Hinata, Stop Pretending

Chapter 132: : Are you greedy for the title girl's body?

Besides, the face between the village and the village is still needed. Relying on the fact that he is a ninja, he will attack the commoners, and he is not afraid of being laughed at when it spreads.

Of course, there are far more than one Sand Ninja like the young man. There are many ninjas all over Konoha. The moment they received the signal, they already started to gather consciously.

In the end, in groups of three or five, it became an organized team and began to directly attack various important hubs of Konoha.

The three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hiizhan and the fourth generation of Kazekage didn't move in the stands, and Sarutobi Hiizhan said quietly, "Kazekage, what exactly do you mean by this, Your Excellency?"

Fengying seems to have no personality and said with a fluctuating expression: "Didn't you hear it? Konoha collapse plan, the purpose is to directly destroy Konoha!"

Sarutobi Hiizan: "Sauga, since that's the case, then I can't just ignore it!"

After he finished speaking, he put his hand on the brim of the Hokage hat, as if he was planning to throw away the Hokage hat and go directly into battle.

At this time, Aoba Yamashiro seemed to have just realized what happened. It wasn't that he was stupid, but the scene that happened today was absolutely too shocking.

After he reacted, he subconsciously wanted to cut Sarutobi Hiru forward to protect him.

But at this moment, a few kunai flew from somewhere, and stabbed directly into his chest, and he immediately swayed.

He fell to the ground, not knowing if he was alive or dead.

Sarutobi Hizan was distracted by this scene and turned his head to look at Yamashiro Aoba, but at this moment, Kazuki, who had no movement at all, moved.

An instant body technique came to Hokage, took out a kunai and placed it directly in front of Sarutobi Hizan's neck.

Then he grabbed Hiizan Sarutobi in a blink of an eye, and went directly to the roof.

Sarutobi Hiizan's expression was indifferent, and he did not show any flustered expression at all. Instead, the other party seemed to be trying to persuade him: "Your Excellency Kazekage, are you really ready?"

"Konoha and Sand Ninja are an alliance. If our alliance is directly announced to break down at this time, the biggest possible benefit will be other countries."

Feng Ying suddenly let out a smirk, his voice changed, and he said with a hoarse accent: "Hehehe, Sarutobi-sensei, you don't have the ambition you once had, which means you're old. "

As Kazekage took off Kazekage's hat, what was revealed was the face that Hizan Sarutobi was no longer familiar with.

He whispered in his mouth: "Orochimaru."

At this time, he still didn't care that Orochimaru was using Kuwujia around his neck. If there was any negligence, Sarutobi Hizen might have to say goodbye to this world in advance.

Of course, is he fearless, or does he believe in Orochimaru's character, thinking that although this former disciple of his is cruel, he will not use such despicable means when dealing with himself.

Orochimaru slowly retracted the kunai that was on Sarutobi Hiizan's neck, and then slowly stepped back, as if he was not worried at all that Sarutobi Hiizan would attack.

It seems casual and frivolous, but at this time, Orochimaru is also full of thoughts.

He stared at Sarutobi Hiizhan and said, "Lord Hokage, I didn't expect that we hadn't seen each other for so many years, this is what happened when we met."

"You are also older than then, and you can't see your ambitions when you were young. Sure enough, the years are still the most ruthless."

Sarutobi Hiizhan faintly said: "Although the years are ruthless, I don't think I wasted time. I have devoted myself to the development of the village for so many years."

"I saw that the will of fire is also passed down from generation to generation. Even if I am old, Konoha has already succeeded."

Orochimaru has always kept a smile. He didn't refute what Sarutobi said, and he didn't like arguing with people.

What he is now pursuing is something he thinks is different from everyone in the ninja world, and he has embarked on a new path.

This journey is undoubtedly full of mystery and danger, but its destination exudes a strange attraction.

Orochimaru was deeply fascinated by it, and for this reason he was willing to abandon everything to embark on this road and follow "eternal life."

Sarutobi Hizen seemed to have some doubts in his heart, so he asked casually, like chatting with an old friend, "Orochimaru, I remember that you couldn't attack Konoha just because of revenge."

