Him and their stars

Chapter 930 Psykers are given preferential treatment

Yang Xiyi has never been in the habit of speaking loudly. At this time, of course he maintained his usual gentleness and humility, but he had a strong sense of presence and immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the room.

Even the two guards who were dragging Brigadier General Neon stopped involuntarily.

After a while, Major General Mallowan pressed his prosthetic eye and said with a strange expression that was half a smile, "He was injured and is recuperating in the genetic diagnosis and treatment cabin."

"Oh? Really?" Yang Xiyi put his hands on the table, covering half of his face. After all, he did not say "what a pity", leaving only a pair of extremely calm eyes.

"Brigadier General Neon was also injured! So, are Colonel Chamon and his troops still out of contact?"

"Still out of contact." Major General Mallowan replied. She also looked very bad now: "I have asked Lieutenant Colonel Nani to lead Group B down."

Yang Xiyi nodded and looked directly at Lieutenant General Tivington with eyes that were as calm as the deep sea. His immediate superior looked away involuntarily, and then looked at General Conneris again: "Your Excellency , I believe that when the fleet goes on an expedition, military discipline must be strict, and law enforcement must be fair!"

The implication is that if Brigadier General Nai Weng was killed due to poor command, shouldn't Wu Sansong, who lost contact with his subordinates, also receive a shot?

Even if psykers have privileges, they can't be without any punishment, right?

To Yang Xiyi's surprise, General Conneris nodded with approval, and then said decisively: "Give me the order! Brigadier General Wu Sansong has been suspended indefinitely! Brigadier General Nai Weng is temporarily on hold and will be handed over to him after he recovers from his injuries. Law enforcement agencies inquired in detail.”

After saying these words, His Excellency the Commander looked like "I am the messenger of justice", held his head high and even smiled with relief, and said to everyone: "Whether it is a military court or a shooting, it all has to be done in battle." It’s time to conclude. The top priority now is to rescue the soldiers who are still on Planet A1.”

Yang Xiyi now knew how this guy with an unconvincing record became the admiral of the Solar System Fleet and the commander-in-chief of this expedition fleet. Not to mention anything else, at least the ability to cut his face and jump left and right in an instant is beyond the reach of even a chameleon. More importantly, he jumps left and right like this, but always puts himself in the perspective of the supreme arbiter, so that he can treat everyone "fairly and justly".

At least he is a good leader! Yang Xiyi thought. But why don't you become president?

"Yang, you often hear people say that you are a genius tactician and counselor, and you do everything without missing a beat. This time I was rude. I blame me for not listening to your advice. Now, for this situation, I should have prepared some combat records. ?”

In General Conneris' view, the 11th Marine Division on Planet A1 are all cannon fodder and will die as soon as they die. However, the eight psykers, including Colonel Zamon, were not. They themselves are more valuable than battleships.

Yang Xiyi sighed, and under the encouraging eyes of Admiral Conneris and the gloomy eyes of Chief of Staff Tivington, he stood up and began to dispatch troops as a matter of course.

Fortunately, although this landing operation was lonely, it did not use too many troops after all, and the strength of the fleet was also maintained relatively intact. Yang Xiyi felt that this was much more comfortable than when he was the commander of the New World Defense of Nalaoshizi. At least, he didn't feel that he was stretched thin in deploying troops and generals.

Under Yang Xiyi's arrangement, the tenth fleet, which was recharging its strength, circled to the other side of the fortress and began to attack the predator fleet outside the fortress with intensive artillery fire. Vice Admiral Picard, who had been frustrated throughout the battle, fought hard, as if he wanted to cut off the connection between the fleet and the fortress.

It is hard to imagine that such a fierce offensive could be a feint, but it actually attracted the attention of the empire, and even sent arsenal ships and protective ships for support.

On the other side, the Thirteenth Fleet quickly cut behind Planet A1 and dropped hundreds of fighter planes over the dwarf planet. Anyway, this dwarf planet has almost no atmosphere, and everything that happens is clearly visible to the fleet.

The fighter planes used smart bombs to destroy many firepower points, and used wide-area signals to guide the remaining soldiers on the ground to begin to assemble and retreat to the designated position.

This fierce battle lasted for another four hours. The offensive of the Tenth Fleet did not make the expected progress, but the Thirteenth Fleet rescued nearly five thousand people from Planet A1. By this time, it was already certain that the 11th Division had lost nearly half of its men in this battle.

