Him and their stars

Chapter 967 Don’t even think about it

Miss Prophet closed the corners of her mouth and looked at the fragments of the Noble Phantasm lying on the ground with regret. She shook her head heavily, and even the two bright ponytail tentacles on the back of her head seemed to have lost their luster.

"One hundred billion, at least one hundred billion was destroyed in one go!"

Well, these are not her original words, but Yu Lian's own pronunciation based on the closing corners of her mouth.

However, it is obvious that this woman who can run on a powered stretcher is not ready to start a war in her own observatory. She ignored Yu Lian's taunting voice just now, and didn't even look at the latter. She just waved her hand and opened a light door on the ground with deft movements.

"Spiritual treasure house? Dimensional refuge?"

While Yu Lian was still thinking about this problem, a trace of spiritual light flowed from the psychic array on the ground. It was not the vast, sacred and majestic aura that operated the large array, like a small ditch that was about to stop flowing at any time, but no matter what, it did run successfully. Immediately afterwards, four huge and fierce monsters, the size of an adult Kodiak brown bear, emerged from behind the rising aura.

The appearance of these monsters is actually quite good. They have both good looks and domineering power. They are enough to serve as light-guarding bosses or mythical beast friends of the protagonist group in the movie. It's just that there is no breath of life in his body.

Yu Lian does know that these monsters are actually mind beasts, which are innate spiritual abilities that psykers in the "wisdom" star ring will awaken at a certain stage - it is said that "spiritual support" and "communion" can also be awakened, but the conditions Harsh quantity is rare.

As we all know, "wisdom" may be the least capable of frontal combat among the sixteen star ring paths. Therefore, this kind of mental beast protection derived from the spirit is their few means of fending off enemies. The strength of Nian beasts is naturally proportional to their mental strength, and their appearance is naturally closely related to their outlook and taste.

This method is not so much a summoned creature, but rather the effect of psychic techniques.

Miss Prophet is a six-ring psyker. With the strength of her mental power, the thought beasts derived from her should be able to easily take down a fully armed reinforced company. However, Yu Lian just stretched out his hand, and these solemn and majestic beasts, as if they had just jumped out of a religious oil painting, disappeared into ashes.

However, it was obvious that Miss Prophet never thought that she could defeat her opponent through this method. She just wanted to take advantage of the short delay of less than two seconds to complete the steps of entering and closing the door.

She was indeed more than half successful, dragging the mechanical limbs as if they were not harmed at all, and passed through the aperture lightly. When her body completely passed the dimensional gate, the aperture began to close quickly, and in an instant there was only a gap that could not even accommodate a person's head to pass through.

Miss Prophet just wanted to take a breath, but two arms had already reached out from the gap and pressed down on the edge of the aperture. The boundaries of dimensions and space formed by that interlacing of elements seem to have formed the same entity that can be touched. Immediately afterwards, the hands were exerting force at the same time, and flashes and arcs flickered vaguely around the light door, but as soon as they took off, they quickly disappeared, causing undulating vibrations. When those subtle spatial vibrations were connected and completely covered the edge of the aperture, the dimensional gate was actually opened several large circles.

Immediately afterwards, the owner of those hands, Yu Lian, also slipped his head in from behind the aperture. He suddenly felt that this scene seemed to have perfectly matched a certain classic horror movie in his previous life, so he showed a ferocious smile full of madness to Miss Prophet without hesitation: "Hi, your Grandpa Yu Lian is here. !”

Miss Prophet felt that her scalp was numb from the shock of this scene that was quite similar to "The Shining", and even the tentacles on the back of her head began to twitch... although one of her tentacles was broken.

She couldn't help but feel that it was indeed a great experience to fight against high-level opponents! I have been in the world for so many years, so I have naturally heard of the methods of tearing apart space, but they have all happened to real bosses above the seventh ring, whose abilities are comparable to those of gods. However, this one named Yu Lian, if I remember correctly, should also be the fifth ring.

This is very unscientific and even less spiritual.

In fact, Miss Prophet's judgment was also correct. If there were no Infinity Gauntlet and Dawn Sword, Yu Lian would not be stupid enough to tear apart the space door with his hands. You know, the edge of this thing is theoretically a dimensional dislocation formed by different spatial connections, which is sharper than anything under the classical physics framework. Even if it were me, it would be a headache if my hand was cut off.

