Him and their stars

Chapter 923 A lot of guerrilla habits

This situation was a bit beyond Yu Lian's expectations.

From the current point of view, based on the half-year exploration of the reconnaissance fleet, two stable channels from NR18 in the middle of the New World Highway to the Devil's Maze Star Domain have been determined, which naturally form the supply channel for the expedition fleet. The two channels will overlap and intersect in the three galaxies DL07, DL14 and DL17 respectively.

Of course, the current expedition fleet has formed two major clusters - the empire faction and the community faction. Even if the relationship between these two factions cannot be said to be good-neighborly friendship, there must still be deep hatred. Although both sides are members of the Galactic Civilization Council and are friendly allies in the legal sense, they are actually decent people with clear minds. In order to avoid unbearable consequences, everyone has a tacit understanding to occupy a separate route. Our own supply channels are clearly separated and do not disturb each other, so we can live in peace and harmony. When the supply fleets of the two sides occasionally met in galaxies with overlapping shipping lanes, they would keep a safe distance and sanctimoniously give each other blessings of peace and so on.

But in any case, the end points of these two supply channels are the galaxy where the Community's Thirteenth Fleet had a fierce battle with the Predator Fleet. It is now under military control and is temporarily named the "Demon Territory Frontier".

Now, this demon border galaxy has become the frontline headquarters of the two expedition fleets, with more than 2,000 warships gathered for a long time. Various semi-fixed orbital military facilities are being built in the planet's orbit, including two temporary fortresses. The only two Earth-like planets in the galaxy, an ice planet and a desert planet, are also establishing temporary mining bases and military supplies production lines - most of the professional military supplies require professional production from the rear, but some are relatively simple. Military supplies can be produced on-site using the fleet's own equipment.

Admiral Connors on Earth has made up his mind to "strengthen the stronghold and fight the war", but why not King Thrane on the other side of the Empire? When one's own forces have an absolute advantage and have blocked all the enemy's room for maneuver, this is actually the most appropriate method.

Real famous generals don't just jump left and right in the extreme, but choose the right tactics at the right time.

In short, this huge demon border galaxy has indeed been managed by the main fleets of the two countries to the point where it is impossible to penetrate it with a pin. The predators didn't mean to send a fleet across this galaxy. Even sending one or two reconnaissance ships was absolutely impossible.

However, in the DL14 galaxy located in the middle of the supply route, the predator fleet did appear and was attacking the supply fleet.

Doesn't this mean that there is actually a third channel here? Yu Lian immediately thought of this possibility, or in other words, it was the only possibility.

It can't be that the predator fleet has mastered some ancient black technology that can jump to subspace, right? If this is the case, why bother farming in the New World? Wouldn't it be nice to jump directly to Tianyu and Nephi to ride on the face and output?

Feifei also thought of this possibility, so she lowered her voice and said: "Last time, the Gray Fairy helped you unlock the sky of the Devil's Star Territory, but didn't give you a detailed star map?"

"There is only a rough copy. She said that this era of the universe belongs to us. It is most important to explore on our own strength..."

No way, this riddle robot can always find seemingly normal reasons. What can I say?

At this time, Wayne had already transferred the battle scene detected by his own fleet.

As an excellent logistics department liaison officer, Yu Lian was familiar with the astronomical conditions of all the planets on the supply route, and he quickly recognized that the battle was taking place in the orbit of the sixth planet in the DL14 system.

This planet, temporarily numbered DL14-05, is a super-giant gas giant planet, even more than one circle larger than the giant Jupiter in the solar system, and its mass exceeds the latter by nearly 30% - Of course, this is a rough calculation.

In addition, this giant planet has a very gorgeous halo and has thirteen satellites of different sizes. Two of the satellites actually contain a considerable amount of solid water and air. At first glance, it looks like a miniature star system.

When this galaxy was first discovered, the Empire was said to have carefully considered the possibility of developing immigrants on these two satellites. But the universe is so big. It is estimated that even if this civilization kills itself, various livable planets will not be able to reach full capacity, so why invest resources here for immigration?

So far, all colonizations on uninhabitable planets actually have certain military and political attributes. DL14, a barren galaxy located in the middle of a remote channel, currently has no value in this regard.

Yu Lian estimated that the Marauder's attack fleet should be hiding near the orbit of the planet DL14-05, covering its tracks with the planet's magnificent halo, and thus catching the Empire's supply fleet off guard.