It was true that they were maimed, but after all they were not completely wiped out.

More importantly, Colonel Chaimen and his teammates were also found. Of the eight psykers in the two standard tactical units, only six were left, and all of them were wounded. Colonel Zaimen even lost an arm and a leg and was seriously injured and unconscious.

However, according to the soldiers of the 11th Division, without these eight psykers sweeping across the battlefield like a thunderstorm, it would not be so easy for everyone to retreat safely.

In addition, they successfully penetrated the hidden firepower points set by the predators on the front, snatched back the polar bear division's flag, and discovered the enemy's headquarters buried in the mountains.

"The enemy's headquarters is buried in the mountains. It is most likely a relic left by an enlightened being." A young major named Peric reported to Yang Xiyi. He was also seriously injured, his shoulder blade was shattered, and there were two penetrating wounds on his abdomen. However, since his commander, Colonel Zamon, was injured and unconscious, he could only endure the pain and report.

Looking at Major Perici, who was covered in blood and his face was pale, but his thinking was still clear and his voice was still loud, Yang Xiyi couldn't help but think of Brigadier General Wu Sansong who broke a few ribs and ran into the petri dish.

...Huh, guerrilla? That's it?

"The ruins of the Enlightened One?" Major General Mallowan heard this and immediately suffered from occupational disease: "How can you see it?"

"When we charged into the snow-capped mountains, we killed an Errol psyker and routed his men. Following the rout, we found an underground passage leading to the interior of the snow-capped mountains. As soon as we entered the passage, the indoor temperature dropped directly. It rose to more than 20 degrees. And there was no process at all. It seemed that we instantly went from a dwarf planet covered in ice and snow to a warm, comfortable and livable world."

Yang Xiyi was slightly startled and looked at Major General Mallowan next to him. The latter nodded and said: "There are ruins of enlightened beings, and the life-sustaining simulation devices from ancient times are still in operation. Within their scope, the temperature and humidity can be adjusted. To the most comfortable state of the human body. Scientific departments in various countries are still working on reverse engineering."

Yes, since it is still there, it means that it has not been cracked successfully. Yang Xiyi sighed. He now understood the reason why those marauders were not affected by the cold and suddenly burst out with full health, catching the 11th Division by surprise.

However, isn't all this ultimately due to the lack of previous enemy reconnaissance?

Isn't it the chief of staff who formulated this combat plan who should bear full responsibility?

After arranging Chaimen and the injured psykers to return to the rear, that is, to New Lushun, they rested. Yang Xiyi went straight to the commander's office and blocked Admiral Connors inside. With his emotional intelligence, he would not openly conflict with his immediate boss, but he still knew how to file a complaint for overstepping his authority.

"This battle was indeed ugly. Visalia's plan was a bit reckless, but we didn't lose." The commander said.

An entire Marine Corps division was crippled and a battle cruiser was sunk. Isn't this considered a defeat?

Yang Xiyi sighed: "It seems that your Excellency and your subordinates have very different understandings of the war!"

"Hahahaha, Yang, I'm not stupid. I understand that you are mocking me. However, if you can calm down, then go ahead and spray it." Admiral Conneris showed an open-minded laugh: "But I am still the same Cognition, we are not defeated. Look, weren't our subsequent actions very successful? The enemy fortress is still surrounded by us. Didn't General Picard also successfully force the Predator fleet to dare not leave the perimeter of the fortress? As someone who knows the art of war like you, you should understand the principle of not defending an isolated city."

"...Your Excellency is indeed a magnanimous and noble person, and I admire you."

The implication is that magnanimous people are actually very good at comforting themselves.

The commander pretended not to understand Yang Xiyi's sarcasm, and added: "Although the 11th Division suffered heavy losses, it also killed many enemies, and it was even more certain that there were important strategic targets on Planet A1. This is a very good result. There will always be sacrifices in war, and since ancient times, the attacking side has always paid more. But as long as the tactical objectives are achieved, it can naturally be considered a success."

Isn't our goal to capture the entire A1 dwarf planet? I have only heard that the moral bottom line can be flexible, but I have never heard that tactical goals can be flexible.

"Taking a step back, at least we performed worse than the Empire. To the higher-ups... uh, to the people, it's enough to explain." Admiral Connors smiled and said: "Look, Yang, the beginning of this battle Although it’s not amazing, it’s still pretty good. As I said before, I really can’t fight, but you can! You take care of the staff, and I’ll take care of everything else.”

