Him and their stars

Chapter 976 Merits

The Kyeyyan warrior raised his two swords, assumed two completely different postures, and sneered: "Brigadier General Yeager Soback, I thought you had learned your lesson. You obviously have a chance to escape, right? ?”

"I wanted to run away! I wanted to run away when we met by chance just now, but who told you to rush up on your own! When a normal person sees so many of us, would a normal person rush up on his own?" Soback He really wanted to say this, but in this situation, the only thing he could do was to twitch the corners of his mouth very hard, and finally said nothing.

Soback really didn't want to be the protagonist, so he buckled his helmet tightly, and others really couldn't see his current expression.

"It seems that you are less intelligent than I thought."

I really don’t understand this. Why can an ordinary person like me be remembered by a master like you? And you are going to target me? How virtuous and capable am I? Soback looked sad, feeling the sudden surge of evil aura from the other party. He wanted to say, "Can we just pretend we have never met and let's go back to where we started?", but he couldn't say anything.

But at this moment, a bright light suddenly burst out beside the two of them without any warning, and violent vibrations occurred suddenly and frequently. The continuous vibrations rubbed the air, constantly creating ripples like water waves.

Together with the ripples in space, there is naturally an even more dazzling glare. However, probably because he was not wearing a helmet, the Kiyyan suffered far more damage from the Burning Eyes than Soback did. Even for a high-ranking psyker like him, his eyes with cruel cold light flashed past the pain, and for the first time, his face lost the confident smile.

He felt a huge sense of crisis and sent his swords forward based on his well-honed fighting instincts. This was of course not to attack, but to separate the space between himself and Soback, and then prepare to escape.

Facts have proved that the psychic swordsman's choice was accurate, and his movements were precise and powerful. He successfully forced his opponent to scramble to block the brutal attack, and then was knocked back a few steps by the impact of the psychic confrontation. Not only did he successfully get out of the way, but he even blocked the attack. The Earthling with the heavy sword.

However, as soon as the Kyeyang tried to activate the force field flash, he seemed to hit a wall and had to give up.

He instantly realized that this ripple in space was not someone coming through a force field, but the collapse of a subspace that was stable at the scene. Those out-of-control spatial fluctuations constitute a chaotic gravitational field.

He gritted his teeth and relied on memory and intuition to find the direction of another path. He spread his legs and prepared to use the most primitive and reliable way to retreat. However, after only taking a few steps, before his eyesight could recover after the bright light, he felt the heat behind him, followed by a sharp pain.

A ray of red light penetrated his mecha and body like a spear.

He had a hard time understanding this scene. You must know that the heraldic machine on the Kyeyang people was also customized by the organization. Many parts were even handmade by alchemists. Its performance is said to be far superior to the latest models of the Empire and Alliance. Why is it so easily used by the other party? The soldier's energy weapon penetrated.

By this time, he had regained some of his vision. He looked in the direction of the attack and saw a heraldry machine with the Community military emblem squatting not far away. It was the one who had just removed the lightsaber from his hand. opponent. Now, he was squatting on the ground, holding the huge gun barrel with both hands, using his whole body and armor as a support for the weapon.

After one shot, the stable body seemed to have been roasted a few degrees higher, and steaming water vapor appeared all over the body. That should be the effect of coolant operation.

The Kieyeyan knew he had made a mistake, and he should have cut off the weapon on this guy's back with a sword immediately.

You really can't blame him. No matter how experienced he is in combat, he would never have imagined that the folded part hanging on his back would actually be a light spear cannon. At first glance, I thought it was an accessory for space gliding.

Who knew that the heraldry machine worn by this earthling did not carry spare weapons and ammunition on the rack, but it was filled with coolant!

However, when he thought about it carefully, he felt that his choice was the right one. Since there are one enemy and many enemies, it is natural that we should attack the strongest commander among the enemies with all our strength, which is Soback.

If it hadn't been for the sudden vibration in the air just now, it would have been obvious that everything was under control.

But at this time, no matter what he thought, the balance of the scene had been broken.

The Kieyang man endured severe pain and just stood firm again when another war hammer condensed with silver aura jumped up from the ground and roared directly towards his face. He finally used his sword to push away the war hammer, but was hit by the force of the shock and lost his balance again. At this time, he suddenly discovered that the one who launched the attack was actually the imperial knight who had been beaten to the ground by him just now.

