Hinata, Stop Pretending

Chapter 19: : Akimichi Choji will treat guests

Inuzukaya said: "Dingji, the invitation can be consumed once, but we have eight people in total, so it's hard for us to pay for it out of our own pockets."

Ino said: "If you really want to pay out of your own pocket, then forgive me for not escorting me. Eating such greasy food at noon will damage the skin of our girls." After speaking, he touched his face.

A sudden voice came, with zero sense of existence, wearing a pair of sunglasses and always keeping an eye on strangers, Shino said, "I don't think Dingci would do such a thing."

Qiu Dao Dingci also immediately raised his chubby hands and hurriedly started swinging, "It's not you, don't get me wrong, I didn't explain it clearly just now."

"This invitation can be directly reserved for a separate box. As long as there are no more than ten people, this invitation can be consumed once for free."

While several people were still discussing, Hinata blinked and stared at the barbecue restaurant in a cute way. He seemed to have written down a small notebook in his heart: Well, the restaurant recommended by Choji Akita must be written down.

Qiu Dao Dingci suddenly said, "It's a pity that Sasuke didn't come."

Recalling the scene when he went to invite Sasuke, he felt a little wronged. If he didn't come, he wouldn't come. Don't you know that the little fat man's heart is very fragile?

Shikamaru: "Okay, since we're all here, wouldn't it be too much trouble not to go in?"

Hinata nodded ignorantly and said, "Yes! Yes!"

Then, under the leadership of Dingji, I finally walked into this barbecue restaurant.

After Dingci took out the invitation, a young and beautiful young lady wearing an apron and a white scarf led them to a box with a bright smile.

The box is not big, there are just eight seats, and a large oven rack. Although I can't see anything special about this box, I have to say that this box is really clean. It leaves the first impression. very good.

Qiu Dao Dingji said boldly, "Give us more sliced ​​meat."

The waiter smiled and said, "Okay, little sir, I'll let the kitchen prepare the ingredients, please wait a little longer," and then left the box.

After several people took their seats, Shikamaru filled himself with a glass of water, then took a sip and said, "I said, Dingci, do you need any help from us, otherwise I don't believe that you just want to ask Let's have a meal."

Ding Ci scratched his head and said, "Actually, it's not a big deal. I just want you to help me find a way."

Inuzuka Ya said in disbelief: "Tsk tsk, what's going on, I'm getting more and more curious."

Dingci said: "In two days, the Big Stomach King competition, which can only be held once in several years in Konoha Village, is coming."

"This time, the champion of Big Eater is a half-year free meal coupon for 20 high-end restaurants."

"You know what this means. It means that if you win the championship, the kind of restaurant that can't eat several times on weekdays can eat for half a year at a time."

"This is such a temptation for my Qiudao family, so I want to get it."

Inuzukaya said doubtfully, "What's so difficult about that? You compete, and then you can take the first place? Is there anyone in your Qiudao clan who can't compare in terms of eating?"

Ding Ci said melancholy: "Of course I know this, but the problem this time is that after learning the news, many elders in my Qiu Dao clan are also very interested in this competition."

"You don't know, they are all about to fight because of this incident in the clan, and they are all full of anger."

Suddenly, a large group of fat people roared in front of him, and all of them couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Shikamaru rubbed the corners of his brows and said, "I said, Dingci, there's really no good way to do this, you can only do your best."

"After all, if the others are fine, but your opponent is the elder in your clan, so we can only do nothing."

Speaking of this, Dingci showed a disappointed look, and then said, "Is that really the case?" There was a little silence for two seconds.

Ding Ci said again, "Forget it, then you guys are helping me to think of a way. I don't expect champions or anything, but I'll be satisfied with participating in the competition and having a good meal."

Oil girl Shino said silently: "Dingci classmate, what you mean is that you are not even qualified to participate in the competition."

Dingci nodded: "They said I was too young and overeating was bad for my health, so they banned me from the competition."

Everyone was silent. After a while, the kind waiter and sister walked in with a cart full of meat slices of various animals.

After several people thanked them, the young lady left the box again, and several people rudely put the meat slices on the barbecue grill. In the process, everyone was frolicking again.

When the piece of barbecue made a sizzling sound on the grill, she gently put it into her small bowl with chopsticks and took a bite. Well, it tasted oily but not greasy. Hinata said that she liked it the most. .

Several people also started one after another. Before anyone could speak, Naruto, who seemed to be silent, immediately exclaimed, "Dead Dog One, Xiao Ying, you should try it too."

Sakura got up and squeezed her fists with a stern slap: "What's the noise, can't you eat well!" Naruto covered the big bag on his head with both hands, and seemed to want to cry without tears. Hinata said that his mouth was not connected. Naruto generally has no human rights in this environment.

Then Sakura sighed again, and Dingji asked, "Sakura, what's the matter with you? Is the barbecue not to your taste?"

Hinata also whispered, "Yes, Sakura."

Sakura seems to have shed half of the depression in her heart because of that fist. Everyone silently observed three seconds of silence for Naruto. You must have been used as a gas bag.

Xiao Ying said: "No, it's just a little annoying recently. I don't want you. They all grew up in the ninja family, so naturally I don't care so much."

Before Sakura could continue to speak, Naruto also raised his hand weakly and said, "I'm an orphan."

Without saying a word, Xiao Ying stood up, clenched her fist, "Bang", another big bag appeared on Naruto's head. After this punch, Xiao Ying's energy seemed to be a little better.

"My parents are just ordinary people. I don't know what's going on recently! They always persuade me to stop being a ninja. Ninjas are too dangerous."

"Of course I wouldn't agree, so the relationship with my parents became a bit stiff because of this."

"But don't worry, in a few days, I will apologize to my parents, and this matter may be over."

"Besides, my dream is to become a powerful ninja like Tsunade~www.readwn.com~ Let me be an ordinary civilian, I can't do it."

Ino smiled evilly and said, "Oh, Sakura, so this is your dream! Then my dream is to be Sasuke's wife."

As soon as Sakura heard the words, she couldn't sit still and stood up and shouted, "No, being Sasuke's wife is also one of my ideals, Ino Boar, don't try to rob Sasuke from me."

Ino sneered and said, "Huh! People who are not single-minded can't get that! A wide forehead."

Sakura: "Really? Don't you know that handsome guys like Sasuke don't like scantily clad girls like you, Ino Boar"

Ino sneered again and again: "Then why are you so excited, has Sasuke ever looked at you once? I don't know about the wide forehead that is single-minded."

Hinata said that she didn't want to worry about it, she just wanted to eat barbecue in silence: "Ah!" But she added in her heart: It seems that Sakura got both of them later.

Shikamaru took another sip of water and didn't care about the two who were tearing apart. The same was true for the others. As long as something happened to Sasuke, the two would definitely tear up. They said together that they were used to it.

At this time, Shikamaru put down the water glass and said, "But then again, when it comes to ideals, what is your dream!"

Naruto had already sneakily moved the bench away from the place of right and wrong. After hearing Shikamaru's words, he immediately raised his hand and said, "My dream is to become Hokage."

"Then I hope to change everyone's opinion of me, and I will also protect the peace of the village."

After Naruto finished speaking, Inuzuka Ya, who was secretly feeding Akamaru, couldn't hold back, and immediately retorted, "Hey, Naruto, don't be too self-righteous."

Xiaosheng brazenly came to ask for a few tickets, and all the officials would appreciate it (I heard that the author laughed)

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