Him and their stars

Chapter 865 A good stage waits for everyone to come

All in all, with the amendment of the "New Continent Arms Limitation Treaty" passing the vote of the Galactic Civilization Parliament, the countries with colonies in the New Continent have officially loosened their ties.

Of course, the only ones who have truly assembled an army outside the Star Gate are the Earth and the Galactic Empire. As for the Alliance, although they have begun to mobilize their armies, their nearest colonies are more than 20,000 light-years away from the battlefield, and there are still large tracts of unexplored starry sky in between, making them impossible to navigate.

Therefore, if the alliance's army wants to come over to help, of course they can only detour from the mainland to the Gate of Glory and Nantianmen.

Regarding this point, Alliance Commander Tyrik Tatos, who will step down in two years, said on TV: "The Free Galaxy Alliance is a responsible cosmic power, and we are absolutely willing to fulfill our obligations to the galactic civilizations. Now, we have dispatched the 7th, 9th and 14th fleets to form a joint formation. As long as the empire and the community are willing to open their borders, we will enter the battlefield at any time. Let us join hands! Fight to eliminate the public enemies of galactic civilization Let’s fight together until death!”

This man's media image has always been that of a passionate and righteous uncle. It is said that Nihita, the chairman of the community's defense committee, imitated him. In short, this model of a hot-blooded uncle appeared on TV as if he was ready to stand on his last duty and burn his last drop of blood for the future of the galaxy, which indeed set many soldiers and civilians on fire.

Of course, how angry ordinary people are, how uncomfortable the top leaders of the two countries are.

Leaving aside the Empire, when it comes to the Community, after all, they are the so-called "third largest military power" in the galaxy. After all, they still have a face. Even if they are pro-Alliance, they cannot really let five Titans and ten Dreadnoughts. Across one's own borders.

As a result, with unprecedented efficiency, the National Defense Commission transferred the Solar System Fleet from the Community's housekeeping mobile force to Nantianmen, and also transferred half of the troops from the Galactic Center Defense Line, and by the way, transferred another three points from the Outer Rim Fleet. As one of the main battleships, it also formed a huge group with eight dreadnoughts and more than thirty battle cruisers.

This time, they have transferred all the "Independence-class" dreadnoughts in the country that can still move. Although they are all a group of old grandfather ships that have been in service for half a century, the fearless is a fearless after all.

In this case, it is very important who is the commander of the expedition fleet.

According to Teacher Yang’s previous analysis: If it is Admiral Ferdinand Bonaparte, the admiral of the Outer Rim Fleet, who is Eleanor’s eldest brother, then it is a purely military choice, and everyone will feel more at ease; if it is the solar system Fleet Admiral Admiral Sherman Connors, this operation is more political than military, and their subordinates may have a headache later.

However, judging from the current situation, the latter is more likely than the former.

Yu Lian felt that the most suitable person to be the commander of the expedition fleet was actually Marshal Paris, but the old man was already ninety years old after all, and it would be somewhat inhumane to go out on an expedition in person. Moreover, after all, he is also the Minister of Military Command and the first person in the uniform team of the community. In public and private matters, he should be in charge of the earth.

Of course, the formation and personnel arrangements of the Earth Expeditionary Force cannot be based on Yu Lian's opinions. He didn't even know that the expeditionary army had finally crossed the Nantianmen and officially entered the new continent that was very unfamiliar to the soldiers.

At this time, after more than a week's voyage, he took the "Scarlet Throne" dreadnought, which had not yet been officially renamed, and finally arrived at the borderland 166 system, which was the end of the branch channel where we were.

This is a very rare three-star system, and you can imagine how willful the magnetic field and gravity within its galaxy are. There are no solid planets full of lava among the planets in the galaxy, only four gas giant planets.

"It's such a barren land! Not even a hair on it!" Yu Lian sighed with emotion.

Of course, the colors of the three stars and four gaseous planets are quite colorful. By purely astronomical landscape standards, this galaxy is quite magnificent.

The first group of explorers here were cooperative inspection groups from the Community and the Alliance. It is said that one of the sponsors accompanying the inspection team, an alliance businessman who was also an explorer when he was young, really considered opening a branch tourism project here to collect tickets, but the astronomical conditions here are too capricious. , not to mention the construction of civilian orbital buildings, even professional large-scale exploration ships are difficult to be stranded again.

No, even the passionate Alliance businessman was blinded by a sudden irregular helium flash when he personally drove a deep space exploration ship to observe one of the three stars at close range.

Such a galaxy, at first glance, looks like a barren land with a narrow escape from death, and no precious minerals have been found. Naturally, it is regarded as a forbidden area by private explorers. As a result, the informal name Borderland 166 has accompanied this galaxy for more than twenty years.

