Him and their stars

Chapter 95 Life must go on

Yu Lian originally thought that he would not get the results of the talks from the news until at least he returned to Earth. However, due to the intervention of the Empire and the Alliance, as well as Mr. Qi's performance art in Tianyu, this meeting actually came to a conclusion with jaw-dropping efficiency.

The first is the issue of the nature of the war. The final conclusion is that the Cathay Kingdom's side was led by some young generals such as Lieutenant General Orson Blackfin, and the Alliance's self-defense counterattack was "slightly" overreacted. Border conflicts and tragedies have just occurred due to misunderstandings between many parties.

As for Prince Charon Mane and Marshal Reid Red Eyes, one has war pstd and the other is seriously injured and his life is in danger at any time. They are really innocent. Now, Orson Blackfin and his henchmen have committed suicide and been imprisoned. Their family members were all demoted to slaves according to the laws of the Kingdom of Cathay, so there was no need to pursue them, right?

In the end, the community still collected a symbolic compensation of 20 billion, but it was paid in 50 years, and it was in blue star coins instead of alliance stars. The interest is guaranteed by the mining income of Sakura Stone, a specialty high-energy crystal of the Catai Kingdom, and is supervised and paid by a third party through the alliance's bank.

The soldiers scolded the negotiators for eating too much bibimbap, and 500's brains were turned into mush. Of course, it was just a curse. Anyway, no matter whether it is 20 billion or 2 trillion, it is impossible to share it with the soldiers below.

Secondly, since the Kingdom of Cathay still has to bear part of the defense of the galactic center, it does not need to disarmament. However, the First and Third Fleets, which are responsible for the defense of the community's borders, can no longer be equipped with warships above the battle cruiser level. Anyway, the combined fleet composed of the First and Third Fleets has been disabled, and it is estimated that they will not be able to equip battle cruisers for a while.

Later, the new Kaitai negotiator cried and knelt outside King Suliuka's palace all night. In the end, the Empire came forward and auctioned off the battered battle cruisers of the First and Third Fleets.

These ships were quickly sold out in the international market. After all, it is a battle cruiser. There are really only a few countries that can afford to equip such a giant ship these days. How can you not be tempted when there is a clearance sale?

It is said, really just said, that the Bakvi Star Cluster Republic, a die-hard ally of the Ketai people, bought the twelve best-preserved ships among them, and also hired a large number of Ketai naval forces who were forced to retire. Of course, in the final analysis, it is just an unfounded rumor.

After doing this, the Kingdom of Katai suddenly discovered that their finances actually saw black letters for the first time in ten years. After putting the money together again, I was surprised to find that it was just enough to buy two corona-class dreadnoughts that the empire had just put on the shelves.

That’s it! Must buy!

In addition, based on humanitarian considerations, the Community agreed to expand the export of food and daily necessities to the Kingdom of Cathay, which can be supported by loans from the Alliance.

The latter one is said to have been negotiated by King Sulyuka and His Highness Brünnhilt. Naturally, the Cathayans loudly cheered His Highness King Su long live. After thinking about it for a while, the Earth side felt that it seemed to have taken a lot of advantages. After all, we are doing business, so who are we selling to? Naturally, I completely agreed.

Overall, this is a real win-win!

Of course, the fleet officers and soldiers have no objections to this article.

It doesn't matter whether the Cathay cats on the opposite side are disarmed or not. Anyway, even if they come one pair, they will be beaten, and if they come two, they will be beaten. They had just defeated the opponent's combined fleet and were in a state of full morale. They felt that they were not afraid even if the imperial fleet came. If it weren't for the Dawn Angel, which looked like a scorching sun across the sky, giving people such a strong sense of oppression, that's what they really thought.

But the last conclusion caused an uproar among the officers and soldiers of the fleet.

Admiral Norm Paris, almost the only remaining veteran of the Revolutionary War era in the Community, will be retiring from his duties as Commander of the Outer Rim Fleet and Warden of the Outer Rim Theater and will return to Earth to serve.

Although it is said to the outside world that the old general decided to abdicate in favor of someone more powerful when he saw that he was getting old. But the fleet officers and soldiers are not fools. Although the old man is the oldest in the entire fleet, in terms of spirit, he is much better than those "elite bureaucrats" who only know how to play office politics at a young age and hold parties with penises and starfish sauce. Not to mention that he is only in his seventies now, but in twenty years he feels that he will be able to bring down all the staff members by himself.

