Him and their stars

Chapter 940 The second batch of military aid

Lieutenant Colonel Nani and Major Peric looked at each other. The former felt that it was too insincere to comfort people in this way, and a hint of anger flashed across the latter's face. If it hadn't been Yu Lian who said this, the young man might have had an attack.

"I'm not comforting you. This is indeed a good thing." Yu Liandao then stretched out his hands that started to glow silver and pressed them directly on Colonel Chaimen's chest and abdomen.

The power of the source of life, through the medium of Yu Lian's hands, gathered into a stunning river of spirit through white light, and slowly penetrated into Colonel Chaimen's body. As a result, the seriously injured man, who had been in a coma for more than half a month, suddenly took a deep breath, his chest beat a few times visibly, and gradually returned to the rhythm of a normal person. He then opened his eyes wide and stared blankly at the unrecognizable ceiling. Then he regained consciousness and jumped up while doing sit-ups on the spot. He even tore off the hanging bottle that was still delivering glucose.

"Fight quickly... uh, where is this place? Brother Yu Lian, Al, when did you come up? Did you save me?"

Brother Chaimen is a very particular person, and his first reaction is to call himself "brother" instead of "sir". From this perspective, it is still manageable.

"You'd better rest for a few more days and do a thorough examination. Haha, the experience between life and death is very precious, let alone someone like you who has been fighting life and death for more than a month." Yu Lian smiled: "After recovery, you can consider the fourth ring promotion ceremony."

Colonel Chaimen is almost forty years old this year. He himself once said that his talent is limited and he has never considered the possibility of being promoted to the fourth ring in his life. When you retire, you can get a general's pension, plus the third-ring psychic subsidy, which is enough to achieve financial freedom.

So now, he didn't even understand the current situation, he just looked confused.

...Well, as expected of a "bloody road", he certainly doesn't look very smart.

After instructing the doctor to return Mr. Zaimen to the newly repaired resting area of ​​the Orbital Hospital to rest, Yu Lian shot the life source of the young Major Peric next to him, activating the cell activity near the wound on the other's short-broken arm. Put this kid in a petri dish and receive traditional treatment.

In this way, the child's new arm should soon be able to resume the functions that a psyker should have.

After doing these things, Yu Lian asked Lieutenant Colonel Nani a few more questions: "You have nothing to do, why did you sneak back?"

"Me? I have a very serious battlefield trauma syndrome, and I need very detailed, proper, and comprehensive mental recuperation... Okay, okay, in the A1 battle on July 25, I braved the gunfire That guy Chaimen dug it out of the collapsed iceberg. He even dug out half of Little Mance’s head. Do you still remember him?”

Of course Yu Lian still remembers it. He remembers the young psyker who landed on the head of the Star Eater with him, but he is not too familiar with it.

It was a young captain named Mance Rayder Kemen, not yet twenty years old, and a warrior who had not yet branched out.

"He only joined the army when he was twenty years old. After five years of military service, he was going to college with a psyker's subsidy... These are obviously avoidable. So, after returning home, I pointed at Wu's nose Swearing and throwing white gloves in his face."

"You seem to have just arrived at the Third Ring Road, right?"

"I broke through after fighting that big bug with you last time. Hehe, I became the third ring before the age of forty, and achieved another goal in life. Hey, what's that look in your eyes? I'm not a genius like you! "Lieutenant Colonel Nani shrugged: "I know, I will definitely not be that guy's opponent in a real fight! After all, I used to be a B-level guerrilla. However, you still have to have the proper attitude!"

To be honest, if Brigadier General Wu Sansong really doesn't want to lose his face, he can definitely kill Brother Nani through a duel of honor among psykers. Of course, this would not only fail to establish his authority, but his reputation in the military would be completely ruined. Although this guy stretched his hips when he was doing business, he was still a core member of the political elite who had received professional expression and emotional management, and he actually held it back.

Coupled with the fact that many senior generals, including Yang Xiyi and Ma Luowen, came to smooth things over, the so-called white glove incident was finally suppressed.

Of course, Lieutenant Colonel Nani could no longer stay on the front line. Of course, he originally didn't want to fight under the command of Wu Sansong, so he simply quit the battle with excuses such as mental trauma.

Although this guy is a loyal and capable old brother, he is also a typical old-era psyker. He never has the temperament that a disciplined force should have. His talent should be higher than that of Brother Zaimen, but his future is really different. And words. Yu Lian thought.

