of kindergarten children's manual work." Yu Lian scratched his head in embarrassment, but still defended: "But it's just a defective product of this kind of kindergarten manual work. , is also the most powerful warship of the Predators."

"Then, those galactic nomads can drive across the galaxy unscrupulously in this kind of thing? You still have nothing to do with them? Really, what is going on with human beings in this civilized era?" Xiao Hui stood up. , with his hands on his hips showing a sad and disappointed expression:

"You are truly the worst class I have ever led!"

"So how many times have you taught me? Don't say this is a forbidden matter!"

"One term!" Xiao Hui held his head high and said proudly in a matter-of-fact tone.

Well, it doesn’t seem to be a problem to call it the “worst” one. Then you are so arrogant?

Yu Lian rolled his eyes in his heart, but still patiently explained:

"You have to learn to look at everything from the front. You already know the situation of the predators. The resources of the galactic center are limited, and everything can only be patched up one after another. With their Under such conditions, it is difficult to produce a high-power sublight engine. Putting four engines together can still run smoothly. Doesn’t it also reflect some kind of frugal wisdom?”

Yu Lian really didn't expect that he would be able to speak well of the predator's green ship in his life. There is no other way, he can't find a better carrier now, so he can only try his best to coax this arrogant robot aunt.

"I quite agree with this. Using an exquisitely designed balancer and coordination time difference device, plus a set of programs, can indeed achieve the effect of a high-power sublight engine. However, this is quite a test of the crew's ability. of."

"Isn't it?" Yu Lian was very proud.

"But, don't the problems of development always have to be solved by development? Isn't it the right way to develop the latest technology and use limited resources in the cleanest and most efficient way? Picking up waste from the garbage dump is not the right way. If you think about the future, what kind of wisdom is this?"

Yu Lian shrugged: "You are right, but you can't expect carbon-based monkeys like us to always do the right thing, right?"

The other party heard what Yu Lian meant and sneered directly: "You are wrong again. The so-called right things are not the results of perfect calculations by my advanced robot, but social foresight and thinking! Of course I know that human beings As social animals, there are always selfish desires, conflicts, and historical repetitions. But if the mistakes are really attributed to the human weaknesses of the so-called carbon-based monkeys, insurmountable bad habits, etc., where will progress come from? Come? Why don't you just stay in the cradle until you die?"

I was actually lectured by a robot! And especially in terms of human nature and society?

Yu Lian felt that if he hadn't had such an experience in his previous life, he would have doubted his life now.

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