Him and their stars

Chapter 860 Our Voice

Of course, this count was actually given the title by His Majesty the Emperor, who was obsessed with collecting SSR, and he himself never admitted it.

Yu Lian imitated the movements in martial arts movies, clasped his fists and saluted: "Long time no see, Black Hero. I had no time to report your kindness back then, but I didn't expect that this time I would be licking my face and begging you for help. This really makes me feel ashamed. ”

Hei Daxia also clasped his fists and returned the salute in an ancient (bu) color (lun) ancient (bu) fragrant (lei) manner, and said in the tone of an ordinary man without any ups and downs or characteristics: "Don't belittle yourself, little friend Yu Lian, I have actually taken advantage of you by taking advantage of you. We each get what we need, so how can we talk about kindness?"

He smiled and said: "Besides, I have recently felt that some of my destiny will fall on this new continent, so I went here. But I didn't expect that this destiny would actually fall on you, my little friend!" "

Yu Lian felt that these words seemed a bit familiar, so he couldn't help but look at the master who was watching the scenery next to him: "Well, have you and your elders felt the same fate recently?"

"Yes, yes, ah, no..." Master nodded and shook his head.

"It happened to fall in the same place." Earl Black Moon said firmly.

Seeing Yu Lian's doubtful eyes, Lan Jiufeng said: "Anyway, in the end, we still need to sneak into the ancient ship. My friend Hei Yue's skill in making light of his body is something even a teacher admires. Disciple, you What do you think?"

What can Yu Lian say? Although he felt that the timing of Earl Black Moon's appearance was a bit too clever, he was indeed the best helper. In this specific environment, she is more useful than her senior brothers and sisters, or even her uncle whom she has never met.

Of course, the relationship between Earl Black Moon and the Spiritual Research Society is closer than imagined, which is not unexpected. In other words, it would be suspicious if they had nothing to do with each other.

"Then, disciple, please ask the elf from the ancient ship you met last time to come out and talk." Lan Jiufeng said with a smile.

"Elf?" A robot is just a robot, so what kind of spirit is it?

"All living things have spirits. Spiritual energy can make plants and trees give birth to minds, and weapons can produce arrogance. Then, why can't programs programmed by machines have spirits?" The master said with a smile, stroking his silver beard.

It’s great that Master is not a fanatical believer in occult fundamentalism! In this way, the foundation of our spiritual seminar will not be crooked at the beginning.

However, I don't know why, when the "ancient elves" were mentioned again, a strange light suddenly flashed in Earl Black Moon's eyes hidden under the mask.

He should also be very interested in Xiao Hui. Yu Lian thought.

Also, who wouldn’t be interested in artificial intelligence in the Age of Enlighteners?

At this time, I heard the master say again: "Old friend Hei, the ancient weapon spirit has its own ancient atmosphere. We can't lose the etiquette of this life!"

"I'll save you." Hei Yue immediately let out an old-fashioned and desolate laugh.

This was really said without a clue, and Yu Lian was very puzzled.

"In addition to etiquette, you must also stay calm and prepare for the battle that follows!" the master said again.

Heiyue laughed: "Of course I know better."

This is certainly true, but it is correct nonsense. Yu Lian really didn't know that the cheap master still had such a talkative side, or did people just become like this when they get older?

At this moment, in the yellow sand of Xinyumen, nearly a thousand light years away from the "164 Galaxy on the Edge", Miss Fina Li, wrapped in a thick military coat, was sitting behind the monitor, watching the screen attentively. picture.

It is now May in standard time, but in the northern hemisphere of Xinyumen, it has actually entered late autumn, and even the daytime temperature has dropped below freezing. However, Feifei is a psychic after all. Although she "only" has the second ring, she is actually in a state where the cold and heat are not intrusive.

However, like all ordinary staff, she now wrapped her graceful figure in thick and bloated warm clothes. This scene, in the eyes of the little sisters on the crew, was naturally distressed.

"They are all tired." Miss Taina Moen thought sadly, and then took a picture of Feifei looking at the monitor intently.

She felt that this scene was as beautiful as a painting. It is not the kind of quiet, elegant, but arrogant and cold famous painting displayed in a luxurious villa, but a painting full of vitality and appeal. It was obviously in this bleak late autumn season, in the bitter cold hills, but Taina clearly felt that the scene was hot.

Serious men are the most handsome, but serious girls are also the most beautiful.

Ms. Taina Mohn is currently guest-starring as the producer and publicist of "Cold Hill". She also serves as a still photographer. By the way, Asher Stein is also brought to the crew as the security director and has a guest role. .

As a result, there are four confirmed psychics in a movie crew. Such a high-level movie crew is rare in the Alliance.

