Him and their stars

Chapter 965 Sir, we can

It is riddled with holes, five toils, and seven injuries, but it is like a hedgehog and is covered with ferocious firepower. This typical output-type enemy ship will certainly be eliminated first by any pragmatic commander. No, as a pragmatist, Colonel Campbell suddenly became excited when he saw the burning enemy ship that lit up half of the starry sky like a torch.

"Right 15, advance 4!" He shouted loudly.

Barbarossa switched to the fourth charge speed and once again avoided the opponent's main gun by turning sideways. The dense anti-aircraft firepower on one side of the ship intertwined a firepower network that was impossible to start in the night sky, constantly smashing the predators over. It is also impossible for the missile to crash.

Of course, in a battleship duel where the distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, since the attack is given to the opponent, it is impossible to be completely unharmed. As a result, more than ten thermonuclear missiles still passed through the fire interception network and exploded at close range.

The energy shield on Barbarossa's side was finally neutralized after successive explosions. As a result, the fiery shock wave began to bombard the side of the hull, bringing with it the flames of the explosion. However, probably because the battleship itself was painted red, there were no visible scars on the hull.

However, although the red dreadnought suffered a little damage, it still maintained a high-speed charge with its head held high. The huge body was still as agile as a flying fire phoenix, lightly drawing an elegant arc in front of them, and started the next round of main gun salvo again.

For the predators, this was a terrifying sight. Of course, they didn't expect to sink a dreadnought so easily, but they felt that if they continued to use their output a few times, they would have to cause some structural damage. But from the looks of it, the opponent's mobility, speed, and even firepower were not affected in any way.

More importantly, by this time, the opponent is closer to us and the accuracy will be higher.

Colonel Campbell watched with satisfaction as his own main gun fired a salvo, swamping another enemy "flagship". In a battleship that is generally weak in attack and strong in defense, such a thin-skinned enemy is really hard to come by.

Some of the officers and soldiers on the bridge couldn't help but cheer loudly. You know, everyone has just escaped from the gray mist illusion. The planetary giant ship, which almost covered half of the starry sky, seemed to be able to completely devour its own people and ships with its jets. Under this kind of close-range shock, everyone's sanity dropped a lot.

Now encountering an enemy like this that can be blasted to death with a cannon is simply a leisure chapter given to everyone by the spirit of the universe!

Of course, Colonel Campbell was not really dazzled by the results of the victory. Amidst the excitement of the officers and soldiers on the bridge, and his own emotions of satisfaction and relief, he still kept a clear head and ordered the battleship to start the next step in an orderly manner. action.

As a result, Barbarossa once again let go of most of the main gun firepower of the opposite Marauder Dreadnought. At the cost of minor damage to the side of the rear cabin, Barbarossa cut the front of the ship to the right front of the opponent, and started another round. The main gun fired a salvo.

More than a third of the densely packed main gun ports on the front side of the dreadnought were immediately knocked off. The raging fire continued and did not go out for the next half hour.

Of course, the protection of this Predator Dreadnought is visually much stronger than that of my two thin-skinned and large-sized wing ships, and it has returned to the mainstream design of attacking the weak and defending the strong.

But at this level, the showdown between giant ships has actually decided the winner, but it will take time to produce results.

Of course, since the Barbarossa had just arrived and immediately jumped into the battle, it didn't even have time to conduct a preliminary wide-area exploration of the galaxy, so it temporarily didn't notice the dense and chaotic other side of the asteroid belt. energy signal.

So, until now, Miss Giafel still dare not rule out the possibility of a trap.

"So, where did those drones go?"

"So, again, what have I done to attract so much hatred? Why are these drones coming at me? Who am I? Why are they targeting me? Why? Why? Why? ?”

Yeager Soback still felt like crying.

The enemy dreadnought that suddenly stood in front of him was indeed very martial. He ignored his harmless little cruiser and went straight to find trouble with the Barbarossa.

Well, dreadnoughts should find opponents with dreadnought specifications, so that they can have a sense of honor as warriors!

Although this is true, it cannot completely change the current situation of himself and the Blizzard.

Those ancient unmanned ships like triangular spears, as well as the Marauder warships that had targeted the blizzard from the beginning, still did not give up their plan to completely bury this hatred-filled Imperial warship.

