Him and their stars

Chapter 876 Universal entertainment bionic man

No wonder Yani’s ancestor, Salleliu Berenkeist, who served five terms as the Alliance’s Grand Commander, once said: “The Empire is nothing but a primitive civilization, it’s just a bankrupt copycat that followed the footsteps of the Enlightened Ones. It’s just goods.”

It is said that these words really broke the defense of the empire at that time.

However, Yu Lian felt that it was unnecessary. Even if it is a bankrupt copycat, in terms of solemn and gorgeous engineering aesthetics, the empire has indeed reached a level that other civilizations can't match. Regardless of whether it is pirated or not, culture is culture, and it does have its own style.

For example, the aisles of this ancient ship are indeed very gorgeous, but they are not necessarily superior to the audience rooms later built on the Angel of Dawn.

Yu Lian was still thinking about this issue when Earl Black Moon jumped out from behind. As soon as he landed on the ground, the thief who had been famous for hundreds of years whistled and sighed: "How much people support this!"

"...This is the ship of the Enlightened One."

"Oh, yes, hahahaha, sorry, I can't help but think so when I see this kind of decoration. This is probably also a kind of PTSD." Earl Black Moon laughed.

Well, look at this abundant class emotion, you can tell he is a member of our generation. If Yu Lian hadn't known that this kind of thieves must be used to being free, he would have directly roped them in.

"However, I will feel dizzy as soon as I enter such an environment. I must be suffering from the disease of wanting to pry something valuable when I see it. In order not to delay things, of course you will lead the way." He added.

Yu Lian didn't object, so he directly used the heraldry machine to open the ship structure diagram that Xiao Hui had given him before, and quickly marked out several action routes.

According to Xiao Hui, the best way to seize control of the ship in the lowest carbon, environmentally friendly and safe way is to enter the central room at the core of the cabin and directly hack or boom the carrier of the ship's central hub. Of course, it is located at the end of the hull, and it is still very troublesome to get over. To be on the safe side, you can change direction and go to the engine room at the stern end of the ship, directly destroying the energy core there.

"Our level of technology is like that of primitive people to the Enlightened Ones. Is there really a way to destroy the energy core of this ship?"

"You can use psychic energy. After all, mysticism is something that owes its power to itself, and has little to do with the civilizational era and technological level." Xiao Hui said: "Besides, there seems to be something wrong with your understanding of primitive people, right? Even Neanderthals, under special circumstances, could have stoned a Tirello man."

Yu Lian always felt that this riddle robot seemed to be mocking the entire civilization of this generation as Neanderthals, but he really had no evidence.

"However, if possible, let's find a way to get to the central room. This way our gains will be greater." Xiao Hui said again.

Yu Lian naturally couldn't agree more with this. For an experienced old ranger and gold medal adventurer like myself, who has downloaded various books dozens of times in his two lifetimes, he finally encountered such a high-quality large-scale Enlightenment Relics book. Naturally, he had to think about it. Way to get the highest reward.

Of course, to be on the safe side, Yu Lian still drew a space mark on the landing port. In this way, if there is an emergency that cannot be solved, and he and the count are really trapped in a corner of the ship, they can still find a way to use the Holy Jade to open a dimensional door and escape.

After doing all this, Yu Lian projected the structural diagram on his front window, and placed Gatlin in front of him. Then he winked at Earl Black Moon and walked towards the passage on the right.

They had only advanced no more than ten meters when they heard footsteps coming from the front and quickly entered a state of alert. After a moment, two humanoid structures as tall as one person walked around the entrance of the passage and appeared in their sight.

This is indeed a very typical humanoid structure, consisting of a head, torso and limbs. The height should be a standard two meters, and the body proportions are completely matched according to the perfect golden section. The outer material cannot be seen with the naked eye, but it is indeed filled with a full elasticity that is infinitely close to that of a humanoid body. However, the overall appearance is silver that is very close to the shell of a ship, as if it is hidden in the blood vessels under the body. , flowing like moonlight.

However, the facial features on the face are not the same as the golden section. Instead, the front is divided into four parts with a glowing golden cross, which is quite a bit like a stick figure sketch of a portrait.

"Bionic man?" Yu Lian asked in the headset.

