Him and their stars

Chapter 938 Your Highness’s will is my mission

Since it is a so-called encrypted letter, it can only be read by Soback alone. So, he could only apologize to everyone, left the bridge and returned to his office for the first time in three days. He didn't know that the officers, big and small, who had been driven crazy by his 200% professionalism during this period, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But no matter what, a leader who is more dedicated to his job than all his subordinates can actually easily win the favor of his subordinates.

Brigadier General Yeager Soback returned to his office and opened the encrypted letter with the general's authority password he had just obtained, only to find that it was not an urgent military order from the rear, but a private message. The title of the first page is the coat of arms of a gorgeous, cold and arrogant black dragon stepping on a huge gear, but it is the coat of arms of King Wilente.

I have only heard that the current His Highness King Wei is a top engineer, scientist, and a powerful industrialist, but he has little connection with the military. Sobek had never dealt with such a big shot.

The file he opened later turned out to be a video he had recorded and broadcast himself.

In the video, King Wilente sincerely praised Sobek's past achievements, and showed a considerable degree of outlook and expectations for his development in the Knights and the Imperial Army.

The majestic election emperor, why are you so polite to me?

If it hadn't been for the cheap teacher, Duke Sartolan, who had mentioned some situations to himself before retreating, he would have been completely confused and at a loss as to what to do. But now, he is mentally prepared.

Later, King Wei said that it was too outrageous for Soback, who had determined to break the sky, to have an ordinary life-long baron title. He has sent a request to the Chamber of Arms to at least restore his status as a hereditary peerage.

King Valente is also a minister of the Privy Council. If he is willing to vote for him, the hereditary title that the family has dreamed of for generations may really be restored. In this way, his life goal was restored.

In addition, King Wilent also said that Soback's hometown, the Pendel planet in the Yongguang Star District, the Empire's No. 3 colony in the New World, is a geomantic treasure worth developing.

His own companies are planning to invest at least 1 billion gold dragons and clouds on that planet within three years.

In addition, Sobek actually has no direct relatives in his hometown, but he has a lot of collateral relatives. Now, the two cousins ​​with whom he had the best relationship were serving in the colonial government, and they should be promoted.

All in all, before the terms were negotiated, the pie from the sky was already on the face. But Soback didn't feel flattered, and could only sigh in his heart that it was finally here.

I remember what Duke Sadolan taught me so earnestly before leaving.

"Listen up, Yeager, this exploration of the ruins of the Enlightened One has already been handed over to us, but some of it is what you deserve, but you must keep it. We are imperial soldiers, but we are also Extraordinary people sometimes have to learn to think about themselves and be a little selfish."

But I just want to be in charge of logistics or personnel. Although Soback thought so in his heart, he definitely did not dare to say it with his mouth. Instead, he asked with some doubts: "...Teacher, what you said is different from the education that this disciple has received before!"

"Popular education and general education are the same thing. When you reach your level, you need a new kind of education."

So what is my “level”? What virtues and abilities am I?

The Duke also told him that in this time, the most important treasure he obtained was not only the great achievement of destroying the sky curtain, nor the technical data brought from the ancient ship of the Enlightenment, but the Found snake.

"This organization has existed for too long, but I don't know what kind of madness they have recently gone crazy. They actually stand completely on the opposite side of the empire... As far as I know, in the past years, they have been hiding behind history, and The empire even had some cooperation." At this point, Duke Sadolan was also a little confused, but he still said: "But things have already happened. A mere poisonous snake has dared to show its fangs to the dragon, so it must die!"

According to the Duke, for any elected emperor who aspires to the supreme position, the great achievement of slaying the snake can put a heavy weight on the balance of the struggle for the throne, even more important than the slaying of the plunderers. .

"I have said before, the great prophet is very important, and we cannot let her fall into the hands of the community and the alliance. This is a very difficult snake head, with mediocre hard power, but there are too many tricks that can save his life. ...As for now, the key to whether we can eliminate her lies in your hands, and in the hands of your old enemy. Hahaha, this may even be related to whether we can successfully eliminate the predators and snakes. Second union.

