Him and their stars

Chapter 863 The army sets off

After the adjutant left, the Duke lowered his voice and said: "Actually, I got a secret treasure of the Enlightened One in my hand. Through certain conditions, I can lock the general location of a target. It can be located once every twenty-four hours, of course. There is a certain deviation in time and location, but it is enough for people like us.”

Soback said "Oh" and showed an appropriately curious expression, but what he was thinking in his heart was: The secret treasure is just a secret treasure! What the hell is imagination?

Sure enough, an important criterion for becoming a big shot is whether you can deceive people without changing your expression, right?

When Soback thought about it, he suddenly felt that he had learned a lot from his teacher.

"Last time, Lan Jiufeng and I had a fight in the New Lushun Galaxy. I did suffer a little loss, so I used this treasure to locate him." Duke Sadolan waved his hand and opened a star map of the new continent. , using a cane to click on an inaccessible star system on the "feeder channel" from the New World Highway to Edgeland 164.

"Lan Jiufeng appeared here an hour ago." Duke Sadolan stared at Soback and said solemnly: "Why did he appear here?"

yes! why? What do you ask me to do? Soback thought to himself, Lan Jiufeng is your old enemy and not mine.

"So, if this happens, where will his disciple Yu Lian be? Yeager, what do you think?"

Soback blinked his eyes and said bravely: "Teacher, I think there must be something fishy about this matter! The Lan Jiufeng I know should be an outsider who ignores worldly affairs..."

"Ignore the secular affairs? Huh, if you really ignore the secular affairs? Then you will go to the handshake meeting of the girl group? Mix in a group of common people, cheering for a few posing and arrogant actors? But it is not too disgraceful. ?”

You're the one who sent razors to comic publishers, so you're still qualified to criticize others. We are all nerds, but just because one likes girl groups and the other likes shonen comics, can this create a chain of contempt? We are obviously the same kind of people, why can't we get along well with each other? Like me and that evil star who cannot even be named, don’t we work well together?

Soback smiled awkwardly and didn't know what to say for a while.

Duke Sadolan nodded and said: "After Victoria Li died, Lan Jiufeng was very dissatisfied with the earth's politics after that. He has not been back to the earth for nearly thirty years. It is better to say that he is an outsider than an outsider. He was so disheartened that he only cared about his own freedom. You are right, he would only take action unless the country founded by Victoria Lee was in danger of subjugation."

...However, I will not give him this chance again. Duke Sadolan thought.

Soback carefully observed the cheap teacher's expression and whispered: "Yes, logically speaking, you shouldn't come here to deal with such mundane things! I thought there must be a big conspiracy in this! Maybe , everything that happened during this period, even the attack by the looters on New Jade Gate, is most likely their conspiracy!"

He didn't know what to say, but in front of his cheap teacher, as long as he spoke ill of his "true rival" Lan Jiufeng, there would be no problem.

Sure enough, Duke Sadolan said in a deep voice: "Lan Jiufeng is not a strategist who plays dirty tricks, but he may have new disciples. Yeager, don't you think that since there are more Lan Jiufeng? After becoming such a disciple, have you become more active recently? It seems to be quite quiet and restful!"

I have said that the one named Lan is your old enemy, but he is not mine! Always asking me what on earth I want to do?

"Yeager, if your old enemy grows up, he may be more dangerous than the one named Lan. No matter what conspiracy they are brewing, we can't just stand by and watch." Duke Sartolan pondered for a moment: "Give the order, let everyone in The astral knights on standby here are all ready to go!"

Soback was slightly startled, and a heartfelt sense of resistance suddenly arose in his heart. After all, he had only been wandering for nearly a month, but he almost died in an unknown galaxy. Now, whenever I hear that I want to explore a star field that I have never been to before, I feel a headache. It is even said that he is very likely to be alone with Lan Jiufeng and the evil star who cannot even be named.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and said: "We just received the message from the Grand Marshal's Palace yesterday. A large army has been assembled at the Gate of Glory. As soon as the Civilization Council over Huaxu gets news, it will set off. It is recommended that You wait here to meet the oncoming army."

After all, Duke Sartolan is the Grand Master of the Astral Knights, an eighth-ring psyker, and one of the national warrior gods of the Galactic Empire. Not to mention the Generalissimo's Palace, even the Privy Council could only use "advice" to him. In this universe, the only person who could give him direct orders was the owner of the Void Crown.

