Him and their stars

Chapter 908 Why not continue the pursuit?

His Excellency Admiral Conneris is indeed very busy right now.

As a technocratic commander, when he led the main fleet to New Port Arthur, he discovered that this community had no way to dock and repair dreadnoughts at the largest space port in the New World. He immediately waved his hand, activated his connections in the capital, and immediately made arrangements to double the orbital star port in New Lushun, and create at least ten more berths for Dreadnoughts or Battle Patrols, and by the way, A repair shop comes out.

General Conneris also commented in front of the garrison officers of the new Port Arthur: "I heard that Major General Yang Xiyi has carried out a very thorough defense construction plan in the New World. Now it seems that it is indeed a very insightful arrangement! It is indeed him!" However, it is true that there is still a lack of some large-scale permanent construction projects. This should be due to funding, right? But please rest assured, now that I am here, everyone in the New World will never worry about money!"

To be fair, General Kang is very eloquent. Although he looks very bookish, he is still very contagious when he speaks so comprehensively. Moreover, he gave Yang Xiyi enough face. All Yang Xiyi's old subordinates in New Lushun suddenly felt that the new commander was a fastidious person and could really handle things.

In short, under the auspices of General Kang, the engineering ships had already arrived and started construction before the main fleet continued to move forward.

No one knows whether these large shipyards and maintenance platforms will be useful in the future after the expedition is over. But at least, the soldiers on site were very happy to see more large-scale permanent projects appearing in the starry sky orbit.

In addition, although Commander Kang is in New Lushun, he must preside over the joint ground military exercise in New Yumen. The participants include one of the twenty marine combat divisions that arrived with the expedition fleet, the local police and militia groups who stole the show in the New Jade Gate Defense Battle and attracted the attention of the universe, and marines from seventeen other allies. war troops.

The number of participants in this exercise reached 400,000, which was naturally a very terrifying scale in the home planet era. However, in the space age, because no fleet was used, it was still within the controllable range.

In addition, the purpose of the exercise is to allow the armies of the community and allies to learn to cooperate in combat in advance and prepare for future landing battles and planet battles.

This is indeed equivalent to not buying any lottery tickets, and everyone is thinking about how to spend the winnings.

But in any case, senior officials from all countries believe that although the expedition fleet uses a huge fleet that the predators are completely unable to resist, due to the existence of the Devil's Labyrinth, it is likely to fight a protracted war on the front line, and even form a long-term strategic stalemate. . So, during this period, the Marine Corps has no use for the time being. So, taking this opportunity to retrain the troops and conduct exercises to close the relationship with the allies is also a good use.

However, Yang Xiyi heard more important information in this news: "In other words, we are preparing to open the military access to Nantianmen to our allies?"

"At least during this period, this is indeed the case. Of course, this only includes the seventeen allies who are sure to participate in this military operation with us. If their fleets want to pass through Nantianmen, they must apply at least 72 hours in advance."

General Picard understood what his old subordinates and friends meant, so he patiently explained: "However, only the Republic of Minland and the Kingdom of Cirke are really sure to use their fleets. They have decided to each use a fleet including at least two warships. The strike fleet that includes the patrol will set off before June at the latest."

Indeed, of these seventeen so-called allies, the only two that can be considered important are the Republic of Minland and the Kingdom of Cirke. The rest are all small countries whose names you may not even have heard of after twelve years of compulsory education. The largest warship in the country is an old-fashioned cruiser that can hardly deal with pirates. This small country, which has finally managed to gain an independent status because it is too barren or remote, is able to send marine troops to participate in foreign military operations, which is already a very strong sign of international responsibility.

"Haha, even a small country like the Emirates, which has not even unified the surface of its home planet, has sent troops, but there is no alliance?" Yang Xiyi said with a smile.

Of course, his guess is not without purpose. You know, the Republic of Minam has always been a die-hard ally of the alliance and has maintained a unified pace with the latter on almost all international affairs.

As for the Cirke Kingdom, the two-year long war with the Grand Duchy of Khayal has just come to an end. But to be honest, if the alliance hadn't taken a hand from behind, it might not have been able to continue a year ago. There is no need to elaborate on its diplomatic tendencies.