"Universal entertainment uses bionic humans." Xiao Hui said: "Hey, what a pity."

"...Well, it is indeed a pity. Since it is a bionic person, why not just make the head and face?" Yu Lian looked at the bright cross on the other person's face that could not become a normal facial feature. Although it would not be regarded as the uncanny valley, it was always There is something awkward about it.

"Probably to prevent addiction."


"If the head, face, facial features, and hair were all made, what would be the difference between them and normal humans? It would be easy to become addicted. My creator was at a historical stage. It is said that many young people were addicted to the effects of bionic people. They cannot extricate themselves from their own virtual fun. Such social problems have troubled them for a long time. After adding some history of prohibited items, after that, the androids have canceled their faces no matter what level of artificial intelligence they have."

This, it turns out that even such a highly enlightened civilization once had such worldly troubles!

"However, some young people went too far. They didn't have the courage to post a photo with their face and develop it. Later, they removed all their sexual organs. Especially for the spare androids on this kind of long-term working ship, except for the tool man You can never do anything else."

Indeed, the body proportions of the two androids opposite are indeed very good, but other than that, they are just like a mannequin in a ready-to-wear store. They are also suitable for both men and women.

...Well, even if the enlightened ones have escaped from low-level taste in the era of ascension, at least they are still very addicted to low-level taste at a certain stage.

However, at this moment, one of the models... ah no, the android put his hand on his chest and bowed to Yu Lian.

Even if it was a civilization of another generation with very different cultural customs, Yu Lian could guess that the other party was indeed expressing politeness to him. However, this scene is really weird. Yu Lian must continue to be vigilant. At this time, he can only be rude.

The android didn't pay attention. After he raised his head, the light on the cross on his face flickered, and a string of elegant-sounding notes came out.

This was a language he had never heard before, but Yu Lian was almost certain that the timbre and sentence pattern of this sentence were very similar to the song he had heard from Xiao Hui.

"The language of the enlightened?"

"To be precise, it is one of the Mongolian words for service robot." Xiao Hui said: "He means that the guests who have come from afar are greeting you."

"...Can't you just open a translation software for me?"

"That's also a prohibited matter." Xiao Hui said with a smile: "However, if I help you translate a few sentences and you analyze it yourself through information collection, then it is not a prohibited matter."

Yu Lian curled his lips and thought, isn't this just a side shot? Fortunately, I was recording just now.

Then, the first android stood up and said another sentence.

"He said that people who come to the ship as guests are best not to carry weapons." Xiao Hui said.

Yu Lian thought to himself that this was absolutely impossible.

"If you don't carry weapons, we will treat guests to a banquet, which is a specially cultivated starry sky crop on our ship. If you don't want to, something unspeakable will definitely happen." Xiao Hui continued to translate.

"You can't bear to say something? You're so elegant."

"Well, the creator's language is broad and profound, and there are many allusions and idioms that you don't understand. But that's roughly the meaning." Xiao Hui said.

It was probably because Yu Lian and Earl Black Moon were standing there motionless, it really didn't look like they were weapons that must not be given up. So, the other android took a step forward, the cross on its face suddenly turned red, and the fingers on its arm were closing together, as if they were about to form a sharper shape.

"He said, this is the last warning, don't say it was unforeseen. There is indeed no such sentence in the creator's words, but the creator's language is profound and very literary. It is difficult to translate, but it probably means this. .”

Well, one has a red face and the other has a white face, and they are quite particular about what they do.

At this time, the android who was making a fool of himself at the beginning twisted his body again, so the flat body like a dummy clothes hanger model twisted like a water snake, and then directly condensed into a forward and backward curve. The good figure, even the cherry red bumps and the garden that can accommodate the big tree have appeared.

Yu Lian was shocked. Is this content that you can watch for free?

"What she means is that if you are friendly, in addition to delicious food, other welcome content that should be charged can also be provided for free." Xiao Hui translated again.

Although the android still has no face, it can already express its charming charm with just a few coquettish movements. As expected, the Enlightened Ones are very good at this aspect.

