Hinata, Stop Pretending

Chapter 113: : embarrassing chat

Although she has far overestimated the financial problems of the Kingdom of Birds, she was still very surprised when it really reached this stage, and for this reason, she also held the idea that the other party was deceiving her.

But after a while, she stopped thinking that way. Hongming seemed to have known her thoughts for a long time. After saying this, she even graciously brought a thick stack of ledgers.

It is said that this is the financial ledger of this year and last year's expenditure in the country of Tonoro, and it looks like it is not afraid of Hinata's inspection at all.

Looking like we are poor, what can you do, Hinata looked at the ledger, and then at Hongming, who picked up the teacup and began to drink tea contentedly.

And the ibis with a big name hat, expressionless face and half-squinted eyes, Hinata said that she was really convinced.

You have no money to be so proud of! big head.

Since everyone has done this, what else can Hinata do? Of course, this is the choice.

Regarding the financial issue, let’s temporarily close the curtain for a while, and then we will discuss the secret base that Hinata wants most in the land of birds.

Of course, Hinata is not prepared to establish the base in the land of birds, at most it is a sub-base.

Hinata expressed shock when Toki brought a special map of the territory of the Bird Land.

Looking at the densely packed map of the land of birds, the red line representing the secret road and the red five-pointed star representing the secret base.

Hinata also finally understands why the land of birds is so poor, but there are pits in the heads of the famous names in the land of birds!

With this spare money, I don't think about how to improve the financial level of the bird country, but instead do these useless efforts, is it possible that you are preparing for a tunnel war?

Hinata really can't accept this kind of thinking that she can't understand, even if it's authentic.

But why do you need so many secret warehouses? This is completely beyond Hinata's expectations.

And the most important point is that these secret warehouses are just a decoration. Gu Zhulu said that 90% of these warehouses are idle.

Hinata didn't want to continue to stay on this topic, but directly under the introduction of Toki, she chose a base with a good location and wide space as the first base of her Dawn organization.

Then I talked about the follow-up questions about this condition, such as the decoration of the base and so on.

Then the chips representing the Kingdom of Birds have been given, and the next step is the benefit that Hinata gave to the Kingdom of Birds.

The conditions Hinata had already discussed with Hongming about once, so it was quickly settled.

Condition 1: When the Kingdom of Birds is in crisis from external factors, Hinata and the others must help.

Condition 2: If Hinata and the others offend the forces they can't afford, the Kingdom of Birds has the right to claim that Hinata has no relationship with the Kingdom of Birds.

Condition 3: The power represented by Hinata is within the territory of the bird country and cannot be too high-profile.

After Hinata said that there was no problem, today's meeting also ended naturally.

Next, Hinata will actually go to a place that may be their base to actually investigate.

Toki also has to be busy for a while. After all, she took the place of the big name in place of her elder brother Zilu. This is not a big problem, but it is very troublesome.


After meeting with Kurama Wuyue and Shui Wuyue Leng, they completely quieted down. In the next two days, they did not leave the capital of the Land of Birds.

After all, these wandering ninjas have not really been wiped out. If one is not careful, after Hinata is gone, what if one or two mentally ill ninjas run out to assassinate the ibis?

Although this possibility is very small, after all, the wandering ninja is really a startled bird. There are not many people with such courage, but that sentence has to be guarded against.

Time flickered and it was another two days. After seeing that there were no more waves, Hinata also felt that there was no need to continue to stay.

Later that morning, he left the capital of the Kingdom of Birds and headed towards the secret base. It is said that this secret base is located at the junction of the Kingdom of Rain and the Kingdom of Wind.

The border from here to the Land of Fire is not that far, which undoubtedly greatly enhances the flexibility of the Dawn organization. After all, Hinata cannot stay in the Land of Birds all the time.

And if there is any problem with the secret base, Hinata can also arrive at the fastest speed.

While thinking about this, Hinata and the three were already having breakfast in a very ordinary breakfast shop on the way to their goal.

But at this time, a very strong man wearing a bamboo hat also walked into the breakfast shop.

He sat down at a table not far from Hinata, ordered a breakfast, and fell completely silent.

When Hinata saw this, her heart moved. When the other party didn't notice it, she immediately opened her eyes and sent an appraisal to the other party.

After the identification, there is Chakra in the opponent's body, so the opponent is a ninja.

If the other party is a ninja, she seems to have her own guesses after looking at her body shape and a certain memory of her previous life.

Speaking of which, although the three of Hinata were dressed a little differently, they had long since recovered their original appearance from the appearance they showed in front of the ibis, but they were wrapped tightly. After all, her eyes were so dazzling.

Afterwards, the three of Hinata finished their breakfast and left the breakfast shop first. In response, the man in the hat just glanced at them and did not do anything else.

And when the man in the bucket hat finished eating, he walked out of the breakfast shop and resumed his journey very calmly.

But not long after he gradually moved away from the breakfast shop, in the quiet and deserted jungle, he stopped his steps and looked up at the figure standing on the branch of the big tree in front of him.

He seemed to have anticipated it for a long time, and then he took off his hat and threw it aside, revealing the face of Hinata that seemed to have some reflections. Naturally, there is no need to say more about his identity as a man with a hat, a wandering ninja.

In the past two days, the stream that came all the way was stop-and-go, and it didn't show the speed that a ninja should have. It only took two days to come here from a border town in the land of birds. It should be a coincidence. may have achieved the goal they were looking for.

The three of Hinata did not change back to the appearance they showed in front of the toki.

The reason is naturally that the other party has already guessed it, and it seems a little too much to hide his ears when he changes back, so his nature is also generously admitted.