However, Xiao Hui said to Yu Lian through his headset: "This three-galaxy system is actually very important. If nothing else, it is at least very easy to produce rare minerals. For you, such a galaxy can be ignored and insignificant. land, but to my creators, it is a very important mineral base.”

"Rare minerals? Those at the end of the periodic table? Or zero elements?" Yu Lian thought he had discovered Hua Dian.

"This is prohibited." She typed this directly on Yu Lian's personal terminal.

Then don’t mention it in the first place! Yu Lian felt that his blood pressure had increased again, and it was time to prepare some antihypertensive drugs for himself.

"The irregular gravity and magnetic field will throw the rare materials produced by the movement of the three stars into the void, even outside the gravitational range of the stars. Of course, how to extract these rare materials directly from the void is mining The future of industry!”

Well, at least she pointed out the development direction of mining technology, which is not to say that she said nothing.

Then, Xiao Hui gave a rough coordinate to the navigator of the ship's public terminal, and then used the voice of the ship's AI to broadcast to the whole ship: "The captain discovered that the parameters of this space point are abnormal. The captain discovered that this The parameters of the universe point are abnormal. Please ask the technical department to start analysis immediately. Please ask the technical department to start analysis immediately."

As a result, the crew members on the bridge who did not know the truth immediately worshiped and even made a pilgrimage to Yu Lian, who was shouldered by the navigator and captain.

You must know that when exploring the unknown starry sky, these pilots who have psychic powers and can find unknown channels through the power of "I Xunsi" will always be respected as prophets by the crew who are prone to superstition.

Yu Lian felt that Xiao Hui was very smart in doing this, and perfectly solved the origin of the channel information. Of course, Xiao Hui uses the onboard AI, which is Selena's voice, which occasionally makes him more dramatic.

He couldn't help but turn his head and look at the corner of the bridge with the corner of his eye. Master Cheap and Earl Black Moon occupied a seat in the corner of the bridge. They seemed completely unaware of the surrounding situation and were concentrating on playing a game of chess, just like old men fighting against each other in the park.

Yu Lian nodded to Lieutenant Colonel Kong Qingyu next to him. This old man, who was more like a captain than himself in terms of age, appearance and aura, conveyed the order in an orderly manner.

The technical officers of the navigation department launched twelve deep space probes towards the cosmic point coordinates just now, and began to conduct further gravity well searches based on the feedback data.

People in the observation department opened the radio telescope and began to conduct image comparison analysis.

In addition, the crew members inside the ship, under the leadership of the direct management personnel, opened the balance device of the Throne, opened the shield, and faced the chaos and even the gravity of the star that could be described as chaos, from between the two giant planets. The space between them passed through the planet and headed towards the coordinate point.

Even so, this huge dreadnought inevitably trembled when it passed through the orbit. The crew on the ship felt as if they were in a huge wind and wave. Although the steel and giant ship they were riding on would not be really overturned by the waves, it would inevitably be shaken upside down.

Yu Lian estimated that if Xiao Hui hadn't strengthened the hull of the Throne, even if it could really pass through these crazy cosmic spaces, the green skin ship would probably be torn apart and injured.

Speaking of which, those deep space detectors have actually been strengthened by Xiaohui, and even have nanomachines attached to them. Otherwise, they would probably be destroyed even if they were not able to float for millions of kilometers.

It was so shocked that even the two old men who were playing chess couldn't sit still. They probably felt that it would be too pretentious to sit and play chess at this time, so they all came to Pang Bin, the captain of Yulian.

Even the well-informed master was surprised by the environment here: "I really didn't expect that the weather here is so dangerous. I hope my old friend has arrived successfully... Uh, disciple , can they really arrive?”

Are you actually asking me? Weren't you the one who lured the imperial devils here? Although Yu Lian wanted to complain, but out of respect for his master, he still said: "We did not deliberately conduct a silent voyage. Whether it is the communication residue or the energy surplus left by the sub-light speed cruise, it will be left to the empire. There are enough traces. Of course, the premise is that they will really follow."

"They will definitely follow!" Master stroked his beard and said with a smile: "If he really can't follow, I will have many reasons to laugh at him in the future! Every time I laugh, Sadulan's momentum in front of me will increase. As you get weaker and weaker, you will lose the opportunity to challenge me. The truth side of the Nine Rings will also be hopeless for life!"

Well, psykers are idealistic masters after all. At their level, their behavior is incompatible with the painting style of the entire universe era. Anyway, Yu Lian is basically used to it.

"If he really doesn't come, Master, the pressure on us will be too great."

"Hahaha, disciple, you should know that those who conquer others are powerful, and those who conquer themselves are stronger! Even if that boy Sadulan doesn't come, shouldn't we just do this?"

