Him and their stars

Chapter 892 Mortals’ Last Strike

Soback held his waist and gasped seven or eight times in a row. He felt that he was not as tired as he was now after enduring a month in the God of War Festival. He held on to the heraldry machine next to him, and it took him half a minute to finally adjust his breathing rhythm. Only then did he feel the other party's scrutinizing gaze, and he quickly stood up straight again and nodded with a smile on his face.

However, this performance of being strong on the outside but capable on the inside made Yu Lian couldn't help but turn his scrutiny into sympathy: "Yeah, brother, you are not doing your best if you continue like this! Men can do anything, but they can only do it when playing mahjong. How can you find the awesome Yue if you continue like this... ah no, how can you make life happy! Of course, I still have some experience in this regard. The skills inherited by our chef Rong Xia downstairs for 1,500 years also include special A useful medicinal recipe. If you want a recipe, I can prescribe one for you, it only costs 1 million gold dragons."

"One million gold dragons is enough to buy 100 of your restaurants! You think I'm stupid! I'm very healthy now!"

"That's right, since we are all disciples of Duke Sadolan, we will naturally exercise to be very strong, but these two kinds of health are completely different things. And you actually adjusted my information!" Yu Liandao.

Soback hurriedly straightened his chest and waist, and said seriously: "Besides, why do you have a family before the bandits are eliminated? All my thoughts are now focused on destroying the plunderers, and I don't have that kind of attitude for the time being. Worldly desires!”

Yu Lian raised his eyebrows, as if he knew each other for the first time, and smiled: "Even if he has no worldly desires, boys must not only learn to protect themselves when they go out, but also learn to take care of their bodies. Speaking of which, I am I am going to open a hot pot restaurant in the imperial capital with Miss Nelhana. In addition to the traditional spicy hot pot in my hometown, there is also a medicinal hot pot. Do you want to buy a share? Or can I give you a one-year membership at a discount? You can first Let’s try the effect.”

It took Soback a few seconds to think about it before he realized that "Miss Nelhana" should refer to Baroness Mera, who was also an extremely excellent astral knight. The most important thing was that she was the best friend of His Highness Brunhilt, King of Sulyuka, and he suddenly felt a little moved.

If we can jointly purchase some property with that baroness, can we get in touch with His Highness King Su?

Thorbek has become famous through the War of the God of War and the Battle of the Far Coast Star Realm, and is now a close disciple of Duke Saduran. In the eyes of most people, even the children of the great nobles, he is already considered a person with hands and eyes that can reach the sky. But he himself has always lacked real sense. As a mature social person, the more backgrounds, the better.

Of course, now is not the time to discuss these issues. He continued to keep a straight face and said in a standard diplomatic tone that was obviously well-trained: "Although we are destined to have different positions and although we are destined to be enemies, at least the cooperation this time is quite good." Good luck. Is that right? Colonel?"

Hey, you can still answer questions? From the corner of his eye, Yu Lian caught sight of the figure peeping around the door. He casually sensed that there were nearly twenty people, and he immediately understood.

These should be Soback's friends, who should have arrived one after another before.

If it were normal times, with the strength of this group of people, their presence would be felt from a distance of more than one or two hundred meters, but this time they were discovered at this time. This should be the time when the "astronomical self-awareness" was activated just now. All attention was focused on target prediction, and the perception of the surroundings was weakened.

This trick really can’t be used more often! On the one hand, it consumes too much physical and mental energy, and once it is activated, the main body is equivalent to being undefended.

Yu Lian estimated that when he was targeting the enemy with his "Astronomical Sense" just now, if these rookie knights crept up behind him and gave him a righteous backstab, the success rate should be quite high.

However, he didn't feel afraid at all. Since he dared to play like this, he naturally believed in Xiao Hui who was everywhere and Earl Black Moon who didn't know where he was.

In short, because Yu Lian and Soback did not respect martial ethics, they completed a sneak attack on an old comrade who did not know how many millions of years ago. The other two old comrades, who were almost 200 years old in total, saw that the balance of the scene was broken, so they naturally stopped standing as a three-pronged party and began to beat the weakest party without any moral ethics.

A few minutes later, the mechanical structure like a giant centipede was continuously torn apart, and then crushed by the roaring force field, as if it was being tortured by cruel Ling Chi. This is not because Duke Sadolan and Lan Jiufeng have a bad taste, but because this guy is not a living thing after all, and does not have important organs and vitals. No matter how many times he was slashed, he could still struggle and even fight back. The two bosses could only continue to chop.