"You are completely useless, and it is absolutely impossible for you to be filled with anger and do irrational things."

Orochimaru said: "That's natural, and the purpose of my action this time is to make waves in the ninja world again,"

"It's like a windmill. Although it sometimes turns slowly, it's not worth seeing. Now, let's take advantage of the wind that destroys Konoha to make the windmill turn."

Sarutobi Hizan began to be silent again. It seems that everything has an answer now, and he doesn't want to continue to ask anything.

But Orochimaru continued to talk eloquently: "Three generations of adults, I told you a long time ago, let you choose the fifth generation earlier, because you, the third generation, will definitely die here."

Sarutobi Hizan said: "Don't worry, even if I die here, I will take you to be buried with me. Today, I just took this opportunity to clear the door, and swear by my identity as the third Hokage."

Orochimaru: "Teacher, you are still so cold to me as always,"

"Don't be joking, you are just a temporary leader in the history of the Konoha organization. Even if there is a stone statue, it will be weathered one day."

Immediately, he turned around and said, "However, teacher, have you predicted your own death? I won't be merciful because of your old age."

At this moment, four figures suddenly emerged from an unknown corner, approaching Sarutobi Hizan and Orochimaru quickly.

The last four people occupy the four corners respectively, start the battle at the same time, and shout at the same time: "The four purple flames are forming."

With four people as the four corners, a completely rectangular barrier envelops Hiruzen Sarutobi and Orochimaru.

Orochimaru said: "Hehe, Mr. Sarutobi, my four lovely subordinates have set up a barrier so that no one will disturb the fight between us."

Sarutobi Hizan said solemnly: "That's fine, there's no need to involve other people in the fight between us. I don't know how much my strength has declined over the years."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and took off the Hokage hat and Hokage Royal robe.

The black suit made of armor was revealed, and looking at the appearance of this suit, it seemed that he had no idea how many battles he had experienced with Hizen Sarutobi.

Orochimaru didn't hesitate and also pulled down Fengying Yushen's robe.

The dress still seemed so cool, with a beige cloth and something like a purple water pipe on his back.

Orochimaru said: "Hehe, aging is really empty, and now looking at you, my feelings are even more profound."

Sarutobi Hizan didn't answer, and he had already made a seal in his hand. It seemed that he would show the majesty of his ninjutsu professor in the next moment.

Orochimaru was still in no hurry, and said, "Since you are so persistent, teacher,"

The tone suddenly changed, as if he was chasing the prey with a predator, and he exuded a fierce breath: "Then I will interrupt your pillar and let the Konoha family collapse."

In the stands, there was already a mess, Xiao Ying sat quietly in her seat, her eyes closed, but her brows were constantly wrinkling.

When his brows wrinkled to a certain extent, his eyes suddenly opened, giving the impression that he had just escaped from a dangerous place.

Before she could take any action, she saw a black figure pass directly above her head and smashed straight towards the competition arena.

At the same time, the rough voice sounded: "I ~ hit ~ ah ~"

Immediately, two or three figures flew out as if they were kicked by two feet.

She turned her head and saw that Matekai and Kakashi were constantly dealing with the siege of dozens of people.

Although it looks very dangerous, in fact, these dozens of people can only do warm-up exercises for Matekai and Kakashi at best.

After Kakashi also solved the two enemies smoothly, after seeing Sakura wake up, he even greeted Sakura with a smile: "Oh, Sakura is finally awake."

Sakura suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and immediately turned her head to look at the competition arena, only to find that Sasuke and Gaara had already disappeared, and now it was Maki and Genma Shiranui who were still facing each other in the arena.

She didn't realize what kind of situation she had reached now, and under such circumstances, she dared to be distracted.

At that time, some ninjas saw Sakura who was sober, and didn't think too much about it. The two closest to Sakura were already attacking Sakura with weapons.

Kakashi frowned a little when he saw this, but Sakura really made people feel completely uneasy!

Immediately, he pushed up the Konoha forehead guard covering his right eye.