In addition, the eldest lady of the Moen family probably doesn't even know what she came to do in Xinyumen in the first place.

...Oh, yes, Taina Moen is a reporter for the "Pioneer Newspaper". She came here to report on Zi Xinhui's food processing factory. Now she has finished the special report, but she happened to hear that there is a joint film ( Co-produced by the Alliance and the Community, the film that has gained great popularity at the box office has started filming here. As a reporter, isn't it reasonable for her to run over and conduct an interview?

Moreover, her newspaper, the Pioneer, is the largest left-wing civil rights newspaper in the world. This "Cold Hill" was written by Mr. Qi, and it is said to reflect the fate of the people at the bottom, so shouldn't she be interviewed?

Yeah, that's logical, there's nothing wrong with it.

Of course, Ms. Taina Mohn not only had to do exclusive interviews, she also became a staff member of the production crew, which was very hard. However, when she saw Feifei, who was so tired that she had to rely on thick cotton clothes to keep warm, she didn't feel hard at all.

"We are speaking for all ordinary people, so why bother working hard?" She pointed the camera at Feifei's flawless profile and murmured in a low voice.

Of course, Feifei didn't notice the movements of her "new best friend". In her current state, she couldn't notice it even if she wanted to. Even if she did, she didn't bother to pay attention. She was still focused on watching the screen.

On the screen, Miss Selina Mayo, who had only made a few guest appearances in TV series, looked at Mr. Winmore, who was crawling on the ground, wailing towards the cold hills in the distance, looking like a crazy man, and was filled with excitement. His face was dull, and he even had a confused look in his eyes that doubted his life.

She probably never expected that Mr. Winmore, a well-known comedian in the league, would actually show such a contagious crazy state. She was immediately confused and couldn't even make any expressions. knew.

However, this is in line with Selena's character design.

In Mr. Qi's script, the heroine is a slave bought back by the male protagonist, an old herdsman raised by Mr. Wenner. Her family members all died in pirate attacks, and then became literally "proletarians" due to family bankruptcy, and finally became slaves. Under the great mental impact, she lost her emotional cognition and became like this.

Throughout the story of "Cold Hill", she is such a cold and emotionless bystander. Because of this, the whole story has a sense of depression hidden under the ordinary, and it also has the temperament of an epic.

In short, for Miss Selena, who is naturally listless except when singing and writing songs, to play such a role, not to mention it is a true performance, it is simply a match made in heaven.

"Cut! Very good!" Feifei was very satisfied with this performance.

The crew on the scene breathed a long sigh of relief. This section is a long shot, which is actually quite torturous.

"Guarantee!" Feifei added in a very professional manner.

The whole place howled.

"Mr. Wenner, you can try to calm down a little and cry silently, without even shedding tears. The emotion of the lines can also be more stable." Feifei said to the actor again.

Although he is a newcomer, he is indeed an expert! Mr. Wenner, the famous comedian in the league, thought, but he still seriously expressed his opinion: "But, I am a Kalda goblin! If the goblin's state is not so sad and happy, will the audience think it's funny?"

"The greatest sorrow is death. At most, they will feel uncomfortable with this sense of reality, but they will not act out, but will think about it. This is the result we want."

This director lady is indeed an expert! The goblin comedian thought, suddenly feeling full of fighting spirit.

So, the staff continued to work hard after wailing. No way, although the director is such a delicate beauty, she is always the first one to go to work and the last one to get off work. She is full of vitality and extremely dedicated to her work at all times. Although she never loses her temper, as long as she stands tall and looks at you with a half-smiling look, most staff will feel that even hiding in a corner of the scene and smoking a cigarette to relieve fatigue is a blasphemy to the film art.

In addition, the director lady really has something in her stomach. Although she used a lot of experimental audio-visual techniques, she did not try to show off her skills and always fit the story and emotional atmosphere of the script.

For example, Mr. Wenner, the male protagonist, and the Icepop band, who performed all the soundtracks for the film and also played a cameo as a villain, were full of doubts about the film at first, but only joined because of Mr. Qi's reputation.

Now, they all have put aside their doubts about the new director, and they all feel that they are creating a masterpiece that can win the Yagemi's highest award. Naturally, they are all excited.

All the main creators are motivated, and the staff can't be lazy even if they are lazy.

However, the director who has the most work, although she is still full of energy, her physical condition has begun to decline visibly to the naked eye. Even the collagen on her cheeks seems to have sunken a lot, and the edges of her bright and straight peach blossom eyes have already appeared obvious. The dark circles under his eyes could not even be covered by his long eyelashes.