But that guy really has no face, and Yu Lian really has no interest. Just when he was about to say something, your Earl Black Moon snorted impatiently, and suddenly took a step forward, turned his wrist, and heard almost There were two inaudible "buzzing" sounds, and a mist-like wave flashed past. The two bionic robots began to break along the shoulders to the waist and abdomen, and they were smoothly broken into two pieces. The smooth and flat wound flashed with a few sparks formed by energy entanglement, but it soon disappeared. The broken body suddenly lost its luster, as if it had turned directly into a blue-gray stone, and fell next to it. on the wall.

"These two puppets look very unpleasant." Earl Black Moon said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Yu Lian felt that he could not agree more. It would be nice if these two androids grew their faces, but they didn't. Wouldn't the better their figure be, the closer they are to the uncanny valley?

What's more, they didn't expect to come in and make friends with these ancient machines that were still functioning.

"What a pity..." Xiao Hui sighed: "According to my judgment, if you put down your weapons and attend their banquet, there is a 27% chance that there will be no conflict, and a 12% chance that you will be killed. If they send gifts out of the country, there is a 4% chance that you can make friends with them."

"Then what's the possibility of asking them to close the curtain and give me copies of the materials?"

"Haha, this is actually just a mathematical model, for reference only."

Yu Lian understood immediately, and could only hum in dissatisfaction and continue to move towards the end of the passage leading to the destination.

Now that we have entered the ship, we can of course use the Sky Sacred Jade to get on our way. However, the cooldown time of this secret treasure is forty-eight hours, which means that it can only be used once during this operation. Naturally, it must be used to escape at critical moments. We haven't reached the critical moment yet, so being able to use your legs to reach your destination in a low-carbon and environmentally friendly way is of course the best choice.

Earl Black Moon followed Yu Lian, waved his hand slightly, and a hazy aura that could not be caught by the naked eye came over, covering the two of them.

"Oh, Shadow Seam Cloak." Xiao Hui sighed in surprise: "Even in the previous generation, there were only a few people who mastered this method. This ability is enough to ensure that you can sneak in most places with ease."

"I rely on these little tricks to make a living in the world. I hope most of them are included here," the earl said.

"Of course I hope too." Xiao Hui said.

Yu Lian always felt that the riddle robot only told half of what he said. However, when he and the count entered the main passage inside the ship from the outer aisle and walked past a group of robots of different shapes and claws, they seemed to be unable to see the two of them at all, and they still seemed to be headless. Wandering around the passage like flies.

Stealth successful! These robots should be engineering, and may not be as good as the guard types that are fighting fiercely with the two old men, but they should not be underestimated. If we really want to fight, it will probably consume a lot of ammunition and energy.

The two followed the original route and passed through the main passage. Just as they walked along the stairs to the first floor of the ancient ship, the alloy door closed slowly and normally.

Earl Black Moon looked at the closed door and then at Yu Lian. The latter looked around, but did not see Xiao Hui.

"After the isolation door is closed, it will be impossible for the robot behind to catch up." Xiao Hui said.

"Have you already entered?" Yu Lian asked.

"The closer we are to the central control room, the more permissions I have over the ship, but they are all trivial permissions. After all, it is a large scientific research ship, and the defense against electronic intrusion is still very strict." Xiao Hui said: "Sure enough, if you want to fully control the ship, you still need to directly enter the central control room and physically invade."

Yu Lian nodded. He had never expected to rely on Xiao Hui to hack everything.

At this time, Xiao Hui said again: "However, important facilities like the central control room should contain mystical protection. I really can't guarantee whether the Shadow Seam Cloak will still be effective."

Before he finished speaking, the count had already taken off his cloak.

"Can't use it?" Yu Lian asked.

"It works, but the physical energy consumed is dozens of times higher than normal. If you keep driving like this and walk a few hundred meters, I will faint from exhaustion." Earl Black Moon said.

"So that's it, it's the Balanced Field Array! This array is very low-cost and environmentally friendly, and will last longer. You must be careful, after entering this field, the mental loss of all mysterious side techniques will increase to three times to fifty More than twice that, the higher the level, the higher the punishment.”

Yu Lian thought to himself that this was somewhat similar to the Forbidden Spirit Array, but even the nine-ring array master couldn't achieve such an effect.

"Of course, the good news is that your physical strength, weapons and even your Noble Phantasms should not be affected."

Just as Yu Liang was about to ask what the bad news was, he heard more footsteps coming from the front.

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