He knew that the first-mover advantage he had gained from launching a strong attack had been lost. More importantly, he is now more seriously injured than any enemy present. Even if he continues to fight, he will consume much more energy than his opponent.

What's more, the ripples in space are still intensifying, which is clearly a sign that space cracks are about to form.

He had not heard from the two superior leaders for a long time, and he had been guarding the fortress for another half an hour, which was enough for the organization.

He concentrated his thoughts again and used spiritual energy to derive it into his lightsaber. He once again released countless sword lights, smashing the flying warhammer to the ground, and at the same time forced back the earthling who was holding double heavy swords. In the roar of energy collision, his figure became extremely erratic, as if he was about to merge into the halo.

Yeager Soback looked at this scene, even though he knew he was an enemy, he couldn't help but be filled with praise. This Kyeyang man is elegant and deadly, cruel but calm. He is indeed more like a genuine imperial noble knight than himself and Miss Serlu.

However, he is only a Kiyyan after all.

He must also have received the most professional and rigorous knight training. But why did such a person become the enemy of the empire?

What happened to him?

"Your Excellency! This is your chance!" Miss Serlu got up from the ground, disrupting Soback's random thoughts. Although the rich lady had been hit by the opponent until her face was like gold paper, and her mouth and nose were bleeding, she still stood up with difficulty with her last breath and caught the war hammer that flew back.

At this time, the silver aura that had been flashing around the war hammer turned directly into green.

Soback now knows that this warhammer is Miss Serlu's family heirloom. It is more like a psychic amplifier than a warhammer. When the aura on its surface is silver, it is in autonomous attack mode. When it is green, it has the functions of healing and assisting teammates.

Are you preparing to heal our wounds? Soback thought. It is true that the other party was seriously injured, but everyone on our side is also injured now.

As soon as this thought crossed his mind, Miss Serlu gently tapped the head of the war hammer on his back. In an instant, Yeager Soback felt as if he had just taken a whole box of Dali Pills, and he was full of strength from his spine to his limbs.

"This is the power of God! It is the most proficient auxiliary technique I have mastered." Miss Serlu stared at Soback with a look of embarrassment, and almost said "You have been strengthened, go and see him off".

Of course, Miss Viscount's real thoughts are not so dark. She would rather see the commander kill a powerful enemy with her own help. However, Soback does feel this way now.

You can just give me a level of "Lion's Heart" or "Silver Will"! This way at least labor and management won’t be intimidated!

In any case, now is no longer the time to hesitate. Soback can see with his own eyes that the opponent's wound is bleeding, and his condition can be imagined. If you don’t do it now, you may not have the courage to do it again in the future.

He roared and rushed over, brandishing his light spear.

Even faster than him was the Highlander warrior. Even though he was already suffering from numerous wounds, he still waved the slashing sword in both hands and charged forward without hesitation. At the same time, he roared at the target with the power of words and spirits.

However, faced with such power of words and spirits, this Kyeyang man seemed not to be affected at all. The red light blades in his hands seemed to turn into a deadly downpour, easily neutralizing the Highlander's attack and even leaving three or four lacerated wounds on the latter.

His figure began to fade away without stopping. However, at this moment, before the other party's body was completely hidden in the light and shadow, a figure finally emerged from behind the ripples in space. It's like a water ghost emerging from the whirlpool in the lake, and it's scary to look at. As a result, both warring parties who witnessed this scene were shocked for a moment.

But at this time, the "water ghost" had already torn open more space cracks and was preparing to get out. The space oscillation suddenly intensified, forming a more violent shock wave. The Kyeyang swordsman who was closest to the crack was naturally the one who suffered the most impact. His stealth technique suddenly failed, and his figure appeared on the spot while flashing various strange mosaics.

Naturally, the sword movement, which was like a storm, could not go on any longer. Not only did the whole person have an empty door open, but he even lost his body balance.

The Kyeyang stumbled. By the time he reacted, he had already been stabbed through by an ordinary atomic light spear.