Hinata thought about it carefully, the other party should not be able to escape his palm.

The atmosphere remained a bit sluggish, but Hinata didn't intend to continue to be quiet. After all, this is not a wooden man, so I will solve the matter early, and I still have work to do.

"Liu, wandering ninja! All this time, you have been following the broom of the same wandering ninja, right?"

Liu looked up at Hinata, and was not surprised at all because of the age of the other three. After hearing Hinata's question, he said, "Not bad."

Hinata clapped her hands and said, "That's good, lest it would be a bit embarrassing to recognize the wrong person. Now that you've come this far, is there anything else you want to say?"

Stream: ヘ (__ヘ)

Hinata said helplessly, "Snowbird is yours now,"

Standing aside, Shui Wuyue nodded coldly and said, "Okay."

Then he jumped directly from the branch, stopped three meters away from the stream, and began to confront.

Seeing this, Wuyue, the pommel horse next to Hinata, said to Hinata: "Suoyue, there is a good show to watch now, Binggang vs Binggang, it's exciting to think about it! No, I have to take this scene out. Draw it."

Then, out of nowhere, she took out a pen and a drawing board and started her artistic life.

What Hinata imagined did not appear in the field. The two fought each other as soon as they met, but after a confrontation, Shui Wuyue Leng actually spoke.

"Are the rest of the wandering ninjas with you?"

"They all followed Beichen and left the country of birds!"

Shui Wuyue Leng: "Yeah!" It means he knows.

Then: "Are you here to find death?"

Flow: "Hmm!"

Leng: "In this case, I don't want to kill you."

flow: silence

Leng: "Then don't die,"

Stream: "Why?"

Leng: "You don't have to die!"

Stream: "I'm starting to get tired of it."

Leng: "Then come with us! Do something different!"

Liu seemed to be thinking, and after thinking for a while, said: "Okay!"

Although the difference in body size between the two is a bit too big, the personalities of the two are very close at this time. In Hinata's view, it seems that because of this personality, the two were able to chat unexpectedly.

But listening to the expression without emotional fluctuations, Hinata expressed that her liver hurts.

On the side, Kurama Wuyue retracted the pen for drawing, tore off the half-painted picture, crumpled it into a ball, and threw it away.

Then he said: "Unfortunately, I still want to see what kind of wonderful sparks will happen when two ice cubes collide."

Then Shui Wuyue Leng jumped back directly to the branch and said to Hinata: "Suoyue, Liu can join us and be a member of the outer circle of our dawn."

"Let him be in charge of the Bird Country Base!"

Hinata heard the words for a while, so it was solved. Isn't it afraid that the other party has other goals? In the end, it should be said that Shui Wuyue Leng is too simple, or the world is starting to become simple.

Hinata originally wanted to refuse, but after looking at Shui Wuyue Leng's serious eyes, she nodded helplessly and said, "Okay."

Liu didn't speak, just walked over slowly, picked up the hat that he had thrown aside, and put it on his head again.

Then it was quiet again, as if waiting for the words of the new leader, who was already his.

And his heart seemed to have a slight throbbing again, as if his entire dead soul was reborn again.

He didn't know why, but he knew that after having an awkward chat with Shui Wuyue Leng, he didn't want to die. Of course, this didn't mean he was afraid of death.

It was as if a desperate person saw a glimmer of hope again, and with the mentality of giving it a try and being interested, he only had this choice.

Hinata was helpless, but after thinking that someone must be in charge of her base in the Land of Birds, she looked at Liu again, but felt that Shui Wuyue Leng seemed to be right, maybe this was really a good choice.

In this case, the matter can be said to be finalized, and now Hinata can only hope that Shui Wuyue Leng will not misunderstand the person.

After all, Hinata doesn't know much about the role of flow, and Kakashi killed him after showing so many faces in those episodes of the anime.

Even Bai Niang, who was omnipotent in the previous life, couldn't find any information about this character.

In fact, Hinata is still a little misunderstood by Liu, and Liu's personality is not that kind of ice cubes.

As for why he is showing this appearance now, this is completely the appearance of a person after being disappointed. After all, the death of the broom completely shattered the only hope in his heart.

In self-doubt, it's normal to have a personality like this.

And now that he has regained the hope of surviving~www.readwn.com~ When he completely recovers from this disappointment, his personality should also change a little bit!

Then Hinata said, "Liu, right?"

Hinata exclaimed with an old-fashioned look. It seems that the difference in age and body size did not make Hinata restrained.

Liu replied, "Yes!"

Hinata said: "Since Snowbird chooses to trust you, then I won't say anything more. By the way, you can call me Shuoyue," and then pointed to the saddle horse Wuyue and Shui Wuyue coldly: "You You can call them phantoms and snowbirds."

"Since you have joined us, there are some rules you must know too."

"First of all, you can only be regarded as a peripheral member of our organization. If you can make a significant contribution, you can be promoted to a core member exceptionally."

"Also, next, you will be in charge of everything in the secret base here in the Land of Birds instead of us."

"By the way, in the meantime, I hope you don't reveal the identity of our organization, and for some follow-up questions, I will list a document for you."

"The most important thing is that the name of our organization is "Dawn". I hope you can remember it. Of course, only you can remember it. Well, if there is no problem, we will set off."

Liu shook his head to indicate no problem.

Then the originally three-person team became four, and Hinata suddenly felt awkward.

I feel that this goes against her original intention. After all, she originally planned to choose to build an organization with only core members, just like the Xiao organization.

I just want to be able to provide assistance to Hinata and the others in terms of intelligence and funds in the next time. Hinata feels that this choice is not a disadvantage.

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