Hinata, Stop Pretending

Chapter 169: : Not in 1 channel

"The Camel Bell accompanied me on the road to the sanctuary. Forgive me for being lost, covering my eyes and drowning my intentions. How could I be conquered like this..."

As Hinata hummed a song in her heart that was very emotional in her previous life and matched the atmosphere at this time, Hinata felt more comfortable at this time.

Since she wanted to understand these things, she took the initiative to get out of the old monk's state of meditation.

But in order to maintain her character, she naturally sits upright.

Shikamaru was different. Look, although he also looked at the scenery on both sides of the road with his eyes open, his whole body seemed to be slumped on the seat.

At first glance, it was a person with a very bad tutor, Hinata silently commented.

But at this moment, rumbling sounds came from time to time, and everyone looked back, and behind them they saw a huge shadow, probably because the distance was too far,

It's also possible that no one wants to believe this. Anyway, we can only see a vague picture now.

Shikamaru stood up immediately, and Hinata naturally stood up with him.

Nara Shikamaru first stopped and watched for two seconds, then his expression changed instantly.

At this moment, He Yan, riding a small donkey, hurriedly came here from the front of the team.

With a hint of panic in his mouth, he said, "It's not good, Lord Ninja, what should we do next."

Shikamaru looked at it, and He Yan, who seemed to be frightened, pouted, but continued without changing his expression: "It is estimated that the behemoth behind us that is driving this way is our opponent."

"And looking at the appearance, the other party is obviously prepared. If we really continue to move forward like this, the speed will definitely not be as fast as this behemoth."

"So it's only a matter of time before we get caught up. In that case, Captain He Yan, it's time to make your choice."

He Yan was slightly taken aback and said, "What choice?"

Shikamaru said: "In order to avoid reducing the loss of your clan, I suggest that at this time, you can only give up these goods and the like."

"At the same time, in order not to cause riots, it is best to divide the people who are going to evacuate into several groups, and each group should be taken by competent people."

"And you, Captain He Yan, you have to stay. After all, you are the only one who knows the secrets you said. If you run away too."

"The other party may simply choose to kill, and you don't want your clan to be implicated!"

He Yan nodded solemnly and said, "Okay, I understand, I'll go down and make arrangements."

After he finished speaking, he rode his little donkey towards the front of the team again.

Within two minutes, the entire huge team was divided into five teams one after another! Basically every team has old and young.

With the family and the mouth, the luggage and other items are also directly abandoned. In order to speed up the speed, the animals who are pulling the goods are also temporarily liberated.

Each animal carries more or less people on its back and flees directly in five directions.

After arranging this, He Yan returned to Nara Shikamaru and Hinata without saying a word, and Hinada and the two didn't say anything.

At this time, the face of the fortress can be said to be clearly visible, and the deafening roar is getting more and more intense.

Shikamaru said, "I guess the other party has already discovered us!"

"Then we don't need to stay here any longer. I don't want to face each other directly."

"Oh! It's really troublesome to think about. If you can run away, it would be even better."

Hinata was stunned for a while, but of course this was the expression in her heart.

Speaking of Shikamaru, can you still have a face? Her Hinata Hinata will definitely not believe the other party's remarks, and for nothing else, Shikamaru will definitely not be the one who is willing to deliberately expose herself to such an environment.

At this time, she stood up bravely and sacrificed herself. Either she knew that Hinata Hinata was really good at fighting, or she must have other plans.

When Hinata was thinking, Shikamaru interrupted and said to He Yan, "Okay, Captain He Yan, you don't need to pretend in front of us."

He pointed at Hinata: "She is a member of the Hinata clan, she has white eyes, and her eyes can see the flow of chakra in the human body."

"The chakra in your body is naturally hidden from Hinata's eyes. Shikamaru said this very confidently."

But the speaker has no intention, and the listener has intention.

He Yan's pupils shrank slightly. After hearing Shikamaru's answer, he obviously felt something was wrong.

After all, he naturally knew the white eyes of the Hinata clan, and when he saw Hinata, he already knew that Hinata had white eyes.

But to be honest, he didn't panic at all, the reason was naturally that he got one through a special channel.

Something that can be very suitable for you and can hide yourself as a ninja, but what's going on, it seems that the things that have been tried and tested in the past don't work this time.

This thing is also very special. He used to carry this kind of thing, and he was still wandering around the Hyuga Clan for two times. During the period, the Hyuga Clan people who had white eyes naturally discovered him.

But they all thought he was an ordinary person, but after persuading him to leave, there was no more.

Therefore, I just want to prove that this thing has been practiced, and this thing is not afraid of the eyes of the Hinata clan.

But what's going on now, he subconsciously wants to reach out and touch a certain position on his body.

Then he suppressed his actions again, because he felt that it was impossible for him to lose this thing~www.readwn.com~, and the touch from somewhere in his body was enough to explain all this.

It's even more unlikely that this thing is not working. After all, the probability is too small, so small that it can be ignored.

Then the only possibility, and the biggest possibility, is that the other party is deliberately blowing himself up to see if he will be exposed.

After consciously figuring it out, he immediately patted his chest, and said in his heart, "Wow, it's so dangerous, so dangerous.

Sure enough, none of the children who grew up in Shinobi Village can make people feel happy, and even the experienced old man almost said, I am so happy to play with you guys.

Hmph, don't play anymore, two little brats, annoyingly tight.

On the surface, He Yan didn't seem to understand what Shikamaru was saying. Instead, he showed a confused look, as if you were turning so fast that you just threw me off several channels.

Shikamaru pouted, pretending to be paralyzed, Hinata, the little transparent and unreal owner of white eyes, has spoken, how could he wrong you.

But he didn't show it on purpose. Instead, the topic changed again: "Okay, we really can't just wait here stupidly."

"Let's go too." After he finished speaking, he also chose a direction and galloped away. Hinata followed, but He Yan could only silently ride a small donkey and move in a very graphic way.


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