Hinata, Stop Pretending

Chapter 231: : Rumor 4 since

But these five people can really only be regarded as a small part of the people on the list. Although this is the case, I can understand it personally.

But unfortunately, this Genren knows that it is better for others to say something, but Danzo, that is really not a person.

So when he reported the situation at this time, although he looked very calm, he seemed to be used to life and death. Really when things come to this point,

In fact, his heart is far from being as peaceful as it appears, and his heart is actually a little flustered.

However, for many reasons, Danzo didn't even look at him directly.

Danzo at this time was like a **** sitting on a high seat, looking down at everything under his feet.

As for what Gennin said just now, it seems that he heard it, but with his expressionless face, it is difficult for others to understand his thoughts at this time.

After a long time, Danzang said: "It's a little short, since you can't complete the task, you should know what to do next!"

Gennin: "My subordinate, **** it, you should be punished."

After he finished speaking, he stood up and walked directly outside.

Danzo didn't speak, and his heart fell back into thinking.

In fact, strictly speaking, this incident really can't be blamed on the root ninja.

Because this time, Gennin was already poor, even though they were all elites.

But after losing the first step in the action, this kind of thing, not this task is actually not necessary for some super difficult tasks to complete.

Moreover, they are root ninjas. In such a large-scale operation of Konoha, if they want to do these things, they actually have to be on guard and be noticed, and this undoubtedly makes the task far more difficult.

Moreover, Konoha basically treats fugitives the same. Seeing that one catches that one, there is basically no target at all.

But the roots are different. This time, they are very targeted?

But fugitives are no better than others, and they can only eliminate them one by one in secret.

Moreover, there are many people among them whose lives are not so good, and Konoha's large-scale actions have caused them to not be touched by the roots.

Or there are some unlucky people who have been re-arrested and brought to justice before the root has acted.

Under such circumstances, the root ninja also overcame all these difficulties, and fished a small half of the people into the root.

This is enough to see how good he is.

Although Danzo is ruthless, he has already made judgments about these things.

Therefore, this time, the treatment of this root ninja has actually turned a corner.

Although there are still some feelings that make people feel sad, but Danzo's philosophy and the mark of the tongue bane he planted on every root ninja.

This also makes him a real one-word hall at the root, and no one goes back to refute Danzo, plus Danzo's already good control ability.

This also makes the roots more stable and secure.

Danzo thought again for a long time, this time no one knew that he had thought about it, but in the end the one eye he left alone shone with a hint of brilliance.

And Konoha didn't know that from that corner, he was the first to talk about an unpleasant voice. The meaning of this voice was almost completely rejected, Tsunade. Although such a person has not made a lot of waves,

It has been directly suppressed and taken away, but such a gust of wind is like a spark, and it starts to ignite directly in the entire Konoha.

"Do you know? No, think about it, how much has happened to us Konoha since Tsunade became the fifth Hokage."

"And this time the Konoha Prison rebellion was completely her fault."

However, some people who listened to this sentence were obviously standing on Tsunade's side, so he refuted Tsunade and said, "Lord Tsunade, he is one of the three ninjas in the ninja world."

"It's still the most powerful medical ninja in the whole ninja world, and Tsunade's grandfather is the originator of Konoha, Senju Hashirama."

"Why do you judge Tsunade-sama like this? You seem to have some bad intentions. Although there are turmoils, they are basically some small things with heavy thunder and rain,"

"I actually feel that it doesn't matter, it still gives us a little more to talk about after the meal."

Hearing this, the tongue-tied man rolled his eyes and said, "Alas, alas, brother, you are serious."

"Aren't we just talking nonsense now? It's not a problem for us little people to talk about these things,"

"Let's just chat, right?"

"What you said, brother, is also very reasonable. I didn't say that Tsunade-sama was vain."

The man who was obviously on Tsunade's side was stunned for a moment, and then he seemed to think there was some truth to it, so he didn't refute anything this time.

And obviously want to continue talking, indeed, no matter what they are talking about, it will not affect the attention of the upper class.

The man continued: "Master Tsunade is actually quite good in terms of prestige, status, ability, and strength."

Then the words turned and said: "But, what a pity! Do you know? Tsunade-sama has been wandering in the ninja world for a long time before he became Hokage."

"I heard people say that Tsunade at that time was basically indifferent to Konoha's affairs."

"So, in such a hasty situation, it may be a little too anxious for Tsunade-sama to directly become the fifth Hokage."

"Although Tsunade-sama is very powerful, but because he didn't care about anything that happened to Konoha for a long time, after taking up the position, it's natural to be too hasty to grasp many key points."

"Even though Tsunade-sama is working hard to maintain some things, let's not forget that Tsunade-sama is still a human after all, and it is natural for people to get tired."

The man seemed to have some truth in what he heard, so he did not refute but asked directly: "Indeed, it seems to have some truth."

The tongue-tied man laughed a few times and said, "It makes sense!"

"But I know another thing,"

The man was stunned and said, "What else do you know?"

The man who babbled: "You may not know that after the death of the three generations of Hokage, the senior officials of Konoha actually discussed a meeting."

"The main problem of the meeting is to choose a new generation of the five generations of Hokage, let the new Hokage take over, and then maintain and control the current situation of Konoha."

"I heard that this meeting was held for a long time, but the final result was that the top-level candidate of Konoha was not Tsunade-sama."

"Actually, this is understandable. After all, Tsunade has been away from the village for so many years, and it is not the most sensible choice for Tsunade to take the position. It is not a slightly unsafe choice."