Fortunately, even if this ancient robot could be continuously resurrected through cells like a demon puppet, it would still be unable to survive being crushed endlessly without the ability to fight back. After the last gorgeous flashes of the brilliant golden light and the cold sharp green light, the body of the robot bug finally stopped moving, and the whole thing froze, without any movement, as if it was a huge dead branch.

Xiao Hui said: "Mr. Lan, and the Imperial Duke made a very smart choice. This kind of self-disciplined security system is actually made of atomic-level liquid nano-cells. It can be assembled, changed and restored infinitely, and there is almost no way to use external force." Completely destroy it. Instead of doing this, it is better to use mystical means to cut off all the energy flows in the enemy's body and make the constituent materials inactive. In this way, the most delicate mechanical cells will stop functioning."

...This method has no general applicability.

Just as Yu Liang was about to say this, the aiming system of the turret seemed to have captured something again. Suddenly it was placed in the field of view and the crosshairs landed on the robot's "corpse", only to see a glimmer of light suddenly flashing there. Immediately afterwards, there was a section of robot parts less than a hundred meters away, which automatically broke away from the crumbling mainland. It accelerated and dragged its irregular triangle-like body to escape towards the distant starry sky.

As for the Master and Duke Sartolan, after they joined forces to turn the third-party mechanical giant insect into a cosmic debris floating in space, they separated a hundred meters apart and faced each other for a few seconds. Immediately afterwards, the majestic god like a mountain and the cold sword light like a storm disintegrated in front of everyone's eyes and became invisible.

But then, in the dark space, there was a colder and deeper force brewing.

Yu Lian knew that in the void that was invisible to the naked eye, a more dangerous battle was about to begin. The old enemies of the master and Duke Sartolan - of course, most of them should be the latter's unilateral belief that they had shown their ferocity in the battle just now and were ready to take the opportunity to decide the winner.

In other words, it is a matter of life and death!

"You came."

"Of course I'm coming."

"You shouldn't have come."

"Had to come."

"Are you practicing spiritual cultivation?"

"I am the spirit."

"I don't know the spirit."

"you know?"

"You can only be sincere to the spirit, not to the people."

Well, of course the above is all Yu Lian’s imagination, but we just need to understand the spirit. But the biggest problem is that these two old men were just preparing for a life-or-death duel, but they actually allowed a fish that slipped through the net to escape from the battlefield! Isn’t this just plain unorganized and undisciplined? It’s not surprising that the master is a foreigner and is used to being free and loose. But you, Duke Sartolan, are a soldier!

However, as a junior, he could not express his dissatisfaction. He could only watch the separated flying fragments and escape from the battlefield: "Even the cosmic amoeba has this vitality."

"This is the automatic insurance program of the Enlightened One. After the security system is destroyed, the last life-saving parts will carry all the combat records and escape, hiding in the subspace, waiting for follow-up support."

It's just a lifeboat, but it can actually reach subspace? Yu Lian was immediately even more shocked.

"However, after all, so many years have passed. The possibility that the subspace engine can still operate is only 12% at most." Xiao Hui added.

Yu Lian always wanted to ask Xiao Hui how he calculated those probabilities, but before he could speak, he saw that the flying object had already run away far away, and the light on its body flickered a few times. It seems to be forming some mysterious pattern. However, before the pattern was formed, those colored lights were like candles in the strong wind. Finally, they tremblingly closed a few times, but were completely extinguished.

So, nothing happened.

For a moment, Yu Lian wanted to pity the other party.

And at this moment, a volley of artillery roared from the distance, almost blocking all directions of its flight. As a result, the last fragment of this ancient guard robot, after struggling for another half a second, was finally pierced by an orbital cannon shell and lost its mobility. Then he was trapped in more densely packed shells and was completely turned into powder.

The one who fired the cannon was naturally the Scarlet Throne, which had been secretly observing it for a long time.

The crew members above were Yu Company's subordinates, so naturally they had the same idea as the latter, and had long been looking for an opportunity to launch a precise sneak attack. However, perhaps the previous battles between the bosses were too high-powered and they could never find a way to intervene.

Now, after finally finding a fish that slipped through the net, how could we give up?

