Him and their stars

Chapter 963 In front of the enemy

Sure enough, no matter how high the level is, human beings are still human beings. They are creatures of the natural world, and they are more adapted to the stability of the main material world. Yu Lian used his Achilles tendon to feel the solid contact between his feet and the ground, and felt that his mood was much more at ease.

In fact, he could neither smell the fragrance of the earth nor feel the breeze in the wild, but he could only smell a large filthy smell mixed with the smell of blood and sweat pouring into his nose. But as long as he is sure that he has indeed returned to the real universe, it is enough.

Thinking of this, Yu Lian looked at the current environment. What caught his eye were the cold metal floors and ceilings, rows of communication terminals and control terminals, and flashing cheap-looking lights. On the front is a floor-to-ceiling window that is as huge as an observation deck, more than ten meters high and more than twenty meters wide. Outside the transparent window is a dark space filled with stars, flickering brightly and dimly. Occasionally, red and blue light flashed in a corner of the universe, fleeting.

Yu Lian immediately determined that he should be in the control room of a space battle, or on the bridge of a large battleship.

...Hmm, okay, the last space in the otherworld just now is similar, but it's really not as real as this one. No, in the room, just what I could see with my own eyes, there were hundreds of intelligent, moving individuals, and many of them were screaming in panic.

What's there to shout about? You guys can’t figure out the situation, and I can’t figure it out either! Yu Lian let out a sigh, then raised his light spear, and with just a flick of his backhand based on instinct, he smoothly chopped off the two troll warriors who were charging towards him.

It must be admitted that the reaction of these two troll warriors should be considered very fast. They immediately launched an attack on their uninvited guest, but they became the first to be killed.

The screams became louder. Only then did Yu Lian see that there were Myshandar trolls, long-bearded demons, Eroans, and even a few humans in this command room. As for the prophet lady who rushed out of the space door with her... Well, this lady was lying about seven or eight meters away from her, and she hit the two ponytail-like tentacles on the back of her head, one of which was already There was an abnormal deflection and it should have been broken.

This should be my fault, right? Yu Lian thought. But does it hurt that much? It's obviously just a bunch of soft tissue.

Immediately afterwards, a dozen strong trolls and long-bearded demons surrounded them. However, they did not rush over directly. Instead, they set up shields and crowded together as if to keep warm, but there were no more Another move. They all looked at the bright golden light blade in Yu Lian's hand, as if they had seen a natural enemy, and they were so scared that they didn't dare to breathe.

Well, to the Marauders, aren't the Imperial Astral Knights armed with atomic spears their natural enemies? Especially this elite astral knight who obviously holds an enhanced version of the light spear.

At this time, Miss Prophet finally got up with difficulty. She took out an iron rod from nowhere and supported her shaky body. She didn't even dare to look at Yu Lian and moved step by step towards the door.

"Ma'am, what's going on?" A middle-aged Eero man who looked like the leader said loudly: "Did you actually open the exit of the space door directly here?"

"Only by opening it here can it have the desired effect!" Yu Lian laughed and said, "This way you can all become her cannon fodder."

Miss Prophet ignored Yu Lian's instigation and loudly said to the commander: "He is alone! Also, why don't you tell the Great Khan that this place has been lost?"

As she spoke, she knocked on the iron rod, and the device immediately unfolded and turned into a special braking force skeleton, covering half of her body. With her serious injuries and limited mobility, she rushed straight to the door.

This scene does have a sense of déjà vu. Yu Lian looked at the back of the Twi'lek, and his attention was immediately attracted by dozens of attack robots that jumped from the ceiling and rushed towards him.

Small scene. He glanced at it and then looked away, and soon saw a row of central array equipment on the high platform of the headquarters. The device was very similar to what I had seen in the Qing World before. There were three grooves in the middle, with three red, blue and green spherical robots placed on them. The red one remained stationary, but the blue and green ones glowed with electronic light.

"Screaming time!" Yu Lian laughed loudly, and with himself as the center, he once again released a violent atomic storm around him. In an instant, the barrage of non-attributed psychic energy covered up all the cheap lights at the scene, and also obscured almost everyone's vision. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yu Lian burst out from the crowd with a flash of force field and chased after the escaping Miss Prophet. At this juncture, the golden whistle also jumped out of his cuffs, and like an imperceptible but extremely deadly poisonous bee, it silently floated to the high operating table.

