Him and their stars

Chapter 952 This is a holy road to heaven

The beam of light overflowing from the array diagram was still shining in the distance, and then it sank deeply into the shadow like a sword pointing to the sky. At first glance, it looked like a searchlight beam reaching into an invisible deep-sea whirlpool. Immediately afterwards, the beam seemed to have finally touched some entity, and actually began to spread around and around, finally reaching the point where ordinary people could penetrate into it.

Space ladder? Giafel quickly thought of a possibility.

After all, she was born into a noble family and was a well-informed astral knight. She had seen some masters at the top of mysticism perform such operations. Through such inscrutable mystical techniques, top psychics can achieve the effect of shrinking the ground, no, shrinking into an inch. Of course, this ability actually has its limits. At most, it can run from the surface of a certain planet to a satellite in low-Earth orbit. It is of course impossible to travel through the universe infinitely, and it is even more impossible to make a physical jump.

However, in the decisive battle of the space fleet, with this kind of operation, the top psykers can really play unlimited gang-hopping operations, and constantly play on the enemy ships with one horse and one million. A scene in which the husband is invincible. At that time, unless one's own side also has psykers of the same level, no matter how many armies there are, there will be nothing they can do against an enemy that is beyond common sense.

Take a closer look, this light beam does have that smell. However, Giafel was not completely sure. What's more, this is a strange space that is inexplicable after all, where reality is inexplicable and reality is difficult to distinguish. The light track extends into the distant black shadow, but in the entanglement of the surrounding gray mist, it is difficult to judge the distance at all.

This feeling made the Countess very unhappy. You know, in a normal universe, she can even determine the distance of an enemy ship millions of kilometers away to single digits with the intuition of a psychic. This kind of gifted perception ability is no longer an ordinary "guardian", and some bosses even think that she must have chosen the wrong star ring.

However, in this space, there is no room for the Countess's proud natural ability to be used. Even someone as brave as her hesitated a little when looking at the light track that gradually stagnated.

At this time, she heard Yu Lian next to her humming a few words in a language that she could not hear at all.

"This is a holy heavenly road..." Yu Lian hummed as he walked towards the light track with steps that he would not recognize, and then made a void climbing step.

Before Giafel had time to remind him, he saw that the other party was already standing on the light track. That thin layer of translucent halo seems to have become an entity that can be relied on.

"Is this really a space ladder?"

"I don't know much about such advanced psychic techniques, and I have never even seen them." Yu Lian laughed: "But we have no other choice. Although this is not a virtual realm, there is ether everywhere. The breath of the Sea of ​​Nothingness. In such an oppressive gray fog, who can be sure what will happen next? Gilly, you don’t want the Barbarossa to be invaded by some inexplicable psychic energy. After leaving, It has to be scrapped.”

Gilly? Feifei chuckled silently. However, she was just Yu Lian's adjutant now, so naturally she didn't say anything.

Gilly? Ina frowned slightly, secretly glanced at Feifei, and then secretly looked around, feeling that she should still think about when the imperial army would send her heraldry machine.

Gilly... The Countess found it a bit strange. After the death of her parents, except for Brünnhilt, the immediate elders of the family, mentors and direct commanders of the knights would no longer call themselves by this nickname. . Even she couldn't help but feel that this guy was too familiar.

However, now is not the time to worry about this issue. She waved her hand and motioned to the adjutant to send everyone's heraldry machine over.

"So, what about Wuxin Camp?" the adjutant asked.

Gyaphiel looked at Yu Lian and saw that the latter just nodded towards him without knowing why, and then directly followed his own judgment and ordered: "Continue to stand by."

At this time, Yu Lian had already taken out a pair of blue gloves and put them on at some point, and held down the purple-red Linguang spear shaft. He made a cheering gesture to everyone, and just took a step forward. His whole figure was like a battleship that suddenly entered the gravity well. He was compressed into a line on the spot, and then his body disappeared. .

Mr. Shi Xin, who was wearing an inspector's uniform, clicked on the epaulettes of his collar. The gray uniform coat tightened and turned into a power suit that wrapped around his body. He followed closely with a folding bow and jumped onto the light track.

Giaphiel finally couldn't help but let out an "ah", but she couldn't stop it.