...But then again, the Circassian Kingdom has just ended a meaningless two-year war, and it is preparing to participate in the war without stopping. It is really a responsible big country full of internationalism. ah! However, morality is one thing, reality is another. If there was no financial backer, why would they launch a fleet capable of expedition to the New World under the current situation?

So, when it comes to the financial backers behind the scenes, who is more suitable for this role than the Alliance?

General Peter said: "I did hear such rumors before setting off. It was said that the Alliance was also preparing to send out a large army, but they refused to go through the Empire's Gate of Glory, so of course they could only go through our Nantian Gate. But it is said that during the National Defense Committee meeting, Chairman Nishita vetoed it.”

Yang Xiyi originally thought that even if there was a dispute over this matter, it would only occur at the level of Congress. The Co-Prosperity Party, which underestimates the empire, will never let this bill pass. Unexpectedly, he was suppressed at the level of the National Defense Committee. However, it’s not surprising if you think about it carefully.

You know, Chairman Keith Nichta is preparing to seek the presidency in this year's election year. If the Alliance's army is allowed to pass through the Star Gate, it will always cause controversy in Nuo Da. No matter how pro-alliance he is, he will never hand over such a handle to the opposition.

Speaking of which, it is really not easy for His Excellency Chairman Keith Nichta.

The invasion of the army of marauders directly threatened the security of the New World colonies and even Nantianmen. As the country's top defense minister, he is naturally closely involved and must come up with reasonable countermeasures in front of the public. In addition, this year is another election year. In addition to fulfilling the duties of chairman, we must also deal with electoral opponents.

"If it were me, I would definitely have to give up my burden. At least I would give up one side. It's true that those who are capable work hard!" Yang Xiyi said with a smile.

"Yes! In the past few months, he has been working more than 12 hours a day. It is really too hard." General Kapid seemed to be quite moved, and he even wiped the dry corners of his eyes in a decent manner. , just wiped some tears and said with emotion: "We fighting men are already very satisfied with such a hard-working leader. What I said is true! He really works hard, and not only has he not given us any trouble so far, He has gone through chaos and done a lot of practical things. I really look forward to the day when he becomes the President."

Indeed, military veterans most like leaders who are "born among their own people", followed by leaders like Nishita who work hard to do practical things without causing trouble.

However, working hard to do practical things is a problem, but if you work hard to this extent, won't you be suspected of taking power? If things are done well, it will gain praise and more political capital. But if you don't do it well, you will become a target for political opponents to attack you. From this perspective, Mr. Nishita is quite willing to gamble. He is indeed a character!

Yang Xiyi suddenly realized that he actually understood the Chairman so well. Doesn't this mean that in some areas, his mental structure is actually very similar to his?

He suddenly got goosebumps all over his body, and hurriedly swore to his ancestors and Huang Lao Zhuang Zhou again that he would be a free-spirited person waiting to die and would definitely stay away from politics.

But whether Mr. Nishita is taking power or fulfilling his duties, the results of his work so far are indeed good. The first half of this year has not yet ended, and the party has already defeated its biggest opponent, Acting President Maria Merson, in the intra-party vote, and has confirmed that she will participate in the general election as a representative of the Blue Star Political Friends Party. Compared with the Co-Prosperity Party and the Alternative for Nationality Party, which were unable to determine their candidates for a while, he was indeed very successful.

In addition, as Chairman of the National Defense Committee, his answers also satisfied everyone.

The mighty invasion of the predators has been defeated by the soldiers of the New World. However, no matter what illustrious military exploits the soldiers of the three armed forces have achieved, Mr. Nishita, as the top defense minister, will definitely be evaluated as a "good leader".

The more important achievement is this joint military operation.

You know, since the alliance cannot send troops, the leader of the alliance can only be the Blue Star Community, which has home field advantage and is also the "third largest military power in the galaxy".

It is difficult for everyone to accept that the alliance's army crossed the Nantian Gate with great force, but if the fleets of other allies (gen) countries (ban), under their own guidance and command, modestly and cautiously passed through the Nantian Gate, that would be another matter.