"Your Excellency, Lieutenant General Tivington is the Chief of Staff."

"Yes! So you must help her manage the staff. After today's battle, she will definitely accept your help. I'm looking forward to your performance in the future." Admiral Connors patted Yang Xiyi's hand Shoulders, looking like we know each other very well.

I think you are actually more suitable to work in the Capitol Building in the Eternal City! Yang Xiyi sighed, feeling that even more words with the commander would be too tiring.

At this moment, Yang Xiyi really hated that he was just a frail scholar, and even if he wanted to be powerful, his power was really limited. If it were someone else, he might have used unconventional means to achieve his goal.

Gee, psychics are so good, they always get the tolerance of the public.

And if it is a psychic who is so talented that it amazes the whole universe, even if he plays the role of a naughty child every day, the dignitaries and nobles can only hold their noses and coax him.

At this time, in the New Lushun galaxy 1,200 light-years away from the Demon's Throat Fortress, a medium-sized armed cargo ship was bombarded with holes and stopped at the point of space more than 100,000 kilometers away from the star port. , unable to move.

Yu Lian, wearing a coat of arms covered in blood, walked around the bridge of the enemy ship full of corpses before turning on the communicator. The pale faces of the observation team members appeared on the back of the light screen. A well-dressed fat man in the C position looked vaguely familiar, but probably because of the poor pixels, he didn't recognize him for a while.

"Gentlemen, this is our current situation. After the empire's supply fleet was attacked in the DL14 system, only forty-eight hours later, a rear area like New Port Arthur would actually encounter harassment from the enemy fleet. This is inevitable. Weird!" Yu Lianda said.

When he saw that the big figures behind the light curtain were still looking at each other without speaking to each other, he simply lifted the head of an Elor man from the floor: "This is a communion psyker..."

This Ero man was beheaded by Yu Lian on the spot. There was a sad expression on his face, which had a sense of oppression from avant-garde art. It immediately caused an uproar on the opposite side, and there was even a scream from a woman.

Is this really a breach of defense? With such virtue, do you dare to go to the front line and serve as an observation team? What did you observe? Yu Lian curled his lips in his heart and was about to say something when he saw the fat man opposite him hurriedly waved his hand with sweat on his face and said:

"Yu, General Yu, there is a lady here. This, this, props are not necessary."

Eh? Although this fat guy doesn't really catch my eye, he still has a sense of humor. Yu Lian was a little happy, so he took off the head with a sad face, and said with a smile: "In short, this is a psyker of the communion star ring. As we all know, communion is good at merging itself with the surrounding environment, thus Achieving the effect of attributing great power to oneself. If we see a person rubbing fireballs, he is actually controlling; but if we see a person turning into a fireman, he is communing. Well, this is just a superficial analysis, and Many other star rings achieve the same effect through unique psychic techniques, but that’s about it.”

So, we went all the way from the Interstellar Hotel in Tulong Port, New Yumen, to the Space Station in New Lushun, just to watch you here holding a bloody head while you talk about psychic powers?

"But, um..." Yu Lian suddenly realized that he still didn't know how to address the other person.

"I am John Pecker, Director of the Personnel Department of the National Defense Commission! Now I am the head of the observation group!" The fat man said loudly, as if "you don't realize that I am deeply hurt."

Only then did Yu Lian dig out the name from the ravines of the cerebral cortex. Wasn't it this director who presided over the ceremony when he was promoted to lieutenant colonel and received the Crown Medal?

Gee, it was almost a year ago, who remembers it so clearly?

However, he still put on an impeccable business smile on his face: "Look at what you said, how could I not know you? I just thought about it again, should I call you Director Pekel or John?" .”

The other party's expression softened a little.

Yu Lian said to the other members of the delegation: "Mr. John knows me best and is also the most reasonable..."

Then, he placed the head of the Elorian psyker in front of the light screen again, causing another uproar.

"However, what this predator fuses is not fire, lightning, rocks or even machinery, but poison! All kinds of toxins! Both biological and chemical ones! From neuronal toxins to hemoglobin toxins. In addition, According to rough statistics, there are more than 200 types of viruses alone... don't think they are much less than bats. These can infect humans and most carbon-based intelligent creatures. If this guy successfully sneaks into the star port and lurks, The supplies we transfer from here to the front line may cause a plague among the entire army."

Everyone looked at the head of the Ero man with a sad face. Although they knew that this guy had been hacked to death by the invincible General Yu Lian, they were still panicking.

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