Him and their stars

Chapter 898 Torture and Exploration

Well, we have to know that Gan Jiang and Miss Mo Xie are just underage high school students after all, not professional soldiers, and they have indeed not experienced too many life and death battles. They also don't understand that for most soldiers and warriors, if all combat missions unfold like this, then the world will really be peaceful.

Yes, there are only a few living people left inside this "unidentified" ship. After everyone boarded the ship, they arrived at the bridge and engine room very smoothly without any fighting.

It took everyone nearly twenty minutes to quickly clear out more than forty corpses from the ship. Although it is not that the mainland cannot access the updated database of the military, the empire has determined the identities of more than half of the people based only on the information on the ship. They are all pirates, smugglers, mercenaries, etc. with quite good criminal records. It is true that They can be considered a group of tough bandits, and they are also very well-armed.

If we really want to fight stubbornly and start a street fight inside the ship, it will inevitably cause a lot of casualties.

Fortunately, the other party is indeed quite confident in its latent ability, and has no defense at all against unethical sneak attacks from both sides.

The sudden strong photon jamming bomb destroyed their stealth system and caused most of the equipment in the ship to collapse. Even the isolation board of the cabin had to be closed manually. This, of course, also gave the subsequent nano-toxin bombs and biological radiation bombs an endless stream, providing excellent attack opportunities.

After the Marines landed, all that was left was the work of washing the floors, but it was no wonder that the two adolescent girls, who were worried about the world being in chaos, found it boring.

Fortunately, just as the twin girls were preparing to retreat, the Marines who searched the entire ship on three levels finally said: "We found survivors."

"Ah? Are you still alive like this?" Mo Xie exclaimed, "Is this a water bear?"

"Isn't it good to have survivors? You looked so disappointed just now." Gan Jiang glared at his sister angrily.

"Yes, so I didn't say anything bad." Mo Xie said.

"Yes, if you are still alive like this, you must not be an ordinary spy! You must hit hard!"

The speaker was the Astral Knight who had just boarded the ship, a young woman wearing a heraldic machine and a crystal war hammer at her waist, who claimed to be a viscountess of Sellu. Of course, since they were all young female psykers and humans, Miss Knight was still very polite to the twins.

The only two survivors were found on the bridge. They were a Nedia dragon and a human with bronze hair and bronze skin. He was also heavily armed when he was discovered, and he should have been preparing to lead his men in a stubborn resistance. However, before even a shot was fired, he was bombarded with no martial ethics and lost most of his life. He was made a prisoner of war.

Their gray-headed and dying appearance was quickly sent to the flagships of both sides, and the intelligence officers also began intense database comparison work. However, before they came to a conclusion, Yu Lian raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw the appearance of the two of them, feeling that the fate was really wonderful.

He didn't know the Nedian dragon. Anyway, given his level of facial blindness towards alien races, it is indeed difficult to distinguish their appearance through distorted video images.

However, he really knew that human being. Of course, that was a lifetime ago.

Haha~~How interesting. Is this man already a senior senator of the alliance in his old age? According to the alliance system, he is considered to be in a high position of authority. Such a character, even if he is Snake's undercover, must be a very important undercover, but did he actually have to do field work when he was young?

Sure enough, even working in a shady terrorist organization still requires struggle. Yu Lian thought.

"They are all psykers, and they are not weak in strength." Gan Jiang said to Yu Lian through the communication channel.

The reason why she said this was not because she knew the two prisoners, but because they both carried unsheathed lightsabers. Although this kind of weapon is considered to be the most popular and common psychic weapon, it is also a kind of noble weapon after all, and indeed only psychics can control it freely.

In addition, although these two lightsabers came from the Alliance Extraordinary Administration, and even the numbers on them are still there, they must have been modified quite frantically. The light blades that emerge when you open them are not even the normal blue or green color. , but an extremely evil blood-red color. Its sharpness, that is, its energy intensity, is much stronger than that of an ordinary light blade. Wherever the blade touches, it even has a certain mental impact.

The lightsaber is indeed the standard weapon for the executive officers and registered guerrillas of the Extraordinary Administration, but some with connections and abilities will still find ways to modify and strengthen these distributed weapons.

