Hinata, Stop Pretending

Chapter 269: : Yamato?

Of course, it seems that all this continues without any special circumstances.

The caravan has also been unswervingly moving in the direction of Konoha without any problems.

And because of Shanteng's actions, in fact, in the following days, Wuzhu really experienced what it means to stand out from the crowd.

All the time, as long as there are people around, then no matter what time these people will come together to say something to him.

Wuzhu actually felt that he was a little dissatisfied with this overly enthusiastic approach.

But his lord has a lot of them. Seeing that these days, when he still has to count on these people, these are actually nothing.

And after a few days like this, Wuzhu seemed to have noticed something.

Because he found that the one who came to cling to him on the first day was obviously not a good person in Wuzhu's judgment, after he broke the quiet environment that he might have to correspond to.

After he was entangled by these people, Shan Teng disappeared directly.

It seems that this is actually used by Yamato to disgust himself.

Wuzhu was a little speechless. As for what?

Although secretly, we may really hate each other, but after all, there is no entanglement of interests, so there is no need to take revenge on yourself so directly!

If this is really the case, Wuzhu, sighed, although there is an urge not to let yourself catch you, and the other party will cramp when he catches you.

But Wuzhu believes that he is a kind person, someone who has not yet received the damage from the big dye vat of society.

To this day, he still has a very innocent heart.

But people are born evil, and the extreme of evil is kindness.

It just happened that he thought he had just reached the boundary of kindness.

So these are malicious thoughts, you can still suppress them,

However, these things can't be done naturally, but Wuzhu feels that it's not enough to just leave people alone.

Because wrong is wrong, let him go now, what should he do if he continues like this in the future?

Fortunately, the person he met this time was him, so he thought about it deeply and decided to punish him with a small punishment!

It is a warning to the other party, and a reminder to him, telling him that doing so is actually very immoral.

Fortunately, this time I met a kind-hearted person like him. If someone else knew all of this, it might cause another **** storm.

But since I decided to give a small warning, since the other party can feel the pain and let him understand the impact of this matter,

And you can't really punish too hard, and then directly cause the other party to lose confidence in life.

So this is a technical job, so there is no better countermeasures without bamboo for the time being.

Wait a minute. Naturally, there is no need to worry. After all, there is still some time before the destination.


And after waiting for the team to set off for several days in a row, Wuzhu finally followed the team to Konoha.

At the gate of Konoha, Wuzhu simply chatted with a few people who seemed to have a good relationship.

He just chose to leave.

And the team has reached Konoha, and theoretically, the mission of Wuzhu can be regarded as an end.

Also because they have already arrived at Konoha, the entire caravan already has their own busy things to do next, so there are not many people paying attention to Wuzhu at this time.

And the few people, naturally, after watching it for a while, they all got busy on their own.

And the helpless is directly mixed with the Konoha gate where people originally came and went, and also directly followed some people and directly mixed into Konoha.

To be honest, Konoha is indeed very prosperous at this time, and Wuzhu didn't sigh as soon as he entered Konoha because he was like a bun.

Actually, how to say it, this is really unnecessary. To be honest, it looks prosperous, but in fact it is just like that.

It's just that there are indeed many people, so it's natural to admit that.

Now, while looking for a suitable hotel along a certain street, he is also thinking about some things, as to what it is.

Speaking of which, he regrets it a little now. After all, he wants to give that guy named Shan Teng a small punishment.

But what the other party didn't expect was that they had already left yesterday.

After all, this is a very scattered caravan, and there are not so many requirements. In addition, people also spent money.

Since people choose to leave early, naturally no one will stop them.

And this kind of thing seems to have become the norm, so naturally no one went to talk to Wuzhu.

After all, what Wuzhu said, it can only be regarded as the one they hired to protect the safety of the caravan, not to directly point fingers.

So it's impossible to inform Wuzhu about something in the caravan!

Wuzhu didn't have any complaints. After all, it wasn't anyone else's fault.

It's just that the reason why he regrets it now is that he feels that it is a pity to let the other party slip away like this.

However, if you slip away, just slip away. Since there is no chance this time, let's leave it to the next time. When the next time comes, the big deal will be paid back tenfold.

Actually, there is a reason why Wuzhu was able to mix into Konoha so easily today. After all, there are so many people in such a caravan, and Konoha's people must check it out.

But how to say this is a very troublesome thing.

It would be troublesome to carry out the investigation one by one, but to be honest, if you really encounter such a situation, it is actually impossible to really try your best to investigate that way.

After all, to investigate like this, one day may not be enough.

At this time, Wuzhu is riding a lot of people and it's actually very easy to break a little with his hands when he doesn't know what to do.

Besides, he also put himself on the bright side. As a ninja, he would not be suspected by the people in the caravan.

Moreover, in the process of getting along for the past few days, Wuzhu can be considered to understand the embarrassment of these ordinary people.

And one of them actually made Wuzhu very concerned about it.

That one, among the standards that ordinary people must abide by, when communicating with a ninja.