As a result, a group of "mortal" soldiers stood up and cheered, proud of themselves for successfully completing the final blow.

More importantly, they suddenly felt that they seemed to have successfully participated in the showdown between extraordinary beings. They were still in awe of the two bosses' methods that were comparable to gods, but they always felt that they were not that far away from these people who determined psychic abilities.

At least not to the point of dimensionality.

First Officer Kong hid his complicated emotions in his heart and calmly began to arrange the follow-up matters: "The entire ship will deflect 12 degrees clockwise and maintain the first cruising speed. All crew members will continue to remain alert."

"Prepare the landing craft. We need to bring the captain and the others back. Tell Colonel Dutt to keep the fighter planes on alert. At least two teams must be on standby outside the ship."

Everyone knew who this warning was for, but they didn't say anything.

"The orbital main gun still needs to be kept in a warm-up state." Ina also said.

"Can the capacitor be maintained?" Mate Kong was a little worried about the current state of the main gun.

"No problem." Ina looked at the data table fed back by the terminal, tilted her head suspiciously, and said firmly: "The capacitor has always been in good condition, abnormally good. This must be the blessing of the God of Steam and Steel! "

What the hell is the God of Steam and Steel? Lieutenant Colonel Kong Qingyu said: "Replace with armor-piercing ammunition! The main battery team remains on standby!"

At the same moment, Ina had opened the sight, set the crosshair on the aircraft carrier of the opposite imperial fleet, and began to figure out the opponent's weaknesses.

First Officer Kong felt that the imperial fleet on the opposite side should have taken the same action, so he said nothing.

All in all, the last resister on this "ancient ruin" has also lost its ability to resist. At this time, it is 18:17 on May 10th, Galaxy Huaxu Standard Time.

Of course, at this time, we are more than two million light years away from the Milky Way.

Outside the ship, Lan Jiufeng and Duke Sadolan were still confronting each other, and their momentum seemed to be continuing to rise.

Yu Lianze and Soback in the boat looked at each other and gave each other an awkward yet polite smile. The former stood firm and motionless, but the latter took two steps back, intentionally or unintentionally standing behind the heraldic machine, and might get into the cabin at any time.

They all realized a very real problem. Once the battle is over and the "guardians" in the ruins are eliminated, both parties will naturally break away from the position of "collaborators".

Then, among the young knights who were observing at the door, a knight carrying a crystal war hammer also stepped out and entered the room first. Behind him were several other knights, all carrying force field shields as large and thick as door panels, which were all defensive equipment.

As for the rest of the knights, they were all crowded at the door and did not move.

This probably means they have no ill intentions for the time being. perhaps……

"Don't be impulsive." Soback ordered his subordinates. It can be seen that this guy has a good prestige in the eyes of his colleagues. The knights who have entered the room are standing behind him on both sides. The one that stands out is a C position.

"This ruins was successfully excavated and inspected jointly by our two countries. Colonel, you should admit it, right?" he said.

Yu Lian nodded.

"Then, the empire should also take our part of the spoils here, right?"

Yu Lian continued to nod.

Soback breathed a sigh of relief and showed a hint of joy.

I've said it before, although this evil star who must not even be named kills people like crazy, but it is still reasonable on the whole.

"But the question is, what if we divide it up? Do you have anything to do?" Yu Lian asked with a smile.

"This..." Soback hesitated for a moment, and then continued to speak seriously with his head held high and his chest raised: "I feel that it is not me and others who have made the greatest contribution, but His Excellency the Grand Commander and your Mr. Lan. At least we should listen first. It’s their opinion.”

There was nothing wrong with this. Yu Lian just smiled and nodded and said nothing else.

Then, Soback added: "We have many wounded here. Now that the battle is over, we hope to send them back to the ship to recuperate. Is that okay?"

"This is your right. The empire and the community are not enemies, at least not now." Yu Lian knew that the other party was probably looking for an opportunity to escape, but his words were reasonable, and he couldn't say anything else.

But at this moment, the communicator of the Sobaek heraldry machine suddenly rang three times, automatically connected, and then directly entered the hands-free mode. What came out from inside was the voice of Duke Sadolan.

"Yeager, I have a lot of things to do here and I can't get away. All matters in the ruins, big and small, will be left to you. Don't waste the bloody battles of the imperial soldiers. This is your duty. I also believe that you must be It can be done.”

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