However, the scientific names of "Infinity Gauntlet" and "Dawn Sword" are "Autonomous Weapon Control System Terminal" and "Dimensional Bumping Ball". Just by listening to the names, you can tell that they are still very high-tech. Moreover, although Yu Lian in his previous life did not unlock all the functions of the "Dawn Sword", he knew that it actually had the function of dimensional cutting.

Thinking of this, he simply chased after him with two consecutive force field flashes, and directly used the "Infinity Gauntlet" to hold the edge of the dimensional gate that was about to collapse. After so many high-intensity battles, he now has a considerable understanding of the weapon control system exclusively used by Enlightenment officers.

By assisting itself with its "Infinity Gauntlet", "Dawn" can launch space vibrations in the shortest possible time, which can neutralize the contraction and expansion of dimensional cracks. As a result, this created the effect of using both hands to open the dimensional door.

Of course, it was really an unexpected surprise to be able to reproduce the famous scene 100% and to give Miss Prophet such a big shock.

In short, the scarred Ms. Twi'lek even stumbled when she ran away, and her perfect escape rhythm inevitably had flaws. At this time, Yu Lian finally got through the dimensional door, jumped up, flew up and hit her on the back of the head with his knee.

If it really hits him this time, even if he doesn't die, there is a high chance that he will become a vegetative state. Fortunately, at the critical moment, the Tilik's remaining perfect tentacle came forward with spiritual light flowing. The tentacles made of soft tissue there, like the hands of a well-trained martial arts master, circled lightly and met Yu Lian's knee, trying to resolve it with four or two movements of a thousand pounds.

It was really unexpected that Miss "Prophet", who looked like an auxiliary psyker at first glance, actually had a martial arts master who had trained her tentacles to a state of both strength and softness.

...Then, she was blown away on the spot.

Yu Lian said that he was only a fifth-level person, and his psychic abilities had not yet recovered to the level he had in his previous life. But in terms of his skills with fists, feet, swords and guns, he was not slack at all. It was equivalent to practicing for two lifetimes. What's more, in this life, I still have the opportunity to come into contact with many high-end martial arts that I never came into contact with in my previous life. For example, using your knees to create the effect of atomic boxing.

Uncle Wei also said that the ultimate secret of Atomic Boxing is to use every part of the body to turn into a weapon and use every part of the body to smash atoms.

In short, Miss Prophet's tentacle broke on the spot, and the torn section did not look like it was severed, but more like it was disintegrated into powder by the disintegration ray. Her whole body also slid directly twenty or thirty meters away, and she was about to meet the ground with her face. However, at the last stage, she made a rather awkward movement and turned hard, and then she staggered. Staggeringly, he stood still.

Although she sacrificed a tentacle, she still accomplished a meritorious service, otherwise she might have been regarded as a vegetable.

Speaking of which, why does it end up like this every time I fight alone with Snake Head? Yu Lian looked at Miss Prophet who had given up on escaping, and suddenly felt very emotional.

Miss Prophet was in so much pain that her whole body was shaking as if she had epilepsy, but she still took out a small pill and stuffed it into her mouth with steady movements, and her complexion improved a little. She sighed faintly: "I still feel that we actually don't have such big differences and hatred. When you cracked the illusion maze, I have done what I can do. Our organization and Tomitelli can do it The alliance between the Khans has ended here. You can move on and decorate your military honors with the heads of the Elor people. As for my words... In fact, according to the international public law of the "Galactic Civilization Parliament", I am not even a mercenary. Not really, at most they are the technical consultants he invited. The armies of warring countries should not treat technical consultants of third-party nationalities as enemies."

"Third-party nationality?" Yu Lianyu was amused, and then he saw the other party take out a passport in a precise manner.

"Union Citizen Passport?"

"It's real! It even has tax records from the past twenty years." She said seriously: "In three years, I will even be qualified to run for Congress."

"It doesn't matter. I killed a dozen citizens of the Alliance who have the right to vote a few years ago. Now it shouldn't be a big deal to kill another 'senior citizen' who has the right to vote. I still have some friends in the Alliance who are in the political circles. Both the military and capital circles have some small influence, and they should be able to help me settle this matter." Yu Lian said with a smile.