"It's a pity that Mr. Mallowan is an old commander, but he doesn't have the ability to lead troops. If you were on the front line..." Lieutenant Colonel Nani was still a little aggrieved.

"If I were on the front line, maybe I could cook someone named Wu in a glory duel?"

"That's best not to do it. No matter how strong the porcelain is, it will feel disgusting if it touches a stone, right? Compared to me, he is porcelain. But compared to you, he is like a stone."

Yu Lian smiled noncommittally and arranged for Lieutenant Colonel Nani to stay temporarily in the sanatorium of the Orbital Hospital.

There was no way, after all, the equipment sent by the alliance had not yet arrived, and less than one-tenth of the orbital hospital area required by the design was built. However, the sanatorium area, which was designed to be closer to the dome garden and orbital hotel, was built first. After all, there is the New Lushun Planet next to it, which is rich in products. Although it is an ocean planet with an ocean area that accounts for more than 90% of the surface, it can still be regarded as a lush planet with trees and grass.

Using local materials directly from the planet, hundreds of thousands of tons of soil, water and various plants were sent to orbit. After installing the space recycling equipment just produced by the Tulong Machinery Factory of the New Yumen, a set of This is how an artificial space ecosystem that supports the survival of 100,000 people was established.

Colonel Chaimen and Lieutenant Colonel Nani were both overjoyed. The former decided to find a man-made waterfall to rest for a while and experience the life-and-death struggle of more than half a month; the latter even let himself go and even said that he would take over his fiancée who was still working in Gibraltar.

However, even if an orbital resort is built, the current hospital still cannot accommodate all the wounded. Most people can only be sent to Xinyumen. This can only show that the casualty rate on the front line is even faster than Yu Lian expected.

In fact, if the wounded arrived three days at night, they would be able to meet the fleet sent by the Alliance to assist. This second batch of military aid fleet is also a huge fleet with the Poseidon as the core. In addition to various specific military consumables, it also includes the treatment warehouse required by Yu Lian and the life-support bearing structure of the large orbital family. As long as these things are in place, an orbital hospital with a capacity of 150,000 people can be built within two months.

"At that time, even if 100,000 wounded people are withdrawn from the front line, they will be able to receive timely treatment," Yu Lian said.

Eleanor couldn't help rolling her eyes when she heard this. Her Thirteenth Fleet had fought several battles and had many wounded. As the (actual) commander, it was reasonable to go to the orbital hospital to check the situation.

"... Yuri, tell me, were you already not optimistic about the prospects of this war before it started?"

"It's not just me, Teacher Yang is like this too." Yu Lian shrugged: "We don't know what ancient ocean lands the looters have mastered, nor do we know how many troops they have, and we underestimated their ability to protect our country. Determination. Although we have cracked the opponent's sky, it is like a bottomless pit of siege warfare. It would be strange if we don't get disgraced."

"Is the decision wrong..."

"It can't be said that it was a wrong decision. Who among the galactic countries has never had a relationship with the Galactic Nomads? When they break through the Gate of Glory, the empire must choose to kill them as soon as possible, and we are so close to the scene. , how could we not take action? The whole universe is watching us, even if it means beating a common person, we must take action immediately."

Senior Sister Eleanor just shook her head with a cold face. She is a militant who pursues your excitement and glory, but she really doesn't like this kind of war that has no technical content and unscrupulously puts the lives of ordinary soldiers on the altar.

"Yuli, if this is the way to play, who will not be able to persist first?" Eleanor sighed.

"They must be predators." Yu Lian said decisively: "If they can really persist, why bother to use precious mobile forces to harass our supply channels? This will certainly relieve the frontal defense pressure on their fortress. But there is also the risk of exposing new waterways.”

Eleanor's eyes lit up: "Did they miss the calculation?"

"It's not a miscalculation, it's just a last resort. Since it's impossible to persist forever, we must eliminate our effective forces as much as possible to force us to the negotiating table."

"Forced to the negotiating table? Empire, is it possible..." As soon as Eleanor said this, she immediately realized that the existence of the Blue Star Community was just an example.