However, the strengthening method in this direction is indeed unheard of by both parties present.

This certainly shows that there is an organization behind these two people, and it is an organization that has mastered extremely strong alchemical abilities.

"However, if it is a snake with a long history, it is normal for it to have such a level." The two sisters were not surprised at all. On the contrary, they were very interested in the captured bloody lightsaber, and they seemed ready to take it back and study it carefully.

However, Miss Knight, who also boarded the boat, expressed a different opinion: "I don't think it's definitely a snake yet. Assuming that these two people belong to the Alliance, they dress like the Alliance, and they still have the Alliance's standard Noble Phantasm in their hands. By then, there is a high probability that he is from the Alliance."

It is easy to understand that the race is an alliance. The Nediadragons are one of the first alien races to join the alliance, and they can also be regarded as the basic base of the alliance. As for the middle-aged man in his forties, his bronze hair color is indeed the standard for the Gaborians of the Alliance. But, how do you describe this outfit?

"Their personal armor is the Executor Type 4 produced by Alliance Polaris Company." The knight lady named Viscount Serlu explained: "I found the logo and product QR code."

...Okay, the Executor Type 4 theory is also military equipment that the Alliance does not sell to the outside world, but it is a country of profiteers after all. Even the lightsaber can be leaked, let alone the armor?

However, seeing how determined Miss Knight, a professional, was, it was difficult for the two sisters, who were just high school students, to refute even if they had any opinions.

"So, where is this lightsaber..."

"It even has codes. What else can this be if it's not military supplies?" She said seriously: "A guy like this will never be a simple spy! He must be the alliance's ace spy, and we must hit hard!"

Seeing the twin sisters looking at her in amazement, Miss Knight said to the two of them in a friendly manner: "We must find out what role the alliance plays in this process. This is related to the safety and security of all civilized races. Peace for the entire universe. Two ladies, I need to interrogate you immediately, and I also need you to testify on behalf of the Spiritual Research Society."

The two high school girls looked at each other. They never imagined that they would have to intervene in the darkest part of the adult world before they reached adulthood. They were a little at a loss for a while, but they became inexplicably excited. The dull and bad mood has also been relieved a lot.

However, although the twin girls have some signs of evil intentions, they are still generally aware of the general situation, and at least they know how to ask Yu Lian on the Throne for his opinion.

"Anyway, it's just a testimony. You can take a look. It will be helpful to your growth." Yu Lian said, "But remember, don't cover your mouth with your eyes."

The general was startled for a moment, then suddenly said: "We represent the community and we can't express our opinions at will, right?"

Although this girl is a high school student, she is still young and mature, but she is still somewhat politically minded.

"Actually, you don't represent anything. Although we are direct descendants of the Spiritual Research Society, our official status is just that of ordinary citizens." Yu Lian shrugged: "But, you can look at the frame-up of the glorious Star Knights... Ah no, how to verify the truth. This is very helpful for you to understand our current international structure."

Gan Jiang was thoughtful, while Mo Xie showed visible contempt in his eyes, looking like "you dirty adults".

Gee, how could this naughty boy look at his uncle like this?

So, the interrogation work here began.

Miss Serlu first looked at the two dying prisoners, and then looked at the Nedia dragon whose scales had been mostly removed, saying that she could not recognize the age, gender, and appearance of this foreign race for a while. , then looked at the man next to him.

This man looked to be less than forty years old. Just now he was physically persuaded by the Imperial Knights because he wanted to resist. Now he has finally calmed down, but his face is inevitably covered with various scars.

Seeing Miss Knight looking at him, he quickly squeezed out a perfect business smile and said seriously: "Um, um, sir, is there any misunderstanding? We are really just ordinary adventurers. I discovered this galaxy carefully. When I came here, I discovered that the empire’s heavenly troops were in action. I kept the radio silent for fear of misunderstanding. You..."

"Name!" Miss Knight shouted.

"...K, Clay Patton." He answered quickly, but his teeth had already begun to chatter, looking like a common man who was frightened by the imperial eagle dog. If it's acting, even if it can't be said to be fake, it must be worthy of excellence.

