Hinata, Stop Pretending

Chapter 187: :Finish

When this is not very sweet, the fruit that is mostly sour has completely entered the stomach.

He Yan had also arrived at the open space that seemed to be well preserved.

Then, without any hesitation, he took out a small bottle from his arms, unscrewed the cap, and poured out all the blood he had collected inside.

After all this was done, his whole person began to retreat quickly. The matter had already been done. Whether it was successful or not, then it was really time to see the will of God.

After He Yan pulled away and started to retreat, just after exiting the area, a piece of open space that was completely woven with black lines gradually appeared.

A formation belonging to the category of spiritism appeared immediately, and with the formation of the formation,

That area began to vibrate, and then the ground in this area completely began to collapse.

This also led to the fact that this huge space had already begun to have an unstable foundation due to the overflow of the chakra lode, and it looked like an underground space that might collapse at any time.

At this time, it seemed even more precarious, as if time was waiting for no one.

It was at this time that Hinata saw that, as the formation was officially launched,

There began to appear a black void that devoured everything, and the first one that was not spared was that platform.

With the passage of time, the black hole is also getting bigger and bigger, and the suction force is also getting bigger and bigger.

And the Chakra aggregate, which seems to be extremely unstable, is gradually being sucked and pulled by the black hole at this time, and it is moving towards the seemingly endless darkness.

At this time, Dong Shiyu started to move, but she didn't know what method to use. At this time, she also started to float into the air.

However, soon, her whole body turned into falling white paper at this time, as if her whole person was made of white paper.

After all her body fell off into paper, the paper that fell off was not pulled away by the suction force of the black hole.

Instead, he began to gradually move towards the huge chakra aggregate.

After a piece of paper is brought close to the chakra polymer, it is like a formation, with the largest coverage area of ​​all the papers, into a sphere to completely wrap such a small piece of it.

At this time, Hinata seemed to vaguely hear the voice from the winter rain: "Paper escape, ring seal."

And after doing all this, in a certain direction, Dong Shiyu's body began to change from illusory to real, and after it became real, she waved her hand.

The huge sphere that originally sealed the chakras here began to gradually compress with the movement of the winter rain at this moment.

The huge sphere was compressing at a speed visible to the naked eye. At this time, Hina Tian, ​​who was eating melons, felt that she could not be idle either. After seeing the movements of the winter rain, she did not hesitate.

Immediately using ninjutsu, he turned everything that threatened the winter rain, whether it was gravel or other messes, into powder one by one.

At this time, Hinata seemed very much like a knight guarding the princess.

And He Yan just saw this scene after he thought he ran a certain safe distance, although he didn't quite understand why Hinata did this.

But after seeing Dongshiyu's actions, even he, who is not related at all, no, is not very related, broke into a cold sweat.

He is not worried about Hinata and Dong Shiyu's comfort, even he thinks it is the most reasonable for these two to be affected and swallowed up.

What he was worried about was that if the plan he finally came up with was like this by Hinata and Dong Shiyu, would there be any other changes, such as causing confusion in the cave of time and space.

Or because a part of the energy is missing, the Cavern of Time and Space will devour a lot of land in order to fill it up.

But at this time, if he went to stop Hinata, He Yan felt that his end would definitely be miserable. After all, even Hyde, who had mastered this kind of chakra, died miserably under Hinata.

After a set of procedures, he was directly smashed into ashes. He didn't know what would happen to him, but it was definitely not much better, just like the huge stone that Hinata shattered just now.

He shuddered suddenly and wanted to run away, but unfortunately, the only exit was blocked by Hinata, even though Hinata didn't pay him any attention at this time.

But he felt that if he was really ignorant and prepared to leave at this time, maybe when he was close to Hinata, he would go directly to meet his father.

Therefore, he has no extra choice. At this time, he thinks he has chosen a feng shui treasure land where he can survive even if it collapses.

Although this means digging one's own grave, people still have to have expectations, don't they?

On the other side, that sphere has been compressed to the extreme by the winter rain.

And the more compressed, the more Hinata could feel that the winter rain was getting weaker and weaker. Obviously, this move was really troublesome, especially after the successful seal, the part that had to be compressed.

Hinata felt that she couldn't help so much at this time, so she could only work silently on the side.

Soon, when the cavern of time and space had almost devoured more than half of the chakra aggregate, the sphere had also been compressed to the size that only a baby was left curled up.

At this level, the winter rain obviously does not want to continue.

What is compressed here is a part of the huge chakra aggregate. If it is really a bad operation, it is estimated that it will cause another big explosion.

Think about it, what is the concept of a chakra that has been compressed to such a degree and suddenly burst out, besides, at this time, her own spirit and strength can no longer keep up with consumption.

So she could only take two breaths and nodded to Hinata, indicating that she was done.

At this time, the suction power of the cave of time and space has also reached another peak, in order to prevent any accidents from happening next.

Hinata didn't shyly use space ninjutsu to take Dong Shiyu and the thing she sealed away.

As for He Yan, let it die on its own!

Seeing Hinata and Dong Shiyu who were leaving, He Yan's red nose seemed to turn redder, and he uttered a curse that he didn't know what it was.

He also began to flee quickly, or perhaps his life should not end. On this journey, nothing was affecting him.

On the upper floor, Gaara, after throwing away the group of "steel straight men" just now, he originally planned to leave and go to the bottom floor to see what happened.

But with the whole mountain shaking, he immediately gave up the idea. Although he didn't know what happened, it would definitely not be a good thing.