"There is no such thing as a senior citizen in the Alliance, but the right to vote and be elected depends on tax records. I am a Twi'lek, and in a country where 70% of the members of Congress are humans, it is very hard to be like this. . I also hope to take this opportunity to put my family... well, I will never dare to be compared with those real aristocratic families, but as long as I have the opportunity to talk and laugh, it will be fine. My parents borrowed money to let me go to college, and they still need I will support them in their old age!" She looked pleading, as if "I am the only hope of the whole village, please don't hurt me."

"So joining the No. 1 villain association in Tianzi is also the intention of your father, Zun Lingtang?"

"I just want to tell you that joining the organization will really not affect your career development in a secular sense. So, why are you bothering? Aren't you willing to leave yourself a way out? I can ask the spirit of the universe , and swear by our loyalty to the Duke of the Future, there is no place for us on this battlefield. We will leave immediately."

What she said should still be very sincere. Because there is a small tarmac behind her, with a small cruise ship more than 20 meters long placed on it. It looks like the Gem Bay X model produced by the Alliance, which is also a very famous super-light cruise ship for business use. This type of ship is considered the basic model of private spacecraft. It is cost-effective and reliable, and it is also easy to hide. As for whether there are any crazy magic changes internally, Yu Lian cannot know.

But no matter what, there are still several busy robots around the ship, obviously making final preparations for sailing.

Hey guys, what kind of operation can put a spaceship and a helipad in a dimensional shelter? And how are you going to drive out then?

The Twi'lek seemed to see something from Yu Lian's astonished expression, and explained: "The other door of this dimensional shelter is opened at the exit of the space station hangar. When the time comes, just open the shelter. Withdraw, the whole ship and everyone can be pushed out."

"...Aren't you afraid that the ship and people will be torn apart by space dislocation first?"

"Of course, we have unique security methods. If you are willing to maintain a friendly relationship with the organization, we can share this with you. Of course, security risks do exist, but since you have forced them to this point, Come on, what else can we do?”

Oh, so you still blame me?

Yu Lian didn't say anything, and the other party probably saw something in the deliberately serious poker face, and sighed heavily: "So, is it still impossible to be kind after all?"

Yu Lian fiddled with the Infinity Gauntlet, lifted the light spear upside down, and formed a two-handed sword grip.

The other party also suppressed all humiliation and pleading expression, and finally a warrior-like determination flashed across his face. Then, a bunch of metal reeds came out of the automatic stretcher wrapped around her body. Then, those mechanical parts seemed to suddenly have life, climbing along her body like flowing bacteria. Soon it was all over her body.

What appeared in front of Yu Lian was a "prophet" lady wearing mechanical armor who was over three meters tall. Of course, due to the setting that important characters with lines and faces must not wear helmets, their faces are still shown.

The Twi'lek woman seemed to have awakened some new bad attribute. She gritted her teeth and tore off the remaining drooping tentacle on the back of her head with a look of determination. Immediately afterwards, veins stretched out on her forehead, her eye sockets were filled with bloodshot eyes, and new tentacles grew directly from the wounds on the back of her head, and they were visually thicker and stronger than the original ones, and even glowed with a cold blue-gray color.

If the tentacles just now were twin tails, this new one is a deadly whip cord.

Yu Lian suddenly felt dull and felt that the world seemed filthy again.

"I didn't know that you Twi'leks had the capabilities of Namekians," Yu Lian said.

Of course the Twi'lek woman didn't know what a Namekian was, but she didn't ask. She just showed herself ready to die with Yu and Lian. She was about to rush over when she heard a crisp sound next to her. A circular light door jumped out of thin air a hundred meters away.

Immediately afterwards, a short figure was seen jumping over from the light door, landing with a slightly clumsy movement, and staggering a few steps.

This is not Mr. Hunter's Razakai form, but who else could it be?

Now he just has big eyes, big ears, a grooved head, a nose and a three-headed body. He is indeed much more pleasing to the eye than when he was transformed into an elemental giant. Coupled with his gray-headed and earthy face, he is actually a bit more naive. The harmlessness comes out.

As soon as he landed, he saw Yu Lian, and quickly pulled out another light spear whose shaft was as tall as him. He flashed the light blade while retreating, not forgetting to point at the "prophecy" "Home" the lady said loudly: "Don't even think about running away alone again, don't even think about it!"

The word "again" is very telling. Yu Lian thought.

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