The old general is not a benevolent officer. The so-called moon, moon, fire, water, earth, metal, the intensity of training, and the strict discipline requirements for officers and soldiers are the first in the entire community.

Many people said behind his back, "I wish I could put a sack on this old guy and throw him into the battleship's power furnace."

However, when he really had to leave, everyone began to miss him. Some officers and soldiers began to write bloody letters asking the old man not to leave. The more radical ones even directly surrounded the hotel where the negotiation team was staying at the Gibraltar Star Port.

"The negotiators from the Earth's central government are all a bunch of national thieves! The bloody battles of Mr. Paris and all the soldiers in the army, and the sacrifices of Colonel Makarov and the others were directly betrayed by them! God punish the national thieves!"

"Heaven punishes the national thief!"

"Give back our commander-in-chief!"

"Yes, bring back our father Paris!"

"Yes, I heard that that negotiator has no backbone at all! He just knelt down in front of King Su and cried bitterly and almost licked his feet!"

"Well, actually I want to lick it too..."

"Actually, I also...ah! In short, God will punish the national thief!"

"Drag that horse out and parade it through the streets! Yes, drag the others out and parade it around too!"

"No, no, no, don't talk nonsense. I heard that the deputy leader of the delegation, Ms. Wellbat, has been arguing hard, but that Marvin has no bones!"

"What kind of human being does a boneless guy deserve? Take him back to Earth and feed him to Edelweiss!"

"Edelweiss's stomach will hurt..."

Well, it can be seen that these soldiers are indeed spontaneous. They have no organization and no goals. They just gather together to vent their emotions. In the end, they did not drag the negotiators out and punish them, and they did not even destroy the flowers and plants around the hotel. What a group of sincere and polite young people!

Of course, compared to the island nation on the earth in a certain parallel universe, those true young men who really carried out heavenly punishment on national traitors are still a little less courageous after all!

In addition, they really just wanted to express their anger towards the delegation's betrayal of the country frankly, and it had nothing to do with the dozens of guards wearing power skeletons guarding the hotel entrance.

As a result, the surrounding citizens quickly changed from being surprised, fearful, and avoiding to watching, and finally, they didn't mind the excitement and even started cheering.

"Come in! Rush in! I support you!"

"Yes, God will punish those national traitors, and then we will have a good life!"

"You are the navy! You must be ashamed! When I get rich in Xinyumen, I will reward you for killing that Marvin!"

The navy officers were all strong-blooded people, and they immediately began to fight back: "Oh shit! You can only get rich because the spirit of the universe is blind! When you find out the difference between the sand people and the Nirvana dragons, they will all be dead. Twenty times!”

As a result, the citizens and the young navy officers held each other's shoulders and started singing loudly, which immediately turned into a spontaneous military-civilian get-together. Everyone who passed by could feel the atmosphere of joy. Even the guards in mobile armors guarding the hotel entrance and the military police who had just arrived blowing whistles all showed knowing smiles.

The only ones who couldn't laugh were probably the delegation members in the hotel, right?

The war has only ended for a few days, and the Gibraltar Beta Star Port has already returned to its usual bustle. This galaxy originally had six gravity jump channels. In terms of the concept of "interstellar highway", this is a transportation thoroughfare extending in all directions, not to mention there is a Venus Gate here.

This is the community's only passage to the New World, and it is also one of the transit points to the empire and the alliance's sphere of influence. Once order is restored, it can be seen how busy it is.

At this moment, singing and dancing with the soldiers, there were immigrants heading to the New World, speculators looking for opportunities in the Alliance, and even more working people who came to the empire to work as slaves in peace.

Their sufferings are not very similar, but at such a moment, their happiness seems to have something in common.

In any case, after the war was over, the results of the war and the post-war handling were generally enough to satisfy their vanity. Then, life has to go on.

Then, I saw several small cars slowly driving over, and the publicity loudspeakers on them had already begun to shout loudly: "New World is recruiting workers! New World is recruiting workers! Large-scale planting jointly invested by Zixinhui Group and Xinyumen Agricultural and Commercial Association Garden and spice processing factory! Five insurances and one gold package, room and board! Wages are in full compliance with alliance standards! There are all kinds of jobs for gardeners, farmers, cowboys, technicians and engineers! Come on! Come on! Here is the lonely smoke of the desert, There is a long sunset here, and there is a beautiful new life here, come here! When you come to the New World, you will have the opportunity to settle down and buy a house! We sincerely invite you to join us in building a new home for the children of Blue Star!"

