Hinata, Stop Pretending

Chapter 142: : The plot must kill 2

Orochimaru didn't move. He planned to try out Sarutobi Hiizan what kind of ninjutsu this move was.

As Senju Hashimura was completely locked to death, behind the floating and Sarutobi Hizan, the huge Grim Reaper that only Sarutobi Hizan could see, slowly stretched out his terrifying big hand.

Throwing directly past Sarutobi Hizan's body, he grabbed it directly towards Senju Hashirama.

Immediately, the big hand was buried in Qianshou Zhujian's body, as if it had penetrated directly,

However, as the big hand was withdrawn, Hiizan Sarutobi clearly saw the swaying figure dragged out of the body of Reincarnation by the God of Death.

This really belongs to the soul of Senju Hashirama. As it was dragged out, the big hand quickly retracted, and then it was pulled into the body of Hizen Sarutobi.

Immediately, a seal pattern emerged from his belly corns, which announced that the soul of the first Hokage Senju has been sealed.

With all these changes, Orochimaru frowned deeply. Compared with just now, Sarutobi Hizen seemed to have done something that he could not observe with the naked eye.

However, he could clearly feel that Sarutobi Hizan was even weaker than before, and what caught his attention the most was the Senju Hashirama who was reincarnated from the dirt.

At this time, for some unknown reason, the whole person began to slowly dissipate,

This is very unscientific, very not a snake pill, you must know that people who are reincarnated in dirty earth can be said to be immortal as long as the caster is not affected.

The same Chakra is almost endless, but, what is going on now!

The Senju Hashirama, who was reincarnated in the dirt, actually began to dissipate, and he immediately thought of the mysterious ninjutsu that Sarutobi Hizen had just performed, the ninjutsu that made his scalp feel a little numb.

If this is really the case, Orochimaru thinks that the level of terror of this ninjutsu is very scary.

Immediately, he thought for a while, and his brain began to spin rapidly. At this moment, he suddenly thought of something,

Could it be that this ninjutsu is aimed at the human soul? If this is the case, then everything can be said.

Invisible and intangible, he immediately recalled the previous changes in Sarutobi Hiizan's movements.

Afterwards, I had an idea in my heart. Although this ninjutsu move is really powerful and weird, as long as you keep your balance and don't get close.

The danger should not be as exaggerated as I imagined.

With a decision, Orochimaru felt that he should not take such a risk yet. For the sake of safety, it is better to try it out first.

The illusion of the second generation Senju Tobirama, the dark line of art is almost reaching its limit.

If possible, let this second generation do some testing!

Immediately, he swept his eyes in a certain direction and said to himself, "Teacher, you really set it up properly! It seems that the Konoha collapse plan this time can also be temporarily announced."

"Although the receipt was not as huge as expected, I didn't lose anything. After all, the main force who attacked Konoha was Sand Shinobi."

Although Tonin is also involved, but for Orochimaru, the establishment of Tonin Village can only be said to be a whim, after the relationship between the daimyo of the Kingdom of Hotan became more and more deadlocked.

This Tonin Village can only be said to be an empty shelf, and valuable things have long been secretly transferred by Orochimaru, and the Tonin who attacked Konoha this time can already be said to be almost all of the strength of Tonin Village.

Besides, Orochimaru's attitude towards life is really very indifferent, and he doesn't really care much about how many people will die this time.

With the lifting of the dark line technique, a shadow clone left by Sarutobi Hiizan turned his attention to the direction of Orochimaru.

The current Sarutobi Hidden Sword has almost reached the point where it is almost exhausted. After all, the aging of the human body cannot be avoided for 99% of the ninjas.

It was going to be a quick fight, and at this moment Senju Tobirama attacked again, Sarutobi Hiizan frowned, and immediately took action to block, but Senju Tobirama's body suddenly froze.

Without any hesitation, after he stopped, he just used water to hide his face, which meant that he didn't intend to get close at all.

Sarutobi Hizan smiled bitterly, has this all been seen through? As expected, it was the Orochimaru who he once admired the most, no matter whether it was ability, talent or ninjutsu talent.

Although the form seems to be more unfavorable to him, don't panic, the ape demon is still by his side, as long as the timing is right, there is still a chance.