...Of course, the man with the most power in the universe is now hiding in Long Lin Palace and no longer shows his face. It is said that he is beginning to comprehend the Great Way of Heaven and Man again.

But even so, the empire's troika political structure of two chambers and one government is still operating smoothly and efficiently, and has assembled troops at the Gate of Glory early.

To put it bluntly, even such a cohesive community has already transferred the solar system fleet, which is responsible for the mobile power, to Nantianmen, let alone the empire?

"Although I am also the Marshal of the Empire, I am actually just a brave man. So far, I have only commanded a battalion at most." At this point, the Duke laughed loudly, looking not ashamed but proud. look like.

But that was a battalion of astral knights! Soback thought.

"As for fleet operations, I have a lot of experience in jumping gangs, but apart from that, I have never even commanded an assault ship. The empire's mainland army has just come over, so what use does an old man like me have? ?”

"You are really too modest. As long as you are in the army, the Imperial soldiers will seem to have a backbone. They will definitely serve the three armies and regard death as home! You are the white jade pillar of the Imperial Army, the purple golden beam that holds the sea..."

"In front of your teacher, put away this cute little mouth. Yeager, when you become a general, you can use this little trick to win over the bureaucrats in the Prime Minister's Office." Sa Duke Dulan said: "However, you are indeed not good at fighting alone, but you are good at using troops to fight. You should stay here and wait until you meet up with the army. You will still have the opportunity to make further achievements."

In fact, I don’t know much about fighting. I am a person who values ​​peace the most, and what I am best at is actually dealing with logistics or personnel matters! But up to now, no big boss has discovered my strengths in this area!

Of course, in the current situation, it is better to lead troops as long as you lead them, rather than following a cheap teacher into the fog. Let’s not talk about what is hidden in the unknown starry sky there. Teacher Cheap saw that his mental institution is not stable now, and he really wants to fight Lan Jiufeng... Two eight-ringed people are fighting a life-or-death duel, and we, the three-ringed rookies, Being rubbed and held by the wind of fists, I was afraid that they would be shattered to pieces.

Therefore, it is better to follow the army and fight the marauders.

Hello Raider! I’ve gained experience even when playing against predators!

Soback made up his mind. Just as he was about to say this, he saw the cheap teacher saying again: "... However, this time, the local elites are coming in and out of the army, but they are not short of you as a middle-level officer. There is no end to the military glory." Yes, but high-quality decisive battles that can promote your growth are hard to come by. Yeager, you are also an adult, don’t you think you should jump out of your comfort zone and experience some trials and hardships?”

"...Old, teacher, I have also participated in the God of War Festival." Isn't that considered wind and rain?

"If you hadn't had this experience, I wouldn't want to take you there yet." The Duke said, "Of course, you can only decide your own path. I'm just making a small suggestion."

Although he used a very consultative tone, Soback never dared to think that the other party would really let him choose. He could only suppress the grief and anger in his heart and squeezed out a passionate sense of mission on his face. Then he nodded fiercely with a solemn expression.

"Just drive my ship. That's faster." The captain said.

"Teacher, the student thinks that it is better to bring a few cruisers and other frigates at the end...the student's Clear Sky class will be very good."

In order to prevent the teacher from seeing that he was cowardly, he added: "The Clear Sky-class hangar can also maintain the heraldic machine. When a battle really breaks out, with a few more ships, everyone's dispatch efficiency will also be improved. .”

This time, Duke Sadolan finally agreed.

"Approved! Let your Blizzard set off with you." Duke Sadolan said: "As for the other frigates, it is up to you to select and organize them."

Colonel Soback felt very tired for a moment. He couldn't expect this trip to be smooth sailing. As long as the local army arrived, it would be enough to help his brothers.

At the same time, in the glory star gate of the empire, a huge country-destroying fleet with a total strength of more than 3,000 ships, including six Titan ships and fourteen dreadnoughts, has gathered in this galaxy, forming a The torrent of steel that blocks the sky and the sun.

This kind of force has exceeded the scale of the "Glory Mission" military exercise that was used to shock the other half of the galaxy last year, but it is only half of the mobile force that the Yinghe Empire can use at any time.

In addition, second-line troops from princes, vassals and "allies" are also gathering here.

However, the commander-in-chief of this huge expeditionary force, King Thorane, was not prepared to wait for the arrival of all these follow-up troops.

