Him and their stars

Chapter 943: It must be justified

Therefore, before I left home, it was my elders who were arranging my life. After I left home, you actually still wanted to arrange my life? Then wouldn’t my home be in vain?

At the thought, Miss Tayna Moon's courage seemed to flow into the depths of her heart and into every vein. She slapped the table and stood up, shouting loudly: "Amida Senge Berenkeste! I am not Krel Belmont and Astri Ainol, and I am not your dog!"

She felt that she was really brave at this time. Even when she faced the marauder army with Ash in the ruins of Hui, she was not as brave as this time.

However, her bravery did not seem to cause the beam of light on the opposite side. Amida Senge Berenkeist was still smiling, but there was no fluctuation in her eyes, and there was no emotion at all.

"Taina, can you handle the business of trillions of satellites, or can you unblock political, commercial, military, and even foreign relations? Can you help me solve the formula of strong interaction? Or can you restore law and order to the Feimo Nebula right now? ?If you can't do this, why should I let you be a dog?"

Taina Mohn's courage dried up instantly like a puddle under the scorching 55-degree sun.

Yamida shook her head again: "Look, if you had such courage from the beginning, I might have talked to you in a different way. Admit it, little Taina, in fact, you did not resist fate. The courage, at least not yet. So, tell me, when will you have it?"

Taina lowered her head and clenched her fists, but did not dare to refute.

"You don't understand what people like us fear and are most concerned about. Even if you think you are walking with the people, even if you have been with the workers for half a year, even if you have watched What does the "Principal Theory" that has just been published count? Little Taina, you can't do it if you are half-baked! You should know that what I hate most in my life is incompetent people. There are even more half-baked people in this world. Something?"

Taina whispered: "For you, the front line of the New World is not important? The predators are not important? The snakes are not important either?"

"It really doesn't matter. As long as our structure is still functioning healthily, we can always achieve what we want." The eldest lady of the Belenkester family added another cup of black tea to herself lightly.

"Then, who am I..."

"Perhaps they can become immune cells of our structure." Yani shrugged: "Of course, the premise is that you don't really become a useless dilettante."

Do you guys who call yourself geniuses like to be the Riddler? Miss Taina Moen couldn't quite understand it, but she could feel a sense of oppression that made her almost suffocated. He is now extremely grateful that he chose to work as an investigative reporter at the "Pioneer Newspaper". It is precisely because he has to speak in the language of the lower class that he finally did not develop the bad habit of telling riddles!

She knew she had no room for refusal, and her mind had already turned to how to start her long report, but she heard the latter say again: "By the way, Dr. Warren who boarded the ship at Nantianmen, have you ever dealt with him? ?”

Taina was slightly startled. After all, Nantianmen is the only way to and from the New World. The Gibraltar system where it is located is also a busy transportation hub. The Kalila spent three days there for repairs and supplies. During this period, there were many people disembarking and boarding the ship. I am just an ordinary reporter, but I can't remember everyone.

However, I do remember Ash mentioning it to himself. He said that after passing the Nantianmen, he always felt that there was an extra smell on the ship, but he couldn't tell exactly what the smell was, but he secretly raised his alert.

"Who is Dr. Warren?"

"Captain Shahei's old friend, it is said that he is doing some shady work for the alliance. Yes, you are just an ordinary reporter, these words are not suitable to tell you." Yamida smiled.

Then why do you say that? Taina Moen felt that she was still a member of the Moen family and should not be silenced. However, just because she recognized this fact, she felt quite tired.

"Then, can you please invite your good friend, Mr. Ash Fashbit Stern, to come? Don't worry, since you invite him, it is a good thing. Isn't he a true guerrilla?" Yamida's The smile of a superior was still on his face.

At this time, in the "New Continent" more than two million light-years away from the mainland of the Milky Way, in the New Lushun Star Port, an emergency meeting came to an end.

Mr. Shi Xin, the first-level inspector of the Alliance Extraordinary Management Bureau, has described his attitude in detail to the earth officials, and said: "Our intention is also very clear. The battle situation on the front line is very important, but what deserves more attention is , but it is still the conspiracy behind the "Snake of the World". The empire has gathered such a mighty army on the front line, and the alliance is beyond its reach. Naturally, the empire can only coordinate the frontal war. However, in the long run, the snake's conspiracy theory It may be related to the longer-term stability of the galaxy, but also includes the 10,000-year accumulation of mysticism of this mysterious organization with a long history. We are not reassured just by handing it over to the Empire."

