Hinata, Stop Pretending

Chapter 148: : pay homage, advance

After doing this, Hinata is completely free. It is estimated that she will be able to do it for a long time. It should not be said that the whole Konoha will have nothing to do.

The impact of Hokage's death is really huge, so during the next period of time, no one will take up the assignments and the like.

And those ninjas who were still out on missions also returned to Konoha as soon as possible to avoid being suddenly attacked by other countries at this special juncture.

It was a cloudy day, and all the ninjas who returned to Konoha wore simple black mourning clothes, with that sadness, respect, and silence.

A mourning for the three generations of Hokage and the ninjas who died in this war.

Let's not talk about how Naruto was alive, but after all, the dead are the greatest. Under this silence of depression and sadness, even those ninjas who don't understand Sarutobi Hiizan very well.

Under the influence of this sub-atmosphere, he seemed to be very worried.

The sky covered with dark clouds began to drizzle lightly, and it was not accompanied by thunder and howling winds.

Standing in front of the Memorial Monument, everyone present bowed deeply three times. Perhaps because of the heavy rain, those who were emotionally vulnerable could not tell whether it was rain or tears running down their faces.

Everyone fell into a long silence after bowing. Some people began to recall the past bit by bit, some people realized something, and some people's heart was blank.

The rain in the sky seems to be getting bigger and bigger, but no one cares about it at this time. If the rain can wash away the grief of Konoha not long ago, then let the rain fall even bigger!

In the distance, Mito Gate Yan and Shun Koharu did not come forward to mourn, but just stopped to watch from a distance.

Mito Menyan didn't take care of the rain, but sighed: "Hey! Another friend of the same generation as us has left!"

The tone wasn't very sad. It wasn't Mitomen's fiery heart. For them, this kind of thing was no surprise, so they could only face it calmly at this time.

Turning to bed, Xiaochun said: "Yeah! I didn't expect it! But Sun Zhan should be satisfied! He hasn't had such a hearty battle for a long time."

Mito Menyan was silent for a long time: "Let's go! We are not too young, it would be a bit embarrassing if the two of us fell together because of this rain!"

Turning to bed, Xiaochun stretched out his hand and pulled down his glasses and said, "Yeah! Let's go first then!"

As they walked, Mito Menyan said: "By the way, Danzo is a little too much to say about this matter. He came to me yesterday and asked me to support him as the fifth Hokage."

Turning to bed, Xiaochun said: "Yes, I found him too, but we all know Danzo's temperament, he is definitely not suitable for the position of Hokage!"

Mito Menyan: "Indeed, he is a little too selfish. If he came out to help generously in this incident, the old man wouldn't mind supporting him, but he didn't move at all, which would be very uncomfortable. ."

Turning to bed, Xiaochun said: "Hey, without Sun Slash, Danzo's ambition will definitely grow at a faster rate, and we have to make a good calculation. No matter what happens on weekdays, we must suppress Danzo at this time. , must not let him meddle in the position of the fifth Hokage."

Mito Menyan: "Indeed, although Tsunade took the top position, it made me a little uncomfortable, but I have to agree that Tsunade is indeed at this time, very suitable for the position of the fifth-generation Hokage."

The figure of the old man and the old lady gradually disappeared in the rain with the voice of the words, until the voice became smaller and smaller, and they could no longer be seen.

On a big tree not far away, Zilai also leaned against the trunk while taking a sip of the wine in the gourd.

Even with the shelter of a big tree, it couldn't stop the rain from scouring him, and even the strange white hair was pulled on top of his head because of too much rain.

The temperament of Jiraiya at this time is a bit strange. He has removed all the shackles brought by fate and time from his body, and now only retains the innocence at the beginning and the desolation he has experienced now.

It stands to reason that these two temperaments should not exist at the same time, but I don't know why, at this time, perfection is reflected in Jiraiya.

He sipped a little wine from time to time, as if he was reminiscing about something, and he saw the actions of Xiaochun and Mitomenyan, but he didn't say anything.