The most "brave and famous" elected emperor in the empire is in the conference room on the Titan ship "Vulcan Airan", the flagship of the army, and is having a discussion with the Privy Council ministers of the Tianyu through the source of energy waves. Remote top military intelligence meeting.

At the meeting, the former enemy commander stated this to the big guys in the Privy Council: "The entire army is ready to depart. As long as there is a clear result from Huaxu, we can pass through the Nantianmen immediately."

After the assassination of King Slein, King Thorane is also the only active marshal among all elected emperors in the empire.

Considering that Marshal Este, the sword-wielding minister of the Generalissimo's Mansion, is after all an old man over eighty years old, and he has been doing military and political work in the past ten years. Therefore, King Soleyn, who is only in his fifties, is at the peak stage of a balanced and unified normal person's wisdom, experience, and physical ability. In addition, he is also the Minister of the Privy Council and can communicate directly with the highest power structure of the empire, so he is naturally the best choice to commander the entire army.

"No need to wait for the fleets of major princes and vassals to arrive?" Duke Arona, who is the Minister of the Privy Council, asked. After he resigned from the chairmanship of the main committee of the War God Festival, he served as the Chancellor of the Seal of the Xingmayuan. He was responsible for the military and political organization of the princes and the vassal army. In addition, more than a hundred Zhechong mansions established by the empire in the mainland are also under its management, which can be regarded as a high-power position.

"No need. The current combat power is already far superior to the predators on the frontal battlefield." King Solane said:

"Of course I know that even if a giant dragon hunts sheep, it must go all out, but the most precious thing for us now is time, not troops. If we get the results tomorrow, then I can rush to the Iris Cross System on May 15th , it is possible to meet the plunderers at the end of the month. However, the troops of the princes and vassal states will not be assembled until late May at the earliest, and it is very likely that the people on earth will seize the opportunity. "

In his words, he never seemed to regard the predators as his biggest enemies. On the contrary, he remained more vigilant towards the Earth Fleet.

The Minister of Heraldry, Marquis Kasumori, was a little confused. This old nobleman who manages the family affairs of the nobles is a rigid old scholar and has a dean-like intimidation among the imperial aristocracy. But he is also an optimistic and knowledgeable person, with no political ambitions and little interest in matters other than his own job.

Therefore, the Minister of the Interior explained to him that the people of the Blue Star Community had concentrated their first fleet of mobile forces at Nantianmen.

"I see." The elderly Marquis Kasumori was still a little confused: "So, in this situation, aren't they our allies? Isn't it a good thing that they acted so decisively?"

There was a burst of laughter at the meeting, but it was Brunhilt, the youngest king of Sulyuka present.

"Your Excellency Xia Mori, because everyone agrees that the starry sky where the predators are hiding is most likely a prosperous star field rich in resources, and may even contain a large number of legacies left by enlightened people. In short, That is a star region that can support the resurgence of the Elo people! Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain the logic of the Elo people's actions."

"It's not that everyone agrees, but the inference you made convinced us." Duke Inota, the chief minister of the Privy Council, smiled. The eldest man present never concealed his admiration for the youngest member.

If Yu Lian were here, he would definitely feel that genius is omnipotent wherever he is. Brunhilt had never been to the New World, didn't know the ruins of the New Jade Gate, and had never come into contact with Xiao Hui, so he had already estimated the strategic purpose of the Great Khan.

"If the predators are completely wiped out, there will be no owner's land there. However, we are very close to the community! According to the existing "New World Development Treaty", our opportunities are actually equal." Brynhilt smiled.

"Oh, it turns out it's to grab territory!" Marquis Xia Sen nodded slightly: "Then, isn't our combat power not as good as that of the Earth?"

"Combat strength is not the key. As you said, at least at this time, we are actually allies." King Soleyn sneered: "Then, the key here is, in fact, it lies in time and the strength of the opponent. .”

"And the other side's commander." Brunhildt added.

"Yes, there is also the commander-in-chief of the other party." King Solain showed a clear smile, as if I am a smart man and I understand the riddle, which immediately raised the blood pressure of several big guys present who did not understand. Got taller.

But just when they were about to say a few words, a reminder came from the secretary participating in the meeting: "My lords, the Minister of the Lifan Academy, Duke Feisu is online from Huaxu."

The big guys looked at each other. In fact, they are all smart people, and of course they can guess that this is the Galactic Civilization Council over Huaxu, and it has finally come to an end.

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