He immediately constructed a game in his mind, a game specifically for Orochimaru.

This game is not difficult, he will mainly deal with Senju Tobirama next, this is the beginning of this game.

Because he knows that Orochimaru is suspicious by nature, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to directly target him, so he will create one for Orochimaru next.

It is suitable for him, let him dare to have the courage, come close to him, and dare to attack him directly.

But as long as he cooperates properly, he believes that Orochimaru will do it. Even if he may know that it is a trap, he will not hesitate.

After all, the opportunity is rare, and there is no such thing as a 100% certainty in the ninja world.

So at this time, he didn't even look at Orochimaru, who was out of the way, and rushed straight towards Qianshou Tobirama, as if he knew that he was going to reincarnate from the filth.

How could Orochimaru make Hiruzen Sarutobi so wishful, and manipulated Senju Tobirama not to give Hiruzen Sarutobi any chance.

In his hand, Sarutobi Hizan held the iron rod transformed from the ape demon, and from time to time he swung out the water ninjutsu that could be smooth but not very powerful.

At this moment, Hiruzen Sarutobi's eyes lit up, a good opportunity. At this time, after escaping one of his pursuits, Senju Tobirama immediately landed as usual and was ready to perform ninjutsu. .

But at this moment, Hiruzen Sarutobi threw out the iron rod in his hand, and it looked like this was a sneak attack that had been gaining momentum for a long time.

To directly break the current deadlock, the iron rod incarnated by the ape demon smashed at Senju Tobirama at an extremely fast speed, because the distance was not very far, and the sneak attack was premeditated.

And the wisdom of the ape demon itself, which directly led to the iron rod directly smashing the Qianshou Tobirama.

He turned into an ape again. He stretched out his arms and grabbed Qianshou Tobirama directly. At the same time, he shouted, "Hisashi, hurry up."

The moment Sarutobi Hizan threw the iron rod out, he was already galloping towards this side at a very high speed.

When the monkey demon shouted, he was already in front of Senju Tobirama, looking at Senju Tobirama who seemed to want to perform some kind of ninjutsu with Yuyin.

Sarutobi Hizana's brows tightened, and without any hesitation, he controlled one of Senju Tobirama's arm, preventing him from being able to perform a complete ninjutsu.

At the same time, the shadow avatar who was following him quickly chased after him, and without any hesitation, he reached out and grabbed Chishou Tobirama's other hand.

The appearance of several people is a little weird. The two men are each holding a man's hand, and behind the man is a very fancy ape who is hugging from behind.

If you change the place, the scene might be really embarrassing.

After the shadow clone nodded at Sarutobi Hiru, his eyes widened immediately, and a circular area on his belly had been destroyed by invisible power.

Of course, this is not the time to continue to care about these things.

That apparently unidentified hand stretched out directly from the belly of Hiru Sarutobi's Zhankage clone, and the other hand was directly and neatly stuffed into Senju Tobirama's body.

At the moment when her soul was completely dragged out, Senju Tobirama seemed to have temporarily regained her lucidity for a while, and said Hiruzen Sarutobi, who saw the sweat rolling down her forehead.

: "Little monkey, I'm really bothering you this time. With Qianshou Tobirama, he was completely dragged into the belly of his shadow clone by a big hand, and after the belly grabbed and formed a seal."

Sarutobi Hizan seemed to be unable to hold on any longer, and his whole body swayed his legs and fell to the ground.

Sarumo didn't know when, he had come to Sarutobi Hizan and asked, "Hizan, are you alright!"

Hiruzen Sarutobi dressed rough and said, "It's okay, I can still hold on!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Sarutobi Hizan felt a cold light on his back like a thorn, followed by a chuckle: "Teacher, you are really old, have you forgotten the first rule of the ninja? Never leave your back to the enemy."

Orochimaru is still quite cautious. After coming to a similar distance, he did not come in person, but was far away, and directly used his unique ninjutsu to take the hand that he did not know when he touched it. The Kusanagi sword stabbed towards Sarutobi Hibiki.

Sarutobi Hizan seemed to be unable to hold on any longer, and he just waited there in a daze. Orochimaru frowned, and secretly said: No,

The attack immediately stopped, then turned around and faced the empty rear. After finding that there was nothing, he realized something in an instant.

