Himekishi to Camping Car

Princess Knight and Summer Cold

Campers slow down over the streets.

Next to the direct driver, in the passenger seat, is a half of an oak and an elf, a young girl.

The campers running with the two of them on board are at a steady speed, kept at twenty kilometers an hour just with drive control.

"You see the city."

"Yeah, it's a big city."

"Right, some decent doctors over there."


As we interacted like that, the campers got closer and closer and eventually reached the city entrance.

From there you can only see one corner, but there can be a two-story, three-story building, not just a bungalow, and the people who go along are lively.

It's like a busy city, with its size there.

Nevertheless, that large city also seems to assume that the road is only about a carriage ride. Whatever you think, there's not enough road for a camper to get in.

Well, I don't know what to do, but Naoto said it was bothering my head.

"Brother, someone's coming this way."


Chasing Mimi's gaze, who has said so, a well-dressed middle-aged man approached him from the front right of the vehicle's body in the way he runs, which is common in under-activated adults.

He came this way in a straight line, so Naoto lowered his power window and just dashed his face.

"I'm afraid I see you as Naoto Ono."

"Yes, I do, though. And you?"

He was about half a dozen men, so Naoto listened back consciously to the polite words, only a little back to the mood of his company livestock days.

"I am the head of this city, my name is Goodface. By the decree of His Majesty the King, I am pleased to supply you with the Ono."


Naoto snapped with a return.

Flowing his gaze, he saw several servants and stacked supplies in the direction of Goodface's arrival.

It looks like a lot of supplies, including food, just like when we left the King's Capital.

"I see, did you"

"Do you have a princess?"

"Uh, yeah."

Naoto glanced behind his back.

Inside the camper, the Japanese-style Tatami Rooms.

There's Sophia, but she's in no very existential situation right now.

Mimi has said it with a worried face from the side.

"Brother...... is your sister's cold okay?

"Damn, at a time like this. I told you to be so careful."

"You put on the cooler, but you put out your navel and fell asleep."

Straight and Mimi talking to each other.

Last night was a hot and humid night in the early summer.

High temperatures combined with humidity made it a very uncomfortable night, so Naoto spent the night turning on one of the camper options, room air conditioning.

The interior, which activated the instruments of civilization, happened to be transformed into a comfortable space. But I saw its destructive power wrong. Sophia flaunted the hema that she had fallen asleep with a heso, and she had been feverish in the morning and down with a cold.

For her sake, campers are just coming to this city and trying to find a doctor.

There, a father, a messenger from the king.

Now, I don't know what to do, Naoki and Mimi look into the Japanese-style room at the same time.

Sophia in the futon looks painful and not in a very moveable situation.

"It's the only way. Um..."

The moment Naoto turns back to Goodface and opens his mouth.

"What the hell..."

I heard a faint voice from behind me.

Turning around, I saw Sophia waking up almost like that from inside the futon.

Her hair is blurred, her nose dripping, and she looks like a different person from her usual princess knight.

"Hey, you stay asleep."

"No problem."

"No, there is."

"Goho! Goho... Oogie"

Crushing Sophia as she coughs.

Shortly after, her hair burned.

Shimmering flaming hair. Because of my mind, I look like I'm burning shit up to my eyes.

At the moment of flaming hair, Sophia rose in a distinct motion, like someone else earlier, coming from the camper.

He stood in front of the Good Face for his elegant work.

"You kept me waiting."

And I said it in my usual voice.

It is the very figure of the princess knight, whose cold spill until just before was as if it were a lie.

"Sister, have you cured the cold?

Surprised Mimi, Naoki was also "what the hell is going on" round his eyes.

With those two around, Sophia asks Good Face.

"Thank you. That was a message from your father."

"Ahead of this, we have supplies in the city."

"I don't need it, tell him I'll take care of it on my own"

"Ha, His Majesty tells me to answer when he says so." Beh, it's not always for you. This is for the man who told the dream to each other. I liked him. "

"... I mean, it's for Naoto,"


"Okay, then I'm not in a position to do this. Naoto, can you open the vault?"


Naoto nods, opens the door to the camper's vault, and tells him where it is.

There Goodface's men carry supplies one after the other.

Sophia stares at it with her flaming hair glistening.

What the hell is going on - the question remained unclear, so Naoto stepped out of the car and stood beside her and heard her whisper.

"Is it okay to wake up?



Sophia doesn't respond, even if she finds the supplies loaded straight.

In the mood of fitting, I try to wave my hand in front of her with a flicker.

Still, there's still no response, and the question of straight people gets deeper and deeper.

After a while, the delivery of supplies by the servants is over.

"Okay, we're in this"

That's what Goodface said, and after a deep courtesy, he took his servant and walked away.

And almost at the same time you won't be able to see them going back inside the city.


I heard a distracted noise.

The sound came from Sofia.

When I looked at it, the flaming hair came back to the usual silver hair and went into the snare on the spot.



Listen, I don't have an answer.

Sophia was looking terribly painful just now.

"Gee ho... Goe ho..."

"Your sister is ok!?

"Maybe... it's like a cheerful foreclosure? Now."

"Oh, no..."

Sophia sits a girl on the ground.

That's not true, but the voice is fine and powerless in the first place, and obviously it's possible.

I don't know the specifics. But when I have flaming hair, it is obvious that I get better and shake it back with a doubling shortly afterwards.

A very familiar phenomenon for a direct person. It is a symptom that comes after overtime is squeezed with a nutritional drink that follows overtime.

Naoto was out and sighed.


"Yeah, I'm fine."

Sophia trying to get up.

"... Tung"




When I gently tumbled her forehead, she went straight.

"I knew you couldn't."

"So that's not true..."




When I called, Mimi stuck around and came.

Mimi also twisted her forehead to Sophia, who tried to stand up like a deer.



Naturally, I get into it again.

Try to stand, Tung Tung.

Try to stand, Tung Tung.

After several repetitions of it, Sophia finally wore out to her limit and couldn't move while she was in.


That's where the puppy comes in and looks up at her like she's worried.


"Look, I'm worried about you too, so don't waste any more of your time."

"... yeah, okay"

"Good boy. Sleep once first, because when you wake up, the bread will make you a boil."


Sophia listened back in a tone floating in the heat.

"Yes, if I had a peach can, it would be one shot, but there's only one."


"Go to sleep anyway. Sleep and wake up, and when the bread is boiled, one shot will cheer you up."

"Yummy, huh?

"Three times as good as caramel pudding"

"triple...... ok...... sleep"

Sophia became a lot more honest than earlier because of the increased fever and that's what her consciousness is trying to do.

Close your eyelids slowly by keeping your body in the immediate person you are going to hold.

"You know, Naoto..."

"Oh, come on. Easy."

"Thanks for everything"

Sophia said, looking like she was floating in heat.

A whole, unintentional word.

In a childlike tone, honest words of thanks.

That came all the way into the chest of a straight man.

"... eh"

"Is that it? Your brother has a cold, too?

"Chi -"

Mimi was pointing me out on the side, and Naoto was making me blush more and more.

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