Him and their stars

Chapter 868 Is that really the moon?

There is no way, the situation of the galaxy over there is really unknown, and it is a rare three-star galaxy. You can imagine how complicated its environment is. More importantly, no one can guarantee whether the other party is really hiding there to ambush.

The safest way is, of course, to make the jump in batches and waves. This has always been the most standard tactical action of space fleets from various countries.

But the problem is that there are currently two Clear Sky-class ships in the fleet that can serve as flagships, one is his own, and the other is the ship of Duke Sartolan himself. We can’t let the latter go, right? What's more, Colonel Soback is also an Astral Knight after all, and the Clear Sky class under him is also a so-called perfect heavy cruiser, which is relatively resistant. According to the tradition of the Imperial Navy, the thick-skinned main fleet must be faced head-on. Scenes of marshals, elected emperors, and even the emperor himself charging on the front line in a Titan ship are not uncommon in history.

Of course, Colonel Soback's face was much thicker than that of ordinary Astral Knights, but under the nose of Duke Sadolan, he still could not tell the auxiliary ship to go to the mines.

...Of course, if the Duke was not here, he might actually do this.

Captain Hongshan looked at Soback, who had a solemn face, as if he had done a lot of mental construction. He sighed slightly, but patiently comforted him: "Don't worry. There are some problems with the firepower and battery life of the Holy Shield class. But the high-power shield it comes with is comparable to that of the guard fleet. Moreover, before we set off, didn't you bring three more sets of nanorobot defense systems imported from the Iron Army, sacrificing the capacity of the hangar for this? Didn’t you get reprimanded by the Duke for this?”

"I was not reprimanded, but convinced him with my sufficient combat experience." Soback explained: "Didn't I also bring an aircraft carrier? It is enough to prepare everyone's heraldic machine."

yes! So in order to escort the aircraft carrier, you requisitioned eight Apocalypse Eagle B-type ships from the Bakvi people. This is a special ship type specially used for fleet escort. As soon as there were too many birdmen in Bakvi, and you were not confident about their combat effectiveness, you requisitioned four more Aegis ships from the sector guard fleet.

Well, it's obviously just a tracking operation with an unknown purpose, but this combat power is enough to attack a small country.

Captain Hongshan rolled his eyes secretly. In fact, he was not worried at all that the people on Earth would ambush and attack him. After all, the two countries did not go to war, and he also believed that the community would never dare to bear the infamy of undeclared war.

In the arena of international politics, every small country has to survive in the cracks with its tail between its legs. All small countries that can survive, if nothing else, at least have the skills to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. They cannot bear the responsibility of provoking a war, let alone take the initiative to attack a big country.

At this time, most of the crew members had returned to their posts, and Captain Hongshan ignored the restless Soback and directly issued the jump order.

A few minutes later, three imperial warships took the lead in passing through the gravity well and arrived in this remote frontier system. Sure enough, nothing happened. At least, the imaginary sneak attack fire did not happen at all, not even a high-energy response.

Of course, the chaotic magnetic field and gravity did sweep over like a storm on the sea.

However, this was originally within the empire's estimate. To be honest, this is what a three-star system should be like. If it were a calm and stable young and middle-aged single star system, people would think that there must be something evil if something goes wrong.

Hongshan couldn't help but glance at Colonel Soback with a mocking look, but saw that the other man had already stood up on the bumpy hull, and his face was filled with vitality again.

As long as there is no sneak attack, it at least means that the evil star is actually not hostile! Then there's still room to talk... But, are they really in this galaxy?

Soback thought of a possibility and quickly ordered the launch of a deep space probe.

However, when the four automatic deep space probes had just left their cabin, Captain Hongshan suddenly shouted: "Active communication signal found!"

Immediately afterwards, a light curtain automatically jumped up on the bridge, but the autonomous analysis function of the signal source by the shipboard AI began to operate.

On the screen, Soback saw with his own eyes that the red dreadnought, which he had been separated from for two months, swayed on the edge of the galaxy and then disappeared without a trace.

At that moment, he even felt that his old enemy...ah, in short, the evil star whose name cannot be mentioned was standing on the boat waving to him.

that's the truth. Yu Lian saw the blue-and-white Snowstorm at the first moment, and immediately felt a sense of intimacy, so he waved enthusiastically to the other party.