This wave of operations, even without the coming of the Ten Thousand Kingdoms, still feels like the tyrant of the third spiral arm of the Galaxy. This can probably be regarded as the greatest diplomatic victory of the community in recent years. Isn’t it the credit of Chairman Keith Nichta?

His most important job now is to wait for the outcome of the war in this area. If the community can perform another meritorious service in the battle to encircle and suppress the plunderers, it is estimated that his position as president will be secure without the need for an election.

Thinking of this, Yang Xiyi couldn't help but smile bitterly. He suddenly realized that his work actually determined the ownership of the president of the community. If he was not flattered at all, he would really be sorry for the love of the Lords of Earth.

"Your Excellency, Chairman, you really have confidence in us!"

General Picard said: "You have to have confidence in yourself! In the whole army, you are the most familiar with the New World. Lao Yang, you have also seen that this expedition has a huge force, but I always feel that it is a bit revealing. Unnatural. However, it is because you and your students are in the New World. I feel that everything can at least have an ending."

Although Lieutenant General Picard, the deputy commander, was full of doubts about this expedition, Admiral Connery, the commander, has always been full of confidence. At least, when the former enemy supreme commander of the expeditionary force arrived in the NR18 galaxy on May 24, he appeared in front of Yang Xiyi. He always had a spring breeze smile on his face and walked with wind, as if he was walking with wind. A middle-aged man whose every pore exudes the charm of success.

Yang Xiyi can understand the other party. He was originally the admiral of the First Fleet, but now he is the admiral of the Expeditionary Fleet. His command includes the First, Seventh, and Tenth Fleets, and even the Thirteenth Fleet, as well as all the orbital and ground defense forces of the New World. under dominion. Then, he became the commander-in-chief of the Eighteen-Nation Allied Forces.

Yes, news from the mainland has reached NR18 at this time. General Sherman Connery became the supreme commander of the Allied Forces Command. Whether this commander with almost no actual combat experience can command the allied forces of the other seventeen countries is actually a metaphysical question, but at least he has a rightful name.

In a sense, he could now even be on an equal footing with King Soleyn of the opposite empire. Normal people would inevitably feel proud.

Fortunately, although the Commander was proud, he had not lost his courtesy and was quite polite to Yang Xiyi. When presiding over the first military meeting of senior generals, he even asked for advice: "I heard that the Thirteenth Fleet There has been a breakthrough in the exploration of the former enemy. This is the result of Chief of Staff Yang's command. So, do you have any suggestions for the next step?"

Yang Xiyi thought for a while, then unfolded the star map in front of everyone, and marked a star position in front of the "Devil's Maze" star field with a huge question mark: "The Thirteenth Fleet led by Major General Marklov launched the I believe all of you have read the report that came over. They had completely defeated the Predator fleet 48 hours ago, sinking one large enemy fire-breathing ship, three medium-sized fire-breathing ships, and capturing a medium-sized mothership. "

There was a "buzzing" sound at the scene. These elite local officers exchanged opinions with glances and whispers. Of course, Admiral Conneris clapped gracefully and expressed his praise for the Thirteenth Fleet with sincerity.

Your Excellency the Commander has done this, and of course others can only do this. The scene was immediately filled with a cheerful and harmonious atmosphere.

However, Yang Xiyi clearly felt that the meaning of "I can have sex with me" clearly flashed on the faces of many people.

"The Thirteenth Fleet has already established deep space detectors and gravitational wave relays in place to detect the waterway." Yang Xiyi continued to introduce.

Admiral Connors also continued to have a graceful smile on his face, nodding his head appropriately to express his praise. However, before he said anything, another lieutenant general sitting on his left said in a deep voice: "Then, why not continue the pursuit?"

It's so hot that it's about to collapse. I have been too hot to go out for the past two days, and I developed allergic pharyngitis from staying in the air-conditioned room. The hospital prescribed cetirizine tablets. After taking them, my throat felt better but I really wanted to sleep.

My little cat also almost got herpes from the heat - it really developed in her throat but it wasn't very obvious - so she could only hold her nose and drink Lianhua Qingwen with me. All in all, this week has been so miserable. This is probably the hottest summer in Chengdu in decades.

In addition, the group was bombed and the new group number is 887291431

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