Hinata, Stop Pretending

Chapter 105: :reach the goal

Although Hinata was very dissatisfied, she still said with a chuckle: "You are joking, Lord Hongming is naturally a smart person, and he naturally knows what the cause of these things is. I believe that Lord Hongming has long been there. There are already suspects."

"But it's not that I despise the strength of your country. First, you have no evidence to use to accuse the other party of various actions.

Two: Even if there is evidence, if you do not have foreign aid, you will not be able to stop the other party from being able to evacuate freely and easily. "

Hong Ming said: "That's right, but I can't take this risk and come to face you who may be stronger than the other party!"

"That's the equivalent of pulling the country of birds out of a wolf's mouth and feeding it into a tiger's mouth."

"After all, the two of you are dressed like this, and you can't see any light in your organization! Besides, even if you are accepted, if you have offended the five major countries in some actions in the past or in the future."

"Let's not take the five major countries first, even if it is the country of rain or the country of grass like us, it is estimated that it is difficult for us to bear the attack of others. If we don't know who wins and who loses, it is just some losses, and it will also let the birds fight. The country cannot bear it.”

Hinata was so angry in her heart, okay, Hinata could feel that the other party seemed willing to cooperate with her, but just because of this feeling, this way of chatting all the way made Hinata very angry.

So Hinata didn't intend to continue to spend with the other party like this, but said after the other party finished these words: "So it seems that your country does not need our help?"

"Since it's Ruzi's words, we don't plan to bother much."

Then he said leisurely: "By the way, after we leave, it is impossible for Lord Hongming to order the guards to search us! If this is the case, maybe we should leave the country of birds quickly."

Hong Ming squinted his eyes, knowing that Hinata didn't intend to spend it with him, but he was going to be the general.

He doesn't believe that the other party will really choose to leave the country of birds. The biggest possibility is to keep secrets. It is estimated that he will do something to himself that he can't imagine, or kill himself directly.

From the moment they first met, he knew that the other party was a ninja. Since he was a ninja, he would not doubt the other party's methods at all.

So after Hinata chose the general, he pondered for a while and said, "Actually, I can think about your request, and for some of the things I just said, what I want, or what I want on behalf of the Kingdom of Birds a promise."

When he said this, it was not that Hongming was afraid of death, but that he knew that at this time, the Kingdom of Birds really needed help.

There is a storm brewing in the Kingdom of Birds now. If this storm is not resolved as soon as possible, the fate of the Kingdom of Birds is naturally not what he is willing to imagine.

Although the use of this mysterious power does mean to tear down the east wall and make up for the west wall, but now I can't control that much. According to Hong Ming's best idea, both sides will fight and lose both sides, and the bird who will really profit at that time is the bird. country.

Hinata finally let out a sigh of relief after hearing the words. It seems that this matter has finally been done. Now it should be a step for the other party to step down.

Hinata said: "Oh! Then what kind of commitment do you need?"

Hong Ming said: "Simple, I need you to promise that when you cause some trouble, you will take the initiative to exclude our country of birds. Of course, we will naturally announce to the outside world that the country of birds has always been restrained by you. ,"

"How about this promise?"

"Oh! You are so reassuring to us that we promised it verbally, but in the end we fell into trouble?"

"Don't worry, although we are very ashamed of the land of birds, when we announce that we are being restrained by you, it is estimated that some people will choose to believe us."

Hinata: "Okay, then, I promise you, then, we will help you as soon as possible to solve the group of wandering ninjas who are now doing bad things in the country of the bird."

"Of course, this sometimes requires your assistance,"

Hong Ming said: "Of course there is no problem. I will write a pass myself as a proof of identity for you."

Talking about things, the two sides became much more natural. At the end, when Hinata left, they said the last sentence: "I hope, Lord Hongming, it's better not to disappoint me!"

Hongming didn't say anything, just quietly watched Hinata and the two jumping away.

The fact that this matter can be negotiated so quickly is naturally due to the fact that both parties have their own needs. Hong Ming has actually investigated these matters secretly and found that the other party is a candidate who cannot be easily resolved by himself.

He planned to start holding back, so as not to anger the opponent directly and do something even more irrational and crazy, but Hinata's visit gave him a new choice.

Although this choice is also accompanied by risks, it is better than doing nothing at all, and the other party must have carefully considered the choice of their country of birds.

The poverty of the bird country is basically known to everyone. If you want to come to the bird country to make money, it is basically impossible. The only thing that can make Hongming believe. There are many secret passages and secret bases arranged by the country.

Or the target is actually something left in one of these bases. If this is the case, he is not unacceptable. It is worthwhile to exchange an unknown thing for the disaster that the country of birds may flood once.

Or they have other purposes, and they really like the secrecy of the Land of Birds, because the landforms in the Land of Birds are too easy to hide some secrets, and the other party wants to take root here secretly, or Hiding some unavoidable secrets, as long as the other party's secret does not endanger the kingdom of birds, Hongming feels that it is fine for the other party to go away.

Hinata finally reunited with Kurama Muzuki on the roof where she came, and at this time Kurama Muzuki seemed to be a little bored waiting.

Although she is in name to let loose, but in fact she really plays the image of the waiter.

After seeing Hina Tian Shui Wuyue cold and returning, he immediately stepped forward and asked, "How is it, is it done? Shuoyue,"

Hinata nodded slightly, showing a silent gesture, indicating that we should leave first and return to the hotel.

After returning to the hotel, Hinata threw herself on the bed. At this time, she naturally had already released the transformation technique and returned to her original appearance.

She really misses it now. This soft bed can be completely comfortable and quiet as long as you lie on it. Compared with fighting wits and courage with those old silver coins, it is simply not a hall or a hell.

She is naturally not afraid that the negotiating partner she and Hong Ming will miss tonight. Generally, people like Hong Ming pay more attention to being smart and know what to do and what not to do, even if the other party dares to fool him.

The loss of Hinata is nothing more than wasting zero time to solve a possible danger to the country of birds, but the consequences of angering Hinata can directly level the capital of the entire country of birds.

It will also make it impossible for the high-level executives of the entire bird country to live in peace~www.readwn.com~ She will naturally not be Hongming, because it is meaningless, and he will only let Hongming feel this atmosphere in it. You will understand what you have done.

Perhaps Hongming's promise to make Hinata abide by it doesn't seem to be wrong. Her Dawn organization seems to be threatening the existence of the high-level officials of the Kingdom of Birds to a certain extent.

Then she rolled around on the bed and got up to face Kurama Muyue and Shui Wuyuebing. After telling them some of her plans, I hope they can pay attention to where there are still problems.

After another loud discussion, the time has come to three in the morning, and Suzuki and Kurama also naturally left one after another.

Hinata completely liberated herself, although it was a pity that she lost her beauty sleep tonight, but in order to reward herself, she immediately decided that she would definitely make up for the lost sleep now.

When it was after twelve o'clock at noon, the contented Hinata woke up again. To describe it in two words, it was comfort.

Hinata, stop pretending

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