More importantly, the mothership that just appeared has not completely left. Although she was still over a million kilometers away from the Buran, she had been hovering next to an asteroid without moving. However, Suobai knew that if he continued to flee forward without hesitation, he would soon enter the strike range of an aircraft carrier. She can definitely throw out hundreds of fighter planes to intercept her. At that time, there will be a wolf in front and a tiger behind, and the Snowstorm will not be able to survive even if it gives birth to a baby with three heads and six arms.

In short, we can no longer push our heads forward in silence.

Fortunately, there is a very dense area of ​​asteroids next to Buran, which is very much like an astronomical phenomenon formed by the recent disintegration of a dwarf planet twice. Of course, now is not the time to engage in scientific exploration. Soback ordered everyone to quickly move the ship over, and directly let the thousand-meter-long hull swim into this dense star belt, as if it was plunging into a reef. It's like a sea ship with a belt.

Immediately afterwards, the Buran threw two more anti-matter mines equipped with timing devices from its tail. They slowly landed at the entrance to the asteroid belt that the cruiser passed through, and threw out the gravitational anchor to fix themselves.

The Marauders have suffered losses from this new imperial weapon more than once. They also know that this kind of thing is actually a highly intelligent guided drone, and it also has a space generator. With the current technology of the predators, it is really impossible to prevent it.

The pursuing warships did hesitate, stopped one after another, and began to try to drive the Blizzard out with shelling.

And those stubborn drones were even sharper than the predators and stopped early. They hang in the void, constantly receiving and relaying external signals, and their surfaces are still flickering with light, but they are like the green eyes of those hungry wild wolves in the wilderness at night.

But no matter what, the Storm blocked the passage with the help of two mines, and finally stabilized the situation a little bit.

Facts have proved that Soback is indeed very talented when it comes to escaping and saving his life. This is a fact that has been proven in another timeline.

At this time, he himself couldn't help but take a deep breath and began to think about his next move.

Tsk, if it weren't for the sudden chaos of several large ships, I would have run away long ago. Well, maybe they all ran to the gravity well and jumped back.

Soback gritted his teeth with hatred as he looked at the Predator aircraft carrier a million kilometers away from him. He had forgotten that if he really abandoned all the friendly ships and fled back, he would most likely be killed by King Suliuka.

...But, having said that, the mothership has not made any next move since it set sail, as if it was undecided and could only stay in a daze. Why is this?

While Soback was still thinking, he heard Miss Marquis Serlu ask: "Your Excellency, our task of involving the enemy's forces has been completed. Should we turn back to the Zephyr King and they will make peace, or should we go to support the Barbarossa?"

As expected of the daughter of the Marquis family, she is such a good girl with high emotional intelligence! I can talk about escaping in such a high-sounding way, but then again, when did I want to do this Lao Shizi's task of involving the enemy's troops?

Soback felt that he should not ask too detailed questions, so he nodded slightly with a poker face, and said: "I think that whether it is a reconciliation with the Zephyr King or a support for the Barbarossa, there are actually Risky.”

At this time, Soback felt that since the battle was going to be like this anyway, it was actually a way to use the asteroid belt as a cover to wait for help. What's more, those predator warships and drones didn't dare to rush over for a while, they only dared to shoot at me from across the star... Haha, there's nothing scary about this. Although they have a numerical advantage, whether it is shooting skills, gunnery, artillery performance, or the strength of the armor and shield of the ship's hull, all the advantages lie with me!

Well, you should just stick around and wait for help! Although Soback wanted to give such an order, but thinking that he was second-hand in commanding, he still asked humbly: "What do you think?"

"Indeed, the Wind King is fighting with the enemy. It is not wise for us to go there at this time and still have to pass through the blockade of the enemy fleet. As for the Barbarossa, her advantage cannot be shaken. We It didn’t work much in the past, and we were still suspected of attacking with our comrades. If we stand by here, maybe it can work wonders!"

Well, that's what makes an assistant who is well-informed and well-informed about the logic of the upper class a well-born person. No matter what the decision is, he can always give a very reasonable reason.

This girl really... Sobek almost wanted to cry to death.

