Hinata, Stop Pretending

Chapter 109: :Back to the days?

The exit of the sewer is connected to a small lake not far from the capital of the Land of Birds.

After the two boats jumped out of this exit in no particular order, they landed directly on the calm lake, causing a splash of water.

As the last wave gradually calmed down, under the bright moon, you could clearly see that a boat had overturned on the lake and began to sink.

On the other boat, a middle-aged man with a long face with a strange pattern smeared on his face, a strong figure, and ultra-short hair, was following him with one hand pinched.

During this time in the land of birds, the ghost pretender, the contemporary daimyo, is the neck of the ibis who pretends to be a child heron.

The middle-aged man is naturally the real appearance of the leader of the wandering ninja who pretended to be the eminent monk Meng Zong.

Looking at the ibis who was being grabbed by his neck and was still resisting, the corners of his mouth showed a trace of contempt.

Naturally, he also knew about this Highness Toki. Toki has indeed practiced, but this does not mean how strong the Toki is, maybe it can solve a few lower tolerances and a few Chunin.

But she dared to chase after him, whose strength had already reached a special level of shōnin. After all, he was also the leader of the wandering ninja. If he really didn't have two brushes, how could he be able to convince the public.

So when he was in the passage, after he had made a decision, he easily grabbed the ibis filled with anger and thought in his heart: It's really a waste, and this waste can still be the name of a country.

The ibis resisted more and more fiercely, the broom frowned slightly, and with a little force, the ibis had a painful expression on his face, and his eyes began to roll his eyes, and the resistance became more and more intense.

It seems that the next moment will be gone forever.

Seeing this, the broom flicked his hand and threw the ibis, who was about to pass out, into the cabin of the ship.

The ibis, who regained her freedom, immediately took a few breaths of air and then made a series of coughing noises. After doing all this, she seemed to have no strength and collapsed directly into the cabin.

Although there is still hatred in her eyes, at this time she really has no strength anymore, and she is still wearing such a thick armor.

Broom didn't plan to leave at this time, because he knew that the three mysterious people would definitely come after him. He didn't believe that those three people would be killed by his useless subordinates.

After all, the guys who can accept quests in the gold exchange office really have nothing to say. Since they dare to accept their own bounty, they must have studied their own strength, otherwise they will not accept it easily. Take the task.

As for why he didn't escape, he naturally had his own plans. Although he could escape for a while, these guys were really weird.

It is inevitable that he will have some strange investigation methods. At that time, he will naturally have to deal with the opponent. Since it is like this, it is better to find a place to directly solve the three opponents.

And this lake here is his home court and his best choice, because his trump card is water ninjutsu. Although he is famous, there are not many people who really know his trump card.

Therefore, he has to bet that the other party will be careless. Besides, the destructive power and lethality of water escape ninjutsu will be greater in places with more abundant water sources.

As for why he didn't do it near the lake at that residence, that was because if the other party still had a backhand there, it would not be very good.

The most crucial point is the wandering ninja, whose chakra is naturally incomparable to those of the ninja.

Even if you can solve the three, you will consume most of the chakra by yourself. At that time, the movement will be too loud, and the guards will be greeted directly, and a ninja of your own will not be able to be planted in the hands of ordinary people.

As for ordinary people coming here, don't be kidding, just like this rushing current, it's not a big problem for a ninja without a boat. It's not bad for ordinary people to dare to come here alive in this current.

He seemed to be a little bored waiting, and put his eyes back on the ibis and said, "It's really sad! Since you want to kill me so much."

"I'm bored at the moment, so I'll tell you a story about your idiot father!"

Then the broom began to tell a story about what happened when he pretended to be the eminent monk Meng Zong and came to the Land of Birds.

And Zhu Lu's tears seemed to start falling without money, and the broom finally sighed: "Tsk, the only thing I didn't expect is that you actually pretended to be Zilu."

"If I had known you were Toki, I wouldn't have to be so troublesome now. Maybe I should have successfully established a country belonging to our wandering ninjas."

Then he immediately changed his tone, became stern and stern, and shouted: "It's all because of you, you **** family, I've lost all my plans for such a long time."

When the ibis heard the words, she put away her tears and showed the last stubbornness on her face.

Just when he still wanted something, he heard a different voice, and he immediately warned in his heart: here it is.

Then he ignored the ibis and looked up at the exit of the pipe.

Then a burst of screaming was heard.

At this moment in the pipe, Hinata lowered her head in shame, Shui Wuyue was cold (?_?), only Kurama Wuyue was sitting on a block of ice and uttered bursts of screams.

Under the circumstance that the water is cold and the ice is the ship, in this fast current, the ice cubes are moving forward at a very exaggerated speed, and the Kurama is also feeling a little emotional at this time. You must know the speed. And passion is the favorite of many young Rao,

But scream, scream! But it seems that Kurama Wuzuki's barking is a bit too shameful. If people who don't know think what happened, Hinata is naturally ashamed because she didn't expect Kurama Wuzuki to have such a side.

It really doesn't match the style of his own organization. What he wants is a mysterious, cold, and invincible aura when he acts. What the **** is this?

She really regretted not leaving Kurama Wuyue behind and handing over to the old man Hongming.

As he saw that the hole in front of him with the moonlight coming in was getting bigger and bigger, Hinata finally let out a sigh of relief and finally arrived.

Then, driven by the water flow, the three of them rushed out of the exit, and then the three of them jumped in tacit understanding, avoiding the splash of water when the ice cubes smashed into the water.

Then the three of them landed steadily on the water and confronted the broom not far away.

Kurama Wuyue was in a very good mood, and said, "Yo, isn't this going to continue running? Uncle stray dog."

Broom laughed: "Hehe, run, why should I run, since you are at my home court, you should all be here!"

Then he was about to make a seal, but was interrupted by the saddle horse Wuyue: "Wait a minute, uncle, do you admit that you are a stray dog?"

Broom (??д??), without words, Kurama Wuyue smiled awkwardly: "Okay, you continue, you continue."

This time, the broom didn't pay much attention to it, and immediately formed the seal to perform the water escape, the technique of the waterfall, and then the calm lake began to move.

The water flow gathered directly towards a point, and it gathered higher and higher, and then the water wall ten meters high immediately smashed directly towards the three of Hinata like a collapsed wall.

First of all, whether the wall of water can fall down and kill people, the impact force alone can make people go crazy.

Looking at the water wall Hinata smashed towards him, he was stunned. Isn't it supposed to be the technique of water dragon bullets first? How come it is the big waterfall as soon as it comes up, Hinata is not happy~www.readwn.com~ but she doesn't feel flustered either.

Just took a step forward, made a soft fist gesture, then opened his eyes, looked at the wall of water that had been smashed down, and immediately began to rotate his whole body.

Chakra emanated from the 361 acupuncture points in the body, following Hinata's movements and becoming an unbreakable barrier.

This is what the Hyuga family claims to be the strongest defensive move of the Hyuga clan, Hui.

When he saw the water flow completely submerging Hinata Sanrao, the broom showed a sultry laugh, and secretly thought in his heart: I think too highly of them.

But with a dull sound, the moment when the technique of the Great Waterfall fell, I saw that a part of the water flow seemed to be blocked by something, and the flight inspection began.

When the water flow completely fell, the broom clearly saw the chakra barrier that was still spinning, and he was suddenly cold: this is the unique ninjutsu of the Konoha Hyuga clan in the country of fire, could it be that the other party is a member of the Hyuga clan .

Hinata, stop pretending

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