The Predator fleet consists of four medium-sized flamethrowers, four motherships, and more than twenty small ships of various types. As for the Empire, those currently continuing to resist are two heavy cruisers, five light cruisers, and less than ten destroyers. As for those that had been sunk and turned into wreckage, it was really difficult to count them for a while.

However, the problem with the crisis is that the empire's escort fleet has almost been completely penetrated by the predators, completely separating them from the three very large transport ships that are comparable in size to the Titan ships.

Now, four ugly predator motherships have flown next to the round transport ship, constantly smashing the landing craft full of stormtroopers. At first glance, it looks like some kind of parasite that opened a wound on its prey and laid eggs inside.

"If we ignore them, they may still be able to hold on for two hours." Feifei said.

"In two hours... maybe the empire's reinforcements will arrive, right?" Yu Lianda said.

You know, in order to maintain the safety of the supply line, the wealthy empire not only has a special escort fleet, but also compiled three patrol fleets, which have been running back and forth along the entire waterway. To be honest, if the predators were really blocked in their lair by their own army, this patrol fleet would be suspected of being a waste of force. However, if you have enough troops, you do have the capital to be willful.

In addition, although the Imperial Fleet has an aggressive combat style, it is precisely because of this that the security protection of supply lines has always been their top priority. Whether it is a patrol fleet or an escort fleet, they are actually most responsible for the most elite Imperial Navy warships.

If that's the case, maybe we can still hold on until the patrol fleet arrives.

"The other party is busy with the war. Maybe they don't notice Wayne and the others, so they can continue to watch." Feifei suggested.

Yu Lian thought to himself that although I have such thoughts, how can I say such things easily?

"However, this will have diplomatic risks and even huge military risks. Since we are allies, we have the obligation to rescue." Feifei added.

Indeed, at least on the battlefield against the marauders, the two sides were indeed allies.

At this time, Wien sent a new battle situation: one of the empire's heavy cruisers was hit by a proton torpedo on the side of the ship, and the hull suffered obvious fractures.

...What the hell kind of empire elite is this?

"It's confirmed, it's not an imperial warship, but a Cathay fleet." Wen Tong reported. At this time, perhaps the reconnaissance drone sent by our own fleet was very close to the battlefield, and actually took a large picture nearby and forwarded it. As a result, Yu Company, who was at the new Lushun base thousands of light years away, saw the tragic scene of a cruiser being besieged at close range.

It was a Pegasus-class heavy cruiser designed and built by the Empire. Of course, it is also the heavy cruiser that the Empire sells the most in the international arms market, and it has even given production authorization to more than a dozen "allies".

As for the Pegasus-class battleship that is currently under siege, its exterior painting is relatively normal. The overall military green background color can at least be considered satisfactory. However, there seem to be a lot of sharp and undulating pendants outside the hull, which should increase the ship's firepower. In this way, the whole ship seems to be more ferocious and majestic, but upon closer inspection it seems to go against the overall engineering aesthetics, making it look very uncoordinated.

Come on, Cathays. Except for these big cats, no one can do something as stupid as posting pictures of a sports car full of streamlined aesthetics.

Sure enough, at this time, the claw emblem of the Kingdom of Cathay's space fleet was illuminated on the side of the ship. However, the bloody silver claw had already torn open a large hole and was still burning.

"Why did the empire let the Cathays be responsible for fleet escort? Shouldn't the cannon fodder fleets of the subordinate countries rush to the front line to fill in the lines?" Yu Lian felt that this situation was really unreasonable.

fishing? He thought about this possibility, but looking at the four large and round transport ships, they were Ancient Saint-level military ships capable of transporting hundreds of millions of tons of supplies at a time. Even someone as wealthy as the Empire is unlikely to use such a ship as bait.

However, regardless of whether it is reasonable or not, this situation does happen.

Yu Lian believed that if it was really the elite imperial guard fleet of the empire, it would definitely persevere to the end even in the face of a surprise attack by a superior enemy force. Regardless of whether the empire's reinforcements arrive in two hours or take more time, they are very likely to create miracles.

But if it were the Cathays... To be fair, although these ferocious big cats were beaten by the outer ring fleet before, they actually still have quite a lot of fighting power. However, probably due to national characteristics, Catai Cat people are better at attacking with all their strength regardless of their head and body, but they are really not good at fighting this kind of defensive headwind.