The atmosphere of the singing and dancing scene became more lively, and many young and middle-aged people who were originally looking for a way to survive slowly squeezed in. After all, they are all leaving their hometowns to make a living, so it doesn’t matter if they go to the New World, and the so-called “league standard” of wages is still very tempting to them.

But at this time, another loudspeaker started making noise on the opposite side.

"Don't listen to his nonsense. The so-called alliance standards are clearly the standards of the indigenous slave workers in the alliance's New World colonies! The New World has everything, gold, spices and zero elements, but there are still pirates and indigenous bandits all over the sky! Who of you dare to say that? Can you live until you make money? Who dares to say? In comparison, come to New China. We have twelve habitable planets that are in urgent need of development. There are deserts with solitary smoke, and there are also mountains and mountains, and even more scenery. Come to the picturesque jungles and oceans. This is still the homeland of the community, so you don’t have to leave your hometown!”

The crowd looked at each other, and for a moment they were in a dilemma.

"Taishang from New China Human Resources Company..." The people from New Yumen began to gnash their teeth.

"Griffey from the headhunting company of the New World Guards..." The people in New China were also sneering.

The two looked at each other, as if there were sparks and thunder and lightning fighting. Both sides looked like they wanted to eat each other's flesh alive, but after a long confrontation, neither one made a move.

"Asshole! It's just a bunch of indifferent mountain monkeys, but they dare to rob people from us! Do you want to arrest so many people and dig mud into the mountains with you?" Xin Yumen began to fight back.

There is indeed only one jump channel to the outside world in the New China Sky Area, and the geographical conditions are a bit blocked, but the other party counterattacked unwaveringly: "That is also a large sky area with hundreds of galaxies and twelve inhabited planets! What do you have there? ? Pirates or bandits? Oh, maybe there are some giant star-devouring monsters hiding in some universe."

"I'm sorry for your twelve inhabited planets! A planet that requires a fully enclosed power suit when going out to grow potatoes is also called an inhabited planet? The exploration and development of the New World is a tradition in the entire universe and an established national policy of the community! You... "

"It is the common responsibility of us humans, all our children of Blue Star, to fully develop our homeland! How about you?"

Onlookers, as well as homeless people looking for work, continued to watch with excitement and anticipation. On the one hand, this scene was naturally quite interesting; on the other hand, they probably suddenly realized that whether their lives would be turbulent or peaceful for the rest of their lives depended on this choice.

The soldiers dispersed with bored expressions on their faces. They had seen such scenes too many times, and they no longer felt anything new about them. They left, and the delegation in the hotel was saved for the time being.

This scene was also seen by Yu Lian and Yang Xiyi who had just arrived at the scene.

"Oh, when there is no war, this scene happens every day. It's quite strange, right? Don't worry, they can't fight."

"What happened in the end?" Yu Lian asked curiously.


"The result of robbing people."

"Usually, it's half and half, but in general, the New World side has the upper hand. There are often news about making a fortune after just working in the New World for a few years, right? In comparison, the New China side has the upper hand. It's just a matter of finding a job to support the family. Moreover, it is only because of the toughness of the current sky region government that they can barely maintain the current situation. However, this kind of behavior that is incompatible with the central government of the earth is still How long can it last?”

Although Yang Xiyi has some respect for New China, he is not too optimistic about their future.

"The chief executive of Xinyumen's Tiandi District is still Mr. Bai, right?"

"Yes, he is an old man in his seventies, but he is in very good health and spirit."

"Well, a powerful and energetic old man, he is of the same type as our Commander. Mr. Yang, why are the more reliable big shots in the community now all from Marshal Li's era?"

"Maybe it's their group of elites who have used up all the Zhong Ling Yuxiu we have accumulated over hundreds of years."

The two looked at each other, then shrugged together and gave a helpless "bah".

Today’s first update, let’s release it in advance so that everyone doesn’t jump.

Really, the choice is obviously between "beating the big cat to death" and "due to the pressure of the empire, I can only let it go gently", how come the community wants to sign a traitorous treaty?

But I really appreciate everyone's comments. If there is a debate, and it is not a one-sided debate, it means that there is room for discussion, and it means that the plot is not broken~~~So, I love you.

It's just that there were too many political discussions yesterday, so please hold back. What should I do if I really get a 404?

Why not just discuss the daily drama that will continue for a while. First of all, let me explain that there is really no Crystal Palace in this book. The girls are all comrades-in-arms. The ones that appear in the introduction are bosses and not the Crystal Palace! Look at my innocent eyes~~~~

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