"However, I think there must be something fishy here!" As she spoke, she opened the holographic star map, clicked on a dwarf planet that had just been included in the database by the automatic detector, and zoomed in on the area there.

Soback discovered that this location was more than 200,000 kilometers away from his current location and 190,000 kilometers away from the enemy mothership that was in a daze. It was located in the inner circle of the asteroid belt orbit close to the star.

"Wha, what do you mean?"

"When the huge ships of the Predator appeared just now, there was a very dense high-energy signal reaction here." Serlu said: "This is what the first mate, Lieutenant Colonel Gutbi, told me just now."

After all, Yeager Soback has received professional training, and of course he understands what this means.

"How about we..." Miss Serlu showed an expectant look.

You talk a lot, don't you? Soback couldn't help but glare at the first mate, but the Sumi sailor in his prime suddenly showed a knowing smile, with his head held high and his face full of pride, as if he was accepting a review from the top leader.

Soback looked at the daughter of the Marquis' family with a headache. Of course he understood what the other party meant.

This kind of place with high-energy signal response, even if it is not the enemy's headquarters, must be a very important facility. Not to mention being so close to him. As an astral knight who valued martial arts more than his life, he was no longer worthy of wearing the Astrolabe Holy Spear emblem unless he charged forward.

"I think..." he began to form words.

At this time, the first mate suddenly said: "Your Excellency, the enemy mothership has moved! According to the forward direction..." He couldn't help but glance at Miss Serlu: "It's right here."

Soback almost slapped himself on the forehead, wanting to faint at any moment.

"Indeed, there is a high possibility that the enemy's important strategic facilities or even the headquarters are located over there. But don't forget that we are now surrounded by the enemy. If we act rashly, we will not only fail to kill the enemy and make achievements, but will only lose money. The lives of soldiers and battleships!" When Soback said this, he couldn't help but glared at Serlu again: "I think a real knight should fulfill his duties, but not just fulfill his duties. First of all, we cannot treat life as something we can do at will. The discarded consumables, whether they are the lives of the soldiers under your command, or yours. You can't just think about your personal achievements. Being kind and useless is completely different than wasting the lives of the soldiers. "

"Yes, I'm sorry..."

The daughter of a dignified Marquis family actually bowed her head and apologized sincerely, which made Soback immediately start to feel flattered.

He suddenly felt that what he just said might be a bit harsh, so he quickly laughed and said: "Mainly because those ancient drones are too tricky. They have high speed and maneuverability, and although the beam weapons they carry have a short range, they are very powerful. We have seen it too. If we break away from the cover of the asteroid belt, we will most likely be strangled after running halfway. Hahaha, if those triangular heads are all destroyed at this time, we can try to rush."

"Indeed, it is indeed the case..." Miss Serlu had to admit that the other party did consider her comprehensively and acted more steadily and reliably. Moreover, although his character and style were different from those of traditional nobles, when he thought about it carefully, he seemed to be more Nobility and compassion, aren’t these more worthy of respect?

"Then, I..."

Soback was just about to say something like "hold on firmly, and there will be a way" to everyone, but he heard Lieutenant Colonel Gutbi loudly say again: "Your Excellency, there is a situation. It's those drones!"

You’re never finished, right? Soback was furious, and just about to explode, he clearly saw that the drone groups in his field of vision that posed a huge threat to him suddenly self-destructed. It was as if they had been passed through several times by invisible high-voltage electricity. The high-heat fire suddenly ripped apart the armor from the inside of the machine body, forming a blazing white light.

There were even several predator warships nearby that were unable to dodge and were caught in them.

Soback and all the friends around him were stunned, and they even forgot to continue firing back.

Of course, the Predator warship that was shooting at the Buran must have also fallen into this state, and it also became silent.

This awkward confrontation lasted for nearly another minute. It was not until the explosion stopped that Soback reacted. He took a closer look and found that only less than a third of those drones had self-destructed. But even if the remaining drones were not destroyed by the self-destruction of their companions, they seemed to have lost power and were floating like space junk. In situ.

"Your Excellency, we can!" Serlu grabbed Soback's hand, her bright eyes filled with embarrassment.

Can you please be gentle? Don’t you know that you are wearing a heraldic machine? Jaeger Soback forced out a rather stiff smile.

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