"This should be a space city in the asteroid belt of the DL36 galaxy."

At the last moment when he followed the snake head and rushed out of the headquarters, Yu Lian's peripheral vision flashed through a porthole, and he suddenly spotted a blue-painted Clear Sky class coming from behind an asteroid in the distance. cruiser.

"Isn't that the Blizzard? Uh... I can see visually that the fire in the direction of the bridge is getting bigger and bigger, right? I hope brother Soback is still alive and kicking."

Yeager Soback is not only alive and kicking, but his current mental state is also full and fulfilling. If you ignore that another shot was fired near the bridge just now, which once again caused the capsizing inside the bridge, and more than a dozen crew members were killed. A piece of broken pipe fell and almost hit his head, but the Marquis next to him used telekinesis to After getting rid of it, everything was calm.

Soback felt that he could hardly feel his legs. He could only use his hands to support the operating table next to him, so that he could barely prevent himself from falling softly.

But facing the expectant looks of Miss Serlu and the officers and soldiers next to him, he felt that he really couldn't fall down.

"Are the other friendly ships still following?"

"Still following...the signals of Tegaman 12 and Awell 16 have disappeared, but other ships are fine," Serlu said.

Soback breathed a sigh of relief. He was planning to escape just now. After all, His Highness Brunhildt also said that this operation was also a fire reconnaissance in front of the enemy. If the momentum was not good, it could be quickly transferred. However, if you really want to transfer, you have to pay attention to a method, especially when your own warship is focused on fire at the first time. At this time, if you turn your head and expose your chrysanthemum to the enemy, you will definitely be bombarded to pieces when you turn.

Even wild military fans who have not been to a military academy for a long time and have only read a few magazines know that in the era of facing the enemy from the bow of a ship, if you want to escape, you cannot turn around on the spot, but you have to move the enemy clockwise or counterclockwise according to the opponent's firepower. Pre-movement.

Therefore, he could only let the warships perform the most basic naval tactical actions and cut along the outer orbit of the galaxy. However, I don't know why, as soon as he ran like this, the other warships actually followed him, and they even deployed directly with himself as the axis, forming a standard front attack formation.

The Buran's gravitational wave conduction antenna has obviously been knocked off, and it is now unable to perform command duties. But after all the friendly ships had done, they still (passively) assumed the posture of a flagship.

Yeager Soback on the ship seems to have automatically become the fleet commander according to the order of war personnel, and he is also the type of fierce general who leads the charge with the ship.

Soback dared to press his finger on the "Imperial Constitution" and swear that he was really just an ordinary officer. Currently, the maximum number of people he commanded in actual combat was only two platoons. He even commanded a ship with trepidation. What's more, Let alone the fleet commander.

...Okay, just keep up. Anyway, in an emergency, there is no need for him to take command, and to put it darkly, friendly ships can at least share some firepower with him.

As for where to escape, Soback really hasn't made up his mind yet, but he does feel that the predators will deploy heavy troops to fight a tough battle with themselves in the Devil's Throat, and the troops deployed here should be limited. It is impossible to really send a fleet as large as locusts to surround and suppress yourself.

Anyway, the celestial phenomena of this DL36 galaxy are quite normal. There are dwarf planets, asteroid belts, terrestrial planets, gas giant planets and icy giant planets. It doesn't look like a "dashed line" channel at all. There's always room to play hide-and-seek with your enemies.

His judgment is actually correct. This empire's reconnaissance fleet performed a turn in front of the enemy, and indeed very naturally pulled out more than fifty Predator warships from the small belt, but the vast majority of them were small and medium-sized warships, which could really be regarded as The only huge threats are two large motherships and one large fire-breathing ship.

Compared to the tragic scene of two-digit giant battleships fighting each other in Devil's Roar Fortress, this is really just an inconspicuous small scene.

Of course, Colonel Nelhana Mehra, who was on the special aircraft carrier Wind King, also saw this scene and couldn't help but let out a long breath.

"What a gorgeous and dangerous turn in front of the enemy!" She said to the captain: "On the battlefield, such an extreme pull, if it fails, our flanks will definitely be torn apart by random cannons, and then become a legend in military history. A negative example."