Feifei smiled and said: "In the field of mystical attack and defense, there is actually no concept of rear or front line, and it is difficult to use conventional military methods to test the reality. But many senior psychics cannot figure out this truth."

Giaphiel looked at Feifei and smiled: "Indeed, some psykers, who have obviously reached the status of saints or even demigods, always live in eight seats and hide in the back. When trouble comes, they will only let their minions They went to explore the road first and died, but they were as brave as dead soldiers when they were trying to steal the glory. But some extraordinary people were brave men who took the lead from the beginning. Fortunately, the supreme emperor of the empire and the famous great knight captains , it’s all the latter.”

This is actually a bit of a survivor bias. The Galactic Empire has indeed been filled with divine kings from generation to generation, but there are some who pay attention to civilized governance, some who are generous and benevolent, and there are also conspirators, but not every emperor has the addiction to go into battle and kill people in person. However, after all, the emperor is the most loyal and only object of loyalty for the Tiruiro people who are full of martial virtue. Therefore, the few who have the title of "Great Emperor" are naturally the leaders of the three armies.

For example, today's Emperor Eliasel always rushes to the front when encountering similar situations. When he was young, he even had many experiences of leapfrogging challenges. The concept of building a fence.

It is precisely because this style of emperor is so famous that the public thinks that the emperor of the Galaxy Empire must also be a super warrior who can kill people with a sword. This may be regarded as some kind of stereotype.

However, the empire is still very happy with this "stereotype".

Giafel smiled again and said: "Look, Miss Fina, your Highness is probably right. Your Excellency Yu Lian is actually not like a psyker of the community at all."

The implication is that with this kind of behavior, he is clearly the disciple of His Majesty the Emperor, a born astral knight!

Just when she was about to say this, Feifei said first: "Indeed, when he holds the emperor's weapons, uses the emperor's techniques, and behaves like an emperor, then what should he be..."

Giafel felt that this was a bit too much to say, so she just said: "I just want to say that he should put on the armor first."

"Maybe it's because A is no longer of use to him?" Claire Belmont added nonchalantly from the side: "Anyway, it's really not of much use to Inspector Stoneheart."

The so-called "useless" naturally means that the functions of the heraldry machine, a "technological creation", can no longer keep up with the strength of the psykers themselves. This certainly sounds very reasonable. After all, a first-level inspector like Mr. Shi Xin is already at the sixth level. At this level, the heraldic machine is indeed useless.

But the problem is that someone seems to have been claiming to be Wuhuan.

Giafel was thoughtful, while Feifei chuckled noncommittally and began to check the heraldry machine that had been sent outside the observatory.

"This is for you." She pointed to Yu Lian's station and said to Ina.

The latter nodded.

At this time, the countess had already finished donning it with the speed of hard work. She inserted the shaft of the atomic light spear into her waist. She was holding an impact spear as big as a drill in one hand and a blaster machine cannon in the other. She took the lead. He rushed towards the other end of the light track.

In this way, a group of psychics on the Barbarossa staged a famous scene of multiple humanoid jumps in front of ordinary officers and soldiers. Although the officers and men on the ship were all carefully selected elites of the Imperial Navy, they had never seen such a scene. They were all immersed in the shock of seeing God and could not extricate themselves.

If it weren't for the black hole-like vortex opposite that suddenly flashed with white light, the officers and soldiers on the dreadnought might have been even more obsessed.

At this time, after the bright white light, a giant battleship that was more than a thousand times larger than the Barbarossa, with a huge petal-like cannon hanging on the tip of the bow, separated the gray mist, and appeared in the Barbarossa The number is within easy reach. The steel body suddenly filled all the vision of the officers and soldiers on the ship.

In the real universe, Barbarossa, which can be called the most powerful battleship under the Titans, is as small as a grasshopper in front of a lion in front of this giant ship, and is not even qualified to be its prey.

This was such a shocking scene that many officers and soldiers even screamed uncontrollably.

However, Colonel Campbell also shouted loudly: "Impossible, absolutely impossible! If it is such a battleship, when it suddenly appears in front of us, the gravity alone will crush us!"

"However, the detection showed that the mass of this monster reached 400 billion tons..." A technical officer looked at the dashboard in front of him and said in shock.

The captain glanced at the other party and sneered: "Sometimes, you can't even trust your own eyes, let alone a brainless machine."

