Him and their stars

Chapter 933 Fishing?

In Yu Lian's view, Horatio Wayne is a pure and sincere person. Although he doesn't appear to be too smart most of the time, if you just talk about combat, his IQ will dominate again. Highland. Generally speaking, the red-haired man is actually a fierce general with a fiery temperament, but he is by no means a common man who is always hot-headed. Even if he leads the charge with his own ship, he will definitely calmly judge where the enemy's weaknesses are and where they are. It is the most suitable place for a group charge to break through in the center.

All in all, people like Wayne are indeed born for the battlefield.

But no matter what, this future famous general is not yet complete, and he only has two destroyers in his hands. He volunteered to pursue the enemy out of publicity and courage. Yu Lian had no reason to refuse, but he was still a little worried. It was only now that I got the news that he was indeed safe, that I finally felt relieved.

Judging from the signing time of Horatio Venn's report, he returned to the DL18 galaxy on the Devil's Maze Passage on August 4, and sent a detailed report through the gravitational wave signal there. Since this place is very close to the range of the source wave terminal controlled by the community, the report only floated in the star sea for less than twenty-four hours before successfully arriving at the new Lushun base.

This was a very important report. Yu Lian believed that it was even more important than the first-hand battle report on the Devil's Throat front line, so he quickly called a meeting with all the senior officers staying behind. Lieutenant General Saiyo and Lieutenant General Carter in Shin-Tamamon, as well as Akinayama Hachiman and others also attended the meeting via video.

Of course, one of the lieutenant generals with the highest military rank said that I am just a rough guy with some brute force and I don't understand anything, and the other said that I have been working in the rear department all my life and don't understand the front line. Both of them expressed that they really needed an officer who understood the situation in the New World better to take charge of the overall situation. Ever since, a certain young brigadier general in his early twenties began to preside over the meeting as a matter of course.

Yu Lian opened the three-dimensional star map in front of everyone, marked the two supply channels leading to the Devil's Throat front line in red, and then marked a new series of point information on the DL16 galaxy, drawing a dotted line , pulled together with a planet without navigation channels.

"The two destroyers commanded by Major Venn and Major Cole, while pursuing the Predator attack fleet, captured the residual gravity well signal at the point above the D16 galaxy, and arrived at a new galaxy along the way. Named according to the wartime Please, please temporarily name it DL32 Galaxy."

Yu Lian continued to pull the dotted line and connected to three galaxies in succession: "When they arrived here, Major Wien and his reconnaissance fleet lost traces of the enemy fleet, and the remaining gravity well signals were difficult to capture. They were stranded in this DL35 galaxy. After a week of thorough exploration, no new passage was discovered. However, we can see from the star map that the physical distance of DL35 is indeed approaching the Devil's Maze star field."

"Sure enough, they have indeed mastered the third route!" Lieutenant General Seyo sighed.

Although this is almost the consensus of the staff, once it is confirmed, it still makes people feel numb. In a star field-level space war, the greatest strategic advantage does not necessarily lie in the number of fleets, but in the degree of mastery of the star map.

"We should notify the frontline headquarters and mobilize a part of the fleet to block this, um, DL35 system." Lieutenant General Carter said.

Yu Lian wasn't quite sure whether this older general who looked like an old accountant really didn't understand or was just pretending to be stupid, but this period of time had also proven that this old gentleman was indeed a person who didn't want to add anything to others. The troublesome old man patiently explained: "...Sir, this is indeed a way. However, we cannot ensure whether this new route has other branches, nor can we ensure whether the plunderers have control of the fourth route."

"Oh, yes! This is really a troublesome matter." Lieutenant General Carter showed a troubled expression.

"You are right, this is indeed a big trouble." Yu Lian echoed with emotional intelligence and added:

"Now, we can almost make a rough judgment on the strategic intentions of the predators. They should be planning to rely on the Enlightened Fortress of the Demon's Throat to kill our effective forces to the greatest extent and harass our supplies through the third channel. line, and finally forced the frontline army to be demoralized and lacking military resources, to the point where it could no longer fight. At that time, do you want to take advantage of our withdrawal to attack across the front to achieve greater results, or do you want to force us into negotiations? At the table, the predator will at least have the initiative.”