"We have deployed the A-type standard escort formation." Horatio Wayne said: "We can change to the battle formation at any time."

His meaning was very clear. Whether it was to go over for reinforcements, or to observe secretly, or even to leave as if nothing happened, our side was already ready, but this required Yu Lian to make a decision.

Wait, why should I make the decision? Where are your own admirals? By the way, the admiral of the S4 escort fleet is Commodore Ruf, right? What about others? Why was it you, this little major, a destroyer captain, who was communicating with me just now?

"Commodore-General Ruf has now moved to the Jianchang to take charge." Wayne shrugged, a trace of disdain flashing in his eyes. However, he finally did not sneer. It seems that he has indeed improved a lot in self-cultivation. "The first command of the escort fleet has been handed over to the captain of the New Rome, Colonel Payne."

...Well, Commodore Ruf was actually born as the security director of the dreadnought. He held a naval rank but did the work of security chief and stormtrooper captain. Later, I went to study for a maritime degree, and then served as the captain of a large transport ship for a period of time. Being the commander of a supply fleet is actually a professional counterpart, but I really don't have much experience in commanding fleet operations.

Of course, he at least knows how to hand over authority to professionals, which is pretty good.

However, Yu Lian was really unfamiliar with Colonel Payne, who served as the captain of the New Rome. He only vaguely remembered that classmate Michael Kent was serving as the second officer on this ship...

Mom, it’s scary to think about it!

Just as Yu Liang was about to say something, he heard Feifei say: "The S4 escort fleet includes 1 Peregrine-class light carrier, 1 County-class heavy cruiser, 3 County-class light cruisers and 6 Kagero-class destroyers. If we rush over now to rescue , is actually capable of fighting."

Yu Lian nodded.

"Your Excellency, please don't think that this is an unmanned galaxy. You are just waiting for both sides to fight until both sides are injured, and then kill them to silence them," Feifei said.

Yu Lian nodded subconsciously, then quickly shook his head, unable to help but glance at the other person with the corner of his eye. He felt that no matter how careless he was, he wouldn't actually backstab an ally, and if he really wanted to do something cool, wouldn't it be nice to do a "accidental injury" or something like that?

Thinking of this, he made up his mind.

"Leave on-site command to your fleet commander. However, before starting the war, you can launch three rounds of gravitational wave signal irradiation at the opponent."

This is actually announcing its existence to both parties. If the raider attack fleet had a clearer mind, it would be time to stop fighting the Cathays and reorganize their formation.

that's the truth. After firing a salvo at the Catai's only remaining heavy cruiser, the four fire-breathing ships of the Marauders began to slowly retreat while shelling. Retreating at the same time as them also included those small and medium-sized ships that were constantly bleeding the remaining Cathay warships.

As for the motherships, they immediately turned their bows and began to accelerate towards the edge of the galaxy. They didn't even recover the stormtroopers who had been thrown into the transport ship, and the situation suddenly seemed a bit embarrassing.

However, what surprised everyone was that one of the Ancient Saint-class transport ships actually dragged its bulky body away from the formation of the Empire's supply fleet and accelerated to keep up with the motherships.

"They have already captured one of the Ancient Saints." Feifei said.

"It's so fast." Yu Lian was slightly startled.

To put it bluntly, predators are enhanced and more organized pirates. Even the Imperial Guard fleet is probably not that professional when it comes to robbing ships, but to such a level of professionalism is truly amazing.

At this time, there was no need for the Earth Fleet to wait any longer. The six Kagero-class destroyers began to accelerate into a high-speed charge speed and launched proton torpedoes at the enemy fleet.

However, when the opponent is already prepared, this weapon is more of a shock than an attack. The small Predator warship, which was only the size of a destroyer, was unable to escape and was destroyed by a torpedo on the spot. But the other warships took this opportunity to distance themselves from the Cathay fleet and began to turn and accelerate.

They quickly caught up with the mothership and the captured Ancient Saint-class transport ship, and began to accelerate their escape in the direction of the gravity well leading to the DL015 galaxy.

"As expected of a plunderer, he really has a lot of guerrilla habits!" Yu Lian sighed with emotion.

"Does this mean they are at the end of their rope?" Feifei asked, tilting her head.

"...No, this shows that their fighting spirit is high! They really think they can win." Yu Lian sighed.

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