Judging from your previous deliberate calculations... ah no, inviting Duke Sadolan to help you, you are really not worthy of saying this! Yu Lian chuckled and glanced at Earl Black Moon covertly, but found that he could not feel the other person's emotional fluctuations at all.

"Of course, if that kid Sadulan really doesn't fall for the trick, at worst we can just let nature take its course and just treat it like water." The master said with a smile, stroking his silver beard.

"Water? The best thing is like water, benefiting all things without fighting?"

"Of course a wise man loves water! This kid is really stubborn." The master suddenly showed an expression of regret that could not be seen in a child: "If the pressure is really too great, wouldn't you run away? Gray Fairy, can we run away? "

"If you can't run away, your disciple won't come." Xiao Hui said in the master's headset.

"You see, even the ancient weapon spirits agree with Master's wisdom." Master said.

"...It turns out that the so-called wise man who loves water means he should run when it's time to run!" Yu Lian said with emotion.

"Yes, this also coincides with the principle of a gentleman, and the husband should not fight." Lan Jiufeng explained seriously.

"Isn't this a Confucian principle?"

"Buddha is Tao, and Confucianism is also Tao. Red lotus, white lotus root and green lotus leaf, the three religions are one family."

Yu Lian thought to himself that anyone who was barely educated would have been deceived by this old man. He now certainly has reason to believe that Duke Sartolan was also deceived and lame in the first place, and as a result, he still doesn't have a long memory at this age.

At this time, Lieutenant Colonel Kong Qingyu's words came from Yu Lian's headset: "Captain, the deep space probe has captured the gravity well signal!"

Yu Lian stood up in the captain's position, looked at the first mate on the second row of the bridge, and saw the first mate giving him a thumbs up, grinning widely, as if every Every fold is filled with joy and joy.

How could he not be excited? This experienced veteran officer understood that no matter what galaxy this newly discovered gravity well was connected to, it represented the expansion of the frontier of civilization. Based on this alone, the Throne and all the friends on board are enough to leave their own names in the history of the development of the universe.

"The magnetic field is stabilizing. The shield charge capacity is 0.24 and continues to decrease." A technical officer reported. This data means that the impact of the chaotic magnetic field on the ship's shield has dropped to 0.24% per second, which is already below the automatic data of the shield battery.

To put it bluntly, the blood loss is not as fast as the blood recovery.

"The gravitational influence of the star is reduced to 1.2." Another officer reported.

This aspect is reflected more directly. Now the whole ship has stabilized, and everyone seems to have come from the stormy deep sea to a quiet bay.

"Start analyzing the mass accommodation of the gravity well!" Yu Lian ordered.

"Understood... Captain, do you want the entire ship to start combat preparations?" the first mate asked.

"No, just let everyone maintain basic static alert. All crew members will start taking turns to rest, and notify the kitchen to add meals! Except for the guard, security and engineering departments, officers and soldiers in all positions can drink in moderation."

First Officer Kong Qingyu was slightly startled, but still nodded and obeyed.

Soon, all the more than 10,000 crew members on the ship received orders to rest, and many people even cheered quietly.

At this time, the kitchen at the back also sent over the working meals for the bridge command level. They were all very standard meals for officers. Even the master did not make them special. Of course, Lan Jiufeng and Yu Lian were more than three times the size of others, which was probably the reason why their master and disciple hit it off immediately.

All in all, the atmosphere on the whole ship suddenly relaxed with a rhythm visible to the naked eye.

However, no one dared to oppose Yu Lian's order, or in other words, even if they were worried, they were unwilling to be the bad guy. You know, after such a long cruise, the crew still accumulated a lot of pressure, and they still need to release it to some extent.

"Of course, how long you can rest depends on when the friends invited by Master to help you arrive. I actually hope they can make themselves more relaxed." Yu Lian said with a smile.

"Indeed, if there are not all the actors on the stage, we will open the show by ourselves. It would be too rude to our friends from the empire who have come from afar." Earl Black Moon said with a smile.

"Sadulan is a brave man after all. When the time comes, he will always arrive." The master said with a smile.

Yu Lian shrugged: "This branch channel is very difficult to navigate. If you are not careful, the ship will be destroyed and people will be killed. When we finally reach the destination, it will be a three-star star in a barren land. I hope everything goes well for our friends in the empire." "

If the overcoming Imperial warship is directly torn apart by the chaotic magnetic field and gravity of this galaxy, it will really be a wrong expression, and it will make yourself and the cheap master look like fools.

"We have to believe in the shipbuilding technology of the empire, and even more so in the driving skills of the elite navy of the empire." Earl Black Moon glanced at Yu Lian, and there seemed to be a hint of playfulness in his eyes under the mask. He stretched out his index fingers and gestured: "No one understands the capabilities of the imperial army better than me! They can definitely come here!"

Yu Lian always felt as if he was being ridiculed, but he couldn't find any evidence.

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