As Yu Lian spoke, he felt that this scene seemed a bit familiar. Co-author: These gangs of plunderers are relying on geographical advantages to defend their country, but we have become the invaders.

Lieutenant General Seyo also looked at the star map full of various navigation coordinates, data and various complex connections with a troubled expression on his face. As if recalling the fear of being dominated by geometry in his student days, he hurriedly said: "... …So, I read the report just now, and it turns out that Major Wayne and the others met the Empire in the DL33 galaxy when they returned, right?"

"Yes, there almost happened a little misunderstanding." Yu Lian said lightly.

Of course, the so-called small misunderstanding can be written as "almost a misunderstanding." On the afternoon of the day before yesterday, that is, at 16:34 on August 2, a small fleet composed of two destroyers returned to the DL33 system and met an imperial reconnaissance fleet composed of one heavy cruiser, one light cruiser, and two light cruisers. Needless to say, the other party should have the same purpose.

However, the empire's pursuit fleet arrived a little late after all. Once they got here, they could no longer find any trace of the enemy.

After a routine greeting, the imperial fleet on the opposite side used an almost arrogant attitude and demanded that Wien and the others hand over subsequent enemy traces and star map information.

If he were to be replaced by a mature and prudent person, he would still have to submit honestly after a few polite words at most. However, he, Horatio Wayne, was not frightened. He ordered the ship to turn on the proton torpedo projector on the spot, and instantly increased its speed to the first charge speed, like a rampaging Scottish ibex.

By the time the Imperial warship on the opposite side reacted, the Earth destroyer, which was only one-fifth her size, had already rushed within her warning range, and the proton torpedo could be launched at any time.

The officers and soldiers on the Empire's heavy cruiser were naturally frightened. Major Cole on the other destroyer was also frightened out of his mind by the friendly forces. However, he still hurriedly reported to the Imperial Army, saying that the ship had sent a report to the rear, and hoped that you would not attack friendly forces out of selfish motives and undermine the overall situation of jointly suppressing bandits.

Naturally, the empire was still furious, but they would not really join forces with friendly forces, so they could only hold their noses and let go.

Now, the new star map is still only in the hands of the community. At least I haven't heard of the empire applying for sharing through official channels, nor have I heard of big figures in the frontline headquarters doing favors.

Of course, for the sake of the dignity of the Galactic Empire, they might not be ashamed to ask the people on Earth for shipping information, but would be prepared to find it themselves. No, as they continued to return, Wien and the others passed by three waves of imperial fleets in succession, and even discovered two professional deep space exploration ships.

This at least shows that the empire may not have much hope of breaking through the fortress head-on.

"Have you heard of any actions by the imperial army on the front line?" Lieutenant General Seyo asked.

"The first frontline battle report is from yesterday. The Empire and we simultaneously launched a full-scale offensive against the fortress and all the Predator strongholds in the Devil's Throat system, clearing out three Predator outlying bases from the asteroid belt and all changed hands. However, the distance The A1 and A2 planets closest to the fortress are still under the control of the predators. As for the main force of the fleet, there is still no way to open the channel to the hinterland of the Demon Palace Labyrinth, so they can only try to launch a frontal attack on the fortress again, but the progress is still not smooth. ." Feifei looked at the battle report: "Of course, we didn't expect to be able to accomplish all the results in one battle. The storming of the fortress was actually to isolate the connection between the fortress itself and the peripheral bases. This was still very successful. Our fleet also suffered losses. Within an affordable range. Overall, everything is under control.”

"That is to say, everything has made no progress." Lieutenant General Seyo said angrily: "If you transfer me now, are you planning to let the 200,000 young men under my command serve as cannon fodder?"

Yu Lian smiled and comforted: "It should be to go to Friendship Station Street. This time you brought not only the Community Marine Corps to the front line, but also allied forces from various countries. Even for the international viewing, Admiral Connors I will also act with caution.”

"I'm not worried about the commander, I'm worried about that bumbling bitch in Tivington... But, what about international viewing?" The bald lieutenant general touched his big shiny head and nodded: "Haha, it's still Yu Lian. You’re smart, brother, I get it.”