"The Tiruiro people are indeed very stubborn, but we have our own problems. Senior sister, didn't I just say that if we keep fighting like this, the ones who can't hold on are the predators, but this is actually an ideal value. . This expedition was actually promoted by political allies who hold the majority of seats in the National Assembly. The chairman of the committee, who is running for president, is looking forward to huge military achievements to increase his strength. As for the Co-Prosperity Party... these people say they are from the empire. The dog has also passed, but the main foundation is indeed the white gloves and rural sages during the empire's rule, who controlled the military and energy sectors left over from that time. As long as the place where the war is fought is far away from the mainland, they are happy to continue the fight."

If you think about it carefully, as the founding leaders headed by Marshal Li gradually withdrew from the stage of history, political allies began to take power, and the community's traditional military and energy industries were suppressed, in addition to the compradors' class attributes that are difficult to treat for small profits and forgetfulness of loyalty, Maybe it's also to attack his political opponents?

Yu Lian sighed in his heart. These things were slowly figured out while helping Mr. Qi collect information for the creation of "Yuan Lun". Of course, this could also be evidence of freedom of mind. He is now looking forward to what results Lao Tan, who went to do social research, can come up with.

Yu Lian added: "However, whether it is military or political affairs, once you consider them in a commercial way, everything will have a critical value. The losses on the front line have reached a certain level, and the Lords of the Earth will not be able to come up with something that will not break the Loulan Final It comes from the momentum of not returning it. By that time, the war here may be all left to the empire."

"Even if we retreat, the empire would rather continue to increase its troops than retreat." Eleanor said.

Yu Lian agreed with this: "It is true. The empire itself, even if it fights steadily and steadily, will definitely win the final victory! But in this way, the territory occupied by the looters will not be the spoils of the empire. Has it happened? The alliance will definitely not sit back and let this happen."

Having said this, Yu Lian suddenly felt a little sympathy for the predators: "In short, the empire, us, and the alliance behind us do not want this protracted war to continue, but the predators have no choice. Senior sister... I can be sure that the support sent by the Alliance this time is not just what I asked for."

Eleanor was silent for a few seconds, and then she looked up and down at Yu Lian in amazement. Her eyes immediately showed an unspeakable complex emotion, which seemed to be a little sad, a little regretful and a little admirable, plus He was joking about it: "Yuli, are you thinking about these things during this time?"

"Aren't we from the Faculty of Strategic Studies? If we don't think about these things, how can we only think about how to kill people? Then it is neither strategy nor research, and there is no such thing as a faculty. If we carry beer bottles on the street and shoot headshots every day, we will have nothing to learn from. Got it!"

Speaking of which, Senior Eleanor is also a master of all kinds of poisons. When she was a student, she was also a master who used to blow people's heads with beer bottles. Then, the senior sister opposite suddenly showed a sunny smile: "Hehehehe... Yuri, is psychic energy such a convenient thing? Can it actually make you so complacent?"

Senior Sister Eleanor quickly glanced around and was about to press her hands on Yu Lian's neck and pour two bottles of brandy like she did when she was a student. But before she could do it, the latter's communication terminal rang three beeps. Then it was connected automatically.

Needless to say, it was Feifei. She has been guest-starring as Yu Lian's adjutant, and is currently on standby at the Starport headquarters.

"The alliance's fleet has not stopped at New Yumen to rest. It is currently on its way and is expected to arrive in this system in twenty-four hours." Feifei said.

That would be two days earlier than planned. When did these capitalists become so efficient?

Well, it must be very charming! Yu Lian thought.

Sure enough, Feifei answered again: "The flagship is the Poseidon's No. 2 ship Modamars, and there are eight Star Titans."

Well, it's a pity that there are no performance ships for frontline workers, but with these nine giant ships alone, the military aid that can be transported is at least twice that of last time.

Then, a strange look flashed in Feifei's eyes: "In addition, there is Mr. Shi Xin on board the ship, who is a first-level inspector of the Alliance Extraordinary Administration."

Yu Lian immediately dug out the image of a Nedian dragon psyker with a majestic appearance and gentle temperament from a certain ravine in the cerebral cortex.

Well, he is a great master and an acquaintance! At the beginning, we also went to the Void Realm with him and fought against the Lord of the Fog. Although we didn't have much communication, we could be considered comrades-in-arms.

"There is also Brigadier General Krel Belmont, who serves as deputy chief of the Alliance Military Observer Mission."

Well, of course they are acquaintances... By the way, is this guy so free? Wherever there is excitement, just go there and join in? In addition, brigadier general... this guy can be a general, is the Alliance Army really okay?

Yu Lian suddenly felt that the general star on the collar badge was not so fragrant.

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