At any rate, I stayed side by side with that ship for nearly a month. We have passed through star gates, crossed the starry sky, chased predators, and beaten pirates and unknown space monsters together. How could we not know each other?

What's more, the owner of that ship is his officially recognized "old enemy", the only imperial soldier in the God's Chosen Champion Team, and Colonel Yeager Soback, who he "sympathizes with" and is "both enemy and friend".

By the way, isn't that guy responsible for the reconnaissance of the Predators' former enemies? Not trapped in the canopy maze? I really have to admire this person's luck. However, given that guy's usual behavior, it is quite surprising that he would participate in such a dangerous exploration operation.

Of course, Yu Lian didn't know that his "old enemy" had been accepted as his direct disciple by his master's old enemy, Duke Sartolan, so he could only lament that things in the world were unpredictable.

No matter what, this is an unexpected surprise! Yu Lian hurriedly said to the first mate: "What are you doing standing still! Say hello!"

Isn't this too much that there is no silver in this place? Kong Qingyu thought. However, considering that the captain himself had a history of being driven crazy by others, he took the initiative to send three waves of active communication signals to the direction in which the other party had jumped in.

With the performance of the imperial warship, it is impossible not to receive this signal.

After saying hello, the Scarlet Throne ignored the other party's reaction and jumped into the gravity well. Now that the stage is there and the actors are all here, we should really control the rhythm.

Half a minute later, after a slight sway, the Throne successfully got rid of the constraints of the gravity well. In this way, Yu Lian and the more than 10,000 Community soldiers on board arrived at a galaxy that has never been explored by this generation of civilization.

Compared with the three-star system in the backwaters of the 166 Galaxy on the Edge, this new galaxy is a very stable mature star system. The star in the center of the galaxy emits warm orange-red light, and visually looks similar to the sun. Of course, its surface and internal temperatures, planet mass, approximate composition, and various other constants all require more detailed and precise calculations.

But no matter what, at least everyone did not feel the chaotic magnetic field and gravitational entanglement that was like a stormy sea when they were at the edge of 166. The friends on the boat also breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously.

Yu Lian subconsciously glanced at the screen of the ship's central terminal, but Xiao Hui did not give any direct reaction.

"Sublight speed engine, switch to the second level attack speed, 4 o'clock direction." Yu Lian ordered.

"All ships, second level attack speed! 4 o'clock direction!" The first mate repeated the order in a loud voice.

"Sir, do you want to launch a deep space probe?" the radar officer said.

"The deep space probe... doesn't move! Turn off the active gravitational wave radar!" Yu Liandao said. "

Kong Qingyu and the radar officer exchanged glances and hesitated for a moment, but the former repeated the order.

Ina turned to look at Yu Lian in the captain's seat, silently turned off the main gun's active gravitational wave calibrator, and switched to manual aiming mode. She is still very confident in herself. As long as she is within the normal shooting range, using a machine is not as good as her own eyes and perception.

In this way, the Scarlet Throne entered a certain degree of "radio" silence, and at a speed close to that of a high-speed passenger ship, it gently crossed the vast space between a dwarf planet and two ice giants at the edge of the galaxy. What immediately appeared in front of everyone was a huge dark red gas giant planet.

If there really is some evil spirit in this galaxy that no one has discovered, this planet is probably the best cover. As a result, the ship's hull turned lightly outside the gravitational range of the planet, and using its working orbit as a cover, it silently entered the "middle ring" of the star system.

The Throne spent another hour, continuously passing through the orbits of two gas giant planets, passing over an earth-yellow earth-like planet, and continuing towards the center of the galaxy. Soon, what appeared in front of everyone was an earthy-yellow planet with a hint of green.

The description of this color does not sound very serious, but it is enough to make the friends on the boat breathe quickly and their eyes shine, as if they had dug out natural emeralds while digging coal in the mine.

But we have to know that this is what New Yumen looks like when viewed from space, and this is what Mars, which the Empire spent a century transforming, looks like.

In the universe, this is a symbol of a naturally habitable planet. Perhaps for humans, the fitness is not 100%, but as long as it is a habitable planet, this is enough.