Having said this, the dragon inspector also sighed: "Unfortunately, in the current situation, any straw can lead to a strategic imbalance within the Milky Way. Generals of the community, you don't want to see the Galaxy Is the Empire making a huge profit and pushing the Alliance's influence to the left bank of the Feimo Nebula?"

The three community generals who were in the same conference room, Lieutenant General Seyo and Lieutenant General Carter, who had just arrived and took office, were all stunned.

In fact, Yu Lian was also a little surprised: "Can such words be said directly?"

"As for the military meeting, even the minutes of the meeting will not be declassified until fifty years later. Of course, there must be something said." Claire Belmont lowered his voice.

Yu Lian looked at Feifei who was sitting in the corner of the conference room taking notes - she was Yu Lian's adjutant, and of course she also had the responsibility of recording meeting summaries - and thought, I will find a hacker to expand these speech records when I get back. Come on, you guys, the alliance profiteers, and the white-furred fox behind you.

"If it were a higher-level meeting, it would be different. You see, yesterday we had a meeting with your observer group, that is, Director Pekel, as well as other members of Congress, the National Defense Committee and officials from the Ministry of Security. When it comes, isn’t the atmosphere very harmonious?”

It was a meeting of twenty or thirty people, and everyone was considered quite a big shot in the political arena, but the meeting that lasted for nearly three hours was filled with nutritious chatter. It made me, a dignified person who was halfway to the top of the fifth ring and half a step up to the sixth ring, really want to take a nap, so I simply fell asleep throughout the meeting.

But this time it was different. Inspector Shixin seemed to be an honest person at first glance. He talked a lot with logic and sincerity. He even revealed some information about the Snake Organization that he had that should be alliance secrets.

None of the three generals were psykers, had no experience with snakes, and were at a loss when faced with these secrets. Among the three of them, only General Lal had some knowledge of snakes because he had done intelligence work, and now they all looked more intolerable.

In short, after talking so much about it, Inspector Stone Heart just wanted to make one point. If the empire was left to deal with snakes, the empire would definitely be able to gain the most loot, so much loot that it might even affect the strategic balance.

In this matter, the empire must not even be allowed to take the lead.

At this time, Inspector Shi Xin had already turned his attention: "Fortunately, we already have the most suitable candidate."

General Seyo and General Carter seemed a little unresponsive, but Major General Watt Rall seemed to have understood something and immediately entered a state of thinking.

Of course, Yu Lian also understood what the other party meant and said: "I am a low-key official. You are the first-level inspector of the Extraordinary Management Bureau, and you have been active on the front line against snakes!"

"It is precisely because I have served for a long time but have not made any merit, that I know that I am not a suitable candidate. At most, I can get some experience with some errands. But you are different." The dragon inspector shook his head.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, there are actually many snakeheads who died in Yu Lian's hands, so this calculation is reasonable.

Krell added: "Besides, our country has no military presence on the front line. If the name is not justified, the words will not be justified!"

This is very reasonable.

"Isn't there Major General Mallowan..."

Claire has already shown a look of disdain, as if you are pretending to be stupid and I dare to fall out.

Indeed, although Sister Azisha has been famous for a long time, she is known as an excellent archaeologist and enlightened cultural scientist. Although she is also a five-ring boss, she has never been heard of being able to fight.

At this time, Major General Watt Rall had finished pondering, nodded covertly towards Yu Lian, and then shook his head.

Yu Lian understood instantly: "I understand! For the long-term peace and stability of the universe, and for the glory and justice of the Galactic Civilization Council! It is my duty to do so! However, my current position is not justified. I have always been an active soldier of the community and obey Orders from the summit are the highest priority.”

"I understand, of course I understand. We have so many old friends, how can we make it difficult for you?" Belmont showed a knowing smile: "Don't worry, our country's official written application will be sent to Earth and the observation team here at the same time. regiment, as well as the expeditionary force headquarters at the front.”