...What do you understand? I don't even know what I said.

At this time, Major Akinayama Hachiman, who was at the edge of the nine-square grid of the video call, pondered for a moment, raised his hand and said, "Xiaguan has some ideas."

"You said." Yu Liandao.

Akinayama Hachiman pushed up his glasses: "Currently, the supply fleet has been attacked a total of twelve times. We and the empire have suffered a lot of losses, but the biggest one happened on July 25, in the DL14 system, the S04 supply fleet. That battle happened by chance. In that battle, the escort was not the elite Imperial Guard Fleet of the Empire, but the Cathay fleet. One of the Ancient Saint-class cargo ships of the Empire was captured and another was sunk."

Mentioning this, everyone wanted to laugh a little. After so many years, when did you ever hear that a ship as big as the Ancient Saint class was captured in the empire? Of course, considering that the empire has been having a bad time recently, there were so many terrorist activities in the imperial capital where the God of War Festival was held last year, and the marauders directly penetrated the Lion's Den Fortress and the Gate of Glory, and even the elected emperor was assassinated. Just being captured by a very large transport ship seems to be nothing.

Akinayama Hachiman continued: "This can explain two things. First, although the looters have mastered some of the legacy of the Enlightened Ones, it will take time to fully realize it. The military resources in their hands are actually limited. Otherwise, the empire will The transport ship only needs to be destroyed, so why seize it? From the twelve supply fleet attacks we know of, we can find that the predators had a clear intention to seize the ship every time."

Everyone felt that although the young man with the eyes was young, his analysis was still very reasonable. Sure enough, he deserves to be the "Moon Man" of the Department of Strategic Studies.

These young people in the same class as this kid have produced a lot of talents! Lieutenant General Seyo looked at Yu Lian calmly.

"We are eating astronomical amounts of money every day on the front line. The confrontation has only lasted for three months, and the country is about to issue national debt. However, we are in a difficult situation, and the predators may be even more difficult than us." Hachiman added.

"So Major Qiu Mingshan, what do you mean by your honor, continue to consume?" Lieutenant General Carter showed a heartbroken expression like an old accountant, shook his head and said: "The imperial family has a great cause, but we are not!"

Yu Lian felt that this was actually in line with Hachiman's cautious and steady style. That guy Venn was aggressive like fire, but these glasses were a typical immovable one. He was the type that waited for the enemy to reveal a flaw and then launched a defensive counterattack.

"This official is not the supreme commander and cannot be the master. Besides, I guess the empire is not willing to do this."

Everyone looked at each other, feeling a little fresh.

"Everyone knows that the Empire was penetrated by plunderers through the Gate of Glory. In the past hundred years, in addition to being forced to recognize our independence, has the majestic Galaxy Empire suffered such a humiliation? They want to win, but it must not be a tragic victory. It cannot be a protracted, bad war."

Feifei frowned slightly, as if she had guessed something: "...the imperial supply fleet, the escorting Cathay fleet."

"Is there such a thing?" Lieutenant General Carter, who claimed to not understand frontline affairs, said in surprise: "This is a bit strange. Although I have never directly commanded an actual combat force, I have worked in the logistics department for many years, but I also know that important The supply fleet should be put in charge of the elite. This is common sense!"

Don't think that only those with a straight face are the elite. If our army penetrates deep into enemy territory, the supply line is even more important than the frontline.

"Do you think the empire was actually fishing during that attack?" Yu Lian asked.

"This is just a conjecture and has no basis." Hachiman pushed up his glasses: "The official thinks that we should stay put for the time being and focus on observing the Imperial Army's subsequent actions."

Taking an Ancient Saint-class boat for fishing is really too much to bear. However, the current commanders of the imperial army are the two dragon kings of the Dawn Royal Family. This family is rich in crazy batches, especially the young female dragon, who is definitely a fighter among the crazy batches. This possibility is not entirely non-existent.

But now the problem arises. Even Wayne and others who acted decisively failed to track it to the end, let alone the empire who came a step late. Even if they really hold their noses and owe the community a favor and get the star map information, they still can't completely open the route.

So, do they have any other unpredictable means, or are they planning to catch fish again?

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