Him and their stars

Chapter 926: Difficult to Attack

Although he said this, everyone present did not even have the experience to attack one Qingtian Castle, let alone ten of them combined.

Having said that, the Sky Castle is the largest space fortress built by the Galactic Empire, which has a fanatical habit of constructing giant buildings. Each one can undertake the repair and maintenance work of the Titan ship, can produce almost all weapons, energy and various types of consumables and accessories for the fleet and marines, can build large and medium-sized warships above heavy cruisers, and has barracks that can accommodate three to four million soldiers and civilians. and living facilities. There is even a sizable orbital commercial city, supporting civil facilities and a large number of ecological farms.

In addition, even the smallest Castle of Heaven is equipped with more than a dozen fortress main guns that can tear apart Titan ships.

What would happen if there were ten such fortresses stacked on top of each other? Everyone really lacked intuitive imagination, but they were indeed frightened.

However, perhaps just because they were frightened, more and more treasure talents came up with many bold suggestions.

So, on July 20, Prince Charon Mane of the Cathay Kingdom gave a suggestion to use small and medium-sized warships to carry assault landing craft in a skirmish formation to charge. In this way, no matter how powerful the enemy fortress's cannon is, it will only have the effect of beating mosquitoes, and it is unlikely to cause too much damage to our own fleet.

King Thoraine said that this was a very creative idea, and approved Prince Charon Mane and his Katai fleet to implement it. After all, although the Cathay cats are not very good at sailing, they are indeed a very brave warrior nation and are suitable for this kind of work. If they can really charge forward, the battle rhythm may enter their home field.

We should be able to guess the subsequent results. During the attack, the Kingdom of Cathay left behind more than 100,000 corpses that turned into space dust and 12 battleships. Even the flagship battle cruiser Liewang was severely damaged.

Of course, it's not that there are no results at all. It is said that nearly 5,000 Cathay Stormtroopers wearing special power armor for space boarded the fortress, but they were all destroyed without even breaking through the outer wall.

After the battle, the seriously injured Katai Prince Charon Mane was crawling in front of King Thoraine and wailing in a thick bleeding bandage. While crying, he said that those who died were all heroic warriors of the kingdom, but for For the great cause of the empire and for the well-being of the entire galaxy, we are not afraid of this sacrifice.

Such a scene of loyalty made King Soleyn a little bit intolerable, so he ordered a banquet to be held.

"No, we Iron-Blooded Claws fight for the victory of the entire army. We will not eat before boarding the fortress!" A group of generals under Prince Katai shouted loudly: "Let's charge again!"

At that moment, all the Katai people present seemed to be possessed by the loyal Xue Yong, and each of them seemed to turn their lives and souls into a beacon that lit the way forward for the entire army. That scene couldn't even be called burning, it was simply heroic.

Even if there was no more blood or tears, the commander-in-chief of the empire was too embarrassed to let the Cathays continue to charge, so he asked them to retreat and repair. In order to prevent these murderous big cats from getting too ahead of themselves, the intact battleships were even turned into escort fleets, responsible for the safety of the supply lines in the rear.

At this time, other countries who watched the whole performance of the Cathay people suddenly realized how reckless these big cats were! He is obviously extremely smart!

But no matter what, the empire and the community gathered their friends and mobilized a large fleet of this size to attack the city. They couldn't give up on the spot and return to the court just because of the existence of an ancient fortress. So, on July 21, after a full twenty-four hours of mobilizing troops and generals, the expeditionary force launched its first general attack from two fronts.

The attackers succeeded in tearing a hole in the outer wall of the fortress. After those first outer walls, which were like meteorite shells, were peeled off by tens of thousands of siege nuclear missiles, the subsequent metal shell was revealed.

Hundreds of large arsenal ships focused their salvos of light lance main cannons, seemingly forming a thick beam of light comparable to that of a fortress' main cannon, successfully creating the first dazzling explosion on the fortress.

Then, there was a larger-scale gang-hopping attack.

The general attack lasted for forty hours. From the beginning to the end, there is no too unpredictable tactical operation, it is the most appropriate, but it is overwhelming with force.

This tragic battle did cause considerable casualties to the predators. The stormtroopers even successfully broke through to the interior of the fortress, occupied a large cabin equivalent to the size of a city, and brought back a lot of information.