Feifei sighed silently, while Major General Walter Rall, who was further away, had covered his face and buried his head.

So, when the meeting ended, this old boss who had just stepped down from the post of chief military attache of the Imperial Embassy and immediately became the chief of staff of the expeditionary force, pulled Yu Lian into his office. Complained: "After taking up my post at the embassy, ​​I was originally planning to go to the college to teach and write and live a few years of leisure, but you insisted on dragging me here... But that's all. Why did you just Did you agree?"

"Didn't you ask me to agree?"

"I want you to get the truth and abandon the name!" Major General Lal couldn't help but jump: "That man named Wu ran away with a wounded soldier and lost his military morale a long time ago. All the psychics in the army obey you, plus Marlowe Major General Wen also supports you, the extraordinary power of our side is in your hands."

"Well, without knowing it, most of the warriors in the army are members of the Yu family." Feifei said quietly from the side.

Yu Lian thought that these words were indeed very sinister, but he sounded really proud, so he became proud of himself.

Major General Watt Rall added: "With the support of the Alliance, it is logical to coordinate the war on the Extraordinary Front. But at this time, if the Alliance issues another official document, it is hoped that you will be assigned to the front line to take charge of the mystery. If the news about the study comes to the big shots on Earth, what will they think?"

Yu Lian pondered for a moment and clapped his hands: "It proves that my overseas relations are very strong! Moreover, we are now in power with a political ally. Chairman Nishita's approval rate in the polls last month was 62%. . In terms of friendship, the Gonggun princes and alliances of political allies have been around for generations and hundreds of years."

Major General Lal said angrily: "Don't evade the important and take the easy. They are them, and you are you. If the big shots in the political arena don't have double standards, why are they still being big shots?"

At this time, he realized that he seemed to have lost his temper a little, and couldn't help coughing, and then said: "Anyway, if the alliance really wants to send the report, your position is justified, but you will definitely be feared by the higher-ups. It's better to give up this position." Retire and become a consultant like Inspector Stoneheart... Tsk, the profiteers of the Alliance are really unworthy of men! Just hide behind and not send out troops. After finally sending a few psychics, you still have to hide. To fan the flames from behind is clearly to push us out and compete with the empire."

Feifei smiled and said: "However, after the independence of the community, we have been pushed out by the alliance to compete with the empire."

Major General Lal thought this was very reasonable, so he just sighed and said, "If it's Major General Mallowan..."

"She is the official commander of the Blue Guard. She cannot leave the front line of Devil's Throat casually!" Feifei said: "And with all due respect, Major General Mallowan is really not good at fighting."

"Tsk, what a troublesome thing..." Major General Lal pressed his temple and looked at Yu Lian helplessly. He had to admit that this guy is really the most suitable candidate, but because of this, he should never Trapped by these official scandals.

Yu Lian smiled and said: "Actually, even without the alliance's plan, wouldn't I still be jealous of the Gongun princes? Don't forget, my current official position is still the liaison officer of the Logistics Department."

"However, this position can also do something." Major General Lal said: "You can completely use the supply of military supplies as a reason to carry out military control and administration of the two areas in the colonial sector. Is this also part of the plan to realize the blueprint in your mind? "

I've done that now. Yu Lian thought.

"But if you go to the front line this time and make achievements again, you will really have to leave the front line of the New World." Major General Lal said.

The foundation has been laid. If someone has to take a political leave because of leaving me, it means that there must be something wrong, and it is time to review and summarize it. This is also taught by Teacher Li. Yu Lian thought.

"Yu Lian, I have always felt that since we have sent a large army to the front line, it is not a bad thing for the community to continue fighting for such a long time. This sounds cruel, but the reality is true."

This old brother is really discerning! Yu Lian thought and sighed: "It is true, but because of this, the empire and the alliance do not want this. Therefore, the fate of the predators is destined to be decided."

In other words, when he tore open the sky with the help of Xiao Hui, the fate of the predators had already been decided.

Major General Lal sighed: "I understand, this is the general trend... I also hope that I am just overthinking. Haha, the empire may not agree to the alliance's written request. If the empire is not willing, we actually This personnel issue can be delayed a little longer."

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