This, this is something we never imagined. Whether it was the Kyeyang man who suffered a second torso piercing injury, or Soback who was holding a light spear, the first reaction was that he could not react at all, and even lost the ability to think.

This silence lasted for nearly a second, and the Kyeyang psyker opened his mouth and grinned a rather terrifying smile: "Well done! Brigadier! You are indeed the star of hope of the Knights!"

Yeager Soback remained silent, looking very martial. Indeed, an excellent knight who abides by classical fighting etiquette should remain silent after inflicting fatal wounds on the enemy.

"But this is by no means the end! All things are empty, all spirits are real, great teacher! Let your apprentices give you the final sacrifice! I will give you one of the Four Heavenly Kings..." Kyeyangren While singing a aria of resentment like a fanatic, he used his last strength to raise the lightsaber.

So there is no such title at all! Sobek was furious.

But then, as soon as the Jieyang man's sword-holding arm was raised, he was struck by Meng Jiao's sword. The arm wrapped in the armor of the heraldry machine was indeed very strong, and it was not cut off. However, stress fractures inevitably occurred, and the entire arm suddenly hung limply.

Immediately afterwards, Miss Serlu's war hammer also hit the enemy's head viciously.

But even at this time, he still hadn't breathed his last. It was clear that his entire head had been deformed, and even the brains and skull fragments were stretched out a lot, but he was still mumbling: "Let me, the 'World-Burning Demonic Sword', become the incarnation of The real world-burning demon! I..."

A few particularly disgusting tentacles just emerged from behind his collapsed limbs, exuding some indescribable aura, and then his entire head and neck were directly evaporated by the second luminous spear cannon.

The headless body of the psyker who actively underwent transformation but was only half transformed fell limply to the ground, and the indescribable aura completely disappeared like poisonous gas taken away by a ventilator. .

When Yu Lian emerged from the crack in space, this was what he saw. However, he finally heard the title "World-Burning Demonic Sword" clearly, and he suddenly felt very excited.

Without my intervention at all, did my friends actually deal with the executive officer of a martial arts faction so easily?

My friends are growing up very fast! Yu Lian was very satisfied when he saw Meng Jiao and Ina. Immediately afterwards, he saw two more Celestial Knights' heraldic machines. The one holding a shield and warhammer was ignored, and the guy with an ordinary temperament but with a gem star logo on his shoulder armor was thinking about it with his knees. It could only be brother Yeager Soback.

"Eh? Isn't this my good friend Yeager Soback?" Yu Lian conveniently placed the nearly three-meter-long sleeping cabin next to him, with a surprised and enthusiastic smile on his face: "We can meet by chance here. Is this a gift from fate?"

This is obviously the malice of fate. Soback thought with a grimace.

But at this time, Miss Serlu took a step forward, stood between Yu Lian and Soback, and said solemnly: "This snake head died under the siege of us... and Major Mengjiao and Major Shilika. General, do you have any doubts?"

Yu Lian glanced at the aristocratic lady with great interest. Her expression could not be seen even though she was wearing a helmet, but she could hear a tremor in her solemn tone. It was obvious that she had endured fear and mustered up the courage.

"Your Majesty, you don't think that I would go so far as to compete for your merits, do you?" Yu Lian asked back.

"No, I just want to inform you that the stormtroopers affiliated with the Blizzard are about to take over this predator's fortress. We are now allies. I hope you will stay sensible and don't cause unnecessary misunderstandings and conflicts. conflict."

Yu Lian looked at Ina and Meng Jiao doubtfully. The latter said: "After we escaped from the subspace, we entered this fortress directly. The Imperial Stormtroopers are indeed fighting against the Predators."

He looked at the two astral knights, slowly took a step back, and raised the two swords again: "Sir, the number of imperial troops who entered here is actually not many, and they are still fighting hard."

Comrade Mengjiao, what you said is a bit unfriendly. Didn't you see that the warhammer and shield of our friendly army, Miss Viscount, are glowing again? Yu Lian asked again: "So, where is Fei...Major Li?"

"A communication was completed three minutes ago. It can be confirmed that she is also in this fortress and everything is safe. We were trying to make peace with her, and then we met them." As Ina said, she went to her "single soldier" "A new battery was pressed into the light spear cannon.

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