However, the losses on our side were still so great that even the bloodless and tearless Dragon Kings were moved. Even the Titan ship Dragon of Time and Space was hit by the fortress's main gun.

Facts have proved that the empire's shipbuilding technology is indeed the best in the world, and the warships were not sunk by the fortress cannon.

Facts also prove that since this fortress is used by the looters as a trump card to defend their homeland, there is naturally a reason. This Titan ship, known for its hard turtle shell, was seriously injured on the spot, and even the life support system inside the ship was disabled for more than five minutes.

More than eight thousand sailors lost their lives in excruciating pain.

During those five minutes, the Dragon of Time and Space could only stagger out of the battlefield. In the process, several predator warships thought they could take advantage and swooped over, like a pack of hyenas preparing to hunt a seriously injured lion.

Fortunately, the Angel of Dawn arrived at the critical moment. A barrage of cannons dispersed the Predator warship, threw out a tractor beam, and pulled the friendly ship, which was even larger than itself, out of the battlefield.

By the time the general offensive ended on July 23, the attackers had lost hundreds of battleships, including two battlecruisers and a dreadnought, as well as more than 700,000 dead. In the fifty years since the last galactic war, there has been no battlefield of this intensity.

The casualties paid by the predators should not be small, but when it comes to the exchange ratio, it is our own side that will definitely suffer.

Especially Countess Giafel, who was under Brunhilt's command, when she led a group of stormtroopers to attack the formation, she saw with her own eyes a young Eero warrior with light brown skin holding a bundle of ion salt bombs. , died together with a squad of Wolflin stormtroopers.

The Elor warrior's skin was very light, and the horns behind his forehead were not hardened. This was a sign that the Elor people were underage.

"If one-third of the enemies in this fortress are like this, such a strong attack is meaningless." The countess advised King Suliuka: "We must take a long-term approach."

King Sulyuka admitted that his best friend was right, and made a suggestion to King Soleyn to withdraw his troops.

If the opponent was a hot-blooded young man, he might have gritted his teeth and ordered the soldiers to hit him with his head, and he would definitely knock the armor of the enemy fortress away. However, the experienced King Soleyn was very calm. Accept the fact that this battle is disrespectful.

"These barbarians are really showing the courage to defend their country!" King Soleyn said with a smile: "None of the nationalist rebels within the control of the empire has shown the same fighting spirit."

"How were the Earth rebels led by Marshal Victoria Lee?" Brynhilt asked with interest.

"I don't know, I was still a child at that time." King Thoren shrugged: "However, Earthlings are also human beings, and Marshal Li is also a hero that is rare to see in a century. The Earth's soldiers at that time, even if they were limited in number, Naturally, they are a strong army that can compete with us. Unfortunately, Brunhildt, perhaps the most terrifying weapon in the world is time!"

The young King Suliuka immediately understood what the other party meant, nodded and said: "I will negotiate."

Then, naturally, the troops were withdrawn.

The Imperial Guards were indeed very particular about their operations. When retreating, they tried their best to take all the stormtroopers who had boarded the fortress back to the ship. You know, most of these stormtroopers aren't even human. This would be replaced by the majority of Catai cats who do not regard the soldiers at the bottom as human beings, and will immediately abandon the soldiers as abandoned ones.

However, in order to pick up everyone, the empire even paid the price of two more frigates.

In the eyes of the top leaders of most civilized countries, two large warships with thick skin and thick shields that can withstand meteor showers are much more valuable than tens of thousands of stormtrooper cannon fodder. However, an empire with strong martial arts and rich wealth has never been Don't hesitate to use any method to shape the military spirit at any time.

At the military meeting afterwards, he told the generals of his own side and all "allies" that he was responsible for all failures. The efforts made by everyone in the battle and all the military achievements have been engraved in his heart. All the injured will be properly accommodated, and the dead will naturally be able to enjoy the moxa.

"This is indeed a tough nut to crack. However, gentlemen, you all should understand that the predators have rarely been willing to open up a tough fight with us, but now they have done so. This will not let everyone Do you think of the Eero Empire that dyed half the universe red with blood and fire a thousand years ago? Do you really want to see that era come back?"

Bloodshed and war, it seems that your Galaxy Empire has less fun than others. Isn't it because the Elorans were praised because they threatened human supremacy? Even for this goal, you can still hold your nose and cooperate with the old rival alliance. In addition, if you think about it carefully, isn't the reason why the Erro people can become big because they sit on the wall between the Empire and the Alliance? To put it bluntly, isn't it that your empire personally supported it, and now it is here to pretend to be a messenger of justice?