The universe is vast, but to everyone living in the Age of Discovery, these naturally habitable planets are just gems dug out of coal mines.

"...Yes, is there atmosphere and water?" Someone was already asking, and there was even a tremor in his voice.

"More detailed analysis is needed." Someone replied: "But I guess it's probably nine out of ten."

So, the Throne zoomed in a little closer to the height of the planet so that it could see more clearly.

Well, at least it is certain that there is an atmosphere here. Yu Lian glanced at the planet, and then looked at the terminal screen.

Xiao Hui still didn't respond, but he didn't know whether he was preparing to rest before the battle or whether he was fishing for fish.

Everyone then passed the orbit of the sixth planet - this planet has now orbited to the other end of the galaxy. We couldn't immediately determine its type, but nine out of ten it was at least an Earth-like planet.

Then, when the seventh planet of this galaxy finally appeared in everyone's sight, Xiao Hui finally said "Stop!" in Yu Lian's ears.

If I hadn't practiced it before, such a surprise would sooner or later scare people to death. Yu Lian thought, and ordered in a calm voice: "The entire ship will shift to first-level cruising speed, direction 8 o'clock."

Although First Officer Kong didn't know why Yu Lian gave such an order, he still understood his role as a tool man and repeated some of Yu Lian's orders in a loud voice. The Throne dragged the hull of tens of thousands of meters and completed the deceleration and steering movements in a few seconds, as nimbly as a small or medium-sized cruise ship.

To be honest, if the hull and equipment had not been modified by Xiao Hui, this action would have taken at least twice as long based on the performance of the previous green leather ship. The crew's breakfast might also have to be eaten up in large part.

But now, the Throne always maintained a safe distance from the planet, and circled in a clockwise direction to the side of the planet facing the star, and then began to move towards the planet in front.

At this time, even the most neurotic friends have realized that there are so many Earth-like planets in this galaxy, and they are immediately full of expectations for the planets in front of them.

Fortunately, the existence of this planet has not lived up to everyone's expectations.

It was a blue planet that could make everyone's blood boil, like a blue gem hanging in the void. This is a symbol of life, a treasure coveted by all carbon-based creatures wandering in the starry sky.

However, if you take a closer look, you will see that the size of this planet is much larger than the average naturally habitable planet, and its diameter is almost twice that of the yellow desert planet just now. Logically speaking, a naturally habitable planet with water and an atmosphere should not have such a volume.

Looking more closely, there seem to be three moons hanging in the planet's earth-moon orbit.

"What a mess of gravity and tides! Can such a planet really produce life?"

"But she did appear! You have to accept the fact!"

Yu Lian heard someone whispering, but it was the two sisters Gan Jiang and Mo Xie.

However, the existence of that planet itself has answered the twin sisters' question. At this distance, even without observation equipment, the eyesight of a third-ring psychic can be enough to see through the atmosphere on the surface of the planet, scanning less than 30% of the land area, and see everything above it. Yes vibrant green spots.

"Gaia..." Yu Lian murmured to himself in his own voice.

"No, to be precise, it's the half-modified Gaia." Xiao Hui's voice rang again.

"Half-transformed? In other words, does the Enlightened One already have the ability to transform the planet into a holy place?"

"This is forbidden... Well, forget it, there is nothing that cannot be said. I remember that the Galactic Empire would capture a large number of spiritual beasts more than a thousand years ago and put them on their home planet. . This is actually a kind of transformation of the planet Gaia. How is it? How is the progress now?"

"The effect is gratifying! I had a lot of fun with various ginger fish cakes and Oscar in the forest of Gumeia."

"It seems that they are on the right path! It is obviously such a degenerate system, but the decision-making and execution are good." Xiao Hui praised.

Because of this system, as long as you have a clear mind, decision-making and execution are never a problem. Yu Lian thought.

"In short, making the work done by the empire more detailed and speeding it up a thousand times is what my creators have done before." Xiao Hui added.

This was said without saying anything, but it did make Yu Lian think about it. He just used the poor imagination of his lowly carbon-based monkey to imagine such a scene of the power of heaven and earth, and he was so shocked that he almost developed intracranial hypertension.

At this time, Xiao Hui said again: "Look carefully, is that really the moon?"

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