Turning his head, Sarutobi Hizan, who seemed to have been hollowed out, got up from the ground and rushed towards him.

Orochimaru didn't seem to be able to hold back, and said, "The old thing actually played with me."

Although he said that, his hands were not slow at all. The snake mouth holding the Kusanagi sword just turned and slashed towards Sarutobi Hizan.

Sarutobi Hizan didn't care at all, just at this moment: The Sarutobi Iron Rod stepped forward and collided with Kusanagi Sword fiercely.

This can be regarded as a crucial time for Sarutobi Hijen. Orochimaru did not turn around and retreat directly. He also said that the first rule of ninja is not to leave your back to the enemy.

Besides, it was already a little late, Sarutobi Hizen seized this neutral position and came to him, and he grabbed Orochimaru's two arms with a clasp of both hands.

Orochimaru seemed to want to struggle, but at this time, he seemed to sense a very terrifying aura, and it was hard for him to move when he was directly pressed.

The Kusanagi sword in his hand also fell to the ground with a clatter, his eyes fixed on Sarutobi Hizan's back.

It seemed that he saw the drooling death **** who was waiting to eat, chattering and laughing weirdly.

Seeing Orochimaru's expression, Hiruzen Sarutobi didn't hesitate, but with a thought, the Shinigami who appeared behind him also moved again.

As before, a big hand that was full of ominous signs at first glance slowly protruded from Sarutobi Hizan's body, and then grabbed directly into Orochimaru's body.

At this time, Sarutobi Hiizan has almost reached the stage of returning to the light of the last struggle.

At this time, he was not in a hurry, but said to Orochimaru, "Today, I will make amends for the mistakes I have made!"

The hand of the **** of death has penetrated into Orochimaru's body, and Orochimaru immediately shouted: "Old man, give up! No matter what, I will not let you seal my soul."

After all, Orochimaru can be regarded as an expert in soul, so when the hand of death grabbed his soul, he had already started to resist, and it was obvious that resistance was very effective.

Although the soul was still caught so much, Orochimaru's soul seemed to have taken root and sprouted in the body, and it couldn't be pulled out for a while.

Orochimaru's temples are also sweating, and the game of soul is not as easy as imagined.

He squeezed out a bit of energy again and forced his fingers to move. In an instant, the Kusanagi sword that had fallen to the ground actually floated up.

Then, like Mitsurugi, he stabbed directly at Hiru Sarutobi.

Ape Demon didn't know when he changed back to his real body. Looking at the Kusanagi sword that was about to fly in front of him, he immediately reached out and grabbed it without hesitation.

He directly grabbed the sharp hilt of the Kusanagi sword, which also gave the sword no chance to move forward. The price paid by the corresponding ape demon was that his big hand was also dyed red with blood.

Orochimaru didn't panic when he saw this~www.readwn.com~, he moved his right fingernail slightly, and the blade of the Kusanagi sword suddenly began to grow, piercing through Sarutobi Hizan's body without any hindrance.

But the fortunate thing is that although the sword body penetrated the body of Hiruzen Sarutobi, it is not a critical position, so he can still resist.

After doing all of this, Orochimaru no longer has the strength to move, and just now separated a little bit of energy to control Kusanagi sword. As a result, at this time, his soul has been torn out by a small part.

But he didn't panic at all at this moment, because he knew that as long as he bought more time, the first one who couldn't bear it would be his dear teacher.

After all, he was stabbed by himself again in the flashback stage, and he would not be able to hold on after a while.

Sarutobi Hizan seemed to have noticed it, and suddenly said, "Orochimaru, it seems like it won't take your life today, but that's fine."

"I will take away all your ninjutsu, so that you will never be able to harm the ninja world again. Perhaps this should be the best punishment for you."

After all, with the movement of his thoughts, the **** of death floating behind him slowly raised the sword of death.

With a simple wave at Orochimaru's soul arm, it was directly cut off without accident.

The hand of death that emerged from Sarutobi Hizan's body grabbed Orochimaru's arm and retracted it into Sarutobi Hizan's body, and successfully formed a seal.

Well, thank you Xiao Shanizi for your reward, as well as Uchiha Nie and other objective monthly ticket support, and also thank you to the students who are reading this book!

Because of you, I have the motivation to write!



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