"But, fortunately, we did succeed." The captain said: "The Predator fleet has been attracted. We just captured the information of Predator 1 ships 122 and 143. They participated in what happened in the DL12 galaxy on August 14. A sneak attack. The 024 flamethrower that appeared during the last armed reconnaissance also appeared."

The Empire does not have information on all the Reaver ships. Except for the big Dreadnought-class guys on the list, the rest of the ships are replaced by simple numerical numbers.

"It's basically certain that this galaxy is the frontline base used by the predators to harass our supply lines." The captain continued: "So, colonel, what's our next move?"

Nerhana, who lacked fleet command experience, still lacked confidence: but after all, she had stumbled through the actual command of the entire fleet just now, and she gained a little confidence, and said: "Commodore Soback seized a very clever opportunity. We have pulled away most of the enemy's main force. Now, continue to advance in the original clockwise direction until the enemy's main formation is inserted into the asteroid belt. I can be sure that the enemy's headquarters is here. In the asteroid belt , it’s a close fight, we have an advantage.”

Indeed, although the Predator is good at close range bites and gang-hopping, we have two Phoenix-class aircraft carriers, each carrying a reinforced regiment of armored grenadiers and four astral knights.

"Where's the Blizzard?" the captain asked again.

Nelhana bit her lip and was silent for a moment, a trace of struggle flashed across her face: "Use the light signal to inform them... Well, and since Brigadier General Soback led us to make such a turn in front of the enemy, he should also Know what to do next.”

The captain who was born in Angman glanced at the Baroness and kept the words "I think it might be a coincidence" in his heart. He is neither a noble nor a human being, so it is best not to stir up trouble behind the knights' backs.

The captain continued in a businesslike tone: "There are two more questions. First, the Predator Dreadnought that appeared when the outpost happened last time has not yet appeared, and we have not found any trace of her. Second, Our current force is limited and we can pull the enemy away, but even if we break into the asteroid belt and bring the battle into close combat, it is impossible to achieve final victory."

"I don't have such hope." Miss Nelhana smiled and waved her hand: "Go and execute it."

Her smile was gentle and elegant, but she already looked domineering like a commander-in-chief.

As for the other side, Soback, who was busy directing the entire ship to avoid the gunfire, of course had no time to see the light signal sent by the Wind King. In other words, in space warfare, the function of the so-called light semaphore is equivalent to the appendix. It cannot be said to be a pity to abandon it, but it can only be said to be better than nothing, so even the full-time lookout on the ship did not notice it.

However, thankfully, the Buran still crashed into the asteroid belt. This was Soback's intention originally. After all, hiding here would make it less likely to be besieged.

Of course, the subsequent imperial warships followed immediately, and the neat arrow formation also dispersed. Every Imperial warship except the Buran followed the tactical moves that were initially discussed, using the asteroid as a cover to turn and turn their guns.

When they completed the dangerous tactical maneuver of turning around, the predator warships and ancient drones that were chasing them also happened to be within range, and they were hit head-on on the spot.

All so-called soldiers thrive on gathering and dispersing. At this time, every Imperial warship except the Buran had achieved this step.

However, precisely because the Blizzard always displayed a fearless attitude of moving forward, it still aroused the hatred of the enemy. Even the bombardment from friendly ships did not change this. Just when the Predator mothership began to fight the Imperial fleet in the asteroid belt, almost all drones and a dozen fast fire-breathing ships were still in pursuit.

During the ten-minute pursuit, Soback felt as if he was surrounded by strong winds and earthquakes all the time. Hot white light constantly overflowed from the gaps in the light-shielding armor. It was a variety of energy and physical weapons exploding beside the ship.

"Are we still moving forward?" he couldn't help but ask.

"The speed seems to have slowed down," the first mate said.

"What's worse, we have been overtaken!" Miss Serlu shouted.

It was a proton torpedo that exploded less than two thousand meters away from the stern engine of the Buran. Although neither shrapnel nor shock waves directly hit the hull, the energy entanglement reaction still caused one of the four tail engines to shut down.

However, this is not the worst case scenario. Just as the first mate threatened the damage control department with shooting to restart the engine, Miss Serlu debugged the psychic circuit of the heraldic machine, and Soback was wondering whether to abandon the ship, just ahead of the blizzard at 12 o'clock, a short star A new mass reaction appears near the planet.

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