Well, if there are people from the Omnic Brotherhood and the Thirteenth Battalion here, they will definitely have other opinions, but under this situation, the colonel's words are indeed very convincing.

The officers and men of the whole ship looked at the huge ship that was so close, like a sky-swallowing monster. Although they still felt frightened, they were not afraid to even look at it.

"Are you going to attack?" the vice-captain asked.

"If that thing is an entity, it is useless to attack it. If it is just a mysterious phenomenon that we cannot understand, it is beyond the scope of our response." Captain Campbell chuckled: "Just wait. This is us The only thing that can be done now.”

His judgment was correct. In the next few minutes, although everyone on the ship did not dare to take a breath, the steel giant ship still made no movement at all.

Captain Campbell's spirit immediately relaxed, and he even felt like laughing.

But then, the huge battleship suddenly transformed into a huge monster with mouthparts, sharp teeth, countless tentacles stretched out, and countless eyes opened. He seemed to be changing his form all the time, but those eyes full of bloodshot eyes and malice were always watching everything on the Barbarossa.

However, Captain Campbell just made eye contact with one of the eyes for a moment, and felt dizzy and almost vomiting. However, not only did he not feel fear, he even felt inexplicably relaxed.

"Close all domes and windows, except the observatory." The captain ordered.

Seeing the first mate looking at him with doubtful eyes, the captain, who looked very tough and strong, smiled and added: "I don't understand these mystical things, I only know how to do what I know. Relax and think about it. I think, we are just pretending to be an ostrich here and let nature take its course. I don't like letting fate be in the hands of others, but at least the victory is easy. Just think about the other warships in the fleet, it should not be in such a weird situation, but maybe The crisis is too great."

Brigadier General Jaeger Soback was awakened by urgent calls. He struggled to push away some bridge structure that was pressing on him, and stood up based on instinct. Several crew members rushed over and stopped him.

It was only at this time that Soback finally regained his consciousness. He quickly checked and found that although he was hit in the head by a fragment of a ceiling hanging from his head, he had no other injuries.

After all, he is now a three-ring boss. He has been trained by Duke Sadolan, and he also has the amulet given to him by his mentor. The fragment of the ceiling hit his head, but it only made him faint for a short time.

Soback looked at the time again and confirmed that he had indeed been lying down for less than half a minute.

"Your Excellency, Your Excellency, please report the situation on the bridge! Your Excellency, are you still safe? Your Excellency Soback!" The urgent call from the daughter of Marquis Serlu came from behind the communication terminal. By the end, there seemed to be a hint of crying in her voice.

"I'm fine..." Yeager Soback replied casually, looking around the scene on the bridge. Obviously, the bridge of the Buran had just been attacked by the enemy, but the Clear Sky is indeed a perfect heavy cruiser. Although it was hit, the enemy's attack did not penetrate the reactive armor on the outside of the bridge, but only caused an earthquake inside. . Except for his own misfortune, which was hit on the head by the falling ceiling, there were only seven or eight people on the bridge who were injured and were receiving treatment. Many petty officers were even busy at their respective posts.

"Your Excellency!" a communications officer shouted: "We have lost external communications. The damage control team has passed!"

"The signal light is out of order, we are repairing it!" the first officer added: "To avoid misunderstandings from other friendly ships, do you want to put up a flare?"

Soback nodded subconsciously and said, "The flares can be prepared...wait, what happened just now?"

"A proton torpedo!" the gunnery chief said: "After the explosion neutralized the shield, two separate warheads were attached to the outer reactive armor. I have ordered a counterattack. The predator battleship that attacked has been sunk!"

"Well done!" Soback was really proud of having such reliable friends, but at this time, he immediately realized something.

I am the deputy commander now! Although the commander is an old enemy, I am indeed the third in command of the entire fleet. Why do they come to me for instructions on the situation of the battleships?

"Where's Captain Hongshan?" he asked.

Everyone looked at each other.

"Where is Captain Hongshan?" he asked in a louder voice.

The first mate and the gunnery commander looked at each other, then sighed and looked away. A motionless body lying on a powered stretcher fell into his sight.

Alas~~~ The whole family of three was locked up at home during the lockdown... The baby couldn't go out to play. He was energetic and bored and could only drag me to play. I also decided to provide food for my family of three during the lockdown period. This period may be unstable, so please bear with me.

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