No, after the filming of this section was completed, the entire crew including the actors went back to rest, but the director still had to drag the director team and the production team to discuss tomorrow's shooting plan.

"Very good, the exterior scenes are basically finished." Feifei turned over the script and said, "You can enter the studio after that. Mr. Pingdong, you may need to use the material library of Jade Bird Company for post-production. Is there any problem?"

"No problem, I guarantee you can get an internal price." The producer said quickly.

It stands to reason that the films invested by the alliance are absolutely producer-centered, but under Feifei's strong aura, "Cold Hill" has become an auteur film with the director as the core.

There is no way, genius is always willful. In addition, no matter how you say, this "Cold Hill" is a co-production of the alliance community, and it is waiting for word-of-mouth and box office to bloom. After all, it is somewhat different from the alliance's commercial movies, which is very reasonable.

"Taina, you said last time that you could contact your friends in the media circle for an interview. How is it now?"

"Already agreed. They are reporters from "Star City News" and "Nephi Entertainment", but they don't dare to come to the New World! However, when we return to our homeland for post-production and reshoot the interior scenes, they are willing to come and do a special report ." Taina gritted her teeth and said, "I'm sorry, Feifei, guys who are engaged in entertainment news have always been like this."

Miss Taina Moen felt very guilty. She looked at her friend who was losing weight day by day. She felt pain in her heart, but she really couldn't say anything. She could only try her best to repay her with the best work results.

The director was very satisfied, nodded and smiled: "That's enough. Thank you."

However, as the director's second best friend, Selina Maho always felt that something was wrong. In her reflection, her friend was omnipotent, and he really didn't look like a mortal who would get tired just from filming a movie.

"You are right, but I am really a mortal now." When facing doubts from her best friend, Feifei was very frank.

you mean……"

"What I mean is that we are mortals and have always been." Feifei added: "Our movie tells a mortal story and also needs a mortal narrator and recorder. Everything is for The noble art of film is also to give a voice to all the mortals in the universe. Selena, don’t think too much and play the mortal you play!”

Selina half understood what she said, but she was so shocked that she didn't dare to think nonsense.

"By the way, how is Mr. Levaton feeling lately?"

Mr. Levaton is the exclusive bodyguard assigned to Selina by the World Group, and he is also a member of the Guerrilla Association. Now he is not only the action director of "Cold Hill", but he has also become the third male lead in a daze. He has more than 30 scenes and more than 100 lines in total.

At the beginning, this guerrilla man who had never made a movie said that he was a rough guy, how could he make a movie? However, Feifei said that what we want is this kind of uncontaminated feeling, and it will be difficult to grow up with innate conditions like yours for thousands of years. You will be destined for this movie as soon as you see it!

As a result, this Monte Carlo guerrilla, who was unattractive in appearance and even fierce in appearance, became the third male lead in the movie.

Feifei didn't expect this guy to be able to express any expressive micro-expressions or eyes. Anyway, most humans couldn't tell what a Mon Carlo person looked like, let alone anything else. As long as the lines and actions are in place, her requirements for the third male lead are enough.

"He seems to be completely addicted. He has to recite his lines in front of the mirror until early in the morning every day, and then he gets up before dawn to wake up the martial arts actors to exercise... Although he is very tired, I think he seems to be quite happy. ." Selina said with confusion on her face.

"Well, he already knows that he is doing a great job." Feifei was very satisfied, and then put her hands on the little sister's shoulders: "You see, Selina, Mr. Levaton has realized it. So, what about you? If you realize it quickly, you might be able to make it to New Lushun for two more concerts."

Selena almost didn't understand it at all, but she was even more shocked when faced with Feifei's sudden large aura. There was nothing left to do except nod.

As a result, although the director lady occasionally showed obvious weakness and confusion, no one said anything or even thought about it anymore. "Cold Hill" is also proceeding at a very smooth pace.

Of course, sometimes, the director would look at the starry sky in the distance and cheer to everyone, half to herself: "Come on! If this continues, I might finish the work before he does."

"Should we finish work before Mr. Yu Lian?" Selina asked curiously. Of course she already knew that Yu Lian ran away in a dreadnought and didn't even attend one of her concerts. Ms. Diva is always a little unhappy about this, feeling that the other person seems to be avoiding her as a god of plague.

"You are the most gossipy little girl! This silly little face is quite lethal in many cases." Feifei rolled her eyes: "Don't worry, your savior is not hiding from you. That guy is right I’m also looking forward to your concert! It’s just that I’m busy with business and can’t help myself. I estimate that if you finish filming your scenes before May, you should be able to rush to New Lushun to prepare for a new concert. . In this way, we can just wait until he comes back."

As a result, the most unmotivated heroine in the entire crew became visibly on fire.

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