Hinata, Stop Pretending

Chapter 195: : containment

What do you say, Hinata may have guessed that she might have been forcibly demoted herself!

Although Xiaoqiang's life style is very easy to use, it will definitely affect his IQ. It seems that even such a smart Shikamaru is so stupid at this time.

There is no one road to Rome, but they only set their sights on this one.

Although she was very sullen in her heart, Hinata had no intention of saying it.

That's how fun! At this time, if everyone is really so smart and as witty as me, it would be boring.

He scolded him, saying, the opponent of this ghostly name Kitomaru seems to be his cousin, Hyuga Neji, who was born out of nowhere.

Hinata pondered inwardly, and with the entry of Xiaoqiang.

Guitong Maru is obviously not so straightforward, and seems to be preparing to talk about it with a wave of mouthpieces.

"Tsk tsk tsk, is there no one in Konoha? You actually sent a group of little devils like you to hunt us down."

"You little brats, do you know what will happen if you fail, or if you are not careful, since you have accepted such a task."

Speaking of which, Kitōmaru seemed to let out a very uncomfortable grin, either intentionally or unintentionally.

Hinata seemed to be frightened by the laughter, and her body seemed to start backing away unconsciously.

Naruto, on the other hand, said in complete indignation, "Who do you look down on?"

"Damn it, you are doing this again and again, first of all, attacking Konoha."

"Then let our three-generation grandfather die in battle, and this time he took Sasuke away. At this time, he even said threatening words confidently."

"A guy like you, I must defeat you with my own hands."

Kitomaru was completely unmoved by it, and looked at the other Xiaoqiangs one by one with provocative eyes on his face with a hideous smile.

Then the smirk turned into a long smile.

After laughing for a while, he lowered his head again, this time looking directly at Naruto, and said, "Trash,"

"Only real trash can say these ridiculous words."

When Naruto heard this, he was completely furious. Rolling up his sleeves, he seemed to be about to step forward, ready to speak with his fists, to prove something.

But soon, an arm crossed directly across, directly blocking Naruto who wanted to play directly.

Neji Hyuga shook his head at Naruto Uzumaki, meaning to calm Naruto.

Then he said, "Naruto, don't be impulsive, this guy just wants to provoke us, don't forget, we still have important things."

Naruto: "But, I really want to defeat this guy!"

Neji asked back: "Naruto, you are staying here, so who will bring Sasuke back?"

"Sasuke's character is really not popular with others at all."

"If you don't go, no one will be able to bring Sasuke back."

"So, at this time, you have a more important task, so go ahead! Naruto."

"I'll leave this guy to me. After all, what this guy said is not worth making you feel angry by yourself."

Naruto seemed to be thinking about it. After a while, he raised his head and looked at Neji with serious eyes.

"Okay, I get it, then I'll leave it to you. You must teach this abominable **** a good lesson for me."

Neji nodded, showing understanding.

At this moment, Shikamaru next to him interjected, "Ningji, I think this guy is even weirder."

"So, Neji, you'd better pay more attention."

Neji nodded.

The Xiaoqiang commando team is discussing preparing to leave someone to fight Kidomaru.

It seems that Guitongmaru over there has been impatient with waiting.

The mouth cannons are activated again, and without mercy, the direct full-map map cannons begin to bombard indiscriminately.

"Little devils, if you feel frightened by my aura, I advise you to leave directly."

"Don't worry, I'm a very kind person, and I don't have the hobby of killing people. So, what choice you should make is up to you."

"And for that little girl, why are you hiding? So why did you choose to chase us?"


Ah, are you talking about me? It should be! She looked around again and determined that there was no second little girl around.

Only with some hindsight.

Have you been underestimated? Hinata thought to herself.

But what should I do? Although she also wanted to come and have a life-and-death PK with Guitong Maru, the real highlight is the back.

She didn't want to delay here, not at all.

So ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ leave this guy to Neji! Imagine Neji's strength.

It's not Hinata blowing or something. All the Xiaoqiangs present would definitely be able to make a small burst if they wanted to.

So next, before she could think of the next floor, Neji took the initiative to stand up and said to the other Xiaoqiangs, "You guys go first."

"Just let me meet this guy for a while!"

There is already Dingji's example before, so this time everyone seems to be less hypocritical.

At this time, Kitomaru didn't know what kind of thoughts he was in, but he didn't stop everyone, but set his eyes on Neji Hyuga.

It seemed that he didn't care about the actions of the other Xiaoqiangs at all, but after looking at Neji Hyuga for a while, he said, "People from the Hyuga family."

"I said, no matter how much we run, we can't escape, but it's because of the blind eyes of your Hyuga clan."

Hyuga Neji seemed to be really proud of Baiyan and said, "No, it's two pairs of Baiyan, adding a ninja from the Inuzuka clan."

"So, after being targeted by us, you should honestly accept your fate."

Kitomaru burst out laughing, it seems that Neji's words successfully hit his vulnerable point of laughter.

Then he said: "Okay, kid, although I like listening to these words that make me laugh, I don't want to continue wasting time with you."

"Now what I expect is that if your strength can be more in your mouth."

Neji didn't speak, just let out a light breath.

Then he squatted down, a very formal Hyuga clan's soft boxing gestures.

Kitomaru also restrained his smile, and his expression became solemn, after all, it would be fine on weekdays.

However, now I know my own state clearly, even though I haven't reached the so-called "burning out" situation.

But this is not the reason why he can look down on Neji Hyuga.

As for why he didn't stop Hinata and the others from leaving, the reason was actually very simple. When he first met, he was looking at the other people.

Inexplicably, he felt a little empty in his heart, even though he was talking loudly.