Soback thought to himself, I am just an ordinary three-ring, how can I become the key? Even the existence of snakes, he only heard about it this year. Members of the Thirteen Faces such as the "Great Prophet" are even top masters that he could not imagine before. How can he be so virtuous and capable? , how can we be related to this kind of existence?

However, Duke Sadolan smiled slightly and took out a stack of thick copperplate paper, which was covered with dense red letters: "These are all the passages in the voyage diary that contain the characters of the Enlightened One. These should be It contains some questions.”

The so-called voyage diary naturally refers to the information everyone obtained from the snake's invisible ship. It has been handed over to the military's central database and is compiled by hundreds of ancient secrets, cryptography experts, archaeologists and alchemists. A team of warlocks is analyzing the situation with difficulty.

As one of the parties involved, Soback was certainly aware of the progress of the work in this area, but he had never heard that it had the characters of the Enlightened One on it.

"How can such a supreme thing of mysticism be understood by a stupid machine?" Duke Sartolan put these thick coated papers into Yeager's hands without any explanation: "Memorize them and then burn them. . Yeager, do you know how important you are? You must learn to adapt to this in the future!"

Yeager Soback said that he didn't want it to be so important at all, but again, now that things have happened, his intentions are no longer important.

Soback estimated that the reason why King Wilente was so polite to him could only be because of this reason.

At the end of the video, Emperor Xuan also said that he was rushing to the front line and hoped to have a chance to meet Soback.

"I think your talent should be able to serve as a general or a prime minister. Just focusing on the battlefield is a bit unfair. However, regarding this issue, we can discuss it in detail after we meet." in the video King Wilente did not say anything clearly, but pointed to the Shengyuan star area on the empire's holographic star map: "This is the empire's grain-producing area and a tourist area with beautiful scenery, but now a small change has occurred. , In fact, we are in urgent need of a capable military leader!"

Soback had to admit that this time, he was really moved.

The rank of general, the hereditary title, and then the safe and lucrative position in the rear. In this way, haven’t all the life goals I set when I was a child been achieved? So what else is there to worry about?

Moreover, it must be admitted that His Royal Highness King Wilente's magnanimity is really heart-wrenching. He has obviously stuffed the pie into his mouth, but he does not have the condescending arrogance of a benefactor at all. Even though it was a recorded video, he had a warm smile throughout the whole process, and even occasionally added a few jokes and jokes.

Throughout the whole process, he was very natural, as if he was treating an old friend rather than someone he hoped to attract.

Soback felt that this was natural and would not put any pressure on himself.

To be fair, working for such a leader...should still be very comfortable, right? Speaking of which, the treatment of the Feilin Group under King Wilente has always been very good. Although there are not many best friends in the officialdom and military circles, they have all received a lot of promotions and their reputation is still good.

If Duke Sadolan hadn't told him not to take sides easily, Sobek, who was born into an ordinary family, might have followed suit at this time.

"If you think about it carefully, I am not without a backer. I still need to be a little more reserved." Soback thought so, and patiently replied to King Wilente with a correct attitude and sincere words without any practical meaning. The content of the thank-you letter, and then I felt that it would be better for me to return my attention to my own work.

The ensuing process was smooth sailing, and the escort fleet arrived at the front line of the Devil's Throat System in time before August 12th, delivering hundreds of millions of tons of supplies to the frontline soldiers.

Since more supplies were delivered than planned, the logistics officer in charge of the handover counted them and found that even a glass of wine seemed to be enough for the most ordinary soldier, so he held Soback's hands and shook them. . His gratitude was naturally genuine, but it was difficult to conceal the curiosity in his eyes.

Soback always felt that this guy looked at him less like he was looking at a colleague, but more like looking at a celebrity, and he suddenly got goosebumps all over his body.

He knew that he should be somewhat famous, but he was not so famous that he would meet admirers everywhere, and he did not dare to expect that senior military officers would also have their own fans.

Because of the Ares Festival? That event ended a whole year ago, and the real core person in the C position at that time was the old enemy. As a support person, I should have passed away long ago.