Anyway, today he just wants to be quiet,

Those who held the memorial service did not begin to disperse until the rain stopped, the dark clouds began to dissipate gradually, and the sun reappeared.

Although this time is worthy of sadness, remembrance, and respect, people who are alive should not continue to be silent in the pain of yesterday.

Instead, you should stand up. After all, there are still many things that you have to face in the future. Just like the sun after the rain, it is the light that the survivors should go back to.

And at the moment when the sun rose after the rain, a tourist returning home slowly ushered in outside Konoha.

Over the past few days, ordinary people on Konoha Street have gradually resumed their former livelihoods.

Konoha is like a machine that has been reopened, and it begins to recover gradually. It may take a long time, but sooner or later, it will reach its peak again.

At this time, it was already past one o'clock in the afternoon. After the memorial ceremony was held, except for some people who were in charge of this matter, everyone else had already left.

After Kakashi returned home, he changed into a clean set of clothes, and after a little tidying up, he brought the book of literary giants that he never tires of to make his home.

I went directly to Konoha Street to solve my own food and clothing problems.

The people around were chattering, although it didn't look very noisy, but it was better than the cleanliness of a few days ago.

Kakashi rolled his eyes and scanned it quickly, wondering what he was going to eat.

But at this time, he seemed to hear a green bell ringing in his ear, and Kakashi was puzzled.

He turned his head and probed his head. On the pedestrian street on the left side of him, the two were wearing red cloud suits with a black background and hats with bells on their heads.

Looking at these two apparently special people, Kakashi immediately felt a bit of vigilance in his heart.

These two people are definitely not ordinary. At this time, there is a mysterious person coming to Konoha, which will definitely not be a good thing. It is estimated that there is a 70% probability that there must be some purpose.

Kakashi didn't say a word, and slowly followed behind the two mysterious people.

It's really that these two people are a little too dangerous. He really doesn't worry about letting such people wander around in Konoha Village. What if something really happens.

Simply, now that I have nothing to do, just follow them and see what they want to do.

Following Kakashi's follow, the eyes of the two people who were walking slowly in front were slightly squinted, and the one who was obviously the tallest whispered to the person next to him: "Itachi, what should I do? We are being followed. ."

Itachi lowered his head and whispered: "Don't worry about him, let's keep walking, as long as we don't do anything else in a short time, Konoha's ninjas should give up tracking."

The dried persimmon ghost shark next to him heard the words, and with his special voice, he sneered twice, and then said, "Follow us! The shark muscle hasn't eaten for a while."

"But, by the way, Itachi, how does it feel to be back in your hometown? Is there a warm feeling?"

Itachi frowned and said, "Konoha, it still doesn't seem to have changed! It's not much different from when I left."

The dried persimmon ghost shark, instead of answering, let out an inexplicable low smile.

The two of them were not in a hurry, like wandering around, stop and go, aimless, perhaps because the clothes were too dazzling, otherwise Kakashi might have given up long ago.

Finally, Kakashi's actions made Itachi, who has always been calm, feel a little difficult, and felt that there was no way to go on like this.

At this time, he turned a corner and saw a tea shop. Itachi was quite influential in this tea shop. In the past, he often came here to drink tea.

So, he said, let's go, go in, let's drink tea and see what this Konoha ninja wants to do.

Dried persimmon and ghost shark are all right. After hearing Itachi's opening, he followed it very honestly into the tea shop, picked a table and sat down.

Kakashi frowned upon seeing this, these two people are so annoying! Don't know if I didn't eat? Why do you go to drink tea so leisurely?

He didn't go in. Through the gap in the store's door curtain, he could clearly observe the two's every move.

He also leaned against a nearby railing, took out the literary masterpiece, and began to study it carefully again.

Time passed by, and the dried persimmon ghost shark sitting in the teahouse was very unhappy, because it was a ninja who hated this kind of inattentive follower.

Itachi said: "Dry persimmon ghost shark, calm down."