But at this time of year, it is natural to be more stable if you can! It is actually a good choice to be able to disassemble several opponents and break them one by one.

The battle here seems to be about to break out. In an instant, it seems that even the entire jungle seems to become extraordinarily quiet.

At a certain moment, it seemed that Neji Hyuga couldn't bear it any longer, or at that moment, he suddenly seemed to see the opponent's flaws.

Without hesitation, he started the second battle between Konoha Xiaoqiang Commando and the four lurkers.

Ahead, Konoha Xiaoqiang Commando, and now there are only Inuzuka Ya, Hinata, and Kazuto Shikamaru.

And because of Hinata's white-eyed observation, she could clearly see that not far ahead, there were obviously only two people, they were Tayuya and Zuo Jin and Right Jin.

Hinata also told the rest of the news all the information without any concealment.

Although Shikamaru kept speeding, he also showed a contemplative color.

There are two people left on the other side, and four people on my side. If there are no other changes, the possibility of victory is very high.

Shikamaru seriously thought about the situation again. They have Hinata with white eyes and the Inuzuka family with ninja dogs.

If there is a real fight, if something goes wrong, you can predict it in advance, and then make corresponding changes.

Although Shikamaru is a very smart person, he will never be the kind of stable person who is difficult to be attached to.

After having a policy and eliminating some unnecessary problems, he felt that there was a lot to do.

So he said, "Okay, let's speed up and block them directly, so that they can stop the possibility of continuing to escape."

Inuzuka Tooth: "Okay."

Hinata nodded.

Naruto explained everything with practical actions.

When they met again, Tayuya and Zuojin and Rightjin were directly blocked by Naruto and Hinata.

In the back, Inuzukaya and Shikamaru blocked the way back.

Tayuya, and Zuo Jin and Right Jin did not flee directly to the left and right.

Because, no matter it is the ninja village or the wandering ninja, one thing that basically believes is: ninjas should never reveal their backs to the enemy at close range.

And Tayuya and Zuojin and Rightjin are old ninjas after all, even if they grew up under Orochimaru.

But he will also believe in this one of the iron rules that ninjas in the ninja world must abide by.

Zuo Jin hadn't spoken yet when a head suddenly appeared on Zuo Jin's body. After looking at the situation in the arena, he seemed to say in a sympathetic tone:

"Damn, terribly, I'm surrounded! What should I do?"

Zuo Jin didn't speak, but Tayuya said directly, "Shut up."

Right Jin: "How fierce!"

Tayu didn't choose to deal with the other party either, but said in a calm tone, "Jirofang is fine, but what the **** is Kitomaru?"

Then he seemed to calm down a little and said, and now he obviously wanted to use words to stimulate Hinata and the others.

However, in her opinion, what she is about to say is a fact.

He sneered at first, and then said, "Ah! I understand, but I want to remind a few here first."

"Kidomaru, that's right, the second guy I encountered just now."

"He should be the strongest among us. If you only stay alone to hold him back, hehe,"

I haven't finished talking yet, I've reached the point, and I think it's fine to leave the rest to these little devils to make up their own minds.

He thinks that his move has become a tactic of fact, and he has not experienced much pain and the so-called will of fire for these growing in the greenhouse.

The teaching that the life of the companion is greater than everything will definitely cause these little devils to be in chaos the moment he speaks it out.

At that time, if you choose to flatten and round, you will have the final say.

Besides, it's obvious that I can't run away, so I use a heart attack to delay the incident a little bit. It's also very good that I and Left Jin and Right Jin can recover a little more.

It's a pity that his move was a bit of a miscalculation after all. Hinata knew the result, and also believed in Xiao Qiang's statement that his life was tough?

After hearing this, Shikamaru thought about it, but he is a smart person, and naturally it is impossible for him to be so utterly confused by the other party's words.

And Naruto is really stupid. Basically, these words shouldn't say that the other party's mouth escape level is too low.

For someone like him, whose mouth is almost full, it can be said to be almost ineffective, or directly immune.

And the one and only Inuzuka Ya, although his heart was touched, but before he showed anything,

Naruto cut off his beard halfway along the way, "No, I believe Neji, you annoying bastards, at a time like this, you're still talking about these worthless words, what exactly do you want to do."

When he said this, Naruto turned his attention to the wooden barrel in Tayuya's hand that was engraved with various strange rune seals.

"It should be Sasuke here!" He whispered first.

Then he shouted loudly: "Hurry up and return Sasuke to us, Sasuke is my companion, I will never allow you to take him away like this~www.readwn.com~ Duoyu couldn't help but chuckle: "You know what? It was not Sasuke Uchiha who we forcibly kidnapped, but Sasuke Uchiha who chose to follow us away. "

Naruto expressed some disbelief, and asked desperately, "Since he chose to leave by himself, why did you seal him in this wooden barrel."

Having said that, Naruto pointed with his finger to the wooden barrel held up by Tayuya.

Zuo Jin made a sound at this moment. First, there was a burst of mocking laughter. As expected of sharing the same body with Right Jin, even their personalities were so similar.

"Hehehehe, since you choose to leave with us, and you want to gain powerful power, there are such good things in the world."

"Since he wants to get more, he has to endure more, and he just made a change in it."

"Although I am a little jealous that he is so valued by Master Orochimaru, he even gave him the rare curse of the sky."

"However, the higher the level of the spell seal, the greater the price you have to pay to truly master the spell."

"And Sasuke Uchiha, who wants to get the true power of the Heaven's Curse Seal, is a real life-and-death! Maybe now you open the barrel, and what you get may just be a corpse."

"Actually, I really want to see this picture."


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