The man asked for a moment, "What's the matter! Is there a more suitable candidate to inherit the position of the fifth Hokage than Tsunade?"

The tongue-twisting man rolled his eyes and said in a low voice, "Brothers and us today, I feel like we hit it off right away."

"Next, I'm talking about some secrets. You must choose to keep it secret."

The man nodded heavily, indicating that the tongue-tied man could continue talking.

The man said, "You probably don't know! In Konoha, besides Hokage, there is actually a Hokage consultant."

The man nodded to show he knew.

Talking man: "But you must not know that there are three people in the position of Naruto consultant."

The man nodded and said, "Really? Of course I know this, but it seems that in addition to Mito Menyan and consultant Xiaochun, there is another consultant who seems to be very low-key."

Talking man: "Yes, yes, the last consultant is Danzo consultant. This person can also be said to be a remarkable person. I heard that Danzo consultant is in the same period as the third generation of Hokage, and both belong to the second generation. Disciple of Hokage-sama."

"However, this advisor and the third Hokage have always dealt with things on the surface and in the dark, respectively."

The two worked together, I don't know how long it was for Konoha, but this adult didn't like this kind of vanity at all.

"So he managed to pay a lot for Konoha, but he has always remained unknown."

"Until the third Hokage died in battle, in fact, the situation at the time was that the senior management agreed that this adult would take over the position of the fifth Hokage."

"Unfortunately, this consultant was a little disheartened by the fact that he was too old and the death of the third Hokage."

"And the position of Hokage is still reserved for young people. At that time, he was really defiant, and finally suppressed all those who opposed his proposal with his own contributions."

"And that's how Tsunade-sama got the upper hand, but he originally planned to take this opportunity to retire."

"But unfortunately, the rest of the senior management thinks his ability is very outstanding, and I hope he can take care of Tsunade-sama who became the fifth-generation Hokage."

"And that's what happened. At the Fifth Hokage Inheritance Ceremony, this advisor appeared."

"However, this lord is still very low-key and thinks that Tsunade-sama should exercise more, so basically he always lets go of everything and let Tsunade-sama do it,"

"After I'm done, I'm giving guidance to Tsunade-sama,"

It seems that the tongue-tied man has reached the point of continuing to talk endlessly, and the more he talks, the more outrageous he seems, and he seems to deliberately put his voice very loudly.

It seems that he is afraid that others will not hear it, and his talk naturally makes the people around him look sideways.

Of course, looking at his eyes is also a variety of strange, thoughtful, dazed, disdainful, and more reasonable to express approval.

Of course, it was impossible for such a conversation to continue like this. After a while, two ninjas had already arrived.

With a blank face, he walked away with the tongue-in-cheek man, but not only did this not scare the onlookers, but it made him more interested in talking about it.

It has to be said that people's associative power is really very scary, and after a while, although this matter does not continue to be involved.

But there are many opinions like conspiracy theories, enough to make people write a long novel, and it is still the kind that can be popular.

And it seems that this matter really started to spread from one to ten, ten to a hundred, the more it was spread, the more outrageous it became, and the more it was spread, the more upset Tsunade was in the office.

"Listen to what these are saying," Tsunade angrily slammed his fist on his desk.

But this time it was very obvious that he definitely kept his strength and didn't really smash the table into pieces again.

well! Strange, why am I adding another word here?

Mute is also very helpless. She has never experienced such a thing, and naturally there is no way to solve it.

Therefore, seeing Tsunade's anger rising again, she didn't know how to stop it.

So she could only frown and watch, thinking about a solution in her heart and energy.

Although Tsunade was very angry, she had already vented once last night.

So at this time, she is still able to resist for a while.

Although Tsunade's thoughts were flying and her anger was rising, it was really a blow to Xiaobai who didn't know how to deal with such a scene on weekdays.

But the anger returned to anger, and her mind was not affected much.

Therefore, according to the information gathered from the articles, Tsunade found that this should be done by Danzo.

Don't ask, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Why, there are not many people who are capable of doing this in Konoha.

After adding all kinds of analysis, it can be said that the beneficiary is only Danzo.

No, this no longer needs to be analyzed, but has been directly expressed in the simplest language.

This made Tsunade even more disgusting. Among the many rumors, he had completely become a junior, while Danzo had become a heavy veteran. Watching the children grow up mischievously.

When this happened, Tsunade had already sent someone to inquire about Danzo's meaning.

However, Danzo simply rejected it outright, and said that Genbu would absolutely cooperate with Tsunade this time to investigate the real culprit behind the incident.

And these words were passed back to Tsunade. Tsunade's face was obviously a little bit out of anger, so he cooperated with the investigation.

Isn't this just telling Tsunade clearly that Danzo won't take you to investigate,

It's also like this, but it's actually a matter of lip service. Who knows, who said it, and where did it seem to have overheard someone else say it.

People, when it’s time to speak, sometimes you really can’t keep your mouth shut, you say it when you think about it, or you say it overheard,

Or some rumors can be adapted by themselves, and this has also led to the fact that this incident belongs to Konoha's agency specializing in these matters to arrest a lot of people.

But in fact, most people really have no guilt, and the biggest guilt can only be regarded as the other party's failure to keep their mouths shut.

How to investigate this, and these people can't be detained for too long, because it is really long, but there will be real big trouble.

As for this matter, Tsunade is very unhappy, because he has not found a way to deal with these things properly.

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