At this moment, Asma and Yuhi Kane walked side by side at the corner. Judging from their appearance, the relationship between them should have reached the point where they can talk about marriage.

But maybe it's because the two of them are too thin-skinned for this kind of thing, and they are not so active.

As they turned the corner, they saw Kakashi, and said hello: "Kakashi, what a coincidence! What are you doing?"

Kakashi turned his eyes away, and seemed to have a little interest and said, "Yo, are you two going out for a walk together?"

As soon as these words came out, Asma and Kurenai Yuhi were obviously blushing, their eyes were a little evasive, and they didn't dare to look at Kakashi.

In order to take over, Asma said directly, "Kakashi, what are you doing here."

Kakashi said: "Hey, I didn't eat lunch, and I met two guys who looked very mysterious and difficult to deal with. I was worried, so I followed them."

After he finished speaking, he turned his eyes, and Yuhika and Asma immediately understood, and turned their heads, only to find that the table where Uchiha Itachi and Kakikisha were sitting was empty.

Kakashi said: "Chase, these two people are definitely not simple characters. If such characters are allowed to wander around in Konoha Village, maybe something will happen."

The two nodded immediately after hearing the words, and they used the instant technique to chase after Uchiha Itachi and Shikigami who had already fled.

When Kakashi saw this, he immediately sighed, directly used the psychic technique, summoned Parker, and after explaining the ins and outs of the matter to Parker, Parker did not hesitate and went directly in one direction.

After that, Kakashi didn't delay. Although Kurenai Yuhi and Asma were Joinin, Kakashi felt that those two were not simple people. Just in case, he had better catch up quickly.

When he was just about to leave, Asma and Yuhi Hong had already blocked them.

Hong Yuhi said with a hint of stubbornness: "The two mysterious people don't know what is going on with our Konoha."

Hearing this, Itachi seemed to be somewhat open-minded, pulled off a piece of clothing that could cover half of his face, and then grabbed the bamboo hat with the wind chimes.

It revealed the drifting short hair, and the three gouyu eyes slowly rotating in the pupils.

Then he said casually: "I am also a former Konoha member, this time I just went home to see, is there any problem? Asma."

Asma was surprised: "Are you Itachi?"

Yuri Hong asked in surprise: "Asma, do you know him?"

Asma didn't answer, but said, "Then who is the other?"

Seeing this~www.readwn.com~, the dried persimmon ghost shark also took off his bamboo hat, showing that smile on his face, as well as the conspicuous forehead guard of Mistin and Rebellion.

Dry Persimmon Ghost Shark said: "Hello everyone, my name is Dry Persimmon Ghost Shark, I'm Itachi's teammate."

After hearing the words of the dried persimmon ghost shark, Asma was shocked again, the dried persimmon ghost shark can be said to be famous!

Sweat gradually appeared on his forehead, and he thought, Kakashi is really sharp, and it is a little too dangerous to let two such strong guys sway in Konoha Village.

Hong Yuhi was baffled by Asma's surprise, Yuhi Hong said, "Asma, no matter who they are! We have to hold them back."

After he finished speaking, he directly took out a handful of Kunai and killed the two of them directly.

Asma, bah, spit out the cigarette in his mouth. Although Hong Yuhi's approach is indeed a bit reckless, but the words are very reasonable. This is Konoha.

A little movement can attract the assistance of a large number of ninjas in Konoha. Although the number of ninjas in this place is very small, it is fortunate that they still have Kakashi.

As long as Kakashi releases the news, as long as the two of them hold on, they will definitely win in the end.

In the ninja bag, he also took out the two specially made chakra knives, and after using the chakra change of the wind attribute on them, he rushed towards the two of them.

Naturally, Kurenai Yuhi met Uchiha Itachi, and Asma met Shikigami.

Itachi didn't actually intend to do it, and when Yuhika rushed in front of him, he took the initiative to avoid it.

On the other hand, the dried persimmon ghost shark also randomly used the shark muscle wrapped with bandages to block Asma's chakra knife,

It seems that there is half a catty between the two sides.

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