I rushed over at this time, it was probably too late, so the top priority was to leave here immediately. As for Hinata who came with him, I'm sorry, he was entangled and had no time to take care of him.

Hinata and Dong Shiyu are not slow either, using the time-space ninjutsu that comes with Tenseigan,

With the blessing of this ninjutsu, as long as Hinata's eyes can reach, she can use the space to open the door.

Although adding a winter rain and a compressed chakra sphere at this time seems a bit laborious.

But she also escaped from the underground cave without any hassle, second only to Gaara.

After they walked out for a long distance, Hinata also turned off Tenseigan's Chakra mode and returned to the well-known Hinata form.

The winter rain also seems to have regained a little strength at this time.

As for He Yan, what I have to say is that this guy is really a lucky star. Before this ruin completely collapsed, he escaped from it without any risk.

When he escaped, he also brought Timsey and Nerul with him.

But then there was embarrassment. Although they escaped, they just ran into Hinata and Dong Shiyu.

The big-eyed and small-eyed behavior of the two sides began to be very common. He Yan also laughed, as if he wanted to be polite, and some wanted to say hello or something to break the deadlock.

But when he saw Hinata's eager eyes, he completely let go of this impulse.

Hinata raised her eyebrows and said aggressively and aggressively, "Yo! What a coincidence! Let's talk about how to settle this account between us."

This is totally a bit of a rhetoric. If it is true, they will be the first to be unkind.


On the other side of the mountain, on the other side of the sea,

After Asma and the oil girl Shino met Nara Shikamaru, they set off directly to the marked place, when it was estimated that there was still one-fifth of the distance from the destination.

But they stopped at this time, and they immediately felt a burst of vibration under their feet when they were standing at a high place.

Accompanied by the vibration, there was also a loud rumbling sound.

At the same time, a gust of wind carrying dust swept past directly. After all this happened, they immediately looked towards the place where the sound came from.

Soon, they saw that in front of them, a big mountain disappeared, leaving only a deep hole in the place.

Seeing this, Asma immediately ordered: "Okay, let's speed up a bit."

This scene was not what Hinata expected at all. The classic scene of Hokage came late for reinforcements.

And to say that the people who were hit the hardest by this shock should actually be Hinata and Gaara, the closest people there.

But to everyone's surprise, although they were affected, nothing really happened.

After the smoke of gunpowder and the like all dissipated here, Hinata, Gaara, He Yan, and Dong Shiyu all appeared one by one.

Gaara saw Hinata first, and didn't pay much attention to it. He was lucky. This was his subconscious judgment.

Seeing He Yan, this guy is definitely a ruthless character, you must be careful, and when you see the winter rain.

His pupils shrank suddenly, the reason is very simple, he has already recognized it, it is this guy who cheated him.

Although he didn't know what the other party's purpose was, but looking at the sphere made of paper floating behind him, he already vaguely understood something.

At this time, Hinata and He Yan began to subconsciously move towards Gaara's surroundings as if they didn't know the winter rain.

After walking in, Gaara discovered that there was a person on He Yan's back, looking at his appearance and dressing, he should be in the same group as the two women he killed.

Although he didn't know why the old man He Yan would save Timsey, at this time, he didn't want to worry about it.

He kept his eyes fixed on Dong Shiyu, as if the next moment, if there was a disagreement, he was ready to take a big shot.

At this time, Dong Shiyu is actually quite weak. Naturally, she will not be idle and do nothing, and she is really going to compete with Gaara.

Seeing Dong Shiyu, after glancing at the three of them, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said, "Lovely little guy, and this old man, I won't play with you this time."

"I still have something to do, so I'll go first."

After speaking, he did not hesitate to use the paper airplane technique and leave.

Gaara actually wanted to stop her originally, but I don't know why she thought of something and didn't take action directly.

By the time he wanted to make a move, Dong Shiyu had already left in a paper plane.

Gaara's eyes flickered twice, I don't know what she thought of,

After doing all this, he looked back at He Yan, and said without mercy: "I want to know what happened here."

He was also very cold and didn't look at Hinata, because in his opinion, Hinata should have no chance to find out like himself.

Perhaps it was the mysterious person who discovered just now that Hinata had a hard time fighting with the enemy, so he didn't need to deliberately increase his chips~www.readwn.com~, so he brought all the "steel straight men" to his place. side.

And now the only people involved should be He Yan and the unconscious Timsy behind him. If you want to know what happened, you can only start with these two people.

Hinata saw that Gaara didn't take care of her, so naturally she was very happy and leisurely.

Everything has been negotiated, now it's up to He Yan's performance.

Actually, she wasn't afraid either, if He Yan really couldn't help revealing herself.

Do you say that the village will believe in a person who is inexplicable, or in a person who can almost be said to be a confidant.

Even if you have doubts about yourself at that time, if it's a big deal, you will forcibly continue to develop in a lewd way, that is, you don't need to reincarnate to see whether you are angry.

At this time, after Gaara said this, as soon as He Yan opened his mouth, Hinata knew that this was an old actor, and maybe Oscar owed him a golden statue.

There is no such gesture of great sadness and enlightenment, and the expression is too exaggerated. It just seems to be narrating slowly. The narration is mixed with sighs, and there is helplessness in the sighs, and the helplessness has become numb.

Even if what he said in some places might not be very correct, but with that tone, it can only make people think that He Yan was not lying, but because he had seen so many incredible things, he didn't know how to express it for a while.


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