"The villain is really just an ordinary adventurer!" He quickly added.

"Don't evade the important!" Miss Knight patted the table hard: "Tell me, which department of the alliance do you belong to? What are your intentions here! What connection does your alliance have with the predators?"

The man who called himself Paton was completely confused, and the two twin sisters next to him were also stunned.

It turns out that in the adult world, can one be so harshly criticized?

Then, they saw the female countess suddenly lift the crystal war hammer, and suddenly hit the knee of the Nedia dragon next to her, smashing his entire leg into a two-dimensional shape on the spot.

The dragon man didn't even let out a scream, he fainted instantly. His companion's face was pale and his eyes were confused. It's not like it's an act, but it's really not possible.

"Ah ha ha ha, lizard! Wake up!" The female knight held up the war hammer and flashed a green light, and the dragon man woke up immediately, and his mental state was even fuller than before he fainted. But because of this, the severe pain from the leg that was smashed into pieces of paper became even more obvious.

As a result, the Nedians let out a spirited scream, much like a Nile crocodile whose tail was trampled by an elephant.

"This is just a greeting. However, sir, you don't want what happened to this dragon man to happen to you again, right? Of course, I can guarantee that you will not die even if it happens to you a hundred times. "Miss Serlu said coldly: "So, your identity, origin, and purpose!"

Although the twin girls couldn't bear to watch it, they were more amazed after their world view was refreshed.

"So, this is the world of adults!"

"I don't think most adults are like that."

"So, this is the world of adult psykers!"

"Most psykers must be like this!"

"But, I always feel that we will become such adults in the future."

"Only you can! I definitely can't!"

Let’s not mention whether the third generation core disciple of the Spiritual Research Society will be brought into the new world by a typical eldest lady of the imperial military aristocracy. On the other side, Yu Lian, who is still on the Scarlet Throne, has already turned his attention. Put it back on the investigation of this galaxy.

At present, our own side has established an outpost in "Xindenglai" for automatic exploration. The first exploration team has returned and brought back many biological specimens.

Now, a total of sixty automatic detection robots of different sizes, shapes and functions have penetrated into the deep sea of ​​this ocean planet and are moving forward step by step.

Yu Lian estimated that the empire's exploration of the topaz-colored desert planet should be quite fruitful. As a result, the two sides quickly dispatched another work ship and sailed towards the last naturally habitable planet in the galaxy, a blue planet whose size should be half the size of the earth.

"How about temporarily naming this planet Friendship Star? It will be used to witness the empire and your country's successful joint archaeology and joint anti-terrorism." Soback said in the communication.

Yu Lian looked at Colonel Yeager Soback with a sanctimonious smile on his face. He didn't find any flaws. He just felt that this guy was getting better and better at using diplomatic tone and business expressions.

For some reason, Yu Lian actually felt a sense of accomplishment, and his hair stood on end in shock: "Isn't Friendship Star too straightforward? After all, this operation is still hosted by two seniors, why not just call it Lanza How’s the star?”

Soback opened his mouth slightly, and a hint of obvious admiration flashed in his eyes. He probably felt that he was still far away from the other party in terms of being mean and offending.

"This... should be decided by the big shots above." Soback sorted out his words and said, "While there is still time, let's jointly explore this planet."

"Oh, you finally figured it out?" Yu Lian raised his eyebrows. In the past, he had always been thinking about his left and right, and it seemed like he didn't want to take responsibility.

An almost undetectable trace of helplessness flashed across Soback's face, and then he said sternly: "You've already come, and it's hard to explain to the superiors just by leaving like this. Moreover, the ancient ship has been in the orbit of this planet just now. , maybe there will be some new discoveries.”

Now that the "high-level leaders" of both parties have reached a consensus, follow-up work will be easier to carry out. With a tacit understanding of each other, the two work ships stopped across this vibrant and magnificent planet. They built automatic detection stations over their respective hemispheres, and then launched unmanned detection stations within the atmosphere. device.

However, when the probe had just entered the atmosphere, the enemy situation alert was directly transmitted to the headquarters. The last picture fed back by the detector showed a huge creature swooping over like a predator under the cover of the sea of ​​clouds.

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