It's best not to mention, another ninja-sama who is not related to this ninja.

This is almost a taboo! Therefore, Wuzhu is not at all worried that he will be revealed unintentionally.

But even if it is revealed, Wuzhu thinks it's not a big deal. After all, his current titular boss, Hinata, is also in Konoha.

If something unusual happened in the village, she would definitely be aware of it. At that time, Wuzhu felt that as long as the other party was willing to pay a little attention,

It shouldn't be a problem if you want to use the position of the other party to solve this trouble for yourself!

Although thinking about it this way, it seems that there is some evil, but it doesn't matter, after all, all this hasn't happened yet, has it?

While thinking about it, he stopped in front of a hotel that seemed to suit his taste.

He came back to his senses, and after looking at it carefully again, he went straight to the inn.

Don't ask him if he has any money. If this kind of cliché is too shabby, there is no such thing. But after all, so many days have passed, and it is not very normal to have some.

And at this time, a place he didn't know, the heart that might have sensed the danger that he was going to take revenge on him right under his nose.

The guy named Shan Teng who had already fled ahead of time, at this time, after walking around with a man who looked a little old, he turned left and right.

It was also when he finally came to a sudden stop from a courtyard that was deep in a deep alley and seemed to be inconspicuous at all.

Compared to the time when Yamato met Wuzhu, it seemed like a completely different person.

At this time, he seemed to say without any emotional fluctuations: "Okay, this is a small base that belongs to our root organization."

"During this time, you can stay here for the time being,"

"I need to go and report to Danzo-sama to see how Danzo-sama arranged you."

"By the way, let's wait and see when Danzo-sama would like to see you?"

"Although you helped us this time, you also want to serve Danzo-sama,"

"But you have to know that your age is really not too young. This is not a contempt for the atmosphere, but a fact. After all, Danzo-sama does not matter what you say."

"In his opinion, those of us are naturally strong generals, but it's the first time in the world to accommodate you like this."

"Besides, even if you are really valued, it can only mean that you have hope, and you still have to pass a round of selection."

"And this kind of selection is very cruel,"

As a matter of fact, it's almost over here.

After all, his Shanteng is already a veteran, and his will has actually reached the point where it can be said to be indestructible.

But this time, in completing this task, I really got some help from this seemingly old guy.

And the other party is really old, I don't know why they want to participate in this kind of selection, and at this time, Yamato thinks, maybe this guy is really going to die.

And after all, he has endured the favor of the other party, so he naturally has to say something.

Even if all of this can be seen lightly,

And thinking of this, he naturally recalled the identity of this old man.

To be honest, Shantou is still a little confused, because this guy doesn't know where to get it,

It turned out to be a peripheral member that belongs to the root, that is, a group of people who cooperate with the real root to act.

This group of people is mainly responsible for some intelligence collection and material supply.

But Yamato has completed many tasks to tell the truth, but it is the first time that he has met such a person.

And the details of this mission are not too much to say. I have accepted the help of the other party, and the other party's request is to welcome and inspect Danzo-sama for him.

To be honest, Yamato knows that this is basically impossible, because Danzo-sama can't really have nothing to do to meet this old guy who has no reputation at all.

But since the other party has repeatedly asked, Yamato doesn't care, it's nothing more than business affairs, whether it succeeds or not. To be honest, it really has nothing to do with him.

After settling down the other party, Yamato actually planned to meet Danzo-sama for real, and then report on this mission.

It's also that the name Yamato is actually just a fake identity for him in this mission.

And if you talk about your true identity, there is still age, but the name, probably because of too much experience, has almost been forgotten!

When thinking about this, he had already left this stronghold, and then, he also thought of something, and carefully took out a red book cover that was bigger than the villain's book from the ninja bag behind him. Book.

He simply flipped it over, and the whole book inside was actually a picture of a villain, which was drawn by him.

I don't know what kind of mentality he was in when he drew this, but the only thing he knew was,

Every time I hold this book, it's not a picture album, I seem to have a little something in my body at this time.

As for what it is, he hasn't noticed it yet, but he feels that it seems to be really important to him, so he will pay more attention to this book.

He also thought that he was going to dig out the kind of thing contained in his picture album~www.readwn.com~ but unfortunately, this thing has been with him for a long time.

But he still didn't seem to notice anything.

He is a ninja, a ninja who belongs to the root. Under the living conditions of the root ninja, to be honest, the name and everything are not that important.

maybe! But since that time, I really joined the root and became a member of the root. Although the following is cruel, it is actually not that tired.

So he also had time to do some other things, but his instinct at that time was actually to paint, to paint ink paintings.

In addition, his talent is not bad, he has already achieved a little in a short period of time.

But it is a pity that he has some talent in this area, but after all, he is completely ignored.

However, it seems that God really closed the door for you, but just opened the window for him,

By chance, he inadvertently obtained a kind of secret technique that is very suitable for him.

And this naturally became his main attacker.

He can be said to be the luckiest, but also one of the most unlucky people in the world.


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