The blood-red eyes with three hooked jade patterns were revealed, and without hesitation, they immediately moved,

Directly facing the two of them, they used the writing wheel to add an illusion, and the two who rushed forward immediately seemed to be suspended by time, and stood upright and motionless in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, after kicking another enemy with one kick, Mattkay immediately sprinted forward, taking three steps and two steps.

With one move, Konoha Whirlwind will directly prepare to attack Sakura, and the two enemies that have been controlled by Kakashi's illusion are kicked away.

Sakura regained her senses immediately, cold sweat oozing out of her forehead, what happened to herself just now, if it wasn't for Kakashi and Matekai, she would have been able to say goodbye to this world.

Kakashi didn't care about the enemies around him, but scolded directly: "Sakura, as a ninja, in this situation, you are joking with your own life."

"You may also implicate the wisdom of your companions because of your actions."

Sakura immediately felt very ashamed and didn't speak.

Kakashi said: "Okay, let's not talk about this first, Sasuke has already gone after Gaara, and now I will issue a special mission."

Xiao Sakura immediately sighed when she heard the words,

"Sakura, you have the talent to practice illusions. Next, you go to get Shikamaru, Hinata, and whoever wakes up, and then go after Sasuke directly."

"The mission level is A. This is the A-level mission that Naruto has been looking forward to for a long time, but he may have no fate with this mission."

Although he kept talking without stopping, the movements of his hands did not slow down in the slightest.

In the time of these few words, he also easily solved the three enemies who rushed towards him.

Sakura also immediately took the order: "Hi!"

Then, under the cover of Matekai and Kakashi, he woke up Hinata and Shikamaru, who secretly pretended to be a salted fish.

Oil Girl Shino looked at the chaos in the field, looked at Kakashi and Matekai who were fighting fiercely, and looked at these enemies passing by, but she didn't seem to pay attention but her eyes.

It seemed that he was about to leave, and he seemed to have completely forgotten about his three people.

He stood up silently, put his hands in his pockets, at this moment he realized, he completely realized.

Then he chose to leave early, like those in the audience who were in a very bad mood because of watching the stage play.

Looking at an enemy running directly towards him, he didn't move, but when he saw the enemy approaching him, he didn't know what to think.

Immediately, the oil girl Shino also seemed to become more daring, and the whole person also started to leave along the corridor dignifiedly, and he also wanted to chase Gaara.

No, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Gaara has nothing to do with him. He is after Kankuro. He said that he will not forgive Kankuro's humiliation to him. This time, he will definitely let the other party quietly of.

Sakura wakes up Hinata, who is overwhelmed, and Shikamaru, whose forehead is twisted into a river.

Kakashi also used psychics directly and summoned his psychic dog Parker directly.

As the saying goes, what kind of master is what kind of psychic beast, this sentence is not wrong at all.

As the smoke rose, Parker also stretched out a paw at Sakura Hinata and Shikamaru, and said, "Oh, how are you guys."

Kakashi broke through the greeting stage and said, "Parker, this time it's up to you to lead them to find Sasuke!"

Then Kakashi looked at Sakura and said, "Sakura, do you have anything from Sasuke on you?"

Sakura's face seemed to blushed a little, and she said, "Yes," she took out a handful of kunai and said, "Mr. Kakashi, this is the kunai that Sasuke dropped, and I picked it up. "

Parker said: "Okay, give me Kuwu, and I will find Sasuke after distinguishing the breath of Kuwu."

Sakura didn't do anything immediately, and immediately multiplied Kunai's hands and sent it to Parker's nose.

Parker was not pretentious. He immediately stepped forward and started smelling it with his dog's nose. After a few seconds, he said, "Well, I have already remembered the smell on Sasuke, so let's go now!"

However, when he turned his head, the dog looked directly at Sakura and said, "Sakura, you must like Sasuke very much, right! I can smell your breath in this kunai, and it is very strong, it must be kept close to me. Right!"

Shikamaru showed surprise, and Hinata silently gave Parker two thumbs up and praised her: "OK!"

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