I have never seen such a shameless person in my life.

Among the generals from various countries present, there should still be smart people who are familiar with history books and have a clear mind to think so.

Unfortunately, the literate are a minority after all, and group memory can be shaped. After nearly a thousand years of writing and propaganda, most people can't remember how the Erro Empire appeared, but they only know that they were once the biggest villain in the entire galaxy and the source of all evil.

Even the predecessor of the Galactic Civilization Council was established to destroy this evil empire.

Everyone has thought of the "Demon Realm of the Universe" thousands of years ago. Many people seem to have been awakened from childhood shadows, with solemnity and even fear flashing in their eyes. Of course, there are also quite a few generals who seem to have been beaten to death. They should be thinking of the list of generals whose names will go down in history after the Third Galactic War that destroyed the Ero Empire.

King Solain nodded with satisfaction in his heart, and said: "But, from another perspective, the Elol people, trolls and long-bearded demons are as crazy as a group of female beasts protecting their cubs at this time. What does this mean?"

What else could it mean? The legacy of enlightened beings that promotes the progress of the entire society, the gem-like habitable planet, as well as countless rare minerals and fascinating unknown resources.

The commander-in-chief of the Imperial Expeditionary Fleet has never publicly stated that he will share the "trophies" with everyone, but everyone is a decent person, so it is enough for this sake.

"This fortress is also a legacy left to us by the Enlightened Ones. If we cannot take it back from the plunderers, it will be our betrayal of the Enlightened Ones who guide us, and it is also a betrayal of the spirit of the universe! I mean, everyone Do you understand?"

Of course everyone understands that the reason why King Soleyn said this means that he is not going to use the terrifying colossus weapon against this fortress.

...Of course, with the power of the Colossus weapon, the "Devil's Throat" galaxy may be wiped out if not handled carefully. Although the main force of the predators is gone, everyone may lose the only way to enter its hinterland.

The next day, everyone regrouped and prepared to fight again.

This time, they changed to a standard siege tactic. The imperial fleet concentrated one hundred and twenty heavy arsenal ships and began to conduct intensive bombardment towards the enemy fortress from an extremely long distance. You know, the range of the rail gun is theoretically unlimited, and it is much easier to attack a planet-sized fortress than a battleship.

This is also one of the most effective fortress attack tactics in this era when shields are far stronger than spears. Such continuous ultra-long-distance bombardment, even if its lethality is limited, creates great psychological pressure on the fortress defenders, and is more likely to force the fortress defender fleet out. In this way, a chaotic battle among the fleets can be formed, and the fortress artillery cannons will not dare to fire easily.

This time, the ultra-long-range bombardment was ineffective. Within three hours, not one of the tens of thousands of artillery shells fired by the 120 arsenal ships hit the fortress.

Even if it is an ultra-long-range artillery strike with an average of five million kilometers, such a hit rate is indeed too touching.

On the other side, a group of fast fleets were preparing to bypass the fortress and find the passage to the hinterland of the "Devil's Labyrinth". Although they broke through the interception of the predator fleet, they finally won a small victory in the fleet battle, but they did not have any established tactics. Target.

"We did not capture any gravity well signals." The pilot of the returning fleet said.

"This is impossible! We saw with our own eyes that Predator warships came in and out from that direction." A general said that this is really unscientific and he can't believe it.

"It's hard for me to understand, but it's true." The commander of the squadron looked like he had been struck by a ghost. The empire discovered the traces of the Predator fleet entering and leaving the system, and was ready to go and find out. After all, our own fleet still holds an overwhelming advantage. As long as we control the incoming and outgoing channels and directly attack the hinterland of the star field, no matter how powerful and solid the ancient fortress is, it will be nothing more than an isolated and dead city.

But the problem is, neither the most advanced detectors nor the experienced psychic navigators have found anything.

King Solei was also a little surprised, but he was not particularly surprised. Instead, he fell into deep thought thoughtfully.

At the beginning, when our own reconnaissance fleet discovered the enemy's traces, it also prepared to escape, but failed, and could only send out the signal of encountering the enemy at the last moment. If not every former enemy reconnaissance ship was bound to a chess piece on the "God of War chessboard", the headquarters might not receive news of their sinking until a month later.

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