Because of the canopy? However, this operation is related to the legacy of the Enlightened Ones and the extermination of the Marauders. It involves the highest military secrets, and the middle and lower-level officers, and even the vast majority of the generals, are unaware of it.

"Are you Brigadier General Yeager Soback?" The other party asked again as if to confirm.

"That's right..."

"Pendel's Eagle?"

"Huh?" Soback said that his hometown is indeed Pendel in the Eternal Star District of Colony No. 3, but what is the "eagle" behind it?

He looked at his friends with a confused face, and found that both Captain Hongshan and Miss Serlu looked confused.

Fortunately, since he is an officer of the empire, his degree of unreliability is still limited. Everyone still completed the handover work smoothly. But just when Soback and his party were about to return to their ship to rest, they were blocked by a tall, handsome, and extremely handsome female knight.

"But Brigadier General Yeager Soback?" the female knight asked.

"Ah, Count Lamut of the Four Heavenly Kings!" Before Soback could react, Miss Serlu's eyes started to shine, and she quickly stood up and saluted.

"Oh, alongside you?" Captain Hongsha lowered his voice.

"There is no such title." Miss Giafel was not as serious as the rumors said. She even played jokes with everyone with great interest, and then said: "His Royal Highness, King Suliuka, has invited you to come over and talk about something."

...I am so virtuous and capable!

Soback has monologued like this countless times during this time, but he probably will continue it in the future.

He still didn't feel flattered, he just felt very trembling, and he felt more at a loss than when he received the email from King Wilente before.

Since she is the only woman among the elected emperors, maybe the rules will be stricter. If I do something wrong, will I be chopped into pieces and fed to the dragon?

After all, he was from a citizen family that belonged to the ruling class of the empire. He often heard rumors about various palace intrigues, but he had always heard that the women in the Chenxi Royal Family were much more willful and cruel than the men.

But at this point, what can he say? Don't just try to maintain your composure on the surface, and follow Miss Gyafel, who is one of the Four Heavenly Kings alongside him, on the transport boat and arrive at the Angel of Dawn.

He had been thinking about what he should say and what he should do later, and he didn't even bother to observe the environment in the system and the formation of the fleet. However, when he entered the dome garden of the Dawn Angel, he found that a large round table that was completely inconsistent with the imperial palace regulations had been placed here, and it was also full of people.

Soback breathed a sigh of relief. With so many people here, His Royal Highness King Suliuka would not abandon himself to feed the dragon no matter how arrogant he was. I secretly took a look at the people present... Well, as expected, most of them were beauties with both prowess and beauty. These were the legendary "Flower Knights" of His Highness King Sulyuka. Fortunately, there were no other men present at the scene, so Soback breathed a sigh of relief, and his breathing became much easier.

"Relax, Lord Yeager, just treat it like a family banquet." King Sulyuka Brunhild said. Even among so many beautiful women, she is still the most conspicuous one, just like the sun.

The only young girl among the elected emperors smiled brightly again and pointed to the big pot with red soup in the center of the big round table: "Hot pot is the specialty of your old enemy's hometown, you can't help but taste it. Today I treat everyone to hot pot! About plundering Or, about snakes, we can talk while eating."

For some reason, Soback suddenly felt that when he watched these noble ladies sitting around a large copper pot, and watched those overly rich and exciting aromas emerge from the red pot, dyeing the entire dome garden with a trace of When the fireworks were in full swing, he became much bolder and subconsciously said: "Your Highness, I am really not his old enemy. I was framed by him..."

"Oh? He is so good. There are many people here who have been framed by him." Brynhilt couldn't help laughing: "But Lord Yeager, the current empire needs your power, and may still need you." What can I do with the power of cooperation with him?"

Your Highness's will is my mission... Soback suddenly wanted to say this, but felt that it would be too greasy and cliche, so he subconsciously said: "Your Highness, I am only a third-level official, and I was matured by my mentor. I don’t dare to take risks, and I’m not qualified to take risks!”

The ladies present looked at each other, but Brunhildt clapped his hands and said: "Okay, I will do the risky thing. As long as you can explain what can be said clearly, that's all."

Soback was stunned for several seconds, and then sighed: "Your Highness's will is my mission!"

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